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Many minor additions

Effect-getter functions, components for individual Big Feature things, points/sec display
This commit is contained in:
Acamaeda 2020-10-05 17:11:15 -04:00
parent 942e5a2a4b
commit 4ae1cad2eb
10 changed files with 108 additions and 37 deletions

View file

@ -3,6 +3,8 @@
Buyables are things that can be bought multiple times with scaling costs. If you set a respec function,
the player can reset the purchases to get their currency back.
You can use buyableEffect(layer, id) to get the current effects of a buyable.
Buyables should be formatted like this:

View file

@ -1,5 +1,12 @@
# Challenges
Useful functions for dealing with Challenges and implementing their effects:
- inChall(layer, id): determine if the player is in a given challenge (or another challenge on the same layer that counts as this one)
- hasChall(layer, id): determine if the player has completed the challenge
- challEffect(layer, id): Returns the current effects of the challenge, if any
Challenges are stored in the following format:
@ -14,11 +21,8 @@ Challenges are stored in the following format:
You can use inChall(layer, id) and hasChall(layer, id) to determine if the player is currently in a challenge,
or has completed the challenge, respectively. These are useful for implementing effects.
Each challenge should have an id where the first digit is the row and the second digit is the column.
Individual upgrades can have these features:
Individual Challenges can have these features:
- name: Name of the challenge, can be a string or a function

View file

@ -38,6 +38,9 @@ These are the existing components, but you can create more in v.js:
- buyables: Display all of the buyables for this layer, as appropriate. The argument optional, and is the size of the
boxes in pixels.
- upgrade, milestone, chall, buyable: An individual upgrade, challenge, etc. The argument is the id.
This can be used if you want to have upgrades split up across multiple subtabs, for example.
- toggle: A toggle button that toggles a bool value. The data is a pair that identifies what bool to toggle, [layer, id]
- row: Display a list of components horizontally. The argument is an array of components in the tab layout format.

View file

@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ Milestones should be formatted like this:
You can use inChall(layer, id) and hasChall(layer, id) to determine if the player is currently in a challenge,
You can use hasMilestone(layer, id) to determine if the player has a given milestone
Milestone features:

View file

@ -2,21 +2,26 @@
Upgrades are stored in the following format:
Useful functions for dealing with Upgrades and implementing their effects:
- hasUpg(layer, id): determine if the player has the upgrade
- ugpEffect(layer, id): Returns the current effects of the upgrade, if any
Hint: Basic point gain is calculated in game.js's "getPointGain".
upgrades: {
rows: # of rows
cols: # of columns
11: {
desc:() => "Blah",
more features
You can use hasUpg(layer, id) to determine if the player has an upgrade. This is useful for implementing bonuses.
Hint: Basic point gain is calculated in game.js's "getPointGain".
Each upgrade should have an id where the first digit is the row and the second digit is the column.
Individual upgrades can have these features:

View file

@ -49,11 +49,12 @@
<div v-if="player.tab=='changelog'" class="col right">
<button class="back" onclick="showTab('tree')"></button><br>
<h3>v1.3: Finally some real progress!</h3>
<h3>v1.3: Tabbing out</h3>
<li>Added subtabs! And also a ???Component</li>
<li>Added ???Big component</li>
<li>Added h-line, v-line and image-display components.</li>
<li>Added subtabs! And also a Micro-tab component to let you make smaller subtab-esque areas anywhere.</li>
<li>Added points/sec display (can be disabled).</li>
<li>Added h-line, v-line and image-display components, plus components for individual upgrades, challenges, and milestones.</li>
<li>Added upgEffect, buyableEffect, and challEffect functions.</li>
<li>Added "hide completed challenges" setting.</li>
<li>Moved old changelogs to a separate place.</li>
@ -67,7 +68,7 @@
The Modding Tree and code refactor by Acamaeda
The Modding Tree by Acamaeda
The Prestige Tree made by Jacorb and Aarex
@ -125,7 +126,9 @@
<span v-if="player.points.lt('1e1000')">You have </span>
<h2 id="points">{{format(player.points)}}</h2>
<span v-if="player.points.lt('1e1e6')"> {{modInfo.pointsName}}</span>
<span v-if="showPointGen()">({{format(getPointGen())}}/sec)</span>
<!-- *************************** Modify the tree in the table below! *************************** -->
<td><layer-node layer='c' abb='C'></layer-node></td>

View file

@ -6,15 +6,21 @@ var gameEnded = false;
let VERSION = {
num: "1.3",
name: "Finally some real progress!"
name: "Tabbing Out"
// Calculate points/sec!
function getPointGen() {
let gain = new Decimal(1)
if (hasUpg("c", 12)) gain = gain.times(layers.c.upgrades[12].effect())
if (hasUpg("c", 12)) gain = gain.times(upgEffect("c", 12))
return gain
// Determines if it should show points/sec
function showPointGen(){
return (true)
// Function to determine if the player is in a challenge
function inChallenge(layer, id){
let chall = player[layer].active
@ -206,6 +212,18 @@ function hasChall(layer, id){
return (player[layer].challs.includes(toNumber(id)))
function upgEffect(layer, id){
return (tmp.upgrades[layer][id].effect)
function challEffect(layer, id){
return (tmp.challs[layer][id].effect)
function buyableEffect(layer, id){
return (tmp.buyables[layer][id].effect)
function canAffordPurchase(layer, thing, cost) {
if (thing.currencyInternalName){
let name = thing.currencyInternalName

View file

@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ addLayer("c", {
gainMult() { // Calculate the multiplier for main currency from bonuses
mult = new Decimal(1)
if (hasUpg(this.layer, 166)) mult = mult.times(2) // These upgrades don't exist
if (hasUpg(this.layer, 120)) mult = mult.times(this.upgrades[12].effect())
if (hasUpg(this.layer, 120)) mult = mult.times(upgEffect(this.layer, 120))
return mult
gainExp() { // Calculate the exponent on main currency from bonuses

View file

@ -114,39 +114,43 @@ function loadVue() {
Vue.component('challs', {
props: ['layer'],
template: `
<div v-if="layers[layer].challs" class="upgTable">
<div v-for="row in layers[layer].challs.rows" class="upgRow">
<div v-for="col in layers[layer].challs.cols">
<div v-if="tmp.challs[layer][row*10+col].unl && !(player.hideChalls && hasChall(layer, [row*10+col]))" v-bind:class="{hChall: true, done: player[layer].challs.includes(row*10+col), canComplete: tmp.challActive[layer][row*10+col]&&!player[layer].challs.includes(row*10+col)&&canCompleteChall(layer, row*10+col)}">
<button v-bind:class="{ longUpg: true, can: true, [layer]: true }" v-bind:style="{'background-color': tmp.layerColor[layer]}" v-on:click="startChall(layer, row*10+col)">{{player[layer].active==(row*10+col)?(canCompleteChall(layer, row*10+col)?"Finish":"Exit Early"):(player[layer].challs.includes(row*10+col)?"Completed":"Start")}}</button><br><br>
Goal: {{format(tmp.challs[layer][row*10+col].goal)}} {{layers[layer].challs[row*10+col].currencyDisplayName ? layers[layer].challs[row*10+col].currencyDisplayName : "points"}}<br>
Reward: {{tmp.challs[layer][row*10+col].reward}}<br>
<span v-if="tmp.challs[layer][row*10+col].effect!==undefined">Currently: {{(tmp.challs[layer][row*10+col].effectDisplay) ? (tmp.challs[layer][row*10+col].effectDisplay) : format(tmp.challs[layer][row*10+col].effect)}}</span>
<chall :layer = "layer" :data = "row*10+col"></chall>
// data = id
Vue.component('chall', {
props: ['layer', 'data'],
template: `
<div v-if="layers[layer].challs">
<div v-if="tmp.challs[layer][data].unl && !(player.hideChalls && hasChall(layer, [data]))" v-bind:class="{hChall: true, done: player[layer].challs.includes(data), canComplete: tmp.challActive[layer][data]&&!player[layer].challs.includes(data)&&canCompleteChall(layer, data)}">
<button v-bind:class="{ longUpg: true, can: true, [layer]: true }" v-bind:style="{'background-color': tmp.layerColor[layer]}" v-on:click="startChall(layer, data)">{{player[layer].active==(data)?(canCompleteChall(layer, data)?"Finish":"Exit Early"):(player[layer].challs.includes(data)?"Completed":"Start")}}</button><br><br>
Goal: {{format(tmp.challs[layer][data].goal)}} {{layers[layer].challs[data].currencyDisplayName ? layers[layer].challs[data].currencyDisplayName : "points"}}<br>
Reward: {{tmp.challs[layer][data].reward}}<br>
<span v-if="tmp.challs[layer][data].effect!==undefined">Currently: {{(tmp.challs[layer][data].effectDisplay) ? (tmp.challs[layer][data].effectDisplay) : format(tmp.challs[layer][data].effect)}}</span>
Vue.component('upgrades', {
props: ['layer'],
template: `
<div v-if="layers[layer].upgrades" class="upgTable">
<div v-for="row in layers[layer].upgrades.rows" class="upgRow">
<div v-for="col in layers[layer].upgrades.cols" class="upgAlign">
<button v-if="tmp.upgrades[layer][row*10+col].unl" v-on:click="buyUpg(layer, row*10+col)" v-bind:class="{ [layer]: true, upg: true, bought: player[layer].upgrades.includes(row*10+col), locked: (!(canAffordUpg(layer, row*10+col))&&!player[layer].upgrades.includes(row*10+col)), can: (canAffordUpg(layer, row*10+col)&&!player[layer].upgrades.includes(row*10+col))}" v-bind:style="{'background-color': tmp.layerColor[layer]}">
<span v-if= "tmp.upgrades[layer][row*10+col].title"><h3>{{tmp.upgrades[layer][row*10+col].title}}</h3><br></span>
{{ tmp.upgrades[layer][row*10+col].desc }}
<span v-if="tmp.upgrades[layer][row*10+col].effect"><br>Currently: {{(tmp.upgrades[layer][row*10+col].effectDisplay) ? (tmp.upgrades[layer][row*10+col].effectDisplay) : format(tmp.upgrades[layer][row*10+col].effect)}}</span>
<br><br>Cost: {{ formatWhole(tmp.upgrades[layer][row*10+col].cost) }} {{(layers[layer].upgrades[row*10+col].currencyDisplayName ? layers[layer].upgrades[row*10+col].currencyDisplayName : layers[layer].resource)}}</button>
<upgrade :layer = "layer" :data = "row*10+col"></upgrade>
@ -154,14 +158,28 @@ function loadVue() {
// data = id
Vue.component('upgrade', {
props: ['layer', 'data'],
template: `
<div v-if="layers[layer].challs">
<button v-if="tmp.upgrades[layer][data].unl" v-on:click="buyUpg(layer, data)" v-bind:class="{ [layer]: true, upg: true, bought: player[layer].upgrades.includes(data), locked: (!(canAffordUpg(layer, data))&&!player[layer].upgrades.includes(data)), can: (canAffordUpg(layer, data)&&!player[layer].upgrades.includes(data))}" v-bind:style="{'background-color': tmp.layerColor[layer]}">
<span v-if= "tmp.upgrades[layer][data].title"><h3>{{tmp.upgrades[layer][data].title}}</h3><br></span>
{{ tmp.upgrades[layer][data].desc }}
<span v-if="tmp.upgrades[layer][data].effect"><br>Currently: {{(tmp.upgrades[layer][data].effectDisplay) ? (tmp.upgrades[layer][data].effectDisplay) : format(tmp.upgrades[layer][data].effect)}}</span>
<br><br>Cost: {{ formatWhole(tmp.upgrades[layer][data].cost) }} {{(layers[layer].upgrades[data].currencyDisplayName ? layers[layer].upgrades[data].currencyDisplayName : layers[layer].resource)}}
Vue.component('milestones', {
props: ['layer'],
template: `
<div v-if="layers[layer].milestones">
<tr v-for="id in Object.keys(layers[layer].milestones)">
<td v-if="milestoneShown(layer, id)" v-bind:class="{milestone: !player[layer].milestones.includes(id), milestoneDone: player[layer].milestones.includes(id)}"><h3>{{tmp.milestones[layer][id].requirementDesc}}</h3><br>{{tmp.milestones[layer][id].effectDesc}}<br>
<span v-if="(layers[layer].milestones[id].toggles)&&(player[layer].milestones.includes(id))" v-for="toggle in layers[layer].milestones[id].toggles"><toggle :layer= "layer" :data= "toggle"></toggle>&nbsp;</span></td></tr>
<milestone :layer = "layer" :data = "id"></milestone>
@ -169,6 +187,15 @@ function loadVue() {
// data = id
Vue.component('milestone', {
props: ['layer', 'data'],
template: `
<td v-if="layers[layer].milestones && milestoneShown(layer, data)" v-bind:class="{milestone: !player[layer].milestones.includes(data), milestoneDone: player[layer].milestones.includes(data)}"><h3>{{tmp.milestones[layer][data].requirementDesc}}</h3><br>{{tmp.milestones[layer][data].effectDesc}}<br>
<span v-if="(layers[layer].milestones[data].toggles)&&(player[layer].milestones.includes(data))" v-for="toggle in layers[layer].milestones[data].toggles"><toggle :layer= "layer" :data= "toggle"></toggle>&nbsp;</span></td></tr>
Vue.component('toggle', {
props: ['layer', 'data'],
template: `
@ -218,8 +245,8 @@ function loadVue() {
<div v-if="layers[layer].buyables">
v-bind:class="{ upg: true, can: tmp.buyables[layer][data].canAfford, locked: !tmp.buyables[layer][data].canAfford}"
v-bind:style="{'background-color': tmp.layerColor[layer], 'height': (size ? size : '200px'), 'width': (size ? size : '200px')}"
v-bind:class="{ buyable: true, can: tmp.buyables[layer][data].canAfford, locked: !tmp.buyables[layer][data].canAfford}"
v-bind:style="{'background-color': tmp.layerColor[layer], 'height': (size ? size : 'inherit'), 'width': (size ? size : '200px')}"
v-on:click="buyBuyable(layer, data)">
<span v-if= "layers[layer].buyables[data].title"><h2>{{tmp.buyables[layer][data].title}}</h2><br></span>
<span v-bind:style="{'white-space': 'pre-line'}">{{tmp.buyables[layer][data].display}}</span>

View file

@ -155,6 +155,15 @@ h1, h2, h3, b, input {
font-size: 10px;
.buyable {
height: 200px;
width: 200px;
border-radius: 25%;
border: 2px solid;
border-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.125) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.125);
font-size: 10px;
.upgBig {
height: 200px;
width: 200px;