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Improved prestige types

This commit is contained in:
Harley White 2021-09-11 20:42:59 -04:00
parent 735d631ad8
commit 19e9115a14
7 changed files with 72 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
# Incrementum changelog:
- Changed the name to "Incrementum" and replaced all instances of "mod" with "game". game.js has been renamed incrementum.js, and mod.js is now game.js.
- Added linear and quadratic prestige types, improved the prestige type system.
- Upgrade effectDisplay and grid tooltip no longer display if they return "".

View file

@ -87,6 +87,8 @@ You can make almost any value dynamic by using a function in its place, includin
- type: **optional**. Determines which prestige formula you use. Defaults to "none".
- "normal": The amount of currency you gain is independent of its current amount (like Prestige). The formula before bonuses is based on `baseResource^exponent`
- "linear": The cost is dependent on the total after reset, and increases by `costStep` each time.
- "polynomial": The cost is dependent on the total after reset, the cost for the xth point is `quadraticStep*x^2 + linearStep*x + requires`.
- "static": The cost is dependent on your total after reset. The formula before bonuses is based on `base^(x^exponent)`
- "custom": You can define everything, from the calculations to the text on the button, yourself. (See more at the bottom)
- "none": This layer does not prestige, and therefore does not need any of the other features in this section.
@ -99,7 +101,7 @@ You can make almost any value dynamic by using a function in its place, includin
- exponent: Used as described above.
- base: **sometimes required**. required for "static" layers, used as described above. If absent, defaults to 2. Must be greater than 1.
- base: **static layers only**. required for "static" layers, used as described above. If absent, defaults to 2. Must be greater than 1.
- roundUpCost: **optional**. a bool, which is true if the resource cost needs to be rounded up. (use if the base resource is a "static" currency.)

View file

@ -24,13 +24,12 @@ addLayer("c", {
baseAmount() {return player.points}, // Get the current amount of baseResource
type: "normal", // normal: cost to gain currency depends on amount gained. static: cost depends on how much you already have
exponent: 0.5, // Prestige currency exponent
base: 5, // Only needed for static layers, base of the formula (b^(x^exp))
roundUpCost: false, // True if the cost needs to be rounded up (use when baseResource is static?)
// For normal layers, gain beyond [softcap] points is put to the [softcapPower]th power
softcap: new Decimal(1e100),
softcapPower: new Decimal(0.5),
canBuyMax() {}, // Only needed for static layers with buy max
canBuyMax: true, // Only needed for non-normal layers with buy max
gainMult() { // Calculate the multiplier for main currency from bonuses
mult = new Decimal(1)
if (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 166)) mult = mult.times(2) // These upgrades don't exist

View file

@ -50,12 +50,16 @@ function canReset(layer)
if (layers[layer].canReset!== undefined)
return run(layers[layer].canReset, layers[layer])
else if(tmp[layer].type == "normal")
return tmp[layer].baseAmount.gte(tmp[layer].requires)
else if(tmp[layer].type== "static")
return tmp[layer].baseAmount.gte(tmp[layer].nextAt)
let type = PRESTIGE_TYPES[tmp[layer].type]
if (type === undefined)
return false
if(type.total === false)
return tmp[layer].baseAmount.gte(tmp[layer].requires)
if (type.total === true)
return tmp[layer].baseAmount.gte(tmp[layer].nextAt)
return false
function rowReset(row, layer) {
@ -113,7 +117,7 @@ function doReset(layer, force=false) {
if (tmp[layer].baseAmount.lt(tmp[layer].requires)) return;
let gain = tmp[layer].resetGain
if (tmp[layer].type=="static") {
if (PRESTIGE_TYPES[tmp[layer].type] && PRESTIGE_TYPES[tmp[layer].type].total) {
if (tmp[layer].baseAmount.lt(tmp[layer].nextAt)) return;
gain =(tmp[layer].canBuyMax ? gain : 1)

View file

@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ function getNextAt(layer, canMax=false, useType = null) {
if (tmp[layer].gainMult.lte(0)) return new Decimal(Infinity)
if (tmp[layer].gainExp.lte(0)) return new Decimal(Infinity)
if (PRESTIGE_TYPES[type]) return PRESTIGE_TYPES[type].nextAt(layer)
if (PRESTIGE_TYPES[type]) return PRESTIGE_TYPES[type].nextAt(layer, canMax)
return new Decimal (Infinity)
@ -37,14 +37,15 @@ const PRESTIGE_TYPES = {
gain = gain.times(tmp[layer].directMult)
return gain.floor().sub(player[layer].points).add(1).max(1);
nextAt(layer) {
nextAt(layer, canMax=false) {
if (!tmp[layer].canBuyMax) canMax = false
let amt = player[layer].points.plus((canMax&&tmp[layer].baseAmount.gte(tmp[layer].nextAt))?tmp[layer].resetGain:0).div(tmp[layer].directMult)
let extraCost = Decimal.pow(tmp[layer].base, amt.pow(tmp[layer].exponent).div(tmp[layer].gainExp)).times(tmp[layer].gainMult)
let cost = extraCost.times(tmp[layer].requires).max(tmp[layer].requires)
if (tmp[layer].roundUpCost) cost = cost.ceil()
return cost;
total: true,
normal: {
gain(layer) {
@ -60,7 +61,45 @@ const PRESTIGE_TYPES = {
next = next.root(tmp[layer].gainExp).div(tmp[layer].gainMult).root(tmp[layer].exponent).times(tmp[layer].requires).max(tmp[layer].requires)
if (tmp[layer].roundUpCost) next = next.ceil()
return next;
total: false,
linear: {
gain(layer) {
if ((!tmp[layer].canBuyMax) || tmp[layer].baseAmount.lt(tmp[layer].requires)) return decimalOne
let gain = tmp[layer].baseAmount.sub(tmp[layer].requires).div(tmp[layer].costStep).floor().plus(1)
gain = gain.times(tmp[layer].gainMult).pow(tmp[layer].gainExp).times(tmp[layer].directMult)
return gain.floor().sub(player[layer].points).add(1).max(1);
nextAt(layer, canMax=false) {
if (!tmp[layer].canBuyMax) canMax = false
let next = player[layer].points.plus((canMax&&tmp[layer].baseAmount.gte(tmp[layer].nextAt))?tmp[layer].resetGain:1).div(tmp[layer].directMult)
next = next.root(tmp[layer].gainExp).div(tmp[layer].gainMult)
return tmp[layer].requires.add(next.sub(1).times(tmp[layer].costStep))
total: true,
quadratic: {
gain(layer) {
if ((!tmp[layer].canBuyMax) || tmp[layer].baseAmount.lt(tmp[layer].requires)) return decimalOne
let c = tmp[layer].requires.sub(tmp[layer].baseAmount)
let b = tmp[layer].linearStep
let a = tmp[layer].quadraticStep
let gain = (b.times(-1).add((b.pow(2).sub(a.times(c).times(4))).sqrt())).div(2).div(a).add(1)
gain = gain.times(tmp[layer].gainMult).pow(tmp[layer].gainExp).times(tmp[layer].directMult)
return gain.floor().sub(player[layer].points).add(1).max(1);
nextAt(layer, canMax=false) {
if (!tmp[layer].canBuyMax) canMax = false
let next = player[layer].points.plus((canMax&&tmp[layer].baseAmount.gte(tmp[layer].nextAt))?tmp[layer].resetGain:1).div(tmp[layer].directMult)
next = next.root(tmp[layer].gainExp).div(tmp[layer].gainMult)
return tmp[layer].requires.add(next.times(tmp[layer].linearStep)).add(next.pow(2).times(tmp[layer].quadraticStep))
total: true,
custom: {
gain(layer) {
@ -69,6 +108,7 @@ const PRESTIGE_TYPES = {
nextAt(layer) {
return layers[layer].getNextAt(canMax)

View file

@ -1,12 +1,16 @@
function prestigeButtonText(layer) {
if (layers[layer].prestigeButtonText !== undefined)
return run(layers[layer].prestigeButtonText(), layers[layer])
if (tmp[layer].type == "normal")
let type = PRESTIGE_TYPES[tmp[layer].type]
if (type === undefined)
return "You need prestige button text!"
if (type.total === false)
return `${player[layer].points.lt(1e3) ? (tmp[layer].resetDescription !== undefined ? tmp[layer].resetDescription : "Reset for ") : ""}+<b>${formatWhole(tmp[layer].resetGain)}</b> ${tmp[layer].resource} ${tmp[layer].resetGain.lt(100) && player[layer].points.lt(1e3) ? `<br><br>Next at ${(tmp[layer].roundUpCost ? formatWhole(tmp[layer].nextAt) : format(tmp[layer].nextAt))} ${tmp[layer].baseResource}` : ""}`
if (tmp[layer].type == "static")
if (type.total === true)
return `${tmp[layer].resetDescription !== undefined ? tmp[layer].resetDescription : "Reset for "}+<b>${formatWhole(tmp[layer].resetGain)}</b> ${tmp[layer].resource}<br><br>${player[layer].points.lt(30) ? (tmp[layer].baseAmount.gte(tmp[layer].nextAt) && (tmp[layer].canBuyMax !== undefined) && tmp[layer].canBuyMax ? "Next:" : "Req:") : ""} ${formatWhole(tmp[layer].baseAmount)} / ${(tmp[layer].roundUpCost ? formatWhole(tmp[layer].nextAtDisp) : format(tmp[layer].nextAtDisp))} ${tmp[layer].baseResource}
if (tmp[layer].type == "none")
if (tmp[layer].type === "none")
return ""
return "You need prestige button text"

View file

@ -208,9 +208,12 @@ function prestigeNotify(layer) {
if (tmp[layer].autoPrestige || tmp[layer].passiveGeneration) return false
else if (tmp[layer].type == "static") return tmp[layer].canReset
else if (tmp[layer].type == "normal") return (tmp[layer].canReset && (tmp[layer].resetGain.gte(player[layer].points.div(10))))
else return false
let type = PRESTIGE_TYPES[tmp[layer].type]
if (type === undefined) return false
if (type.total === true) return tmp[layer].canReset
if (type.total === false) return (tmp[layer].canReset && (tmp[layer].resetGain.gte(player[layer].points.div(10))))
return false
function notifyLayer(name) {