2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
( function ( global , factory ) {
typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module . exports = factory ( ) :
typeof define === 'function' && define . amd ? define ( factory ) :
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
( global = typeof globalThis !== 'undefined' ? globalThis : global || self , global . Decimal = factory ( ) ) ;
} ) ( this , ( function ( ) { 'use strict' ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
function _classCallCheck ( instance , Constructor ) {
if ( ! ( instance instanceof Constructor ) ) {
throw new TypeError ( "Cannot call a class as a function" ) ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
function _defineProperties ( target , props ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < props . length ; i ++ ) {
var descriptor = props [ i ] ;
descriptor . enumerable = descriptor . enumerable || false ;
descriptor . configurable = true ;
if ( "value" in descriptor ) descriptor . writable = true ;
Object . defineProperty ( target , descriptor . key , descriptor ) ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
function _createClass ( Constructor , protoProps , staticProps ) {
if ( protoProps ) _defineProperties ( Constructor . prototype , protoProps ) ;
if ( staticProps ) _defineProperties ( Constructor , staticProps ) ;
Object . defineProperty ( Constructor , "prototype" , {
writable : false
} ) ;
return Constructor ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
/ * *
* A LRU cache intended for caching pure functions .
* /
var LRUCache = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( ) {
/ * *
* @ param maxSize The maximum size for this cache . We recommend setting this
* to be one less than a power of 2 , as most hashtables - including V8 ' s
* Object hashtable ( https : //crsrc.org/c/v8/src/objects/ordered-hash-table.cc)
* - uses powers of two for hashtable sizes . It can ' t exactly be a power of
* two , as a . set ( ) call could temporarily set the size of the map to be
* maxSize + 1.
* /
function LRUCache ( maxSize ) {
_classCallCheck ( this , LRUCache ) ;
this . map = new Map ( ) ; // Invariant: Exactly one of the below is true before and after calling a
// LRUCache method:
// - first and last are both undefined, and map.size() is 0.
// - first and last are the same object, and map.size() is 1.
// - first and last are different objects, and map.size() is greater than 1.
this . first = undefined ;
this . last = undefined ;
this . maxSize = maxSize ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
_createClass ( LRUCache , [ {
key : "size" ,
get : function get ( ) {
return this . map . size ;
/ * *
* Gets the specified key from the cache , or undefined if it is not in the
* cache .
* @ param key The key to get .
* @ returns The cached value , or undefined if key is not in the cache .
* /
} , {
key : "get" ,
value : function get ( key ) {
var node = this . map . get ( key ) ;
if ( node === undefined ) {
return undefined ;
} // It is guaranteed that there is at least one item in the cache.
// Therefore, first and last are guaranteed to be a ListNode...
// but if there is only one item, they might be the same.
// Update the order of the list to make this node the first node in the
// list.
// This isn't needed if this node is already the first node in the list.
if ( node !== this . first ) {
// As this node is DIFFERENT from the first node, it is guaranteed that
// there are at least two items in the cache.
// However, this node could possibly be the last item.
if ( node === this . last ) {
// This node IS the last node.
this . last = node . prev ; // From the invariants, there must be at least two items in the cache,
// so node - which is the original "last node" - must have a defined
// previous node. Therefore, this.last - set above - must be defined
// here.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
this . last . next = undefined ;
} else {
// This node is somewhere in the middle of the list, so there must be at
// least THREE items in the list, and this node's prev and next must be
// defined here.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
node . prev . next = node . next ; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
node . next . prev = node . prev ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
node . next = this . first ; // From the invariants, there must be at least two items in the cache, so
// this.first must be a valid ListNode.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
this . first . prev = node ;
this . first = node ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
return node . value ;
/ * *
* Sets an entry in the cache .
* @ param key The key of the entry .
* @ param value The value of the entry .
* @ throws Error , if the map already contains the key .
* /
} , {
key : "set" ,
value : function set ( key , value ) {
// Ensure that this.maxSize >= 1.
if ( this . maxSize < 1 ) {
return ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
if ( this . map . has ( key ) ) {
throw new Error ( "Cannot update existing keys in the cache" ) ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
var node = new ListNode ( key , value ) ; // Move node to the front of the list.
if ( this . first === undefined ) {
// If the first is undefined, the last is undefined too.
// Therefore, this cache has no items in it.
this . first = node ;
this . last = node ;
} else {
// This cache has at least one item in it.
node . next = this . first ;
this . first . prev = node ;
this . first = node ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
this . map . set ( key , node ) ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
while ( this . map . size > this . maxSize ) {
// We are guaranteed that this.maxSize >= 1,
// so this.map.size is guaranteed to be >= 2,
// so this.first and this.last must be different valid ListNodes,
// and this.last.prev must also be a valid ListNode (possibly this.first).
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
var last = this . last ;
this . map [ "delete" ] ( last . key ) ;
this . last = last . prev ; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
this . last . next = undefined ;
} ] ) ;
return LRUCache ;
} ( ) ;
/ * *
* A node in a doubly linked list .
* /
var ListNode = /*#__PURE__*/ _createClass ( function ListNode ( key , value ) {
_classCallCheck ( this , ListNode ) ;
this . next = undefined ;
this . prev = undefined ;
this . key = key ;
this . value = value ;
} ) ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
var MAX _SIGNIFICANT _DIGITS = 17 ; //Maximum number of digits of precision to assume in Number
var EXP _LIMIT = 9e15 ; //If we're ABOVE this value, increase a layer. (9e15 is close to the largest integer that can fit in a Number.)
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
var LAYER _DOWN = Math . log10 ( 9e15 ) ;
var FIRST _NEG _LAYER = 1 / 9e15 ; //At layer 0, smaller non-zero numbers than this become layer 1 numbers with negative mag. After that the pattern continues as normal.
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
var NUMBER _EXP _MAX = 308 ; //The largest exponent that can appear in a Number, though not all mantissas are valid here.
var NUMBER _EXP _MIN = - 324 ; //The smallest exponent that can appear in a Number, though not all mantissas are valid here.
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
var MAX _ES _IN _A _ROW = 5 ; //For default toString behaviour, when to swap from eee... to (e^n) syntax.
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
var DEFAULT _FROM _STRING _CACHE _SIZE = ( 1 << 10 ) - 1 ; // The default size of the LRU cache used to cache Decimal.fromString.
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
var powerOf10 = function ( ) {
// We need this lookup table because Math.pow(10, exponent)
// when exponent's absolute value is large is slightly inaccurate.
// You can fix it with the power of math... or just make a lookup table.
// Faster AND simpler
var powersOf10 = [ ] ;
for ( var i = NUMBER _EXP _MIN + 1 ; i <= NUMBER _EXP _MAX ; i ++ ) {
powersOf10 . push ( Number ( "1e" + i ) ) ;
var indexOf0InPowersOf10 = 323 ;
return function ( power ) {
return powersOf10 [ power + indexOf0InPowersOf10 ] ;
} ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
} ( ) ; //tetration/slog to real height stuff
//background info and tables of values for critical functions taken here: https://github.com/Patashu/break_eternity.js/issues/22
var critical _headers = [ 2 , Math . E , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ] ;
var critical _tetr _values = [ [ // Base 2 (using http://myweb.astate.edu/wpaulsen/tetcalc/tetcalc.html )
1 , 1.0891180521811202527 , 1.1789767925673958433 , 1.2701455431742086633 , 1.3632090180450091941 , 1.4587818160364217007 , 1.5575237916251418333 , 1.6601571006859253673 , 1.7674858188369780435 , 1.8804192098842727359 , 2 ] , [ // Base E (using http://myweb.astate.edu/wpaulsen/tetcalc/tetcalc.html )
1 , 1.1121114330934078681 , 1.2310389249316089299 , 1.3583836963111376089 , 1.4960519303993531879 , 1.6463542337511945810 , 1.8121385357018724464 , 1.9969713246183068478 , 2.2053895545527544330 , 2.4432574483385252544 , Math . E //1.0
] , [ // Base 3
1 , 1.1187738849693603 , 1.2464963939368214 , 1.38527004705667 , 1.5376664685821402 , 1.7068895236551784 , 1.897001227148399 , 2.1132403089001035 , 2.362480153784171 , 2.6539010333870774 , 3 ] , [ // Base 4
1 , 1.1367350847096405 , 1.2889510672956703 , 1.4606478703324786 , 1.6570295196661111 , 1.8850062585672889 , 2.1539465047453485 , 2.476829779693097 , 2.872061932789197 , 3.3664204535587183 , 4 ] , [ // Base 5
1 , 1.1494592900767588 , 1.319708228183931 , 1.5166291280087583 , 1.748171114438024 , 2.0253263297298045 , 2.3636668498288547 , 2.7858359149579424 , 3.3257226212448145 , 4.035730287722532 , 5 ] , [ // Base 6
1 , 1.159225940787673 , 1.343712473580932 , 1.5611293155111927 , 1.8221199554561318 , 2.14183924486326 , 2.542468319282638 , 3.0574682501653316 , 3.7390572020926873 , 4.6719550537360774 , 6 ] , [ // Base 7
1 , 1.1670905356972596 , 1.3632807444991446 , 1.5979222279405536 , 1.8842640123816674 , 2.2416069644878687 , 2.69893426559423 , 3.3012632110403577 , 4.121250340630164 , 5.281493033448316 , 7 ] , [ // Base 8
1 , 1.1736630594087796 , 1.379783782386201 , 1.6292821855668218 , 1.9378971836180754 , 2.3289975651071977 , 2.8384347394720835 , 3.5232708454565906 , 4.478242031114584 , 5.868592169644505 , 8 ] , [ // Base 9
1 , 1.1793017514670474 , 1.394054150657457 , 1.65664127441059 , 1.985170999970283 , 2.4069682290577457 , 2.9647310119960752 , 3.7278665320924946 , 4.814462547283592 , 6.436522247411611 , 9 ] , [ // Base 10 (using http://myweb.astate.edu/wpaulsen/tetcalc/tetcalc.html )
1 , 1.1840100246247336579 , 1.4061375836156954169 , 1.6802272208863963918 , 2.026757028388618927 , 2.4770056063449647580 , 3.0805252717554819987 , 3.9191964192627283911 , 5.1351528408331864230 , 6.9899611795347148455 , 10 ] ] ;
var critical _slog _values = [ [ // Base 2
- 1 , - 0.9194161097107025 , - 0.8335625019330468 , - 0.7425599821143978 , - 0.6466611521029437 , - 0.5462617907227869 , - 0.4419033816638769 , - 0.3342645487554494 , - 0.224140440909962 , - 0.11241087890006762 , 0 ] , [ // Base E
- 1 , - 0.90603157029014 , - 0.80786507256596 , - 0.7064666939634 , - 0.60294836853664 , - 0.49849837513117 , - 0.39430303318768 , - 0.29147201034755 , - 0.19097820800866 , - 0.09361896280296 , 0 //1.0
] , [ // Base 3
- 1 , - 0.9021579584316141 , - 0.8005762598234203 , - 0.6964780623319391 , - 0.5911906810998454 , - 0.486050182576545 , - 0.3823089430815083 , - 0.28106046722897615 , - 0.1831906535795894 , - 0.08935809204418144 , 0 ] , [ // Base 4
- 1 , - 0.8917227442365535 , - 0.781258746326964 , - 0.6705130326902455 , - 0.5612813129406509 , - 0.4551067709033134 , - 0.35319256652135966 , - 0.2563741554088552 , - 0.1651412821106526 , - 0.0796919581982668 , 0 ] , [ // Base 5
- 1 , - 0.8843387974366064 , - 0.7678744063886243 , - 0.6529563724510552 , - 0.5415870994657841 , - 0.4352842206588936 , - 0.33504449124791424 , - 0.24138853420685147 , - 0.15445285440944467 , - 0.07409659641336663 , 0 ] , [ // Base 6
- 1 , - 0.8786709358426346 , - 0.7577735191184886 , - 0.6399546189952064 , - 0.527284921869926 , - 0.4211627631006314 , - 0.3223479611761232 , - 0.23107655627789858 , - 0.1472057700818259 , - 0.07035171210706326 , 0 ] , [ // Base 7
- 1 , - 0.8740862815291583 , - 0.7497032990976209 , - 0.6297119746181752 , - 0.5161838335958787 , - 0.41036238255751956 , - 0.31277212146489963 , - 0.2233976621705518 , - 0.1418697367979619 , - 0.06762117662323441 , 0 ] , [ // Base 8
- 1 , - 0.8702632331800649 , - 0.7430366914122081 , - 0.6213373075161548 , - 0.5072025698095242 , - 0.40171437727184167 , - 0.30517930701410456 , - 0.21736343968190863 , - 0.137710238299109 , - 0.06550774483471955 , 0 ] , [ // Base 9
- 1 , - 0.8670016295947213 , - 0.7373984232432306 , - 0.6143173985094293 , - 0.49973884395492807 , - 0.394584953527678 , - 0.2989649949848695 , - 0.21245647317021688 , - 0.13434688362382652 , - 0.0638072667348083 , 0 ] , [ // Base 10
- 1 , - 0.8641642839543857 , - 0.732534623168535 , - 0.6083127477059322 , - 0.4934049257184696 , - 0.3885773075899922 , - 0.29376029055315767 , - 0.2083678561173622 , - 0.13155653399373268 , - 0.062401588652553186 , 0 ] ] ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
var D = function D ( value ) {
return Decimal . fromValue _noAlloc ( value ) ;
} ;
var FC = function FC ( sign , layer , mag ) {
return Decimal . fromComponents ( sign , layer , mag ) ;
} ;
var FC _NN = function FC _NN ( sign , layer , mag ) {
return Decimal . fromComponents _noNormalize ( sign , layer , mag ) ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
} ; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
var decimalPlaces = function decimalPlaces ( value , places ) {
var len = places + 1 ;
var numDigits = Math . ceil ( Math . log10 ( Math . abs ( value ) ) ) ;
var rounded = Math . round ( value * Math . pow ( 10 , len - numDigits ) ) * Math . pow ( 10 , numDigits - len ) ;
return parseFloat ( rounded . toFixed ( Math . max ( len - numDigits , 0 ) ) ) ;
} ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
var f _maglog10 = function f _maglog10 ( n ) {
return Math . sign ( n ) * Math . log10 ( Math . abs ( n ) ) ;
} ; //from HyperCalc source code
var f _gamma = function f _gamma ( n ) {
if ( ! isFinite ( n ) ) {
return n ;
if ( n < - 50 ) {
if ( n === Math . trunc ( n ) ) {
return Number . NEGATIVE _INFINITY ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
return 0 ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
var scal1 = 1 ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
while ( n < 10 ) {
scal1 = scal1 * n ;
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++ n ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
n -= 1 ;
var l = 0.9189385332046727 ; //0.5*Math.log(2*Math.PI)
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
l = l + ( n + 0.5 ) * Math . log ( n ) ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
l = l - n ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
var n2 = n * n ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
var np = n ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
l = l + 1 / ( 12 * np ) ;
np = np * n2 ;
l = l + 1 / ( 360 * np ) ;
np = np * n2 ;
l = l + 1 / ( 1260 * np ) ;
np = np * n2 ;
l = l + 1 / ( 1680 * np ) ;
np = np * n2 ;
l = l + 1 / ( 1188 * np ) ;
np = np * n2 ;
l = l + 691 / ( 360360 * np ) ;
np = np * n2 ;
l = l + 7 / ( 1092 * np ) ;
np = np * n2 ;
l = l + 3617 / ( 122400 * np ) ;
return Math . exp ( l ) / scal1 ;
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} ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
var OMEGA = 0.56714329040978387299997 ; // W(1, 0)
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
//from https://math.stackexchange.com/a/465183
// The evaluation can become inaccurate very close to the branch point
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
var f _lambertw = function f _lambertw ( z ) {
var tol = arguments . length > 1 && arguments [ 1 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 1 ] : 1e-10 ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
var w ;
var wn ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
if ( ! Number . isFinite ( z ) ) {
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return z ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
if ( z === 0 ) {
return z ;
if ( z === 1 ) {
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
return OMEGA ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
if ( z < 10 ) {
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
w = 0 ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
} else {
w = Math . log ( z ) - Math . log ( Math . log ( z ) ) ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 100 ; ++ i ) {
wn = ( z * Math . exp ( - w ) + w * w ) / ( w + 1 ) ;
if ( Math . abs ( wn - w ) < tol * Math . abs ( wn ) ) {
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
return wn ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
} else {
w = wn ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
throw Error ( "Iteration failed to converge: " . concat ( z . toString ( ) ) ) ; //return Number.NaN;
} ; //from https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/8dba340293fe20e62e173bdf2c10ae208286692f/scipy/special/lambertw.pxd
// The evaluation can become inaccurate very close to the branch point
// at ``-1/e``. In some corner cases, `lambertw` might currently
// fail to converge, or can end up on the wrong branch.
function d _lambertw ( z ) {
var tol = arguments . length > 1 && arguments [ 1 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 1 ] : 1e-10 ;
var w ;
var ew , wewz , wn ;
if ( ! Number . isFinite ( z . mag ) ) {
return z ;
if ( z . eq ( Decimal . dZero ) ) {
return z ;
if ( z . eq ( Decimal . dOne ) ) {
//Split out this case because the asymptotic series blows up
return Decimal . fromNumber ( OMEGA ) ;
} //Get an initial guess for Halley's method
w = Decimal . ln ( z ) ; //Halley's method; see 5.9 in [1]
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 100 ; ++ i ) {
ew = w . neg ( ) . exp ( ) ;
wewz = w . sub ( z . mul ( ew ) ) ;
wn = w . sub ( wewz . div ( w . add ( 1 ) . sub ( w . add ( 2 ) . mul ( wewz ) . div ( Decimal . mul ( 2 , w ) . add ( 2 ) ) ) ) ) ;
if ( Decimal . abs ( wn . sub ( w ) ) . lt ( Decimal . abs ( wn ) . mul ( tol ) ) ) {
return wn ;
} else {
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
w = wn ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
throw Error ( "Iteration failed to converge: " . concat ( z . toString ( ) ) ) ; //return Decimal.dNaN;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
/ * *
* The Decimal ' s value is simply mantissa * 10 ^ exponent .
* /
var Decimal = /*#__PURE__*/ function ( ) {
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
function Decimal ( value ) {
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
_classCallCheck ( this , Decimal ) ;
this . sign = 0 ;
this . mag = 0 ;
this . layer = 0 ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
if ( value instanceof Decimal ) {
this . fromDecimal ( value ) ;
} else if ( typeof value === "number" ) {
this . fromNumber ( value ) ;
} else if ( typeof value === "string" ) {
this . fromString ( value ) ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
_createClass ( Decimal , [ {
key : "m" ,
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
get : function get ( ) {
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
if ( this . sign === 0 ) {
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
return 0 ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
} else if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
var exp = Math . floor ( Math . log10 ( this . mag ) ) ; //handle special case 5e-324
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
var man ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
if ( this . mag === 5e-324 ) {
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
man = 5 ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
} else {
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
man = this . mag / powerOf10 ( exp ) ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
return this . sign * man ;
} else if ( this . layer === 1 ) {
var residue = this . mag - Math . floor ( this . mag ) ;
return this . sign * Math . pow ( 10 , residue ) ;
} else {
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
//mantissa stops being relevant past 1e9e15 / ee15.954
return this . sign ;
} ,
set : function set ( value ) {
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
if ( this . layer <= 2 ) {
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
this . fromMantissaExponent ( value , this . e ) ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
} else {
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
//don't even pretend mantissa is meaningful
this . sign = Math . sign ( value ) ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
if ( this . sign === 0 ) {
this . layer = 0 ;
this . exponent = 0 ;
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} , {
key : "e" ,
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
get : function get ( ) {
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
if ( this . sign === 0 ) {
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
return 0 ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
} else if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
return Math . floor ( Math . log10 ( this . mag ) ) ;
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} else if ( this . layer === 1 ) {
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
return Math . floor ( this . mag ) ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
} else if ( this . layer === 2 ) {
return Math . floor ( Math . sign ( this . mag ) * Math . pow ( 10 , Math . abs ( this . mag ) ) ) ;
} else {
return this . mag * Number . POSITIVE _INFINITY ;
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
} ,
set : function set ( value ) {
this . fromMantissaExponent ( this . m , value ) ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
} , {
key : "s" ,
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
get : function get ( ) {
return this . sign ;
} ,
set : function set ( value ) {
if ( value === 0 ) {
this . sign = 0 ;
this . layer = 0 ;
this . mag = 0 ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
} else {
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
this . sign = value ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
} // Object.defineProperty(Decimal.prototype, "mantissa", {
} , {
key : "mantissa" ,
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
get : function get ( ) {
return this . m ;
} ,
set : function set ( value ) {
this . m = value ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
} , {
key : "exponent" ,
2020-08-26 14:16:23 +00:00
get : function get ( ) {
return this . e ;
} ,
set : function set ( value ) {
this . e = value ;
2023-06-14 15:15:12 +00:00
} , {
key : "normalize" ,
value : function normalize ( ) {
/ *
Whenever we are partially 0 ( sign is 0 or mag and layer is 0 ) , make it fully 0.
Whenever we are at or hit layer 0 , extract sign from negative mag .
If layer === 0 and mag < FIRST _NEG _LAYER ( 1 / 9e15 ) , shift to 'first negative layer' ( add layer , log10 mag ) .
While abs ( mag ) > EXP _LIMIT ( 9e15 ) , layer += 1 , mag = maglog10 ( mag ) .
While abs ( mag ) < LAYER _DOWN ( 15.954 ) and layer > 0 , layer -= 1 , mag = pow ( 10 , mag ) .
When we ' re done , all of the following should be true OR one of the numbers is not IsFinite OR layer is not IsInteger ( error state ) :
Any 0 is totally zero ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) .
Anything layer 0 has mag 0 OR mag > 1 / 9e15 and < 9e15 .
Anything layer 1 or higher has abs ( mag ) >= 15.954 and < 9e15 .
We will assume in calculations that all Decimals are either erroneous or satisfy these criteria . ( Otherwise : Garbage in , garbage out . )
* /
if ( this . sign === 0 || this . mag === 0 && this . layer === 0 ) {
this . sign = 0 ;
this . mag = 0 ;
this . layer = 0 ;
return this ;
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if ( this . layer === 0 && this . mag < 0 ) {
//extract sign from negative mag at layer 0
this . mag = - this . mag ;
this . sign = - this . sign ;
} //Handle shifting from layer 0 to negative layers.
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if ( this . layer === 0 && this . mag < FIRST _NEG _LAYER ) {
this . layer += 1 ;
this . mag = Math . log10 ( this . mag ) ;
return this ;
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var absmag = Math . abs ( this . mag ) ;
var signmag = Math . sign ( this . mag ) ;
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if ( absmag >= EXP _LIMIT ) {
this . layer += 1 ;
this . mag = signmag * Math . log10 ( absmag ) ;
return this ;
} else {
while ( absmag < LAYER _DOWN && this . layer > 0 ) {
this . layer -= 1 ;
if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
this . mag = Math . pow ( 10 , this . mag ) ;
} else {
this . mag = signmag * Math . pow ( 10 , absmag ) ;
absmag = Math . abs ( this . mag ) ;
signmag = Math . sign ( this . mag ) ;
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if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
if ( this . mag < 0 ) {
//extract sign from negative mag at layer 0
this . mag = - this . mag ;
this . sign = - this . sign ;
} else if ( this . mag === 0 ) {
//excessive rounding can give us all zeroes
this . sign = 0 ;
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return this ;
} , {
key : "fromComponents" ,
value : function fromComponents ( sign , layer , mag ) {
this . sign = sign ;
this . layer = layer ;
this . mag = mag ;
this . normalize ( ) ;
return this ;
} , {
key : "fromComponents_noNormalize" ,
value : function fromComponents _noNormalize ( sign , layer , mag ) {
this . sign = sign ;
this . layer = layer ;
this . mag = mag ;
return this ;
} , {
key : "fromMantissaExponent" ,
value : function fromMantissaExponent ( mantissa , exponent ) {
this . layer = 1 ;
this . sign = Math . sign ( mantissa ) ;
mantissa = Math . abs ( mantissa ) ;
this . mag = exponent + Math . log10 ( mantissa ) ;
this . normalize ( ) ;
return this ;
} , {
key : "fromMantissaExponent_noNormalize" ,
value : function fromMantissaExponent _noNormalize ( mantissa , exponent ) {
//The idea of 'normalizing' a break_infinity.js style Decimal doesn't really apply. So just do the same thing.
this . fromMantissaExponent ( mantissa , exponent ) ;
return this ;
} , {
key : "fromDecimal" ,
value : function fromDecimal ( value ) {
this . sign = value . sign ;
this . layer = value . layer ;
this . mag = value . mag ;
return this ;
} , {
key : "fromNumber" ,
value : function fromNumber ( value ) {
this . mag = Math . abs ( value ) ;
this . sign = Math . sign ( value ) ;
this . layer = 0 ;
this . normalize ( ) ;
return this ;
} , {
key : "fromString" ,
value : function fromString ( value ) {
var originalValue = value ;
var cached = Decimal . fromStringCache . get ( originalValue ) ;
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if ( cached !== undefined ) {
return this . fromDecimal ( cached ) ;
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value = value . replace ( "," , "" ) ;
} //Handle x^^^y format.
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var pentationparts = value . split ( "^^^" ) ;
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if ( pentationparts . length === 2 ) {
var _base = parseFloat ( pentationparts [ 0 ] ) ;
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var _height = parseFloat ( pentationparts [ 1 ] ) ;
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var heightparts = pentationparts [ 1 ] . split ( ";" ) ;
var payload = 1 ;
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if ( heightparts . length === 2 ) {
payload = parseFloat ( heightparts [ 1 ] ) ;
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if ( ! isFinite ( payload ) ) {
payload = 1 ;
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if ( isFinite ( _base ) && isFinite ( _height ) ) {
var result = Decimal . pentate ( _base , _height , payload ) ;
this . sign = result . sign ;
this . layer = result . layer ;
this . mag = result . mag ;
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if ( Decimal . fromStringCache . maxSize >= 1 ) {
Decimal . fromStringCache . set ( originalValue , Decimal . fromDecimal ( this ) ) ;
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return this ;
} //Handle x^^y format.
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var tetrationparts = value . split ( "^^" ) ;
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if ( tetrationparts . length === 2 ) {
var _base2 = parseFloat ( tetrationparts [ 0 ] ) ;
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var _height2 = parseFloat ( tetrationparts [ 1 ] ) ;
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var _heightparts = tetrationparts [ 1 ] . split ( ";" ) ;
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var _payload = 1 ;
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if ( _heightparts . length === 2 ) {
_payload = parseFloat ( _heightparts [ 1 ] ) ;
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if ( ! isFinite ( _payload ) ) {
_payload = 1 ;
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if ( isFinite ( _base2 ) && isFinite ( _height2 ) ) {
var _result = Decimal . tetrate ( _base2 , _height2 , _payload ) ;
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this . sign = _result . sign ;
this . layer = _result . layer ;
this . mag = _result . mag ;
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if ( Decimal . fromStringCache . maxSize >= 1 ) {
Decimal . fromStringCache . set ( originalValue , Decimal . fromDecimal ( this ) ) ;
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return this ;
} //Handle x^y format.
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var powparts = value . split ( "^" ) ;
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if ( powparts . length === 2 ) {
var _base3 = parseFloat ( powparts [ 0 ] ) ;
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var _exponent = parseFloat ( powparts [ 1 ] ) ;
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if ( isFinite ( _base3 ) && isFinite ( _exponent ) ) {
var _result2 = Decimal . pow ( _base3 , _exponent ) ;
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this . sign = _result2 . sign ;
this . layer = _result2 . layer ;
this . mag = _result2 . mag ;
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if ( Decimal . fromStringCache . maxSize >= 1 ) {
Decimal . fromStringCache . set ( originalValue , Decimal . fromDecimal ( this ) ) ;
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return this ;
} //Handle various cases involving it being a Big Number.
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value = value . trim ( ) . toLowerCase ( ) ; //handle X PT Y format.
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var base ;
var height ;
var ptparts = value . split ( "pt" ) ;
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if ( ptparts . length === 2 ) {
base = 10 ;
height = parseFloat ( ptparts [ 0 ] ) ;
ptparts [ 1 ] = ptparts [ 1 ] . replace ( "(" , "" ) ;
ptparts [ 1 ] = ptparts [ 1 ] . replace ( ")" , "" ) ;
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var _payload2 = parseFloat ( ptparts [ 1 ] ) ;
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if ( ! isFinite ( _payload2 ) ) {
_payload2 = 1 ;
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if ( isFinite ( base ) && isFinite ( height ) ) {
var _result3 = Decimal . tetrate ( base , height , _payload2 ) ;
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this . sign = _result3 . sign ;
this . layer = _result3 . layer ;
this . mag = _result3 . mag ;
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if ( Decimal . fromStringCache . maxSize >= 1 ) {
Decimal . fromStringCache . set ( originalValue , Decimal . fromDecimal ( this ) ) ;
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return this ;
} //handle XpY format (it's the same thing just with p).
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ptparts = value . split ( "p" ) ;
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if ( ptparts . length === 2 ) {
base = 10 ;
height = parseFloat ( ptparts [ 0 ] ) ;
ptparts [ 1 ] = ptparts [ 1 ] . replace ( "(" , "" ) ;
ptparts [ 1 ] = ptparts [ 1 ] . replace ( ")" , "" ) ;
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var _payload3 = parseFloat ( ptparts [ 1 ] ) ;
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if ( ! isFinite ( _payload3 ) ) {
_payload3 = 1 ;
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if ( isFinite ( base ) && isFinite ( height ) ) {
var _result4 = Decimal . tetrate ( base , height , _payload3 ) ;
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this . sign = _result4 . sign ;
this . layer = _result4 . layer ;
this . mag = _result4 . mag ;
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if ( Decimal . fromStringCache . maxSize >= 1 ) {
Decimal . fromStringCache . set ( originalValue , Decimal . fromDecimal ( this ) ) ;
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return this ;
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var parts = value . split ( "e" ) ;
var ecount = parts . length - 1 ; //Handle numbers that are exactly floats (0 or 1 es).
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if ( ecount === 0 ) {
var numberAttempt = parseFloat ( value ) ;
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if ( isFinite ( numberAttempt ) ) {
this . fromNumber ( numberAttempt ) ;
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if ( Decimal . fromStringCache . size >= 1 ) {
Decimal . fromStringCache . set ( originalValue , Decimal . fromDecimal ( this ) ) ;
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return this ;
} else if ( ecount === 1 ) {
//Very small numbers ("2e-3000" and so on) may look like valid floats but round to 0.
var _numberAttempt = parseFloat ( value ) ;
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if ( isFinite ( _numberAttempt ) && _numberAttempt !== 0 ) {
this . fromNumber ( _numberAttempt ) ;
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if ( Decimal . fromStringCache . maxSize >= 1 ) {
Decimal . fromStringCache . set ( originalValue , Decimal . fromDecimal ( this ) ) ;
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return this ;
} //Handle new (e^N)X format.
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var newparts = value . split ( "e^" ) ;
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if ( newparts . length === 2 ) {
this . sign = 1 ;
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if ( newparts [ 0 ] . charAt ( 0 ) == "-" ) {
this . sign = - 1 ;
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var layerstring = "" ;
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for ( var i = 0 ; i < newparts [ 1 ] . length ; ++ i ) {
var chrcode = newparts [ 1 ] . charCodeAt ( i ) ;
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if ( chrcode >= 43 && chrcode <= 57 || chrcode === 101 ) {
//is "0" to "9" or "+" or "-" or "." or "e" (or "," or "/")
layerstring += newparts [ 1 ] . charAt ( i ) ;
} //we found the end of the layer count
else {
this . layer = parseFloat ( layerstring ) ;
this . mag = parseFloat ( newparts [ 1 ] . substr ( i + 1 ) ) ;
this . normalize ( ) ;
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if ( Decimal . fromStringCache . maxSize >= 1 ) {
Decimal . fromStringCache . set ( originalValue , Decimal . fromDecimal ( this ) ) ;
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return this ;
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if ( ecount < 1 ) {
this . sign = 0 ;
this . layer = 0 ;
this . mag = 0 ;
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if ( Decimal . fromStringCache . maxSize >= 1 ) {
Decimal . fromStringCache . set ( originalValue , Decimal . fromDecimal ( this ) ) ;
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return this ;
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var mantissa = parseFloat ( parts [ 0 ] ) ;
if ( mantissa === 0 ) {
this . sign = 0 ;
this . layer = 0 ;
this . mag = 0 ;
if ( Decimal . fromStringCache . maxSize >= 1 ) {
Decimal . fromStringCache . set ( originalValue , Decimal . fromDecimal ( this ) ) ;
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return this ;
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var exponent = parseFloat ( parts [ parts . length - 1 ] ) ; //handle numbers like AeBeC and AeeeeBeC
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if ( ecount >= 2 ) {
var me = parseFloat ( parts [ parts . length - 2 ] ) ;
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if ( isFinite ( me ) ) {
exponent *= Math . sign ( me ) ;
exponent += f _maglog10 ( me ) ;
} //Handle numbers written like eee... (N es) X
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if ( ! isFinite ( mantissa ) ) {
this . sign = parts [ 0 ] === "-" ? - 1 : 1 ;
this . layer = ecount ;
this . mag = exponent ;
} //Handle numbers written like XeY
else if ( ecount === 1 ) {
this . sign = Math . sign ( mantissa ) ;
this . layer = 1 ; //Example: 2e10 is equal to 10^log10(2e10) which is equal to 10^(10+log10(2))
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this . mag = exponent + Math . log10 ( Math . abs ( mantissa ) ) ;
} //Handle numbers written like Xeee... (N es) Y
else {
this . sign = Math . sign ( mantissa ) ;
this . layer = ecount ;
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if ( ecount === 2 ) {
var _result5 = Decimal . mul ( FC ( 1 , 2 , exponent ) , D ( mantissa ) ) ;
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this . sign = _result5 . sign ;
this . layer = _result5 . layer ;
this . mag = _result5 . mag ;
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if ( Decimal . fromStringCache . maxSize >= 1 ) {
Decimal . fromStringCache . set ( originalValue , Decimal . fromDecimal ( this ) ) ;
return this ;
} else {
//at eee and above, mantissa is too small to be recognizable!
this . mag = exponent ;
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this . normalize ( ) ;
if ( Decimal . fromStringCache . maxSize >= 1 ) {
Decimal . fromStringCache . set ( originalValue , Decimal . fromDecimal ( this ) ) ;
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return this ;
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} , {
key : "fromValue" ,
value : function fromValue ( value ) {
if ( value instanceof Decimal ) {
return this . fromDecimal ( value ) ;
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if ( typeof value === "number" ) {
return this . fromNumber ( value ) ;
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if ( typeof value === "string" ) {
return this . fromString ( value ) ;
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this . sign = 0 ;
this . layer = 0 ;
this . mag = 0 ;
return this ;
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} , {
key : "toNumber" ,
value : function toNumber ( ) {
if ( ! Number . isFinite ( this . layer ) ) {
return Number . NaN ;
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if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
return this . sign * this . mag ;
} else if ( this . layer === 1 ) {
return this . sign * Math . pow ( 10 , this . mag ) ;
} //overflow for any normalized Decimal
else {
return this . mag > 0 ? this . sign > 0 ? Number . POSITIVE _INFINITY : Number . NEGATIVE _INFINITY : 0 ;
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} , {
key : "mantissaWithDecimalPlaces" ,
value : function mantissaWithDecimalPlaces ( places ) {
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/37425022
if ( isNaN ( this . m ) ) {
return Number . NaN ;
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if ( this . m === 0 ) {
return 0 ;
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return decimalPlaces ( this . m , places ) ;
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} , {
key : "magnitudeWithDecimalPlaces" ,
value : function magnitudeWithDecimalPlaces ( places ) {
// https://stackoverflow.com/a/37425022
if ( isNaN ( this . mag ) ) {
return Number . NaN ;
if ( this . mag === 0 ) {
return 0 ;
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return decimalPlaces ( this . mag , places ) ;
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} , {
key : "toString" ,
value : function toString ( ) {
if ( isNaN ( this . layer ) || isNaN ( this . sign ) || isNaN ( this . mag ) ) {
return "NaN" ;
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if ( this . mag === Number . POSITIVE _INFINITY || this . layer === Number . POSITIVE _INFINITY ) {
return this . sign === 1 ? "Infinity" : "-Infinity" ;
if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
if ( this . mag < 1e21 && this . mag > 1e-7 || this . mag === 0 ) {
return ( this . sign * this . mag ) . toString ( ) ;
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return this . m + "e" + this . e ;
} else if ( this . layer === 1 ) {
return this . m + "e" + this . e ;
} else {
//layer 2+
if ( this . layer <= MAX _ES _IN _A _ROW ) {
return ( this . sign === - 1 ? "-" : "" ) + "e" . repeat ( this . layer ) + this . mag ;
} else {
return ( this . sign === - 1 ? "-" : "" ) + "(e^" + this . layer + ")" + this . mag ;
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} , {
key : "toExponential" ,
value : function toExponential ( places ) {
if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
return ( this . sign * this . mag ) . toExponential ( places ) ;
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return this . toStringWithDecimalPlaces ( places ) ;
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} , {
key : "toFixed" ,
value : function toFixed ( places ) {
if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
return ( this . sign * this . mag ) . toFixed ( places ) ;
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return this . toStringWithDecimalPlaces ( places ) ;
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} , {
key : "toPrecision" ,
value : function toPrecision ( places ) {
if ( this . e <= - 7 ) {
return this . toExponential ( places - 1 ) ;
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if ( places > this . e ) {
return this . toFixed ( places - this . exponent - 1 ) ;
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return this . toExponential ( places - 1 ) ;
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} , {
key : "valueOf" ,
value : function valueOf ( ) {
return this . toString ( ) ;
} , {
key : "toJSON" ,
value : function toJSON ( ) {
return this . toString ( ) ;
} , {
key : "toStringWithDecimalPlaces" ,
value : function toStringWithDecimalPlaces ( places ) {
if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
if ( this . mag < 1e21 && this . mag > 1e-7 || this . mag === 0 ) {
return ( this . sign * this . mag ) . toFixed ( places ) ;
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return decimalPlaces ( this . m , places ) + "e" + decimalPlaces ( this . e , places ) ;
} else if ( this . layer === 1 ) {
return decimalPlaces ( this . m , places ) + "e" + decimalPlaces ( this . e , places ) ;
} else {
//layer 2+
if ( this . layer <= MAX _ES _IN _A _ROW ) {
return ( this . sign === - 1 ? "-" : "" ) + "e" . repeat ( this . layer ) + decimalPlaces ( this . mag , places ) ;
} else {
return ( this . sign === - 1 ? "-" : "" ) + "(e^" + this . layer + ")" + decimalPlaces ( this . mag , places ) ;
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} , {
key : "abs" ,
value : function abs ( ) {
return FC _NN ( this . sign === 0 ? 0 : 1 , this . layer , this . mag ) ;
} , {
key : "neg" ,
value : function neg ( ) {
return FC _NN ( - this . sign , this . layer , this . mag ) ;
} , {
key : "negate" ,
value : function negate ( ) {
return this . neg ( ) ;
} , {
key : "negated" ,
value : function negated ( ) {
return this . neg ( ) ;
} // public sign () {
// return this.sign;
// }
} , {
key : "sgn" ,
value : function sgn ( ) {
return this . sign ;
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} , {
key : "round" ,
value : function round ( ) {
if ( this . mag < 0 ) {
return Decimal . dZero ;
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if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
return FC ( this . sign , 0 , Math . round ( this . mag ) ) ;
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return this ;
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} , {
key : "floor" ,
value : function floor ( ) {
if ( this . mag < 0 ) {
return Decimal . dZero ;
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if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
return FC ( this . sign , 0 , Math . floor ( this . mag ) ) ;
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return this ;
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} , {
key : "ceil" ,
value : function ceil ( ) {
if ( this . mag < 0 ) {
return Decimal . dZero ;
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if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
return FC ( this . sign , 0 , Math . ceil ( this . mag ) ) ;
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return this ;
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} , {
key : "trunc" ,
value : function trunc ( ) {
if ( this . mag < 0 ) {
return Decimal . dZero ;
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if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
return FC ( this . sign , 0 , Math . trunc ( this . mag ) ) ;
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return this ;
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} , {
key : "add" ,
value : function add ( value ) {
var decimal = D ( value ) ; //inf/nan check
if ( ! Number . isFinite ( this . layer ) ) {
return this ;
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if ( ! Number . isFinite ( decimal . layer ) ) {
return decimal ;
} //Special case - if one of the numbers is 0, return the other number.
if ( this . sign === 0 ) {
return decimal ;
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if ( decimal . sign === 0 ) {
return this ;
} //Special case - Adding a number to its negation produces 0, no matter how large.
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if ( this . sign === - decimal . sign && this . layer === decimal . layer && this . mag === decimal . mag ) {
return FC _NN ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
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var a ;
var b ; //Special case: If one of the numbers is layer 2 or higher, just take the bigger number.
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if ( this . layer >= 2 || decimal . layer >= 2 ) {
return this . maxabs ( decimal ) ;
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if ( Decimal . cmpabs ( this , decimal ) > 0 ) {
a = this ;
b = decimal ;
} else {
a = decimal ;
b = this ;
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if ( a . layer === 0 && b . layer === 0 ) {
return Decimal . fromNumber ( a . sign * a . mag + b . sign * b . mag ) ;
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var layera = a . layer * Math . sign ( a . mag ) ;
var layerb = b . layer * Math . sign ( b . mag ) ; //If one of the numbers is 2+ layers higher than the other, just take the bigger number.
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if ( layera - layerb >= 2 ) {
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return a ;
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if ( layera === 0 && layerb === - 1 ) {
if ( Math . abs ( b . mag - Math . log10 ( a . mag ) ) > MAX _SIGNIFICANT _DIGITS ) {
return a ;
} else {
var magdiff = Math . pow ( 10 , Math . log10 ( a . mag ) - b . mag ) ;
var mantissa = b . sign + a . sign * magdiff ;
return FC ( Math . sign ( mantissa ) , 1 , b . mag + Math . log10 ( Math . abs ( mantissa ) ) ) ;
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if ( layera === 1 && layerb === 0 ) {
if ( Math . abs ( a . mag - Math . log10 ( b . mag ) ) > MAX _SIGNIFICANT _DIGITS ) {
return a ;
} else {
var _magdiff = Math . pow ( 10 , a . mag - Math . log10 ( b . mag ) ) ;
var _mantissa = b . sign + a . sign * _magdiff ;
return FC ( Math . sign ( _mantissa ) , 1 , Math . log10 ( b . mag ) + Math . log10 ( Math . abs ( _mantissa ) ) ) ;
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if ( Math . abs ( a . mag - b . mag ) > MAX _SIGNIFICANT _DIGITS ) {
return a ;
} else {
var _magdiff2 = Math . pow ( 10 , a . mag - b . mag ) ;
var _mantissa2 = b . sign + a . sign * _magdiff2 ;
return FC ( Math . sign ( _mantissa2 ) , 1 , b . mag + Math . log10 ( Math . abs ( _mantissa2 ) ) ) ;
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} , {
key : "plus" ,
value : function plus ( value ) {
return this . add ( value ) ;
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} , {
key : "sub" ,
value : function sub ( value ) {
return this . add ( D ( value ) . neg ( ) ) ;
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} , {
key : "subtract" ,
value : function subtract ( value ) {
return this . sub ( value ) ;
} , {
key : "minus" ,
value : function minus ( value ) {
return this . sub ( value ) ;
} , {
key : "mul" ,
value : function mul ( value ) {
var decimal = D ( value ) ; //inf/nan check
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if ( ! Number . isFinite ( this . layer ) ) {
return this ;
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if ( ! Number . isFinite ( decimal . layer ) ) {
return decimal ;
} //Special case - if one of the numbers is 0, return 0.
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if ( this . sign === 0 || decimal . sign === 0 ) {
return FC _NN ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
} //Special case - Multiplying a number by its own reciprocal yields +/- 1, no matter how large.
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if ( this . layer === decimal . layer && this . mag === - decimal . mag ) {
return FC _NN ( this . sign * decimal . sign , 0 , 1 ) ;
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var a ;
var b ; //Which number is bigger in terms of its multiplicative distance from 1?
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if ( this . layer > decimal . layer || this . layer == decimal . layer && Math . abs ( this . mag ) > Math . abs ( decimal . mag ) ) {
a = this ;
b = decimal ;
} else {
a = decimal ;
b = this ;
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if ( a . layer === 0 && b . layer === 0 ) {
return Decimal . fromNumber ( a . sign * b . sign * a . mag * b . mag ) ;
} //Special case: If one of the numbers is layer 3 or higher or one of the numbers is 2+ layers bigger than the other, just take the bigger number.
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if ( a . layer >= 3 || a . layer - b . layer >= 2 ) {
return FC ( a . sign * b . sign , a . layer , a . mag ) ;
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if ( a . layer === 1 && b . layer === 0 ) {
return FC ( a . sign * b . sign , 1 , a . mag + Math . log10 ( b . mag ) ) ;
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if ( a . layer === 1 && b . layer === 1 ) {
return FC ( a . sign * b . sign , 1 , a . mag + b . mag ) ;
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if ( a . layer === 2 && b . layer === 1 ) {
var newmag = FC ( Math . sign ( a . mag ) , a . layer - 1 , Math . abs ( a . mag ) ) . add ( FC ( Math . sign ( b . mag ) , b . layer - 1 , Math . abs ( b . mag ) ) ) ;
return FC ( a . sign * b . sign , newmag . layer + 1 , newmag . sign * newmag . mag ) ;
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if ( a . layer === 2 && b . layer === 2 ) {
var _newmag = FC ( Math . sign ( a . mag ) , a . layer - 1 , Math . abs ( a . mag ) ) . add ( FC ( Math . sign ( b . mag ) , b . layer - 1 , Math . abs ( b . mag ) ) ) ;
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return FC ( a . sign * b . sign , _newmag . layer + 1 , _newmag . sign * _newmag . mag ) ;
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throw Error ( "Bad arguments to mul: " + this + ", " + value ) ;
} , {
key : "multiply" ,
value : function multiply ( value ) {
return this . mul ( value ) ;
} , {
key : "times" ,
value : function times ( value ) {
return this . mul ( value ) ;
} , {
key : "div" ,
value : function div ( value ) {
var decimal = D ( value ) ;
return this . mul ( decimal . recip ( ) ) ;
} , {
key : "divide" ,
value : function divide ( value ) {
return this . div ( value ) ;
} , {
key : "divideBy" ,
value : function divideBy ( value ) {
return this . div ( value ) ;
} , {
key : "dividedBy" ,
value : function dividedBy ( value ) {
return this . div ( value ) ;
} , {
key : "recip" ,
value : function recip ( ) {
if ( this . mag === 0 ) {
return Decimal . dNaN ;
} else if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
return FC ( this . sign , 0 , 1 / this . mag ) ;
} else {
return FC ( this . sign , this . layer , - this . mag ) ;
} , {
key : "reciprocal" ,
value : function reciprocal ( ) {
return this . recip ( ) ;
} , {
key : "reciprocate" ,
value : function reciprocate ( ) {
return this . recip ( ) ;
/ * *
* - 1 for less than value , 0 for equals value , 1 for greater than value
* /
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} , {
key : "cmp" ,
value : function cmp ( value ) {
var decimal = D ( value ) ;
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if ( this . sign > decimal . sign ) {
return 1 ;
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if ( this . sign < decimal . sign ) {
return - 1 ;
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return this . sign * this . cmpabs ( value ) ;
} , {
key : "cmpabs" ,
value : function cmpabs ( value ) {
var decimal = D ( value ) ;
var layera = this . mag > 0 ? this . layer : - this . layer ;
var layerb = decimal . mag > 0 ? decimal . layer : - decimal . layer ;
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if ( layera > layerb ) {
return 1 ;
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if ( layera < layerb ) {
return - 1 ;
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if ( this . mag > decimal . mag ) {
return 1 ;
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if ( this . mag < decimal . mag ) {
return - 1 ;
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return 0 ;
} , {
key : "compare" ,
value : function compare ( value ) {
return this . cmp ( value ) ;
} , {
key : "isNan" ,
value : function isNan ( ) {
return isNaN ( this . sign ) || isNaN ( this . layer ) || isNaN ( this . mag ) ;
} , {
key : "isFinite" ,
value : function ( _isFinite2 ) {
function isFinite ( ) {
return _isFinite2 . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
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isFinite . toString = function ( ) {
return _isFinite2 . toString ( ) ;
} ;
return isFinite ;
} ( function ( ) {
return isFinite ( this . sign ) && isFinite ( this . layer ) && isFinite ( this . mag ) ;
} )
} , {
key : "eq" ,
value : function eq ( value ) {
var decimal = D ( value ) ;
return this . sign === decimal . sign && this . layer === decimal . layer && this . mag === decimal . mag ;
} , {
key : "equals" ,
value : function equals ( value ) {
return this . eq ( value ) ;
} , {
key : "neq" ,
value : function neq ( value ) {
return ! this . eq ( value ) ;
} , {
key : "notEquals" ,
value : function notEquals ( value ) {
return this . neq ( value ) ;
} , {
key : "lt" ,
value : function lt ( value ) {
return this . cmp ( value ) === - 1 ;
} , {
key : "lte" ,
value : function lte ( value ) {
return ! this . gt ( value ) ;
} , {
key : "gt" ,
value : function gt ( value ) {
return this . cmp ( value ) === 1 ;
} , {
key : "gte" ,
value : function gte ( value ) {
return ! this . lt ( value ) ;
} , {
key : "max" ,
value : function max ( value ) {
var decimal = D ( value ) ;
return this . lt ( decimal ) ? decimal : this ;
} , {
key : "min" ,
value : function min ( value ) {
var decimal = D ( value ) ;
return this . gt ( decimal ) ? decimal : this ;
} , {
key : "maxabs" ,
value : function maxabs ( value ) {
var decimal = D ( value ) ;
return this . cmpabs ( decimal ) < 0 ? decimal : this ;
} , {
key : "minabs" ,
value : function minabs ( value ) {
var decimal = D ( value ) ;
return this . cmpabs ( decimal ) > 0 ? decimal : this ;
} , {
key : "clamp" ,
value : function clamp ( min , max ) {
return this . max ( min ) . min ( max ) ;
} , {
key : "clampMin" ,
value : function clampMin ( min ) {
return this . max ( min ) ;
} , {
key : "clampMax" ,
value : function clampMax ( max ) {
return this . min ( max ) ;
} , {
key : "cmp_tolerance" ,
value : function cmp _tolerance ( value , tolerance ) {
var decimal = D ( value ) ;
return this . eq _tolerance ( decimal , tolerance ) ? 0 : this . cmp ( decimal ) ;
} , {
key : "compare_tolerance" ,
value : function compare _tolerance ( value , tolerance ) {
return this . cmp _tolerance ( value , tolerance ) ;
/ * *
* Tolerance is a relative tolerance , multiplied by the greater of the magnitudes of the two arguments .
* For example , if you put in 1e-9 , then any number closer to the
* larger number than ( larger number ) * 1e-9 will be considered equal .
* /
} , {
key : "eq_tolerance" ,
value : function eq _tolerance ( value , tolerance ) {
var decimal = D ( value ) ; // https://stackoverflow.com/a/33024979
if ( tolerance == null ) {
tolerance = 1e-7 ;
} //Numbers that are too far away are never close.
if ( this . sign !== decimal . sign ) {
return false ;
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if ( Math . abs ( this . layer - decimal . layer ) > 1 ) {
return false ;
} // return abs(a-b) <= tolerance * max(abs(a), abs(b))
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var magA = this . mag ;
var magB = decimal . mag ;
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if ( this . layer > decimal . layer ) {
magB = f _maglog10 ( magB ) ;
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if ( this . layer < decimal . layer ) {
magA = f _maglog10 ( magA ) ;
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return Math . abs ( magA - magB ) <= tolerance * Math . max ( Math . abs ( magA ) , Math . abs ( magB ) ) ;
} , {
key : "equals_tolerance" ,
value : function equals _tolerance ( value , tolerance ) {
return this . eq _tolerance ( value , tolerance ) ;
} , {
key : "neq_tolerance" ,
value : function neq _tolerance ( value , tolerance ) {
return ! this . eq _tolerance ( value , tolerance ) ;
} , {
key : "notEquals_tolerance" ,
value : function notEquals _tolerance ( value , tolerance ) {
return this . neq _tolerance ( value , tolerance ) ;
} , {
key : "lt_tolerance" ,
value : function lt _tolerance ( value , tolerance ) {
var decimal = D ( value ) ;
return ! this . eq _tolerance ( decimal , tolerance ) && this . lt ( decimal ) ;
} , {
key : "lte_tolerance" ,
value : function lte _tolerance ( value , tolerance ) {
var decimal = D ( value ) ;
return this . eq _tolerance ( decimal , tolerance ) || this . lt ( decimal ) ;
} , {
key : "gt_tolerance" ,
value : function gt _tolerance ( value , tolerance ) {
var decimal = D ( value ) ;
return ! this . eq _tolerance ( decimal , tolerance ) && this . gt ( decimal ) ;
} , {
key : "gte_tolerance" ,
value : function gte _tolerance ( value , tolerance ) {
var decimal = D ( value ) ;
return this . eq _tolerance ( decimal , tolerance ) || this . gt ( decimal ) ;
} , {
key : "pLog10" ,
value : function pLog10 ( ) {
if ( this . lt ( Decimal . dZero ) ) {
return Decimal . dZero ;
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return this . log10 ( ) ;
} , {
key : "absLog10" ,
value : function absLog10 ( ) {
if ( this . sign === 0 ) {
return Decimal . dNaN ;
} else if ( this . layer > 0 ) {
return FC ( Math . sign ( this . mag ) , this . layer - 1 , Math . abs ( this . mag ) ) ;
} else {
return FC ( 1 , 0 , Math . log10 ( this . mag ) ) ;
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} , {
key : "log10" ,
value : function log10 ( ) {
if ( this . sign <= 0 ) {
return Decimal . dNaN ;
} else if ( this . layer > 0 ) {
return FC ( Math . sign ( this . mag ) , this . layer - 1 , Math . abs ( this . mag ) ) ;
} else {
return FC ( this . sign , 0 , Math . log10 ( this . mag ) ) ;
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} , {
key : "log" ,
value : function log ( base ) {
base = D ( base ) ;
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if ( this . sign <= 0 ) {
return Decimal . dNaN ;
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if ( base . sign <= 0 ) {
return Decimal . dNaN ;
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if ( base . sign === 1 && base . layer === 0 && base . mag === 1 ) {
return Decimal . dNaN ;
} else if ( this . layer === 0 && base . layer === 0 ) {
return FC ( this . sign , 0 , Math . log ( this . mag ) / Math . log ( base . mag ) ) ;
return Decimal . div ( this . log10 ( ) , base . log10 ( ) ) ;
} , {
key : "log2" ,
value : function log2 ( ) {
if ( this . sign <= 0 ) {
return Decimal . dNaN ;
} else if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
return FC ( this . sign , 0 , Math . log2 ( this . mag ) ) ;
} else if ( this . layer === 1 ) {
return FC ( Math . sign ( this . mag ) , 0 , Math . abs ( this . mag ) * 3.321928094887362 ) ; //log2(10)
} else if ( this . layer === 2 ) {
return FC ( Math . sign ( this . mag ) , 1 , Math . abs ( this . mag ) + 0.5213902276543247 ) ; //-log10(log10(2))
} else {
return FC ( Math . sign ( this . mag ) , this . layer - 1 , Math . abs ( this . mag ) ) ;
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} , {
key : "ln" ,
value : function ln ( ) {
if ( this . sign <= 0 ) {
return Decimal . dNaN ;
} else if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
return FC ( this . sign , 0 , Math . log ( this . mag ) ) ;
} else if ( this . layer === 1 ) {
return FC ( Math . sign ( this . mag ) , 0 , Math . abs ( this . mag ) * 2.302585092994046 ) ; //ln(10)
} else if ( this . layer === 2 ) {
return FC ( Math . sign ( this . mag ) , 1 , Math . abs ( this . mag ) + 0.36221568869946325 ) ; //log10(log10(e))
} else {
return FC ( Math . sign ( this . mag ) , this . layer - 1 , Math . abs ( this . mag ) ) ;
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} , {
key : "logarithm" ,
value : function logarithm ( base ) {
return this . log ( base ) ;
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} , {
key : "pow" ,
value : function pow ( value ) {
var decimal = D ( value ) ;
var a = this ;
var b = decimal ; //special case: if a is 0, then return 0 (UNLESS b is 0, then return 1)
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if ( a . sign === 0 ) {
return b . eq ( 0 ) ? FC _NN ( 1 , 0 , 1 ) : a ;
} //special case: if a is 1, then return 1
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if ( a . sign === 1 && a . layer === 0 && a . mag === 1 ) {
return a ;
} //special case: if b is 0, then return 1
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if ( b . sign === 0 ) {
return FC _NN ( 1 , 0 , 1 ) ;
} //special case: if b is 1, then return a
if ( b . sign === 1 && b . layer === 0 && b . mag === 1 ) {
return a ;
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var result = a . absLog10 ( ) . mul ( b ) . pow10 ( ) ;
if ( this . sign === - 1 ) {
if ( Math . abs ( b . toNumber ( ) % 2 ) % 2 === 1 ) {
return result . neg ( ) ;
} else if ( Math . abs ( b . toNumber ( ) % 2 ) % 2 === 0 ) {
return result ;
return Decimal . dNaN ;
return result ;
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} , {
key : "pow10" ,
value : function pow10 ( ) {
/ *
There are four cases we need to consider :
1 ) positive sign , positive mag ( e15 , ee15 ) : + 1 layer ( e . g . 10 ^ 15 becomes e15 , 10 ^ e15 becomes ee15 )
2 ) negative sign , positive mag ( - e15 , - ee15 ) : + 1 layer but sign and mag sign are flipped ( e . g . 10 ^ - 15 becomes e - 15 , 10 ^ - e15 becomes ee - 15 )
3 ) positive sign , negative mag ( e - 15 , ee - 15 ) : layer 0 case would have been handled in the Math . pow check , so just return 1
4 ) negative sign , negative mag ( - e - 15 , - ee - 15 ) : layer 0 case would have been handled in the Math . pow check , so just return 1
* /
if ( ! Number . isFinite ( this . layer ) || ! Number . isFinite ( this . mag ) ) {
return Decimal . dNaN ;
var a = this ; //handle layer 0 case - if no precision is lost just use Math.pow, else promote one layer
if ( a . layer === 0 ) {
var newmag = Math . pow ( 10 , a . sign * a . mag ) ;
if ( Number . isFinite ( newmag ) && Math . abs ( newmag ) >= 0.1 ) {
return FC ( 1 , 0 , newmag ) ;
} else {
if ( a . sign === 0 ) {
return Decimal . dOne ;
} else {
a = FC _NN ( a . sign , a . layer + 1 , Math . log10 ( a . mag ) ) ;
} //handle all 4 layer 1+ cases individually
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if ( a . sign > 0 && a . mag >= 0 ) {
return FC ( a . sign , a . layer + 1 , a . mag ) ;
if ( a . sign < 0 && a . mag >= 0 ) {
return FC ( - a . sign , a . layer + 1 , - a . mag ) ;
} //both the negative mag cases are identical: one +/- rounding error
return Decimal . dOne ;
} , {
key : "pow_base" ,
value : function pow _base ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . pow ( this ) ;
} , {
key : "root" ,
value : function root ( value ) {
var decimal = D ( value ) ;
return this . pow ( decimal . recip ( ) ) ;
} , {
key : "factorial" ,
value : function factorial ( ) {
if ( this . mag < 0 ) {
return this . add ( 1 ) . gamma ( ) ;
} else if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
return this . add ( 1 ) . gamma ( ) ;
} else if ( this . layer === 1 ) {
return Decimal . exp ( Decimal . mul ( this , Decimal . ln ( this ) . sub ( 1 ) ) ) ;
} else {
return Decimal . exp ( this ) ;
} //from HyperCalc source code
} , {
key : "gamma" ,
value : function gamma ( ) {
if ( this . mag < 0 ) {
return this . recip ( ) ;
} else if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
if ( this . lt ( FC _NN ( 1 , 0 , 24 ) ) ) {
return Decimal . fromNumber ( f _gamma ( this . sign * this . mag ) ) ;
var t = this . mag - 1 ;
var l = 0.9189385332046727 ; //0.5*Math.log(2*Math.PI)
l = l + ( t + 0.5 ) * Math . log ( t ) ;
l = l - t ;
var n2 = t * t ;
var np = t ;
var lm = 12 * np ;
var adj = 1 / lm ;
var l2 = l + adj ;
if ( l2 === l ) {
return Decimal . exp ( l ) ;
l = l2 ;
np = np * n2 ;
lm = 360 * np ;
adj = 1 / lm ;
l2 = l - adj ;
if ( l2 === l ) {
return Decimal . exp ( l ) ;
l = l2 ;
np = np * n2 ;
lm = 1260 * np ;
var lt = 1 / lm ;
l = l + lt ;
np = np * n2 ;
lm = 1680 * np ;
lt = 1 / lm ;
l = l - lt ;
return Decimal . exp ( l ) ;
} else if ( this . layer === 1 ) {
return Decimal . exp ( Decimal . mul ( this , Decimal . ln ( this ) . sub ( 1 ) ) ) ;
} else {
return Decimal . exp ( this ) ;
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} , {
key : "lngamma" ,
value : function lngamma ( ) {
return this . gamma ( ) . ln ( ) ;
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} , {
key : "exp" ,
value : function exp ( ) {
if ( this . mag < 0 ) {
return Decimal . dOne ;
if ( this . layer === 0 && this . mag <= 709.7 ) {
return Decimal . fromNumber ( Math . exp ( this . sign * this . mag ) ) ;
} else if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
return FC ( 1 , 1 , this . sign * Math . log10 ( Math . E ) * this . mag ) ;
} else if ( this . layer === 1 ) {
return FC ( 1 , 2 , this . sign * ( Math . log10 ( 0.4342944819032518 ) + this . mag ) ) ;
} else {
return FC ( 1 , this . layer + 1 , this . sign * this . mag ) ;
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} , {
key : "sqr" ,
value : function sqr ( ) {
return this . pow ( 2 ) ;
} , {
key : "sqrt" ,
value : function sqrt ( ) {
if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
return Decimal . fromNumber ( Math . sqrt ( this . sign * this . mag ) ) ;
} else if ( this . layer === 1 ) {
return FC ( 1 , 2 , Math . log10 ( this . mag ) - 0.3010299956639812 ) ;
} else {
var result = Decimal . div ( FC _NN ( this . sign , this . layer - 1 , this . mag ) , FC _NN ( 1 , 0 , 2 ) ) ;
result . layer += 1 ;
result . normalize ( ) ;
return result ;
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} , {
key : "cube" ,
value : function cube ( ) {
return this . pow ( 3 ) ;
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} , {
key : "cbrt" ,
value : function cbrt ( ) {
return this . pow ( 1 / 3 ) ;
} //Tetration/tetrate: The result of exponentiating 'this' to 'this' 'height' times in a row. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetration
//If payload != 1, then this is 'iterated exponentiation', the result of exping (payload) to base (this) (height) times. https://andydude.github.io/tetration/archives/tetration2/ident.html
//Works with negative and positive real heights.
} , {
key : "tetrate" ,
value : function tetrate ( ) {
var height = arguments . length > 0 && arguments [ 0 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 0 ] : 2 ;
var payload = arguments . length > 1 && arguments [ 1 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 1 ] : FC _NN ( 1 , 0 , 1 ) ;
//x^^1 == x
if ( height === 1 ) {
return Decimal . pow ( this , payload ) ;
} //x^^0 == 1
if ( height === 0 ) {
return new Decimal ( payload ) ;
} //1^^x == 1
if ( this . eq ( Decimal . dOne ) ) {
return Decimal . dOne ;
} //-1^^x == -1
if ( this . eq ( - 1 ) ) {
return Decimal . pow ( this , payload ) ;
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if ( height === Number . POSITIVE _INFINITY ) {
var this _num = this . toNumber ( ) ; //within the convergence range?
if ( this _num <= 1.44466786100976613366 && this _num >= 0.06598803584531253708 ) {
//hotfix for the very edge of the number range not being handled properly
if ( this _num > 1.444667861009099 ) {
return Decimal . fromNumber ( Math . E ) ;
} //Formula for infinite height power tower.
var negln = Decimal . ln ( this ) . neg ( ) ;
return negln . lambertw ( ) . div ( negln ) ;
} else if ( this _num > 1.44466786100976613366 ) {
//explodes to infinity
// TODO: replace this with Decimal.dInf
return Decimal . fromNumber ( Number . POSITIVE _INFINITY ) ;
} else {
//0.06598803584531253708 > this_num >= 0: never converges
//this_num < 0: quickly becomes a complex number
return Decimal . dNaN ;
} //0^^x oscillates if we define 0^0 == 1 (which in javascript land we do), since then 0^^1 is 0, 0^^2 is 1, 0^^3 is 0, etc. payload is ignored
//using the linear approximation for height (TODO: don't know a better way to calculate it ATM, but it wouldn't surprise me if it's just NaN)
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if ( this . eq ( Decimal . dZero ) ) {
var result = Math . abs ( ( height + 1 ) % 2 ) ;
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if ( result > 1 ) {
result = 2 - result ;
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return Decimal . fromNumber ( result ) ;
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if ( height < 0 ) {
return Decimal . iteratedlog ( payload , this , - height ) ;
payload = D ( payload ) ;
var oldheight = height ;
height = Math . trunc ( height ) ;
var fracheight = oldheight - height ;
if ( this . gt ( Decimal . dZero ) && this . lte ( 1.44466786100976613366 ) ) {
//similar to 0^^n, flip-flops between two values, converging slowly (or if it's below 0.06598803584531253708, never. so once again, the fractional part at the end will be a linear approximation (TODO: again pending knowledge of how to approximate better, although tbh I think it should in reality just be NaN)
height = Math . min ( 10000 , height ) ;
for ( var i = 0 ; i < height ; ++ i ) {
var old _payload = payload ;
payload = this . pow ( payload ) ; //stop early if we converge
if ( old _payload . eq ( payload ) ) {
return payload ;
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if ( fracheight != 0 ) {
var next _payload = this . pow ( payload ) ;
return payload . mul ( 1 - fracheight ) . add ( next _payload . mul ( fracheight ) ) ;
return payload ;
} //TODO: base < 0, but it's hard for me to reason about (probably all non-integer heights are NaN automatically?)
if ( fracheight !== 0 ) {
if ( payload . eq ( Decimal . dOne ) ) {
//TODO: for bases above 10, revert to old linear approximation until I can think of something better
if ( this . gt ( 10 ) ) {
payload = this . pow ( fracheight ) ;
} else {
payload = Decimal . fromNumber ( Decimal . tetrate _critical ( this . toNumber ( ) , fracheight ) ) ; //TODO: until the critical section grid can handle numbers below 2, scale them to the base
//TODO: maybe once the critical section grid has very large bases, this math can be appropriate for them too? I'll think about it
if ( this . lt ( 2 ) ) {
payload = payload . sub ( 1 ) . mul ( this . minus ( 1 ) ) . plus ( 1 ) ;
} else {
if ( this . eq ( 10 ) ) {
payload = payload . layeradd10 ( fracheight ) ;
} else {
payload = payload . layeradd ( fracheight , this ) ;
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for ( var _i = 0 ; _i < height ; ++ _i ) {
payload = this . pow ( payload ) ; //bail if we're NaN
if ( ! isFinite ( payload . layer ) || ! isFinite ( payload . mag ) ) {
return payload . normalize ( ) ;
} //shortcut
if ( payload . layer - this . layer > 3 ) {
return FC _NN ( payload . sign , payload . layer + ( height - _i - 1 ) , payload . mag ) ;
} //give up after 10000 iterations if nothing is happening
if ( _i > 10000 ) {
return payload ;
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return payload ;
} //iteratedexp/iterated exponentiation: - all cases handled in tetrate, so just call it
} , {
key : "iteratedexp" ,
value : function iteratedexp ( ) {
var height = arguments . length > 0 && arguments [ 0 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 0 ] : 2 ;
var payload = arguments . length > 1 && arguments [ 1 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 1 ] : FC _NN ( 1 , 0 , 1 ) ;
return this . tetrate ( height , payload ) ;
} //iterated log/repeated log: The result of applying log(base) 'times' times in a row. Approximately equal to subtracting (times) from the number's slog representation. Equivalent to tetrating to a negative height.
//Works with negative and positive real heights.
} , {
key : "iteratedlog" ,
value : function iteratedlog ( ) {
var base = arguments . length > 0 && arguments [ 0 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 0 ] : 10 ;
var times = arguments . length > 1 && arguments [ 1 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 1 ] : 1 ;
if ( times < 0 ) {
return Decimal . tetrate ( base , - times , this ) ;
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base = D ( base ) ;
var result = Decimal . fromDecimal ( this ) ;
var fulltimes = times ;
times = Math . trunc ( times ) ;
var fraction = fulltimes - times ;
if ( result . layer - base . layer > 3 ) {
var layerloss = Math . min ( times , result . layer - base . layer - 3 ) ;
times -= layerloss ;
result . layer -= layerloss ;
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for ( var i = 0 ; i < times ; ++ i ) {
result = result . log ( base ) ; //bail if we're NaN
if ( ! isFinite ( result . layer ) || ! isFinite ( result . mag ) ) {
return result . normalize ( ) ;
} //give up after 10000 iterations if nothing is happening
if ( i > 10000 ) {
return result ;
} //handle fractional part
if ( fraction > 0 && fraction < 1 ) {
if ( base . eq ( 10 ) ) {
result = result . layeradd10 ( - fraction ) ;
} else {
result = result . layeradd ( - fraction , base ) ;
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return result ;
} //Super-logarithm, one of tetration's inverses, tells you what size power tower you'd have to tetrate base to to get number. By definition, will never be higher than 1.8e308 in break_eternity.js, since a power tower 1.8e308 numbers tall is the largest representable number.
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super-logarithm
// NEW: Accept a number of iterations, and use binary search to, after making an initial guess, hone in on the true value, assuming tetration as the ground truth.
} , {
key : "slog" ,
value : function slog ( ) {
var base = arguments . length > 0 && arguments [ 0 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 0 ] : 10 ;
var iterations = arguments . length > 1 && arguments [ 1 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 1 ] : 100 ;
var step _size = 0.001 ;
var has _changed _directions _once = false ;
var previously _rose = false ;
var result = this . slog _internal ( base ) . toNumber ( ) ;
for ( var i = 1 ; i < iterations ; ++ i ) {
var new _decimal = new Decimal ( base ) . tetrate ( result ) ;
var currently _rose = new _decimal . gt ( this ) ;
if ( i > 1 ) {
if ( previously _rose != currently _rose ) {
has _changed _directions _once = true ;
previously _rose = currently _rose ;
if ( has _changed _directions _once ) {
step _size /= 2 ;
} else {
step _size *= 2 ;
step _size = Math . abs ( step _size ) * ( currently _rose ? - 1 : 1 ) ;
result += step _size ;
if ( step _size === 0 ) {
break ;
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return Decimal . fromNumber ( result ) ;
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} , {
key : "slog_internal" ,
value : function slog _internal ( ) {
var base = arguments . length > 0 && arguments [ 0 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 0 ] : 10 ;
base = D ( base ) ; //special cases:
//slog base 0 or lower is NaN
if ( base . lte ( Decimal . dZero ) ) {
return Decimal . dNaN ;
} //slog base 1 is NaN
if ( base . eq ( Decimal . dOne ) ) {
return Decimal . dNaN ;
} //need to handle these small, wobbling bases specially
if ( base . lt ( Decimal . dOne ) ) {
if ( this . eq ( Decimal . dOne ) ) {
return Decimal . dZero ;
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if ( this . eq ( Decimal . dZero ) ) {
return Decimal . dNegOne ;
} //0 < this < 1: ambiguous (happens multiple times)
//this < 0: impossible (as far as I can tell)
//this > 1: partially complex (http://myweb.astate.edu/wpaulsen/tetcalc/tetcalc.html base 0.25 for proof)
return Decimal . dNaN ;
} //slog_n(0) is -1
if ( this . mag < 0 || this . eq ( Decimal . dZero ) ) {
return Decimal . dNegOne ;
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var result = 0 ;
var copy = Decimal . fromDecimal ( this ) ;
if ( copy . layer - base . layer > 3 ) {
var layerloss = copy . layer - base . layer - 3 ;
result += layerloss ;
copy . layer -= layerloss ;
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for ( var i = 0 ; i < 100 ; ++ i ) {
if ( copy . lt ( Decimal . dZero ) ) {
copy = Decimal . pow ( base , copy ) ;
result -= 1 ;
} else if ( copy . lte ( Decimal . dOne ) ) {
return Decimal . fromNumber ( result + Decimal . slog _critical ( base . toNumber ( ) , copy . toNumber ( ) ) ) ;
} else {
result += 1 ;
copy = Decimal . log ( copy , base ) ;
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return Decimal . fromNumber ( result ) ;
} //background info and tables of values for critical functions taken here: https://github.com/Patashu/break_eternity.js/issues/22
} , {
key : "layeradd10" ,
value : //Function for adding/removing layers from a Decimal, even fractional layers (e.g. its slog10 representation).
//Moved this over to use the same critical section as tetrate/slog.
function layeradd10 ( diff ) {
diff = Decimal . fromValue _noAlloc ( diff ) . toNumber ( ) ;
var result = Decimal . fromDecimal ( this ) ;
if ( diff >= 1 ) {
//bug fix: if result is very smol (mag < 0, layer > 0) turn it into 0 first
if ( result . mag < 0 && result . layer > 0 ) {
result . sign = 0 ;
result . mag = 0 ;
result . layer = 0 ;
} else if ( result . sign === - 1 && result . layer == 0 ) {
//bug fix - for stuff like -3.layeradd10(1) we need to move the sign to the mag
result . sign = 1 ;
result . mag = - result . mag ;
var layeradd = Math . trunc ( diff ) ;
diff -= layeradd ;
result . layer += layeradd ;
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if ( diff <= - 1 ) {
var _layeradd = Math . trunc ( diff ) ;
diff -= _layeradd ;
result . layer += _layeradd ;
if ( result . layer < 0 ) {
for ( var i = 0 ; i < 100 ; ++ i ) {
result . layer ++ ;
result . mag = Math . log10 ( result . mag ) ;
if ( ! isFinite ( result . mag ) ) {
//another bugfix: if we hit -Infinity mag, then we should return negative infinity, not 0. 0.layeradd10(-1) h its this
if ( result . sign === 0 ) {
result . sign = 1 ;
} //also this, for 0.layeradd10(-2)
if ( result . layer < 0 ) {
result . layer = 0 ;
return result . normalize ( ) ;
if ( result . layer >= 0 ) {
break ;
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while ( result . layer < 0 ) {
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result . layer ++ ;
result . mag = Math . log10 ( result . mag ) ;
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} //bugfix: before we normalize: if we started with 0, we now need to manually fix a layer ourselves!
if ( result . sign === 0 ) {
result . sign = 1 ;
if ( result . mag === 0 && result . layer >= 1 ) {
result . layer -= 1 ;
result . mag = 1 ;
result . normalize ( ) ; //layeradd10: like adding 'diff' to the number's slog(base) representation. Very similar to tetrate base 10 and iterated log base 10. Also equivalent to adding a fractional amount to the number's layer in its break_eternity.js representation.
if ( diff !== 0 ) {
return result . layeradd ( diff , 10 ) ; //safe, only calls positive height 1 payload tetration, slog and log
return result ;
} //layeradd: like adding 'diff' to the number's slog(base) representation. Very similar to tetrate base 'base' and iterated log base 'base'.
} , {
key : "layeradd" ,
value : function layeradd ( diff , base ) {
var slogthis = this . slog ( base ) . toNumber ( ) ;
var slogdest = slogthis + diff ;
if ( slogdest >= 0 ) {
return Decimal . tetrate ( base , slogdest ) ;
} else if ( ! Number . isFinite ( slogdest ) ) {
return Decimal . dNaN ;
} else if ( slogdest >= - 1 ) {
return Decimal . log ( Decimal . tetrate ( base , slogdest + 1 ) , base ) ;
} else {
return Decimal . log ( Decimal . log ( Decimal . tetrate ( base , slogdest + 2 ) , base ) , base ) ;
} //The Lambert W function, also called the omega function or product logarithm, is the solution W(x) === x*e^x.
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambert_W_function
//Some special values, for testing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambert_W_function#Special_values
} , {
key : "lambertw" ,
value : function lambertw ( ) {
if ( this . lt ( - 0.3678794411710499 ) ) {
throw Error ( "lambertw is unimplemented for results less than -1, sorry!" ) ;
} else if ( this . mag < 0 ) {
return Decimal . fromNumber ( f _lambertw ( this . toNumber ( ) ) ) ;
} else if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
return Decimal . fromNumber ( f _lambertw ( this . sign * this . mag ) ) ;
} else if ( this . layer === 1 ) {
return d _lambertw ( this ) ;
} else if ( this . layer === 2 ) {
return d _lambertw ( this ) ;
if ( this . layer >= 3 ) {
return FC _NN ( this . sign , this . layer - 1 , this . mag ) ;
throw "Unhandled behavior in lambertw()" ;
} //The super square-root function - what number, tetrated to height 2, equals this?
//Other sroots are possible to calculate probably through guess and check methods, this one is easy though.
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetration#Super-root
} , {
key : "ssqrt" ,
value : function ssqrt ( ) {
if ( this . sign == 1 && this . layer >= 3 ) {
return FC _NN ( this . sign , this . layer - 1 , this . mag ) ;
var lnx = this . ln ( ) ;
return lnx . div ( lnx . lambertw ( ) ) ;
} //Pentation/pentate: The result of tetrating 'height' times in a row. An absurdly strong operator - Decimal.pentate(2, 4.28) and Decimal.pentate(10, 2.37) are already too huge for break_eternity.js!
// https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentation
} , {
key : "pentate" ,
value : function pentate ( ) {
var height = arguments . length > 0 && arguments [ 0 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 0 ] : 2 ;
var payload = arguments . length > 1 && arguments [ 1 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 1 ] : FC _NN ( 1 , 0 , 1 ) ;
payload = D ( payload ) ;
var oldheight = height ;
height = Math . trunc ( height ) ;
var fracheight = oldheight - height ; //I have no idea if this is a meaningful approximation for pentation to continuous heights, but it is monotonic and continuous.
if ( fracheight !== 0 ) {
if ( payload . eq ( Decimal . dOne ) ) {
++ height ;
payload = Decimal . fromNumber ( fracheight ) ;
} else {
if ( this . eq ( 10 ) ) {
payload = payload . layeradd10 ( fracheight ) ;
} else {
payload = payload . layeradd ( fracheight , this ) ;
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for ( var i = 0 ; i < height ; ++ i ) {
payload = this . tetrate ( payload . toNumber ( ) ) ; //bail if we're NaN
if ( ! isFinite ( payload . layer ) || ! isFinite ( payload . mag ) ) {
return payload . normalize ( ) ;
} //give up after 10 iterations if nothing is happening
if ( i > 10 ) {
return payload ;
return payload ;
} // trig functions!
} , {
key : "sin" ,
value : function sin ( ) {
if ( this . mag < 0 ) {
return this ;
if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
return Decimal . fromNumber ( Math . sin ( this . sign * this . mag ) ) ;
return FC _NN ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
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} , {
key : "cos" ,
value : function cos ( ) {
if ( this . mag < 0 ) {
return Decimal . dOne ;
if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
return Decimal . fromNumber ( Math . cos ( this . sign * this . mag ) ) ;
return FC _NN ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
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} , {
key : "tan" ,
value : function tan ( ) {
if ( this . mag < 0 ) {
return this ;
if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
return Decimal . fromNumber ( Math . tan ( this . sign * this . mag ) ) ;
return FC _NN ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
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} , {
key : "asin" ,
value : function asin ( ) {
if ( this . mag < 0 ) {
return this ;
if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
return Decimal . fromNumber ( Math . asin ( this . sign * this . mag ) ) ;
return FC _NN ( Number . NaN , Number . NaN , Number . NaN ) ;
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} , {
key : "acos" ,
value : function acos ( ) {
if ( this . mag < 0 ) {
return Decimal . fromNumber ( Math . acos ( this . toNumber ( ) ) ) ;
if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
return Decimal . fromNumber ( Math . acos ( this . sign * this . mag ) ) ;
return FC _NN ( Number . NaN , Number . NaN , Number . NaN ) ;
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} , {
key : "atan" ,
value : function atan ( ) {
if ( this . mag < 0 ) {
return this ;
if ( this . layer === 0 ) {
return Decimal . fromNumber ( Math . atan ( this . sign * this . mag ) ) ;
return Decimal . fromNumber ( Math . atan ( this . sign * 1.8 e308 ) ) ;
} , {
key : "sinh" ,
value : function sinh ( ) {
return this . exp ( ) . sub ( this . negate ( ) . exp ( ) ) . div ( 2 ) ;
} , {
key : "cosh" ,
value : function cosh ( ) {
return this . exp ( ) . add ( this . negate ( ) . exp ( ) ) . div ( 2 ) ;
} , {
key : "tanh" ,
value : function tanh ( ) {
return this . sinh ( ) . div ( this . cosh ( ) ) ;
} , {
key : "asinh" ,
value : function asinh ( ) {
return Decimal . ln ( this . add ( this . sqr ( ) . add ( 1 ) . sqrt ( ) ) ) ;
} , {
key : "acosh" ,
value : function acosh ( ) {
return Decimal . ln ( this . add ( this . sqr ( ) . sub ( 1 ) . sqrt ( ) ) ) ;
} , {
key : "atanh" ,
value : function atanh ( ) {
if ( this . abs ( ) . gte ( 1 ) ) {
return FC _NN ( Number . NaN , Number . NaN , Number . NaN ) ;
return Decimal . ln ( this . add ( 1 ) . div ( Decimal . fromNumber ( 1 ) . sub ( this ) ) ) . div ( 2 ) ;
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/ * *
* Joke function from Realm Grinder
* /
} , {
key : "ascensionPenalty" ,
value : function ascensionPenalty ( ascensions ) {
if ( ascensions === 0 ) {
return this ;
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return this . root ( Decimal . pow ( 10 , ascensions ) ) ;
/ * *
* Joke function from Cookie Clicker . It 's ' egg '
* /
} , {
key : "egg" ,
value : function egg ( ) {
return this . add ( 9 ) ;
} , {
key : "lessThanOrEqualTo" ,
value : function lessThanOrEqualTo ( other ) {
return this . cmp ( other ) < 1 ;
} , {
key : "lessThan" ,
value : function lessThan ( other ) {
return this . cmp ( other ) < 0 ;
} , {
key : "greaterThanOrEqualTo" ,
value : function greaterThanOrEqualTo ( other ) {
return this . cmp ( other ) > - 1 ;
} , {
key : "greaterThan" ,
value : function greaterThan ( other ) {
return this . cmp ( other ) > 0 ;
} ] , [ {
key : "fromComponents" ,
value : function fromComponents ( sign , layer , mag ) {
return new Decimal ( ) . fromComponents ( sign , layer , mag ) ;
} , {
key : "fromComponents_noNormalize" ,
value : function fromComponents _noNormalize ( sign , layer , mag ) {
return new Decimal ( ) . fromComponents _noNormalize ( sign , layer , mag ) ;
} , {
key : "fromMantissaExponent" ,
value : function fromMantissaExponent ( mantissa , exponent ) {
return new Decimal ( ) . fromMantissaExponent ( mantissa , exponent ) ;
} , {
key : "fromMantissaExponent_noNormalize" ,
value : function fromMantissaExponent _noNormalize ( mantissa , exponent ) {
return new Decimal ( ) . fromMantissaExponent _noNormalize ( mantissa , exponent ) ;
} , {
key : "fromDecimal" ,
value : function fromDecimal ( value ) {
return new Decimal ( ) . fromDecimal ( value ) ;
} , {
key : "fromNumber" ,
value : function fromNumber ( value ) {
return new Decimal ( ) . fromNumber ( value ) ;
} , {
key : "fromString" ,
value : function fromString ( value ) {
return new Decimal ( ) . fromString ( value ) ;
} , {
key : "fromValue" ,
value : function fromValue ( value ) {
return new Decimal ( ) . fromValue ( value ) ;
/ * *
* Converts a DecimalSource to a Decimal , without constructing a new Decimal
* if the provided value is already a Decimal .
* As the return value could be the provided value itself , this function
* returns a read - only Decimal to prevent accidental mutations of the value .
* Use ` new Decimal(value) ` to explicitly create a writeable copy if mutation
* is required .
* /
} , {
key : "fromValue_noAlloc" ,
value : function fromValue _noAlloc ( value ) {
if ( value instanceof Decimal ) {
return value ;
} else if ( typeof value === "string" ) {
var cached = Decimal . fromStringCache . get ( value ) ;
if ( cached !== undefined ) {
return cached ;
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return Decimal . fromString ( value ) ;
} else if ( typeof value === "number" ) {
return Decimal . fromNumber ( value ) ;
} else {
// This should never happen... but some users like Prestige Tree Rewritten
// pass undefined values in as DecimalSources, so we should handle this
// case to not break them.
return Decimal . dZero ;
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} , {
key : "abs" ,
value : function abs ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . abs ( ) ;
} , {
key : "neg" ,
value : function neg ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . neg ( ) ;
} , {
key : "negate" ,
value : function negate ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . neg ( ) ;
} , {
key : "negated" ,
value : function negated ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . neg ( ) ;
} , {
key : "sign" ,
value : function sign ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . sign ;
} , {
key : "sgn" ,
value : function sgn ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . sign ;
} , {
key : "round" ,
value : function round ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . round ( ) ;
} , {
key : "floor" ,
value : function floor ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . floor ( ) ;
} , {
key : "ceil" ,
value : function ceil ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . ceil ( ) ;
} , {
key : "trunc" ,
value : function trunc ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . trunc ( ) ;
} , {
key : "add" ,
value : function add ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . add ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "plus" ,
value : function plus ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . add ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "sub" ,
value : function sub ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . sub ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "subtract" ,
value : function subtract ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . sub ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "minus" ,
value : function minus ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . sub ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "mul" ,
value : function mul ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . mul ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "multiply" ,
value : function multiply ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . mul ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "times" ,
value : function times ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . mul ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "div" ,
value : function div ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . div ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "divide" ,
value : function divide ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . div ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "recip" ,
value : function recip ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . recip ( ) ;
} , {
key : "reciprocal" ,
value : function reciprocal ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . recip ( ) ;
} , {
key : "reciprocate" ,
value : function reciprocate ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . reciprocate ( ) ;
} , {
key : "cmp" ,
value : function cmp ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . cmp ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "cmpabs" ,
value : function cmpabs ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . cmpabs ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "compare" ,
value : function compare ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . cmp ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "isNaN" ,
value : function ( _isNaN ) {
function isNaN ( _x ) {
return _isNaN . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
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isNaN . toString = function ( ) {
return _isNaN . toString ( ) ;
} ;
return isNaN ;
} ( function ( value ) {
value = D ( value ) ;
return isNaN ( value . sign ) || isNaN ( value . layer ) || isNaN ( value . mag ) ;
} )
} , {
key : "isFinite" ,
value : function ( _isFinite ) {
function isFinite ( _x2 ) {
return _isFinite . apply ( this , arguments ) ;
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isFinite . toString = function ( ) {
return _isFinite . toString ( ) ;
} ;
return isFinite ;
} ( function ( value ) {
value = D ( value ) ;
return isFinite ( value . sign ) && isFinite ( value . layer ) && isFinite ( value . mag ) ;
} )
} , {
key : "eq" ,
value : function eq ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . eq ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "equals" ,
value : function equals ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . eq ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "neq" ,
value : function neq ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . neq ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "notEquals" ,
value : function notEquals ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . notEquals ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "lt" ,
value : function lt ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . lt ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "lte" ,
value : function lte ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . lte ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "gt" ,
value : function gt ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . gt ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "gte" ,
value : function gte ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . gte ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "max" ,
value : function max ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . max ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "min" ,
value : function min ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . min ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "minabs" ,
value : function minabs ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . minabs ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "maxabs" ,
value : function maxabs ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . maxabs ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "clamp" ,
value : function clamp ( value , min , max ) {
return D ( value ) . clamp ( min , max ) ;
} , {
key : "clampMin" ,
value : function clampMin ( value , min ) {
return D ( value ) . clampMin ( min ) ;
} , {
key : "clampMax" ,
value : function clampMax ( value , max ) {
return D ( value ) . clampMax ( max ) ;
} , {
key : "cmp_tolerance" ,
value : function cmp _tolerance ( value , other , tolerance ) {
return D ( value ) . cmp _tolerance ( other , tolerance ) ;
} , {
key : "compare_tolerance" ,
value : function compare _tolerance ( value , other , tolerance ) {
return D ( value ) . cmp _tolerance ( other , tolerance ) ;
} , {
key : "eq_tolerance" ,
value : function eq _tolerance ( value , other , tolerance ) {
return D ( value ) . eq _tolerance ( other , tolerance ) ;
} , {
key : "equals_tolerance" ,
value : function equals _tolerance ( value , other , tolerance ) {
return D ( value ) . eq _tolerance ( other , tolerance ) ;
} , {
key : "neq_tolerance" ,
value : function neq _tolerance ( value , other , tolerance ) {
return D ( value ) . neq _tolerance ( other , tolerance ) ;
} , {
key : "notEquals_tolerance" ,
value : function notEquals _tolerance ( value , other , tolerance ) {
return D ( value ) . notEquals _tolerance ( other , tolerance ) ;
} , {
key : "lt_tolerance" ,
value : function lt _tolerance ( value , other , tolerance ) {
return D ( value ) . lt _tolerance ( other , tolerance ) ;
} , {
key : "lte_tolerance" ,
value : function lte _tolerance ( value , other , tolerance ) {
return D ( value ) . lte _tolerance ( other , tolerance ) ;
} , {
key : "gt_tolerance" ,
value : function gt _tolerance ( value , other , tolerance ) {
return D ( value ) . gt _tolerance ( other , tolerance ) ;
} , {
key : "gte_tolerance" ,
value : function gte _tolerance ( value , other , tolerance ) {
return D ( value ) . gte _tolerance ( other , tolerance ) ;
} , {
key : "pLog10" ,
value : function pLog10 ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . pLog10 ( ) ;
} , {
key : "absLog10" ,
value : function absLog10 ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . absLog10 ( ) ;
} , {
key : "log10" ,
value : function log10 ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . log10 ( ) ;
} , {
key : "log" ,
value : function log ( value , base ) {
return D ( value ) . log ( base ) ;
} , {
key : "log2" ,
value : function log2 ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . log2 ( ) ;
} , {
key : "ln" ,
value : function ln ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . ln ( ) ;
} , {
key : "logarithm" ,
value : function logarithm ( value , base ) {
return D ( value ) . logarithm ( base ) ;
} , {
key : "pow" ,
value : function pow ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . pow ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "pow10" ,
value : function pow10 ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . pow10 ( ) ;
} , {
key : "root" ,
value : function root ( value , other ) {
return D ( value ) . root ( other ) ;
} , {
key : "factorial" ,
value : function factorial ( value , _other ) {
return D ( value ) . factorial ( ) ;
} , {
key : "gamma" ,
value : function gamma ( value , _other ) {
return D ( value ) . gamma ( ) ;
} , {
key : "lngamma" ,
value : function lngamma ( value , _other ) {
return D ( value ) . lngamma ( ) ;
} , {
key : "exp" ,
value : function exp ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . exp ( ) ;
} , {
key : "sqr" ,
value : function sqr ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . sqr ( ) ;
} , {
key : "sqrt" ,
value : function sqrt ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . sqrt ( ) ;
} , {
key : "cube" ,
value : function cube ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . cube ( ) ;
} , {
key : "cbrt" ,
value : function cbrt ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . cbrt ( ) ;
} , {
key : "tetrate" ,
value : function tetrate ( value ) {
var height = arguments . length > 1 && arguments [ 1 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 1 ] : 2 ;
var payload = arguments . length > 2 && arguments [ 2 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 2 ] : FC _NN ( 1 , 0 , 1 ) ;
return D ( value ) . tetrate ( height , payload ) ;
} , {
key : "iteratedexp" ,
value : function iteratedexp ( value ) {
var height = arguments . length > 1 && arguments [ 1 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 1 ] : 2 ;
var payload = arguments . length > 2 && arguments [ 2 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 2 ] : FC _NN ( 1 , 0 , 1 ) ;
return D ( value ) . iteratedexp ( height , payload ) ;
} , {
key : "iteratedlog" ,
value : function iteratedlog ( value ) {
var base = arguments . length > 1 && arguments [ 1 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 1 ] : 10 ;
var times = arguments . length > 2 && arguments [ 2 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 2 ] : 1 ;
return D ( value ) . iteratedlog ( base , times ) ;
} , {
key : "layeradd10" ,
value : function layeradd10 ( value , diff ) {
return D ( value ) . layeradd10 ( diff ) ;
} , {
key : "layeradd" ,
value : function layeradd ( value , diff ) {
var base = arguments . length > 2 && arguments [ 2 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 2 ] : 10 ;
return D ( value ) . layeradd ( diff , base ) ;
} , {
key : "slog" ,
value : function slog ( value ) {
var base = arguments . length > 1 && arguments [ 1 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 1 ] : 10 ;
return D ( value ) . slog ( base ) ;
} , {
key : "lambertw" ,
value : function lambertw ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . lambertw ( ) ;
} , {
key : "ssqrt" ,
value : function ssqrt ( value ) {
return D ( value ) . ssqrt ( ) ;
} , {
key : "pentate" ,
value : function pentate ( value ) {
var height = arguments . length > 1 && arguments [ 1 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 1 ] : 2 ;
var payload = arguments . length > 2 && arguments [ 2 ] !== undefined ? arguments [ 2 ] : FC _NN ( 1 , 0 , 1 ) ;
return D ( value ) . pentate ( height , payload ) ;
/ * *
* If you 're willing to spend ' resourcesAvailable ' and want to buy something
* with exponentially increasing cost each purchase ( start at priceStart ,
* multiply by priceRatio , already own currentOwned ) , how much of it can you buy ?
* Adapted from Trimps source code .
* /
} , {
key : "affordGeometricSeries" ,
value : function affordGeometricSeries ( resourcesAvailable , priceStart , priceRatio , currentOwned ) {
return this . affordGeometricSeries _core ( D ( resourcesAvailable ) , D ( priceStart ) , D ( priceRatio ) , currentOwned ) ;
/ * *
* How much resource would it cost to buy ( numItems ) items if you already have currentOwned ,
* the initial price is priceStart and it multiplies by priceRatio each purchase ?
* /
} , {
key : "sumGeometricSeries" ,
value : function sumGeometricSeries ( numItems , priceStart , priceRatio , currentOwned ) {
return this . sumGeometricSeries _core ( numItems , D ( priceStart ) , D ( priceRatio ) , currentOwned ) ;
/ * *
* If you 're willing to spend ' resourcesAvailable ' and want to buy something with additively
* increasing cost each purchase ( start at priceStart , add by priceAdd , already own currentOwned ) ,
* how much of it can you buy ?
* /
} , {
key : "affordArithmeticSeries" ,
value : function affordArithmeticSeries ( resourcesAvailable , priceStart , priceAdd , currentOwned ) {
return this . affordArithmeticSeries _core ( D ( resourcesAvailable ) , D ( priceStart ) , D ( priceAdd ) , D ( currentOwned ) ) ;
/ * *
* How much resource would it cost to buy ( numItems ) items if you already have currentOwned ,
* the initial price is priceStart and it adds priceAdd each purchase ?
* Adapted from http : //www.mathwords.com/a/arithmetic_series.htm
* /
} , {
key : "sumArithmeticSeries" ,
value : function sumArithmeticSeries ( numItems , priceStart , priceAdd , currentOwned ) {
return this . sumArithmeticSeries _core ( D ( numItems ) , D ( priceStart ) , D ( priceAdd ) , D ( currentOwned ) ) ;
/ * *
* When comparing two purchases that cost ( resource ) and increase your resource / sec by ( deltaRpS ) ,
* the lowest efficiency score is the better one to purchase .
* From Frozen Cookies :
* http : //cookieclicker.wikia.com/wiki/Frozen_Cookies_(JavaScript_Add-on)#Efficiency.3F_What.27s_that.3F
* /
} , {
key : "efficiencyOfPurchase" ,
value : function efficiencyOfPurchase ( cost , currentRpS , deltaRpS ) {
return this . efficiencyOfPurchase _core ( D ( cost ) , D ( currentRpS ) , D ( deltaRpS ) ) ;
} , {
key : "randomDecimalForTesting" ,
value : function randomDecimalForTesting ( maxLayers ) {
// NOTE: This doesn't follow any kind of sane random distribution, so use this for testing purposes only.
//5% of the time, return 0
if ( Math . random ( ) * 20 < 1 ) {
return FC _NN ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
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var randomsign = Math . random ( ) > 0.5 ? 1 : - 1 ; //5% of the time, return 1 or -1
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if ( Math . random ( ) * 20 < 1 ) {
return FC _NN ( randomsign , 0 , 1 ) ;
} //pick a random layer
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var layer = Math . floor ( Math . random ( ) * ( maxLayers + 1 ) ) ;
var randomexp = layer === 0 ? Math . random ( ) * 616 - 308 : Math . random ( ) * 16 ; //10% of the time, make it a simple power of 10
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if ( Math . random ( ) > 0.9 ) {
randomexp = Math . trunc ( randomexp ) ;
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var randommag = Math . pow ( 10 , randomexp ) ; //10% of the time, trunc mag
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if ( Math . random ( ) > 0.9 ) {
randommag = Math . trunc ( randommag ) ;
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return FC ( randomsign , layer , randommag ) ;
} , {
key : "affordGeometricSeries_core" ,
value : function affordGeometricSeries _core ( resourcesAvailable , priceStart , priceRatio , currentOwned ) {
var actualStart = priceStart . mul ( priceRatio . pow ( currentOwned ) ) ;
return Decimal . floor ( resourcesAvailable . div ( actualStart ) . mul ( priceRatio . sub ( 1 ) ) . add ( 1 ) . log10 ( ) . div ( priceRatio . log10 ( ) ) ) ;
} , {
key : "sumGeometricSeries_core" ,
value : function sumGeometricSeries _core ( numItems , priceStart , priceRatio , currentOwned ) {
return priceStart . mul ( priceRatio . pow ( currentOwned ) ) . mul ( Decimal . sub ( 1 , priceRatio . pow ( numItems ) ) ) . div ( Decimal . sub ( 1 , priceRatio ) ) ;
} , {
key : "affordArithmeticSeries_core" ,
value : function affordArithmeticSeries _core ( resourcesAvailable , priceStart , priceAdd , currentOwned ) {
// n = (-(a-d/2) + sqrt((a-d/2)^2+2dS))/d
// where a is actualStart, d is priceAdd and S is resourcesAvailable
// then floor it and you're done!
var actualStart = priceStart . add ( currentOwned . mul ( priceAdd ) ) ;
var b = actualStart . sub ( priceAdd . div ( 2 ) ) ;
var b2 = b . pow ( 2 ) ;
return b . neg ( ) . add ( b2 . add ( priceAdd . mul ( resourcesAvailable ) . mul ( 2 ) ) . sqrt ( ) ) . div ( priceAdd ) . floor ( ) ;
} , {
key : "sumArithmeticSeries_core" ,
value : function sumArithmeticSeries _core ( numItems , priceStart , priceAdd , currentOwned ) {
var actualStart = priceStart . add ( currentOwned . mul ( priceAdd ) ) ; // (n/2)*(2*a+(n-1)*d)
return numItems . div ( 2 ) . mul ( actualStart . mul ( 2 ) . plus ( numItems . sub ( 1 ) . mul ( priceAdd ) ) ) ;
} , {
key : "efficiencyOfPurchase_core" ,
value : function efficiencyOfPurchase _core ( cost , currentRpS , deltaRpS ) {
return cost . div ( currentRpS ) . add ( cost . div ( deltaRpS ) ) ;
} , {
key : "slog_critical" ,
value : function slog _critical ( base , height ) {
//TODO: for bases above 10, revert to old linear approximation until I can think of something better
if ( base > 10 ) {
return height - 1 ;
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return Decimal . critical _section ( base , height , critical _slog _values ) ;
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} , {
key : "tetrate_critical" ,
value : function tetrate _critical ( base , height ) {
return Decimal . critical _section ( base , height , critical _tetr _values ) ;
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} , {
key : "critical_section" ,
value : function critical _section ( base , height , grid ) {
//this part is simple at least, since it's just 0.1 to 0.9
height *= 10 ;
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if ( height < 0 ) {
height = 0 ;
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if ( height > 10 ) {
height = 10 ;
} //have to do this complicated song and dance since one of the critical_headers is Math.E, and in the future I'd like 1.5 as well
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if ( base < 2 ) {
base = 2 ;
if ( base > 10 ) {
base = 10 ;
var lower = 0 ;
var upper = 0 ; //basically, if we're between bases, we interpolate each bases' relevant values together
//then we interpolate based on what the fractional height is.
//accuracy could be improved by doing a non-linear interpolation (maybe), by adding more bases and heights (definitely) but this is AFAIK the best you can get without running some pari.gp or mathematica program to calculate exact values
//however, do note http://myweb.astate.edu/wpaulsen/tetcalc/tetcalc.html can do it for arbitrary heights but not for arbitrary bases (2, e, 10 present)
for ( var i = 0 ; i < critical _headers . length ; ++ i ) {
if ( critical _headers [ i ] == base ) {
// exact match
lower = grid [ i ] [ Math . floor ( height ) ] ;
upper = grid [ i ] [ Math . ceil ( height ) ] ;
break ;
} else if ( critical _headers [ i ] < base && critical _headers [ i + 1 ] > base ) {
// interpolate between this and the next
var basefrac = ( base - critical _headers [ i ] ) / ( critical _headers [ i + 1 ] - critical _headers [ i ] ) ;
lower = grid [ i ] [ Math . floor ( height ) ] * ( 1 - basefrac ) + grid [ i + 1 ] [ Math . floor ( height ) ] * basefrac ;
upper = grid [ i ] [ Math . ceil ( height ) ] * ( 1 - basefrac ) + grid [ i + 1 ] [ Math . ceil ( height ) ] * basefrac ;
break ;
var frac = height - Math . floor ( height ) ; //improvement - you get more accuracy (especially around 0.9-1.0) by doing log, then frac, then powing the result
//(we could pre-log the lookup table, but then fractional bases would get Weird)
//also, use old linear for slog (values 0 or less in critical section). maybe something else is better but haven't thought about what yet
if ( lower <= 0 || upper <= 0 ) {
return lower * ( 1 - frac ) + upper * frac ;
} else {
return Math . pow ( base , Math . log ( lower ) / Math . log ( base ) * ( 1 - frac ) + Math . log ( upper ) / Math . log ( base ) * frac ) ;
} ] ) ;
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return Decimal ;
} ( ) ;
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Decimal . dZero = FC _NN ( 0 , 0 , 0 ) ;
Decimal . dOne = FC _NN ( 1 , 0 , 1 ) ;
Decimal . dNegOne = FC _NN ( - 1 , 0 , 1 ) ;
Decimal . dTwo = FC _NN ( 1 , 0 , 2 ) ;
Decimal . dTen = FC _NN ( 1 , 0 , 10 ) ;
Decimal . dNaN = FC _NN ( Number . NaN , Number . NaN , Number . NaN ) ;
Decimal . dInf = FC _NN ( 1 , Number . POSITIVE _INFINITY , Number . POSITIVE _INFINITY ) ;
Decimal . dNegInf = FC _NN ( - 1 , Number . NEGATIVE _INFINITY , Number . NEGATIVE _INFINITY ) ;
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Decimal . dNumberMax = FC ( 1 , 0 , Number . MAX _VALUE ) ;
Decimal . dNumberMin = FC ( 1 , 0 , Number . MIN _VALUE ) ;
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Decimal . fromStringCache = new LRUCache ( DEFAULT _FROM _STRING _CACHE _SIZE ) ; // return Decimal;
// Optimise Decimal aliases.
// We can't do this optimisation before Decimal is assigned.
D = Decimal . fromValue _noAlloc ;
FC = Decimal . fromComponents ;
FC _NN = Decimal . fromComponents _noNormalize ; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
Decimal . fromMantissaExponent ; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
Decimal . fromMantissaExponent _noNormalize ;
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return Decimal ;
2021-09-08 03:53:54 +00:00
} ) ) ;