Achievements are awarded to the player when they meet a certain goal, and optionally give some benefit. Currently they are pretty basic, but additional features will be added later to help.
- name: **optional**. displayed at the top of the achievement. The only visible text. It can also be a function that returns updating text. Can use basic HTML.
- tooltip: Default tooltip for the achievement, appears when it is hovered over. Should convey the goal and any reward for completing the achievement. It can also be a function that returns updating text. Can use basic HTML.
- effect(): **optional**. A function that calculates and returns the current values of any bonuses from the achievement. Can return a value or an object containing multiple values.
- style: **optional**. Applies CSS to this achievement, in the form of an object where the keys are CSS attributes, and the values are the values for those attributes (both as strings).
- id: **assigned automagically**. It's the "key" which the achievement was stored under, for convenient access. The achievement in the example's id is 11.
- goalTooltip: **optional, deprecated**. Appears when the achievement is hovered over and locked, overrides the basic tooltip. This is to display the goal (or a hint). It can also be a function that returns updating text. Can use basic HTML.
- doneTooltip: **optional, deprecated**. Appears when the achievement is hovered over and completed, overrides the basic tooltip. This can display what the player achieved (the goal), and the rewards, if any. It can also be a function that returns updating text. Can use basic HTML.