player.c.otherThingy = value" :min="1" :max="30" />`
- }
- },
- style() {
- return {
- //'background-color': '#3325CC'
- };
- },
- nodeStyle() {
- return {
- // Style on the layer node
- color: "#3325CC",
- "text-decoration": "underline"
- };
- },
- glowColor: "orange", // If the node is highlighted, it will be this color (default is red)
- componentStyles: {
- challenge() {
- return { height: "200px" };
- },
- "prestige-button"() {
- return { color: "#AA66AA" };
- }
- },
- tooltip() {
- // Optional, tooltip displays when the layer is unlocked
- let tooltip = "{{ formatWhole(player.layers.c.points) }} {{ layers.c.resource }}";
- if (player.layers[this.layer].buyables![11].gt(0))
- tooltip +=
- "
{{ formatWhole(player.layers.c.buyables![11]) }} Exhancers";
- return tooltip;
- },
- shouldNotify() {
- // Optional, layer will be highlighted on the tree if true.
- // Layer will automatically highlight if an upgrade is purchasable.
- return player.layers.c.buyables![11] == new Decimal(1);
- },
- mark: "",
- resetDescription: "Melt your points into "
-} as RawLayer;
diff --git a/src/data/layers/aca/f.ts b/src/data/layers/aca/f.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 95c2bdd..0000000
--- a/src/data/layers/aca/f.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,151 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable */
-import { layers as tmp } from "@/game/layers";
-import player from "@/game/player";
-import { RawLayer } from "@/typings/layer";
-import Decimal, { formatWhole } from "@/util/bignum";
-import { getClickableState } from "@/util/features";
-export default {
- id: "f",
- infoboxes: {
- data: {
- coolInfo: {
- title: "Lore",
- titleStyle: { color: "#FE0000" },
- body: "DEEP LORE!",
- bodyStyle: { "background-color": "#0000EE" }
- }
- }
- },
- startData() {
- return {
- unlocked: false,
- points: new Decimal(0),
- boop: false,
- clickables: { [11]: "Start" } // Optional default Clickable state
- };
- },
- color: "#FE0102",
- requires() {
- return new Decimal(10);
- },
- resource: "farm points",
- baseResource: "points",
- baseAmount() {
- return player.points;
- },
- type: "static",
- exponent: 0.5,
- base: 3,
- roundUpCost: true,
- canBuyMax() {
- return false;
- },
- name: "Farms",
- //directMult() {return new Decimal(player.c.otherThingy)},
- row: 1,
- branches: [
- {
- target: "c",
- "stroke-width": "25px",
- stroke: "blue",
- style: "filter: blur(5px)"
- }
- ], // When this layer appears, a branch will appear from this layer to any layers here. Each entry can be a pair consisting of a layer id and a color.
- tooltipLocked() {
- // Optional, tooltip displays when the layer is locked
- return "This weird farmer dinosaur will only see you if you have at least {{layers.f.requires}} points. You only have {{ formatWhole(player.points) }}";
- },
- midsection:
- '
Bork Bork!
- // The following are only currently used for "custom" Prestige type:
- prestigeButtonDisplay() {
- //Is secretly HTML
- if (!this.canBuyMax)
- return (
- "Hi! I'm a weird dinosaur and I'll give you a Farm Point in exchange for all of your points and lollipops! (At least " +
- formatWhole(tmp[this.layer].nextAt) +
- " points)"
- );
- if (this.canBuyMax)
- return (
- "Hi! I'm a weird dinosaur and I'll give you " +
- formatWhole(tmp[this.layer].resetGain) +
- " Farm Points in exchange for all of your points and lollipops! (You'll get another one at " +
- formatWhole(tmp[this.layer].nextAt) +
- " points)"
- );
- },
- canReset() {
- return Decimal.gte(tmp[this.layer].baseAmount!, tmp[this.layer].nextAt);
- },
- // This is also non minimal, a Clickable!
- clickables: {
- masterButtonClick() {
- if (getClickableState(this.layer, 11) == "Borkened...")
- player.layers[this.layer].clickables![11] = "Start";
- },
- masterButtonDisplay() {
- return getClickableState(this.layer, 11) == "Borkened..."
- ? "Fix the clickable!"
- : "Does nothing";
- }, // Text on Respec button, optional
- data: {
- 11: {
- title: "Clicky clicky!", // Optional, displayed at the top in a larger font
- display() {
- // Everything else displayed in the buyable button after the title
- const data = getClickableState(this.layer,;
- return "Current state:
" + data;
- },
- unlocked() {
- return player.layers[this.layer].unlocked;
- },
- canClick() {
- return getClickableState(this.layer, !== "Borkened...";
- },
- click() {
- switch (getClickableState(this.layer, {
- case "Start":
- player.layers[this.layer].clickables![] = "A new state!";
- break;
- case "A new state!":
- player.layers[this.layer].clickables![] = "Keep going!";
- break;
- case "Keep going!":
- player.layers[this.layer].clickables![] =
- "Maybe that's a bit too far...";
- break;
- case "Maybe that's a bit too far...":
- //makeParticles(coolParticle, 4)
- player.layers[this.layer].clickables![] = "Borkened...";
- break;
- default:
- player.layers[this.layer].clickables![] = "Start";
- break;
- }
- },
- hold() {
- console.log("Clickkkkk...");
- },
- style() {
- switch (getClickableState(this.layer, {
- case "Start":
- return { "background-color": "green" };
- case "A new state!":
- return { "background-color": "yellow" };
- case "Keep going!":
- return { "background-color": "orange" };
- case "Maybe that's a bit too far...":
- return { "background-color": "red" };
- default:
- return {};
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-} as RawLayer;
diff --git a/src/data/layers/demo-infinity.ts b/src/data/layers/demo-infinity.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 6e62446..0000000
--- a/src/data/layers/demo-infinity.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,354 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable */
-import { layers } from "@/game/layers";
-import player from "@/game/player";
-import { Layer, RawLayer } from "@/typings/layer";
-import Decimal, { format } from "@/util/bignum";
-import {
- getBuyableAmount, hasChallenge, hasMilestone, hasUpgrade, setBuyableAmount
-} from "@/util/features";
-import { resetLayer } from "@/util/layers";
-export default {
- id: "i",
- position: 2, // Horizontal position within a row. By default it uses the layer id and sorts in alphabetical order
- startData() {
- return {
- unlocked: false,
- points: new Decimal(0)
- };
- },
- branches: ["p"],
- color: "#964B00",
- requires() {
- const require = new Decimal(8).plus(
- player.layers.i.points
- .div(10)
- .floor()
- .times(2)
- );
- return require;
- }, // Can be a function that takes requirement increases into account
- effectDisplay() {
- return (
- "Multiplying points and prestige points by " +
- format(
- player.layers[this.layer].points
- .plus(1)
- .pow(hasUpgrade("p", 235) ? 6.942 : 1)
- )
- );
- },
- resource: "Infinity", // Name of prestige currency
- baseResource: "pointy points", // Name of resource prestige is based on
- baseAmount() {
- return player.layers.p.buyables![21];
- }, // Get the current amount of baseResource
- type: "custom", // normal: cost to gain currency depends on amount gained. static: cost depends on how much you already have
- resetGain() {
- if (hasMilestone("p", 12)) {
- return getBuyableAmount("p", 21)!
- .div(2)
- .floor()
- .times(2)
- .times(5)
- .sub(30)
- .sub(player.layers.i.points);
- }
- return player.layers.p.buyables![21].gte(layers.i.requires!) ? 1 : 0;
- }, // Prestige currency exponent
- getNextAt() {
- return new Decimal(100);
- },
- canReset() {
- return player.layers.p.buyables![21].gte(layers.i.requires!);
- },
- prestigeButtonDisplay() {
- return (
- "Reset everything for +" +
- format(layers.i.resetGain) +
- " Infinity.
You need " +
- format(layers.i.requires!) +
- " pointy points to reset."
- );
- },
- row: 1, // Row the layer is in on the tree (0 is the first row)
- hotkeys: [
- {
- key: "i",
- description: "I: Infinity",
- press() {
- if (layers.i.canReset) resetLayer(this.layer);
- }
- }
- ],
- layerShown() {
- return (
- player.layers[this.layer].unlocked ||
- new Decimal(player.layers.p.buyables[21]).gte(8)
- );
- },
- milestones: {
- data: {
- 0: {
- requirementDisplay: "2 Infinity points",
- effectDisplay: "Keep ALL milestones on reset",
- done() {
- return player.layers[this.layer].points.gte(2);
- }
- },
- 1: {
- requirementDisplay: "3 Infinity points",
- effectDisplay: "Pointy points don't reset generators",
- done() {
- return player.layers[this.layer].points.gte(3);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasMilestone(this.layer, Number( - 1);
- }
- },
- 2: {
- requirementDisplay: "4 Infinity points",
- effectDisplay:
- "Start with 6 Time Dilation, 3 Point, and 1 of the other 2 challenges",
- done() {
- return player.layers[this.layer].points.gte(4);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasMilestone(this.layer, Number( - 1);
- }
- },
- 3: {
- requirementDisplay: "5 Infinity points",
- effectDisplay: "Start with 40 upgrades and 6 boosts",
- done() {
- return player.layers[this.layer].points.gte(5);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasMilestone(this.layer, Number( - 1);
- }
- },
- 4: {
- requirementDisplay: "6 Infinity points",
- effectDisplay:
- "You can choose all of the 14th row upgrades, and remove the respec button",
- done() {
- return player.layers[this.layer].points.gte(6);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasMilestone(this.layer, Number( - 1);
- }
- },
- 5: {
- requirementDisplay: "8 Infinity points",
- effectDisplay: "Keep all upgrades and 7 Time dilation",
- done() {
- return player.layers[this.layer].points.gte(8);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasMilestone(this.layer, Number( - 1);
- }
- },
- 6: {
- requirementDisplay: "10 Infinity points",
- effectDisplay: "Infinity reset nothing and auto prestige",
- done() {
- return player.layers[this.layer].points.gte(10);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasMilestone(this.layer, Number( - 1);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- resetsNothing() {
- return hasMilestone(this.layer, 6);
- },
- update(this: Layer) {
- if (hasMilestone(this.layer, 0)) {
- if (!hasMilestone("p", 0)) {
- player.layers.p.milestones!.push(0);
- player.layers.p.milestones!.push(1);
- player.layers.p.milestones!.push(2);
- player.layers.p.milestones!.push(3);
- player.layers.p.milestones!.push(4);
- player.layers.p.milestones!.push(5);
- player.layers.p.milestones!.push(6);
- player.layers.p.milestones!.push(7);
- player.layers.p.milestones!.push(8);
- }
- }
- if (hasMilestone(this.layer, 2)) {
- if (!hasChallenge("p", 11)) {
- player.layers.p.challenges![11] = new Decimal(
- hasMilestone(this.layer, 5) ? 7 : 6
- );
- player.layers.p.challenges![12] = new Decimal(3);
- player.layers.p.challenges![21] = new Decimal(1);
- player.layers.p.challenges![22] = new Decimal(1);
- }
- }
- if (hasMilestone(this.layer, 3)) {
- if (!hasUpgrade("p", 71)) {
- player.layers.p.upgrades = [
- 11,
- 12,
- 13,
- 14,
- 21,
- 22,
- 23,
- 24,
- 31,
- 32,
- 33,
- 34,
- 41,
- 42,
- 43,
- 44,
- 51,
- 52,
- 53,
- 54,
- 61,
- 62,
- 63,
- 64,
- 71,
- 72,
- 73,
- 74,
- 81,
- 82,
- 83,
- 84,
- 91,
- 92,
- 93,
- 94,
- 101,
- 102,
- 103,
- 104
- ];
- }
- if (getBuyableAmount("p", 11)!.lt(6)) {
- setBuyableAmount("p", 11, new Decimal(6));
- }
- }
- if (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 13)) {
- for (
- let i = 0;
- i < (hasUpgrade("p", 222) ? 100 : hasUpgrade("p", 215) ? 10 : 1);
- i++
- ) {
- if (layers.p.buyables!.data[12].canAfford) layers.p.buyables!.data[12].buy();
- if (layers.p.buyables!.data[13].canAfford) layers.p.buyables!.data[13].buy();
- if (
- layers.p.buyables!.data[14].canAfford &&
- layers.p.buyables!.data[14].unlocked
- )
- layers.p.buyables!.data[14].buy();
- if (layers.p.buyables!.data[21].canAfford) layers.p.buyables!.data[21].buy();
- }
- }
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 223)) {
- if (hasMilestone("p", 14))
- player.layers.p.buyables![22] = player.layers.p.buyables![22].max(
- player.layers.p.buyables![21].sub(7)
- );
- else if (layers.p.buyables!.data[22].canAfford) layers.p.buyables!.data[22].buy();
- }
- if (hasMilestone(this.layer, 5) && !hasUpgrade("p", 111)) {
- player.layers.p.upgrades = [
- 11,
- 12,
- 13,
- 14,
- 21,
- 22,
- 23,
- 24,
- 31,
- 32,
- 33,
- 34,
- 41,
- 42,
- 43,
- 44,
- 51,
- 52,
- 53,
- 54,
- 61,
- 62,
- 63,
- 64,
- 71,
- 72,
- 73,
- 74,
- 81,
- 82,
- 83,
- 84,
- 91,
- 92,
- 93,
- 94,
- 101,
- 102,
- 103,
- 104,
- 111,
- 121,
- 122,
- 131,
- 132,
- 141,
- 142,
- 143
- ];
- }
- if (hasMilestone(this.layer, 6)) {
- this.reset();
- }
- },
- upgrades: {
- rows: 999,
- cols: 5,
- data: {
- 11: {
- title: "Prestige",
- description: "Gain 100% of prestige points per second",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasMilestone(this.layer, 4);
- }
- },
- 12: {
- title: "Automation",
- description: "Remove the nerf of upgrade Active",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(2);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 11);
- }
- },
- 13: {
- title: "Pointy",
- description: "Automatically buy generators and pointy points",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(5);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 11);
- }
- }
- }
- }
-} as RawLayer;
diff --git a/src/data/layers/demo.ts b/src/data/layers/demo.ts
deleted file mode 100644
index 329ac6f..0000000
--- a/src/data/layers/demo.ts
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2301 +0,0 @@
-/* eslint-disable */
-import { layers } from "@/game/layers";
-import player from "@/game/player";
-import { DecimalSource } from "@/lib/break_eternity";
-import { RawLayer } from "@/typings/layer";
-import Decimal, { format } from "@/util/bignum";
-import {
- getBuyableAmount, hasChallenge, hasMilestone, hasUpgrade, setBuyableAmount
-} from "@/util/features";
-import { resetLayer } from "@/util/layers";
-export default {
- id: "p",
- position: 2,
- startData() {
- return {
- unlocked: true,
- points: new Decimal(0),
- gp: new Decimal(0),
- g: new Decimal(0),
- geff: new Decimal(1),
- cmult: new Decimal(1)
- };
- },
- color: "#4BDC13",
- requires() {
- let require = new Decimal(68.99);
- if (hasMilestone(this.layer, 0)) require =;
- if (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 21))
- require = require.tetrate(
- hasUpgrade("p", 34)
- ? new Decimal(1)
- .div(
- new Decimal(1).plus(
- layers.p.upgrades!.data[34].effect as Decimal
- )
- )
- .toNumber()
- : 1
- );
- if (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 22))
- require = require.pow(
- hasUpgrade("p", 34)
- ? new Decimal(1).div(
- new Decimal(1).plus(layers.p.upgrades!.data[34].effect as Decimal)
- )
- : 1
- );
- if (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 23))
- require = require.div(
- hasUpgrade("p", 34)
- ? new Decimal(1).plus(layers.p.upgrades!.data[34].effect as Decimal)
- : 1
- );
- if (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 24))
- require = require.sub(
- hasUpgrade("p", 34)
- ? new Decimal(1).plus(layers.p.upgrades!.data[34].effect as Decimal)
- : 1
- );
- return require.max(1);
- },
- resource: "prestige points",
- baseResource: "points",
- baseAmount() {
- return player.points;
- }, // Get the current amount of baseResource
- type: "normal", // normal: cost to gain currency depends on amount gained. static: cost depends on how much you already have
- exponent: 0.5, // Prestige currency exponent
- gainMult() {
- // Calculate the multiplier for main currency from bonuses
- let mult = new Decimal(1);
- if (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 131)) mult = mult.times(10);
- if (player.layers.i.unlocked)
- mult = mult.times(
-"p", 235) ? 6.942 : 1)
- );
- if (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 222))
- mult = mult.times(getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.plus(1));
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 231)) {
- const asdf = hasUpgrade("p", 132)
- ? ( as Decimal).plus(1).pow(new Decimal(1).div(2))
- : hasUpgrade("p", 101)
- ? ( as Decimal).plus(1).pow(new Decimal(1).div(3))
- : hasUpgrade("p", 93)
- ? ( as Decimal).plus(1).pow(0.2)
- : ( as Decimal).plus(1).log10();
- mult = mult.mul(;
- }
- if (hasMilestone(this.layer, 13))
- mult = mult.mul(
- new Decimal(2)
- .plus(layers.p.buyables!.data[33].effect as Decimal)
- .pow(getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 32)!)
- );
- return mult;
- },
- gainExp() {
- // Calculate the exponent on main currency from bonuses
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- row: 0, // Row the layer is in on the tree (0 is the first row)
- hotkeys: [
- {
- key: "p",
- description: "P: Reset for prestige points",
- press() {
- if (layers.p.canReset) resetLayer(this.layer);
- }
- }
- ],
- layerShown() {
- return true;
- },
- upgrades: {
- rows: 999,
- cols: 5,
- data: {
- 11: {
- title: "Gain points",
- description: "Point generation is increased by 1",
- cost() {
- if (hasMilestone(this.layer, 2)) return new Decimal(1);
- return new Decimal(1.00001);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return true;
- }
- },
- 12: {
- title: "Gain more points",
- description: "Point generation is singled",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 11);
- }
- },
- 13: {
- title: "Gain more points",
- description: "Point generation is lined",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 12);
- }
- },
- 14: {
- title: "Gain more points",
- description: "Point generation is tetrated by 1",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 13);
- }
- },
- 21: {
- title: "Lower prestige requirement",
- description: "Prestige point requirement is superrooted by 1",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 14);
- }
- },
- 22: {
- title: "Lower prestige requirement more",
- description: "Prestige point requirement is line rooted",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 21);
- }
- },
- 23: {
- title: "Lower prestige requirement more",
- description: "Prestige point requirement is wholed",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 22);
- }
- },
- 24: {
- title: "Lower prestige requirement more",
- description: "Prestige point requirement is decreased by 1",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 23);
- }
- },
- 31: {
- title: "Unlock",
- description: "Unlock an upgrade",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 24);
- }
- },
- 32: {
- title: "An",
- description: "Unlock an upgrade",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 31);
- }
- },
- 33: {
- title: "Upgrade",
- description: "Unlock an upgrade",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 32);
- }
- },
- 34: {
- title: "Increase",
- description() {
- return (
- "Add 0.01 to all above upgrades. Currently: +" +
- format(this.effect as Decimal)
- );
- },
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 33);
- },
- effect() {
- let r = hasUpgrade("p", 41)
- ? new Decimal(0.01).times(layers.p.upgrades!.data[41].effect as Decimal)
- : new Decimal(0.01);
- r = r.times(
- new Decimal(1).plus(
- new Decimal(player.layers[this.layer].challenges![11])
- .add(1)
- .pow(hasUpgrade(this.layer, 121) ? 1.2 : 1)
- )
- );
- if (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 92))
- r =
- new Decimal(0.001)
- .times((player.layers[this.layer].g as Decimal).plus(1))
- .min(0.05)
- );
- return r;
- }
- },
- 41: {
- title: "Increase again",
- description() {
- return (
- "Multiply the previous upgrade by 1.01. Currently: x" +
- format(this.effect as Decimal)
- );
- },
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 34);
- },
- effect() {
- return new Decimal(1.01)
- .pow(hasUpgrade("p", 42) ? layers.p.upgrades!.data[42].effect as Decimal : 1)
- .times(hasUpgrade("p", 63) ? 2 : 1);
- }
- },
- 42: {
- title: "Increase again",
- description() {
- return (
- "Exponentiate the previous upgrade by 1.01. Currently: ^" +
- format(this.effect as Decimal)
- );
- },
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 41);
- },
- effect() {
- return new Decimal(1.01)
- .tetrate(hasUpgrade("p", 43) ? (layers.p.upgrades!.data[43].effect as Decimal).toNumber() : 1)
- .times(hasUpgrade("p", 63) ? 2 : 1)
- .times(hasUpgrade("p", 64) ? 2 : 1);
- }
- },
- 43: {
- title: "Increase again",
- description() {
- return (
- "Tetrate the previous upgrade by 1.01. Currently: ^^" +
- format(this.effect as Decimal)
- );
- },
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 42);
- },
- effect() {
- return new Decimal(1.01)
- .pentate(hasUpgrade("p", 44) ? (layers.p.upgrades!.data[44].effect as Decimal).toNumber() : 1)
- .times(hasUpgrade("p", 63) ? 2 : 1)
- .times(hasUpgrade("p", 64) ? 2 : 1);
- }
- },
- 44: {
- title: "Increase again",
- description() {
- return (
- "Pentate the previous upgrade by 1.01. Currently: ^^^" +
- format(this.effect as Decimal)
- );
- },
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 43);
- },
- effect() {
- return new Decimal(1.01)
- .times(hasUpgrade("p", 63) ? 2 : 1)
- .times(hasUpgrade("p", 64) ? 2 : 1);
- }
- },
- 51: {
- title: "Challenging",
- description: "This upgrade doesn't unlock a challenge",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 44);
- }
- },
- 52: {
- title: "Not challenging",
- description: "This upgrade doesn't add 1 to the completion limit",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 51);
- }
- },
- 53: {
- title: "Not not challenging",
- description: "This upgrade doesn't add 1 to the completion limit",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 52);
- }
- },
- 54: {
- title: "(not^3) challenging",
- description:
- "Fix the bug where you can't buy upgrades when you have 1 prestige point",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(0.99999);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 53);
- },
- onPurchase() {
- player.layers.p.points = player.layers.p.points.round();
- }
- },
- 61: {
- title: "(not^4) challenging",
- description: "Doesn't unlock a second challenge",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 54) && hasUpgrade(this.layer, 53);
- }
- },
- 62: {
- title: "Infinity points",
- description: "You can now complete Time Dilation 4 more times",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 61);
- }
- },
- 63: {
- title: "Eternity points",
- description: "Double all fourth row upgrade effects",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 62);
- }
- },
- 64: {
- title: "Reality points",
- description: "Previous upgrade, but only to the last 3 upgrades",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 63);
- }
- },
- 71: {
- title: "1",
- description: "Add 1.1 to point gain, but reset all above upgrades",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 64);
- },
- onPurchase() {
- if (!hasMilestone(this.layer, 0))
- player.layers[this.layer].upgrades = [71];
- }
- },
- 72: {
- title: "2",
- description: "Multiply point gain by 1.1, but reset all above upgrades",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(2);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 64) &&
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, Number( - 1)
- );
- },
- onPurchase() {
- if (!hasMilestone(this.layer, 1))
- player.layers[this.layer].upgrades = [71, 72];
- }
- },
- 73: {
- title: "3",
- description: "Raise point gain by ^1.1, but reset all above upgrades",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(4);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 64) &&
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, Number( - 1)
- );
- },
- onPurchase() {
- if (!hasMilestone(this.layer, 1))
- player.layers[this.layer].upgrades = [71, 72, 73];
- }
- },
- 74: {
- title: "4",
- description: "Tetrate point gain by 1.1, but reset all above upgrades",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(8);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 64) &&
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, Number( - 1)
- );
- },
- onPurchase() {
- if (!hasMilestone(this.layer, 2))
- player.layers[this.layer].upgrades = [71, 72, 73, 74];
- if (hasMilestone(this.layer, 1) && !hasMilestone(this.layer, 2)) {
- player.layers[this.layer].upgrades = [
- 11,
- 12,
- 13,
- 14,
- 21,
- 22,
- 23,
- 24,
- 71,
- 72,
- 73,
- 74
- ];
- }
- }
- },
- 81: {
- title: "5",
- description: "Generator efficiency is increased by 2",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 74) &&
- (player.layers[this.layer].buyables![12].gt(0) ||
- player.layers[this.layer].buyables![21].gt(0))
- );
- }
- },
- 82: {
- title: "6",
- description: "Unlock another way to buy generators",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 81) &&
- (player.layers[this.layer].buyables![12].gt(0) ||
- player.layers[this.layer].buyables![21].gt(0))
- );
- }
- },
- 83: {
- title: "7",
- description: "Generator efficiency is boosted by prestige points",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(3);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 82);
- }
- },
- 84: {
- title: "8",
- description: "You can complete Point one more time",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(3);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 83);
- }
- },
- 91: {
- title: "9",
- description: "New Challenge Time",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(20);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 84) &&
- new Decimal(player.layers[this.layer].challenges![12]).gte(3)
- );
- }
- },
- 92: {
- title: "10",
- description:
- "Each of the first 50 generators adds 0.001 to Increase",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(5);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 91) && hasChallenge(this.layer, 21);
- }
- },
- 93: {
- title: "11",
- description:
- "Change the tree trunk in generator effect to a hypertessaract root",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(7);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 92);
- }
- },
- 94: {
- title: "12",
- description: "Unlock a clickable in generators",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(50);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 93);
- }
- },
- 101: {
- title: "10th row????",
- description: "Decrease the dimensions of 11 by 2",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(10);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 94);
- }
- },
- 102: {
- title: "2 Tree Trunks",
- description:
- "Double log of generator points adds to generator efficiency",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(25);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 101);
- }
- },
- 103: {
- title: "(not^5) challenging",
- description: "Unlock the last challenge",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(103);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 102);
- }
- },
- 104: {
- title: "2 layers tree",
- description: "Prestige points boost points, and unlock another tab",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(100);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 103) && hasChallenge(this.layer, 22);
- }
- },
- 111: {
- title: "not (hardcapped)",
- description:
- "Remove the generator clickable hardcap, and you can only pick one upgrade on each row below this",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(110);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 104) && hasMilestone(this.layer, 6);
- }
- },
- 112: {
- title: "Respec button",
- description: "Respec all lower upgrades, but you don't get points back",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(100);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 111) &&
- (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 121) || hasUpgrade(this.layer, 122)) &&
- !hasMilestone("i", 4)
- );
- },
- onPurchase() {
- player.layers.p.upgrades = player.layers.p.upgrades!.filter((i: string | number) => {
- return Number(i) < 112;
- });
- }
- },
- 121: {
- title: "Timers",
- description: "Raise the Time Dilation reward effect to the 1.2",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(500);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 111) &&
- (!hasUpgrade(this.layer, 122) || hasMilestone(this.layer, 7))
- );
- }
- },
- 122: {
- title: "Generators",
- description:
- "Decrease the first generator buyable cost scaling base by 2",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(500);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 111) &&
- (!hasUpgrade(this.layer, 121) || hasMilestone(this.layer, 7))
- );
- }
- },
- 131: {
- title: "Prestige",
- description: "Gain 10x more prestige points",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(5000);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 121) || hasUpgrade(this.layer, 122)) &&
- (!hasUpgrade(this.layer, 132) || hasMilestone(this.layer, 7))
- );
- }
- },
- 132: {
- title: "One and a half",
- description: "Raise generator effect to the 1.5",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(5000);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 121) || hasUpgrade(this.layer, 122)) &&
- (!hasUpgrade(this.layer, 131) || hasMilestone(this.layer, 7))
- );
- }
- },
- 141: {
- title: "Active",
- description:
- "Multiply generator efficiency now increases by 1, but it doesn't automatically click.",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(50000);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 131) || hasUpgrade(this.layer, 132)) &&
- ((!hasUpgrade(this.layer, 142) && !hasUpgrade(this.layer, 143)) ||
- hasMilestone("i", 4))
- );
- }
- },
- 142: {
- title: "Passive",
- description: "Gain 5x more points",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(50000);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 131) || hasUpgrade(this.layer, 132)) &&
- ((!hasUpgrade(this.layer, 141) && !hasUpgrade(this.layer, 143)) ||
- hasMilestone("i", 4))
- );
- }
- },
- 143: {
- title: "Idle",
- description: "Hours played multiply generator power",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(50000);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 131) || hasUpgrade(this.layer, 132)) &&
- ((!hasUpgrade(this.layer, 142) && !hasUpgrade(this.layer, 141)) ||
- hasMilestone("i", 4))
- );
- }
- },
- 211: {
- title: "Prestige",
- description: "Pointy points multiply points",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1);
- },
- canAfford() {
- return getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.gte(this.cost);
- },
- pay() {
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- 22,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.sub(this.cost)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone("i", 5) && player.subtabs.p.mainTabs != "Upgrades"
- );
- }
- },
- 212: {
- title: "Pointy",
- description:
- "Pointy prestige points reduce the cost scaling of pointy points",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(2);
- },
- canAfford() {
- return getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.gte(this.cost);
- },
- pay() {
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- 22,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.sub(this.cost)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone("i", 5) &&
- player.subtabs.p.mainTabs != "Upgrades" &&
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 211)
- );
- }
- },
- 213: {
- title: "Time",
- description: "Generator power also multiplies point gain",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(6);
- },
- canAfford() {
- return getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.gte(this.cost);
- },
- pay() {
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- 22,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.sub(this.cost)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone("i", 5) &&
- player.subtabs.p.mainTabs != "Upgrades" &&
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 212)
- );
- }
- },
- 214: {
- title: "^0",
- description: "Further reduce the pointy point scaling",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(11);
- },
- canAfford() {
- return getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.gte(this.cost);
- },
- pay() {
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- 22,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.sub(this.cost)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone("i", 5) &&
- player.subtabs.p.mainTabs != "Upgrades" &&
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 213)
- );
- }
- },
- 215: {
- title: "bulk",
- description: "Auto-pointy points now buys 10 per tick",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(27);
- },
- canAfford() {
- return getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.gte(this.cost);
- },
- pay() {
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- 22,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.sub(this.cost)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone("i", 5) &&
- player.subtabs.p.mainTabs != "Upgrades" &&
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 214)
- );
- }
- },
- 221: {
- title: "^-1",
- description: "^0 is even more powerful",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(28);
- },
- canAfford() {
- return getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.gte(this.cost);
- },
- pay() {
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- 22,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.sub(this.cost)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone("i", 5) &&
- player.subtabs.p.mainTabs != "Upgrades" &&
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 215)
- );
- }
- },
- 222: {
- title: "???",
- description:
- "square bulk and pointy prestige points multiply prestige points",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(90);
- },
- canAfford() {
- return getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.gte(this.cost);
- },
- pay() {
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- 22,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.sub(this.cost)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone("i", 5) &&
- player.subtabs.p.mainTabs != "Upgrades" &&
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 221)
- );
- }
- },
- 223: {
- title: "more automation",
- description: "Automatically gain pointy prestige points",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(96);
- },
- canAfford() {
- return getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.gte(this.cost);
- },
- pay() {
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- 22,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.sub(this.cost)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone("i", 5) &&
- player.subtabs.p.mainTabs != "Upgrades" &&
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 222)
- );
- }
- },
- 224: {
- title: "Generation",
- description: "Generator costs are divided by generator effect",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(100);
- },
- canAfford() {
- return getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.gte(this.cost);
- },
- pay() {
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- 22,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.sub(this.cost)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone("i", 5) &&
- player.subtabs.p.mainTabs != "Upgrades" &&
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 223)
- );
- }
- },
- 225: {
- title: "Boosters",
- description: "Unlock boosters (next update)",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(135);
- },
- canAfford() {
- return getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.gte(this.cost);
- },
- pay() {
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- 22,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!.sub(this.cost)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone("i", 5) &&
- player.subtabs.p.mainTabs != "Upgrades" &&
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 224)
- );
- }
- },
- 231: {
- title: "Blue",
- description: "The generator effect also affects prestige points",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(4);
- },
- canAfford() {
- return getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 23)!.gte(this.cost);
- },
- pay() {
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- 23,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 23)!.sub(this.cost)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- player.subtabs.p.mainTabs != "Upgrades" &&
- hasMilestone(this.layer, 11)
- );
- },
- currencyDisplayName: "pointy boosters"
- },
- 232: {
- title: "Red",
- description: "Unlock a third way to buy generators",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(5);
- },
- canAfford() {
- return getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 23)!.gte(this.cost);
- },
- pay() {
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- 23,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 23)!.sub(this.cost)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- player.subtabs.p.mainTabs != "Upgrades" &&
- hasMilestone(this.layer, 12)
- );
- },
- currencyDisplayName: "pointy boosters"
- },
- 233: {
- title: "Green",
- description:
- "Prestige points do not reset your pointy points and boosters don't reset generators",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(5);
- },
- canAfford() {
- return getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 23)!.gte(this.cost);
- },
- pay() {
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- 23,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 23)!.sub(this.cost)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- player.subtabs.p.mainTabs != "Upgrades" &&
- hasMilestone(this.layer, 12)
- );
- },
- currencyDisplayName: "pointy boosters"
- },
- 234: {
- title: "Yellow",
- description:
- "Divide the cost of the third generator buyable based on boosters",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(6);
- },
- canAfford() {
- return getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 23)!.gte(this.cost);
- },
- pay() {
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- 23,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 23)!.sub(this.cost)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- player.subtabs.p.mainTabs != "Upgrades" &&
- hasMilestone(this.layer, 12)
- );
- },
- currencyDisplayName: "pointy boosters"
- },
- 235: {
- title: "Orange",
- description: "Raise the Infinity effect to the 6.9420th power",
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(8);
- },
- canAfford() {
- return getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 23)!.gte(this.cost);
- },
- pay() {
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- 23,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 23)!.sub(this.cost)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- player.subtabs.p.mainTabs != "Upgrades" &&
- hasMilestone(this.layer, 12)
- );
- },
- currencyDisplayName: "pointy boosters"
- }
- }
- },
- clickables: {
- rows: 1,
- cols: 1,
- data: {
- 11: {
- display() {
- return (
- "Multiply generator efficiency by " +
- format(player.layers.p.cmult as Decimal) +
- ((player.layers.p.cmult as Decimal).min(100).eq(100) && !hasUpgrade(this.layer, 111)
- ? " (hardcapped)"
- : "")
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade("p", 94);
- },
- click() {
- player.layers.p.cmult = (player.layers.p.cmult as Decimal).plus(hasUpgrade("p", 141) ? 1 : 0.01);
- if (!hasUpgrade(this.layer, 111))
- player.layers.p.cmult = (player.layers.p.cmult as Decimal).min(100);
- },
- canClick() {
- return (player.layers.p.cmult as Decimal).lt(100) || hasUpgrade(this.layer, 111);
- }
- }
- }
- },
- challenges: {
- rows: 99,
- cols: 2,
- data: {
- 11: {
- name: "Time dilation",
- challengeDescription() {
- return "Point gain exponent is raised to the ^0.75";
- },
- goal() {
- return new Decimal(100).times(
- new Decimal(10).pow(
- new Decimal(player.layers[this.layer].challenges![])
- .times(
- new Decimal(1).sub(
- new Decimal(
- layers[this.layer].challenges!.data[12].effect as number
- ).div(100)
- )
- )
- .pow(2)
- )
- );
- },
- rewardDescription() {
- return (
- "You have completed this challenge " +
- player.layers[this.layer].challenges![] +
- "/" +
- this.completionLimit +
- " times. Multiply Increase's effect by challenge completions+1. Currently: x" +
- format(
- new Decimal(player.layers[this.layer].challenges![])
- .add(1)
- .pow(hasUpgrade(this.layer, 121) ? 1.2 : 1)
- )
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade("p", 51) || hasChallenge(this.layer,;
- },
- completionLimit() {
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 62)) return 7;
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 53)) return 3;
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 52)) return 2;
- return 1;
- }
- },
- 12: {
- name: "Point",
- challengeDescription: "Points are pointed",
- goal() {
- return new Decimal(100);
- },
- rewardDescription() {
- return (
- "You have completed this challenge " +
- player.layers[this.layer].challenges![] +
- "/" +
- this.completionLimit +
- " times, making previous challenge goal scale " +
- layers[this.layer].challenges!.data[].effect +
- "% slower."
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade("p", 61) || hasChallenge(this.layer,;
- },
- effect() {
- if (!hasChallenge(this.layer, return 0;
- if (player.layers[this.layer].challenges![] == new Decimal(1))
- return 50;
- if (player.layers[this.layer].challenges![] == new Decimal(2))
- return 60;
- if (player.layers[this.layer].challenges![] == new Decimal(3))
- return 70;
- },
- completionLimit() {
- let l = new Decimal(1);
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 84)) l =;
- if (hasMilestone("p", 3)) l =;
- return l;
- }
- },
- 21: {
- name: "Time Points",
- challengeDescription: "You are stuck in all above challenges",
- goal() {
- return new Decimal(308.25);
- },
- rewardDescription() {
- return "Lower the first generator buyable cost base by 6";
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade("p", 91) || hasChallenge(this.layer,;
- }
- },
- 22: {
- name: "Last Challenge",
- challengeDescription: "Generator points do nothing",
- goal() {
- return new Decimal(9999);
- },
- rewardDescription() {
- return "Autoclick the clickable and reduce 2 Tree Trunks by 1";
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade("p", 103) || hasChallenge(this.layer,;
- }
- }
- }
- },
- buyables: {
- rows: 99,
- cols: 4,
- data: {
- 11: {
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(0);
- },
- display() {
- return (
- "Reset all upgrades and challenges, but get a boost. You have reset " +
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer, +
- " times.
" +
- (getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.eq(6)
- ? "You can't buy more than 6 boosts!"
- : "You need all upgrades to reset.")
- );
- },
- canAfford() {
- return (
- player.layers[this.layer].points.gte(this.cost!) &&
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 74) &&
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 64) &&
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.lt(6)
- );
- },
- buy() {
- player.layers[this.layer].points = player.layers[
- this.layer
- ].points.sub(this.cost!);
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.add(1)
- );
- player.layers[this.layer].points = new Decimal(0);
- player.layers[this.layer].upgrades = [];
- if (hasMilestone(this.layer, 1))
- player.layers[this.layer].upgrades = [
- 11,
- 12,
- 13,
- 14,
- 21,
- 22,
- 23,
- 24
- ];
- if (hasMilestone(this.layer, 3))
- player.layers[this.layer].upgrades = [
- 11,
- 12,
- 13,
- 14,
- 21,
- 22,
- 23,
- 24,
- 31,
- 32,
- 33,
- 34,
- 41,
- 42,
- 43,
- 44,
- 51,
- 52,
- 53,
- 54,
- 61,
- 62,
- 63,
- 64
- ];
- if (!hasMilestone(this.layer, 2)) {
- for (const c in layers[this.layer].challenges) {
- player.layers[this.layer].challenges![c] = new Decimal(0);
- }
- }
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 74) && hasUpgrade(this.layer, 64)) ||
- hasMilestone(this.layer, 0)
- );
- }
- },
- 12: {
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1)
- .times(
- new Decimal(hasChallenge(this.layer, 21) ? 4 : 10)
- .sub(hasUpgrade(this.layer, 122) ? 2 : 0)
- .pow(player.layers.p.buyables![])
- )
- .div(
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 224)
- ? hasUpgrade("p", 132)
- ? ( as Decimal).plus(1).pow(new Decimal(1).div(2))
- : hasUpgrade("p", 101)
- ? ( as Decimal).plus(1).pow(new Decimal(1).div(3))
- : hasUpgrade("p", 93)
- ? ( as Decimal).plus(1).pow(0.2)
- : ( as Decimal).plus(1).log10()
- : 1
- );
- },
- display() {
- return "Buy a generator for " + format(this.cost!) + " points";
- },
- canAfford() {
- return player.points.gte(this.cost!) && hasMilestone(this.layer, 5);
- },
- buy() {
- if (!hasMilestone("p", 13))
- player.points = player.points.sub(this.cost!);
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.add(1)
- );
- player.layers[this.layer].g = (player.layers[this.layer].g as Decimal).plus(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasMilestone(this.layer, 5);
- }
- },
- 13: {
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1)
- .times(new Decimal(2).pow(player.layers.p.buyables![]))
- .div(
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 224)
- ? hasUpgrade("p", 132)
- ? ( as Decimal).plus(1).pow(new Decimal(1).div(2))
- : hasUpgrade("p", 101)
- ? ( as Decimal).plus(1).pow(new Decimal(1).div(3))
- : hasUpgrade("p", 93)
- ? ( as Decimal).plus(1).pow(0.2)
- : ( as Decimal).plus(1).log10()
- : 1
- );
- },
- display() {
- return (
- "Buy a generator for " + format(this.cost!) + " prestige points"
- );
- },
- canAfford() {
- return player.layers.p.points.gte(this.cost!) && hasUpgrade("p", 82);
- },
- buy() {
- if (!hasMilestone("p", 13))
- player.layers.p.points = player.layers.p.points.sub(this.cost!);
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.add(1)
- );
- player.layers[this.layer].g = (player.layers[this.layer].g as Decimal).plus(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 82);
- }
- },
- 14: {
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(900)
- .mul(new Decimal(1.01).pow(getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!))
- .round()
- .div(
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 234)
- ? getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 23)!
- .pow(0.3)
- .plus(1)
- : 1
- );
- },
- display() {
- return (
- "Buy a generator for " + format(this.cost!) + " Infinity points"
- );
- },
- canAfford() {
- return player.layers.i.points.gte(this.cost!) && hasUpgrade("p", 232);
- },
- buy() {
- if (!hasMilestone("p", 13))
- player.layers.i.points = player.layers.i.points.sub(this.cost!).round();
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.add(1)
- );
- player.layers[this.layer].g = (player.layers[this.layer].g as Decimal).plus(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 232);
- }
- },
- 21: {
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(20).plus(
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.pow(
- new Decimal(2).sub(
- new Decimal(
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 221)
- ? 0.9
- : hasUpgrade(this.layer, 214)
- ? 0.6
- : 0.3
- ).times(
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 212)
- ? new Decimal(1).sub(
- new Decimal(0.75).pow(getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 22)!)
- )
- : 0
- )
- )
- )
- );
- },
- display() {
- return (
- "Reset your generators for +1 pointy point! Cost: " +
- format(this.cost!) +
- " Generators"
- );
- },
- canAfford() {
- return (player.layers.p.g as Decimal).gte(this.cost!) && hasUpgrade("p", 104);
- },
- buy() {
- if (!hasMilestone("i", 1)) player.layers.p.g = new Decimal(0);
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.add(1)
- );
- if (!hasMilestone("i", 1))
- setBuyableAmount(this.layer, 12, new Decimal(0));
- if (!hasMilestone("i", 1))
- setBuyableAmount(this.layer, 13, new Decimal(0));
- if (!hasMilestone("i", 1)) = new Decimal(0);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 104);
- }
- },
- 22: {
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(8).plus(getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!);
- },
- display() {
- return (
- "Gain a pointy prestige point. Cost: " +
- format(this.cost!) +
- " Pointy Points"
- );
- },
- canAfford() {
- return (
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 21)!.gte(this.cost!) &&
- hasMilestone("i", 5)
- );
- },
- buy() {
- if (!hasUpgrade(this.layer, 233))
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- 21,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 21)!.sub(this.cost!)
- );
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.add(1)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasMilestone("i", 5);
- }
- },
- 23: {
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(124).plus(
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!
- .times(2)
- .pow(2)
- );
- },
- display() {
- return (
- "Gain a booster. Cost: " + format(this.cost!) + " Pointy Points"
- );
- },
- canAfford() {
- return (
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 21)!.gte(this.cost!) &&
- hasMilestone("i", 5)
- );
- },
- buy() {
- if (!hasMilestone(this.layer, 15))
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- 21,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 21)!.sub(this.cost!)
- );
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.add(1)
- );
- if (!hasMilestone(this.layer, 15)) {
- if (!hasMilestone(this.layer, 12)) {
- player.layers.p.upgrades = player.layers.p.upgrades!.filter((x: string | Number) => {
- return Number(x) < 200 || Number(x) > 230;
- });
- if (hasMilestone(this.layer, 11)) {
- player.layers.p.upgrades.push(215);
- player.layers.p.upgrades.push(225);
- player.layers.p.upgrades.push(223);
- player.layers.p.upgrades.push(222);
- }
- }
- setBuyableAmount("p", 21, new Decimal(0));
- setBuyableAmount("p", 22, new Decimal(0));
- if (!hasUpgrade("p", 233)) {
- setBuyableAmount("p", 12, new Decimal(0));
- setBuyableAmount("p", 13, new Decimal(0));
- setBuyableAmount("p", 14, new Decimal(0));
- player.layers.p.g = new Decimal(0);
- }
- = new Decimal(0);
- }
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade("p", 225) || getBuyableAmount("p", 23)!.gt(0);
- }
- },
- 31: {
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1e93)
- .times(new Decimal(1.5).pow(getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!))
- .times(
- new Decimal(1.1).pow(
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.pow(2)
- )
- );
- },
- effect() {
- return new Decimal(2)
- .plus(layers.p.buyables!.data[33].effect as Decimal)
- .pow(
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.plus(
- layers.p.buyables!.data[51].effect as Decimal
- )
- );
- },
- display() {
- return (
- "Double point gain. \nCurrently: x" +
- format(this.effect as Decimal) +
- "\nCost: " +
- format(this.cost!) +
- " Prestige points"
- );
- },
- canAfford() {
- return player.layers.p.points.gte(this.cost!) && hasMilestone("p", 13);
- },
- buy() {
- player.layers.p.points = player.layers.p.points.sub(this.cost!);
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.add(1)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return hasMilestone("p", 13);
- }
- },
- 32: {
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1e95)
- .times(new Decimal(2).pow(getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!))
- .times(
- new Decimal(1.01).pow(
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.pow(2)
- )
- );
- },
- display() {
- return (
- "Double prestige point gain. \nCurrently: x" +
- format(
- new Decimal(2)
- .plus(layers.p.buyables!.data[33].effect as Decimal)
- .pow(getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!)
- ) +
- "\nCost: " +
- format(this.cost!) +
- " Prestige points"
- );
- },
- canAfford() {
- return player.layers.p.points.gte(this.cost!) && hasMilestone("p", 13);
- },
- buy() {
- player.layers.p.points = player.layers.p.points.sub(this.cost!);
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.add(1)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone("p", 13) && getBuyableAmount(this.layer, 31)!.gte(5)
- );
- }
- },
- 33: {
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1e100)
- .times(new Decimal(10).pow(getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!))
- .times(
- new Decimal(1.01).pow(
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.pow(2)
- )
- );
- },
- effect() {
- return new Decimal(0.01)
- .mul(getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!)
- .times(layers.p.buyables!.data[43].effect as Decimal);
- },
- display() {
- return (
- "Add 0.01 to the previous 2 buyable bases. \nCurrently: +" +
- format(this.effect as Decimal) +
- "\nCost: " +
- format(this.cost!) +
- " Prestige points"
- );
- },
- canAfford() {
- return player.layers.p.points.gte(this.cost!) && hasMilestone("p", 13);
- },
- buy() {
- player.layers.p.points = player.layers.p.points.sub(this.cost!);
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.add(1)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone("p", 13) &&
- (getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.gt(0) ||
- player.layers.p.points.gte(1e100))
- );
- }
- },
- 41: {
- cost() {
- return new Decimal(1e110)
- .times(new Decimal(10).pow(getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!))
- .times(
- new Decimal(10).pow(getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.pow(2))
- );
- },
- effect() {
- return new Decimal(0.01).mul(
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.plus(
- layers.p.buyables!.data[51].effect as Decimal
- )
- );
- },
- display() {
- return (
- "Add 0.01 to the booster effect base. \nCurrently: +" +
- format(this.effect as Decimal) +
- "\nCost: " +
- format(this.cost!) +
- " Prestige points"
- );
- },
- canAfford() {
- return player.layers.p.points.gte(this.cost!) && hasMilestone("p", 13);
- },
- buy() {
- player.layers.p.points = player.layers.p.points.sub(this.cost!);
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.add(1)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone("p", 13) &&
- (getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.gt(0) ||
- player.layers.p.points.gte(1e110))
- );
- }
- },
- 42: {
- cost() {
- const c = new Decimal(1e270)
- .times(new Decimal(2).pow(getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!))
- .times(
- new Decimal(1.01).pow(
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.pow(2)
- )
- );
- return c;
- },
- effect() {
- let f = new Decimal(1.001).pow(
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!
- );
- if (f.gte(1.1)) f = f.pow(0.8).times(new Decimal(1.1).pow(0.2));
- if (f.gte(1.35)) f = f.pow(0.5).times(new Decimal(1.35).pow(0.5));
- if (f.gte(3)) f = new Decimal(3);
- return f;
- },
- display() {
- return (
- "Raise point gain to the 1.001 \nCurrently: ^" +
- format(this.effect as Decimal) +
- ((this.effect as Decimal).eq(3) ? "(hardcapped)" : "") +
- "\nCost: " +
- format(this.cost!) +
- " Prestige points"
- );
- },
- canAfford() {
- return (
- player.layers.p.points.gte(this.cost!) &&
- hasMilestone("p", 13) &&
- (this.effect as Decimal).lt(3)
- );
- },
- buy() {
- player.layers.p.points = player.layers.p.points.sub(this.cost!);
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.add(1)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone("p", 13) &&
- (getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.gt(0) ||
- player.layers.p.points.gte(1e270))
- );
- }
- },
- 43: {
- cost() {
- return new Decimal("1e375")
- .times(new Decimal(10).pow(getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!))
- .times(
- new Decimal(10).pow(getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.pow(2))
- );
- },
- effect() {
- return new Decimal(0.01)
- .mul(getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!)
- .plus(1);
- },
- display() {
- return (
- "Multiply the above buyable effect. \nCurrently: *" +
- format(this.effect as Decimal) +
- "\nCost: " +
- format(this.cost!) +
- " Prestige points"
- );
- },
- canAfford() {
- return player.layers.p.points.gte(this.cost!) && hasMilestone("p", 13);
- },
- buy() {
- player.layers.p.points = player.layers.p.points.sub(this.cost!);
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.add(1)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone("p", 13) &&
- (getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.gt(0) ||
- player.layers.p.points.gte("1e375"))
- );
- }
- },
- 51: {
- cost() {
- return new Decimal("1e1740")
- .times(new Decimal(10).pow(getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!))
- .times(
- new Decimal(1e10).pow(
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.pow(2)
- )
- );
- },
- effect() {
- return getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.pow(0.55);
- },
- display() {
- return (
- "Add free levels to the above 2 buyables \nCurrently: " +
- format(this.effect as Decimal) +
- "\nCost: " +
- format(this.cost!) +
- " Prestige points"
- );
- },
- canAfford() {
- return player.layers.p.points.gte(this.cost!) && hasMilestone("p", 13);
- },
- buy() {
- player.layers.p.points = player.layers.p.points.sub(this.cost!);
- setBuyableAmount(
- this.layer,
- getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.add(1)
- );
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone("p", 15) &&
- (getBuyableAmount(this.layer,!.gt(0) ||
- player.layers.p.points.gte("1e1700"))
- );
- }
- }
- }
- },
- milestones: {
- data: {
- 0: {
- requirementDisplay: "1 reset",
- effectDisplay:
- "Add 0.01 to base point gain and prestige requirement, and 1 doesn't reset upgrades",
- done() {
- return getBuyableAmount("p", 11)!.gte(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return layers.p.activeSubtab?.id == "Pointy points";
- }
- },
- 1: {
- requirementDisplay: "2 resets",
- effectDisplay:
- "2 and 3 don't reset upgrades, and start with the first 8 upgrades on reset
- done() {
- return getBuyableAmount("p", 11)!.gte(2);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone(this.layer, Number( - 1) &&
- layers.p.activeSubtab?.id == "Pointy points"
- );
- }
- },
- 2: {
- requirementDisplay: "3 resets",
- effectDisplay:
- "4 doesn't reset upgrades, and permanently fix the bug where you can't buy upgrades when you have 1 prestige point
- done() {
- return getBuyableAmount("p", 11)!.gte(3);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone(this.layer, Number( - 1) &&
- layers.p.activeSubtab?.id == "Pointy points"
- );
- }
- },
- 3: {
- requirementDisplay: "4 resets",
- effectDisplay:
- "Don't reset challenges, add 1 to Point maximum completions, and start with 24 upgrades",
- done() {
- return getBuyableAmount("p", 11)!.gte(4);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone(this.layer, Number( - 1) &&
- layers.p.activeSubtab?.id == "Pointy points"
- );
- }
- },
- 4: {
- requirementDisplay: "5 resets",
- effectDisplay: "Each useless upgrade adds 0.1 to base point gain",
- done() {
- return getBuyableAmount("p", 11)!.gte(5);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone(this.layer, Number( - 1) &&
- layers.p.activeSubtab?.id == "Pointy points"
- );
- }
- },
- 5: {
- requirementDisplay: "6 resets",
- effectDisplay: "Unlock something",
- done() {
- return getBuyableAmount("p", 11)!.gte(6);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone(this.layer, Number( - 1) &&
- layers.p.activeSubtab?.id == "Pointy points"
- );
- }
- },
- 6: {
- requirementDisplay: "1 pointy point",
- effectDisplay: "Unlock the upgrade tree",
- done() {
- return getBuyableAmount("p", 21)!.gte(1);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone(this.layer, Number( - 1) &&
- (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 104) || player.layers.i.unlocked) &&
- layers.p.activeSubtab?.id == "Pointy points"
- );
- }
- },
- 7: {
- requirementDisplay: "7 pointy points",
- effectDisplay:
- "You can now buy both first and second row upgrade tree upgrades",
- done() {
- return getBuyableAmount("p", 21)!.gte(7);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone(this.layer, Number( - 1) &&
- (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 111) || player.layers.i.unlocked) &&
- layers.p.activeSubtab?.id == "Pointy points"
- );
- }
- },
- 8: {
- requirementDisplay: "8 pointy points",
- effectDisplay: "Unlock another layer",
- done() {
- return getBuyableAmount("p", 21)!.gte(8);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- hasMilestone(this.layer, Number( - 1) &&
- (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 141) ||
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 143) ||
- hasUpgrade(this.layer, 142) ||
- player.layers.i.unlocked) &&
- layers.p.activeSubtab?.id == "Pointy points"
- );
- }
- },
- 11: {
- requirementDisplay: "3 boosters",
- effectDisplay: "Keep automation on booster reset",
- done() {
- return getBuyableAmount("p", 23)!.gte(3);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- getBuyableAmount("p", 23)!.gt(0) ||
- hasMilestone(this.layer,
- );
- }
- },
- 12: {
- requirementDisplay: "5 boosters",
- effectDisplay:
- "Keep all prestige upgrades on booster reset and buy max infinity points",
- done() {
- return getBuyableAmount("p", 23)!.gte(5);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- getBuyableAmount("p", 23)!.gt(0) ||
- hasMilestone(this.layer,
- );
- }
- },
- 13: {
- requirementDisplay: "10 boosters",
- effectDisplay: "Generators cost nothing",
- done() {
- return getBuyableAmount("p", 23)!.gte(10);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- getBuyableAmount("p", 23)!.gt(0) ||
- hasMilestone(this.layer,
- );
- }
- },
- 14: {
- requirementDisplay: "15 boosters",
- effectDisplay:
- "Auto buy the first 3 buyables and buy max pointy prestige points",
- done() {
- return getBuyableAmount("p", 23)!.gte(15);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- getBuyableAmount("p", 41)!.gt(0) ||
- hasMilestone(this.layer,
- );
- }
- },
- 15: {
- requirementDisplay: "20 boosters",
- effectDisplay: "Boosters reset nothing and auto booster",
- done() {
- return getBuyableAmount("p", 23)!.gte(16);
- },
- unlocked() {
- return (
- getBuyableAmount("p", 41)!.gt(0) ||
- hasMilestone(this.layer,
- );
- }
- }
- }
- },
- passiveGeneration() {
- return hasUpgrade("i", 11) ? 1 : 0;
- },
- update(diff) {
- if (hasMilestone(this.layer, 2) && !hasUpgrade(this.layer, 54)) {
- player.layers[this.layer].upgrades!.push(54);
- }
- if (
- hasMilestone(this.layer, 1) &&
- !hasUpgrade(this.layer, 11) &&
- !hasMilestone(this.layer, 3)
- ) {
- player.layers[this.layer].upgrades = [11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 22, 23, 24];
- }
- if (hasMilestone(this.layer, 3) && !hasUpgrade(this.layer, 31)) {
- player.layers[this.layer].upgrades = [
- 11,
- 12,
- 13,
- 14,
- 21,
- 22,
- 23,
- 24,
- 31,
- 32,
- 33,
- 34,
- 41,
- 42,
- 43,
- 44,
- 51,
- 52,
- 53,
- 54,
- 61,
- 62,
- 63,
- 64
- ];
- }
- if (hasMilestone(this.layer, 5)) {
- player.layers[this.layer].gp = (player.layers[this.layer].gp as Decimal).plus(
- (player.layers.p.g as Decimal).times(diff).times(player.layers.p.geff as Decimal)
- );
- }
- let geff = new Decimal(1);
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 81)) geff =;
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 102))
- geff =
- hasChallenge("p", 22)
- ? ( as Decimal).plus(1).log(10)
- : ( as Decimal)
- .plus(1)
- .log(10)
- .plus(1)
- .log(10)
- );
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 83))
- geff = geff.times(
- player.layers.p.points
- .plus(1)
- .log(10)
- .plus(1)
- );
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 94)) geff = geff.times(player.layers.p.cmult as Decimal);
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 104))
- geff = geff.times(new Decimal(player.layers.p.buyables![21]).plus(1));
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 143))
- geff = geff.times(new Decimal(player.timePlayed).div(3600).max(1));
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 225))
- geff = geff.pow(
- new Decimal(player.layers.p.buyables![23])
- .div(10)
- .mul(
- new Decimal(0.1)
- .plus(layers.p.buyables!.data[41].effect as Decimal)
- .times(10)
- )
- .plus(1)
- );
- player.layers.p.geff = geff;
- if (hasChallenge("p", 22) && (!hasUpgrade("p", 141) || hasUpgrade("i", 12)))
- player.layers.p.cmult = (player.layers.p.cmult as Decimal).plus(hasUpgrade("p", 141) ? 1 : 0.01);
- if (!hasUpgrade("p", 111)) player.layers.p.cmult = (player.layers.p.cmult as Decimal).min(100);
- if (hasMilestone(this.layer, 14)) {
- if (layers.p.buyables!.data[31].canAfford)
- layers.p.buyables!.data[31].buy();
- if (layers.p.buyables!.data[32].canAfford)
- layers.p.buyables!.data[32].buy();
- if (layers.p.buyables!.data[33].canAfford)
- layers.p.buyables!.data[33].buy();
- }
- if (hasMilestone(this.layer, 15)) {
- if (layers.p.buyables!.data[23].canAfford)
- layers.p.buyables!.data[23].buy();
- }
- },
- subtabs: {
- Upgrades: {
- display: `
- `
- },
- Challenges: {
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade("p", 51) || hasMilestone("p", 0);
- },
- display: `
- `
- },
- "Buyables and Milestones": {
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade("p", 74) || hasMilestone("p", 0);
- },
- display: `
- Your boosts are making the point challenge {{ getBuyableAmount('p', 11).plus(1) }}x less pointy
- `
- },
- Generators: {
- unlocked() {
- return hasMilestone("p", 5) || player.layers.i.points.gte(1);
- },
- display: `
- You have {{ format( }} generator points, adding {{ format(hasUpgrade("p",132)? Decimal(1).div(2)):hasUpgrade("p",101)? Decimal(1).div(3)):hasUpgrade("p",93)? }} to point gain
- You have {{ format(player.layers.p.g) }} generators, generating {{ format(player.layers.p.g.times(player.layers.p.geff)) }} generator points per second
- Generator efficiency is {{ format(player.layers.p.geff) }}
- },
- "Pointy Points": {
- unlocked() {
- return hasUpgrade("p", 104) || player.layers.i.points.gte(1);
- },
- display: `
- {{ format(player.layers.p.buyables![21]) }} pointy points
- My pointy points are multiplying generator efficiency by {{ format(new Decimal(player.layers.p.buyables![21]).plus(1)) }}
- I have {{ format(player.layers.p.buyables![22]) }} pointy prestige points
- I have {{ format(player.layers.p.buyables![23]) }} pointy boosters!
- My pointy boosters are raising generator efficiency to the ^{{ format(new Decimal(player.layers.p.buyables![23]).div(10).mul(new Decimal(0.1).plus(layers.p.buyables[41].effect).times(10)).plus(1)) }}
- Booster upgrades
- `
- },
- Buyables: {
- unlocked() {
- return hasMilestone("p", 13);
- },
- display: `
- `
- }
- }
-} as RawLayer;
diff --git a/src/data/layers/main.ts b/src/data/layers/main.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0206502
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/layers/main.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+import { RawLayer } from "@/typings/layer";
+export default {
+ id: "main",
+ display: `
+ Game Paused
+ Dev Speed: {{ format(player.devSpeed) }}x
+ TODO: Board
+ `,
+ minimizable: false
+} as RawLayer;
diff --git a/src/data/mod.ts b/src/data/mod.ts
index 6dfbc4e..1c3ef96 100644
--- a/src/data/mod.ts
+++ b/src/data/mod.ts
@@ -1,97 +1,13 @@
-import { layers } from "@/game/layers";
-import player from "@/game/player";
import { RawLayer } from "@/typings/layer";
import { PlayerData } from "@/typings/player";
import Decimal from "@/util/bignum";
-import {
- getBuyableAmount,
- hasMilestone,
- hasUpgrade,
- inChallenge,
- upgradeEffect
-} from "@/util/features";
import { computed } from "vue";
-import a from "./layers/aca/a";
-import c from "./layers/aca/c";
-import f from "./layers/aca/f";
-import demoLayer from "./layers/demo";
-import demoInfinityLayer from "./layers/demo-infinity";
-// Import initial layers
-const g = {
- id: "g",
- symbol: "TH",
- branches: ["c"],
- color: "#6d3678",
- shown: true,
- canClick() {
- return player.points.gte(10);
- },
- tooltip: "Thanos your points",
- click() {
- player.points = player.points.div(2);
- console.log(this.layer);
- }
-} as RawLayer;
-const h = {
- id: "h",
- branches: [
- "g",
- () => ({
- target: "flatBoi",
- featureType: "bar",
- endOffset: {
- x:
- -50 +
- 100 *
- (layers.c.bars!.data.flatBoi.progress instanceof Number
- ? (layers.c.bars!.data.flatBoi.progress as number)
- : (layers.c.bars!.data.flatBoi.progress as Decimal).toNumber())
- }
- })
- ],
- tooltip() {
- return "Restore your points to {{ player.c.otherThingy }}";
- },
- row: "side",
- position: 3,
- canClick() {
- return as Decimal);
- },
- click() {
- player.points = new Decimal(player.layers.c.otherThingy as Decimal);
- }
-} as RawLayer;
-const spook = {
- id: "spook",
- row: 1,
- layerShown: "ghost"
-} as RawLayer;
-const main = {
- id: "main",
- display: `
- Game Paused
- Dev Speed: {{ format(player.devSpeed) }}x
- Offline Time: {{ formatTime(player.offTime.remain) }}
- You have
{{ format(player.points) }}
- points
- ({{ player.oompsMag != 0 ? format(player.oomps) + " OOM" + (player.oompsMag < 0 ? "^OOM" : player.oompsMag > 1 ? "^" + player.oompsMag : "") + "s" : formatSmall(pointGain) }}/sec)
- `,
- name: "Tree"
-} as RawLayer;
+import main from "./layers/main";
export const getInitialLayers = (
/* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
playerData: Partial
-): Array => [main, f, c, a, g, h, spook, demoLayer, demoInfinityLayer];
+): Array => [main];
export function getStartingData(): Record {
return {
@@ -104,73 +20,7 @@ export const hasWon = computed(() => {
export const pointGain = computed(() => {
- if (!hasUpgrade("c", 11)) return new Decimal(0);
- let gain = new Decimal(3.19);
- if (hasUpgrade("c", 12)) gain = gain.times(upgradeEffect("c", 12) as Decimal);
- if (hasMilestone("p", 0)) gain =;
- if (hasMilestone("p", 4)) {
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 12)) gain =;
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 13)) gain =;
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 14)) gain =;
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 21)) gain =;
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 22)) gain =;
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 23)) gain =;
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 31)) gain =;
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 32)) gain =;
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 33)) gain =;
- }
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 11))
- gain =
- hasUpgrade("p", 34)
- ? new Decimal(1).plus(layers.p.upgrades!.data[34].effect as Decimal)
- : 1
- );
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 12))
- gain = gain.times(
- hasUpgrade("p", 34)
- ? new Decimal(1).plus(layers.p.upgrades!.data[34].effect as Decimal)
- : 1
- );
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 13))
- gain = gain.pow(
- hasUpgrade("p", 34)
- ? new Decimal(1).plus(layers.p.upgrades!.data[34].effect as Decimal)
- : 1
- );
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 14))
- gain = gain.tetrate(
- hasUpgrade("p", 34)
- ? new Decimal(1).plus(layers.p.upgrades!.data[34].effect as Decimal).toNumber()
- : 1
- );
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 71)) gain =;
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 72)) gain = gain.times(1.1);
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 73)) gain = gain.pow(1.1);
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 74)) gain = gain.tetrate(1.1);
- if (hasMilestone("p", 5) && !inChallenge("p", 22)) {
- const asdf = hasUpgrade("p", 132)
- ? ( as Decimal).plus(1).pow(new Decimal(1).div(2))
- : hasUpgrade("p", 101)
- ? ( as Decimal).plus(1).pow(new Decimal(1).div(3))
- : hasUpgrade("p", 93)
- ? ( as Decimal).plus(1).pow(0.2)
- : ( as Decimal).plus(1).log10();
- gain =;
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 213)) gain = gain.mul(;
- }
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 104)) gain = gain.times(;
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 142)) gain = gain.times(5);
- if (player.layers.i.unlocked)
- gain = gain.times("p", 235) ? 6.942 : 1));
- if (inChallenge("p", 11) || inChallenge("p", 21))
- gain = new Decimal(10).pow(gain.log10().pow(0.75));
- if (inChallenge("p", 12) || inChallenge("p", 21))
- gain = gain.pow(new Decimal(1).sub(new Decimal(1).div(getBuyableAmount("p", 11)!.plus(1))));
- if (hasUpgrade("p", 211)) gain = gain.times(getBuyableAmount("p", 21)!.plus(1));
- if (hasMilestone("p", 13)) gain = gain.times(layers.p.buyables!.data[31].effect as Decimal);
- if (hasMilestone("p", 13)) gain = gain.pow(layers.p.buyables!.data[42].effect as Decimal);
- return gain;
+ return new Decimal(0);
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
diff --git a/src/data/modInfo.json b/src/data/modInfo.json
index 8a6d164..42c9ed0 100644
--- a/src/data/modInfo.json
+++ b/src/data/modInfo.json
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
- "title": "The Modding Tree X",
- "id": "tmt-x",
+ "title": "Side Project",
+ "id": "side-project",
"author": "thepaperpilot",
"discordName": "The Paper Pilot Community",
"discordLink": "",
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@
"useHeader": true,
"banner": null,
"logo": null,
- "initialTabs": [ "main", "c" ],
+ "initialTabs": [ "main" ],
"maxTickLength": 3600,
- "offlineLimit": 1
+ "offlineLimit": 0