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Preparation for Life + Hyperspace
This commit is contained in:
Aarex Tiaokhiao 2020-09-12 10:26:57 -04:00
parent 9ad0ad9226
commit 7fd142dd23
3 changed files with 88 additions and 42 deletions

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@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
<div class="vl" v-if="player.tab!='tree'&&player.tab!='gameEnded'"></div>
<div v-if="player.tab=='gameEnded'" class="fullWidth">
<h2>Thank you for playing Prestige Tree v{{player.version}}!</h2><br>
<h4>It took you {{formatTime(player.timePlayed)}}</h4><br><br><br><br><br>
<h4 v-if="!player.timePlayedReset">It took you {{formatTime(player.timePlayed)}}</h4>
<h4 v-if="player.timePlayedReset">Make sure that you record the time in your stream or else your speedrun won't count!</h4><br><br><br><br><br>
If you would like to speedrun this, play again from the beginning and record the whole thing as fast as possible, then submit in <span class="link" onclick="window.open('https://discord.gg/wwQfgPa','mywindow')" target="_blank">my discord</span><br><br><br><br><br>
<button class="longUpg can" onclick="hardReset(true)">Play Again</button>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<button class="longUpg can" onclick="keepGoing()">Keep Going</button>

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@ -365,8 +365,8 @@ const LAYER_EFFS = {
g: function() { return Decimal.pow(Decimal.add(2, tmp.atgb).times(tmp.sGenPowEff).times((player.ss.upgrades.includes(23) ? LAYER_UPGS.ss[23].currently() : 1)).max(0), player.g.points.times(getGenPow())).sub(1).times(getGenPowerGainMult()).max(0) },
t: function() { return {
gain: Decimal.pow(Decimal.add(3, tmp.attb), player.t.points.plus(player.t.extCapsules.plus(tmp.freeExtCap).times(getFreeExtPow())).times(getCapPow())).sub(1).times(getTimeEnergyGainMult()),
limit: Decimal.pow(Decimal.add(2, tmp.attb), player.t.points.plus(player.t.extCapsules.plus(tmp.freeExtCap).times(getFreeExtPow())).times(getCapPow())).sub(1).times(100).times(getTimeEnergyLimitMult()),
gain: Decimal.pow(Decimal.add(3, tmp.attb).times(tmp.mttb), player.t.points.plus(player.t.extCapsules.plus(tmp.freeExtCap).times(getFreeExtPow())).times(getCapPow())).sub(1).times(getTimeEnergyGainMult()),
limit: Decimal.pow(Decimal.add(2, tmp.attb).times(tmp.mttb), player.t.points.plus(player.t.extCapsules.plus(tmp.freeExtCap).times(getFreeExtPow())).times(getCapPow())).sub(1).times(100).times(getTimeEnergyLimitMult()),
sb: function() { return Decimal.pow(Decimal.add(1.5, addToSBBase()), player.sb.points.times(getSuperBoosterPow())) },
sg: function() { return Decimal.pow(Decimal.add(2, addToSGBase()), player.sg.points).sub(1).times(getSuperGenPowerGainMult()).max(0) },
@ -1315,7 +1315,7 @@ const LAYER_UPGS = {
ba: {
rows: 5,
cols: 4,
cols: 5,
11: {
desc: "All Balance Energy effects use better formulas.",
cost: new Decimal(5),
@ -1436,6 +1436,33 @@ const LAYER_UPGS = {
currently: function() { return player.ba.power.plus(1).times(player.ba.best.plus(1).sqrt()).cbrt() },
effDisp: function(x) { return format(x)+"x" },
15: {
desc: "Balance Energy boosts Positivity and Negativity more.",
cost: new Decimal(1/0),
unl: function() { return player.ps.upgrades.includes(23) },
25: {
desc: "Positivity and Negativity reduce the cost scaling of Space Buildings.",
cost: new Decimal(1/0),
unl: function() { return player.ps.upgrades.includes(23) },
currently: function() { return player.ba.positivity.add(1).div(player.ba.negativity.add(1)).log10().div(100).add(1).cbrt() },
effDisp: function(x) { return format(x.sub(1).times(100))+"%" },
35: {
desc: "Balance Upgrades reduce the Quirk Layer cost scaling more.",
cost: new Decimal(1/0),
unl: function() { return player.ps.upgrades.includes(23) },
45: {
desc: "???",
cost: new Decimal(1/0),
unl: function() { return player.i.unl },
55: {
desc: "???",
cost: new Decimal(1/0),
unl: function() { return player.i.unl },
ps: {
rows: 2,
@ -1466,22 +1493,20 @@ const LAYER_UPGS = {
21: {
desc: "Unlock the fifth Life Booster.",
cost: new Decimal(1/0),
cost: new Decimal(1),
unl: function() { return player.hs.unl },
22: {
desc: "Phantom Souls reduce the requirement of Subspace Energy.",
desc: "Phantom Souls reduce the post-12 scaling of all row 1 - 4 layer requirements.",
cost: new Decimal(1/0),
unl: function() { return player.hs.unl },
currently: function() { return Decimal.pow(2, player.ps.points) },
effDisp: function(x) { return format(x)+"x" },
currently: function() { return player.ps.points },
effDisp: function(x) { return format(x) + "x" },
23: {
desc: "Phantom Souls boost both Positivity and Negativity productions.",
desc: "Unlock 3 new Balance Upgrades.",
cost: new Decimal(1/0),
unl: function() { return player.hs.unl },
currently: function() { return Decimal.pow(2, player.ps.points) },
effDisp: function(x) { return format(x)+"x" },
24: {
desc: "The Subspace layer acts like you choose it first.",
@ -1832,6 +1857,11 @@ function checkForVars() {
if (player.s.autoBuild === undefined) player.s.autoBuild = false
if (player.sb.auto === undefined) player.sb.auto = false
if (player.timePlayed === undefined) player.timePlayed = 0
else if (typeof(player.timePlayed) == "string") {
player.timePlayed = player.timePlayed.toNumber() || 0
if (isNaN(player.timePlayed)) player.timePlayed = 0
if (player.timePlayed == 0) player.timePlayedReset = true
if (player.hasNaN === undefined) player.hasNaN = false
if (player.h.active === undefined) player.h.active = 0
if (player.h.time === undefined) player.h.time = 0
@ -1933,6 +1963,7 @@ function format(decimal, precision=3) {
if (decimal.eq(1/0)) return "Infinity"
if (decimal.gte("eee1000")) return exponentialFormat(decimal, precision)
else if (decimal.gte("ee1000")) return "ee"+format(decimal.log10().log10())
else if (decimal.gte("1e1000000")) return "e"+format(decimal.log10().floor())
else if (decimal.gte("1e1000")) return decimal.div(Decimal.pow(10, decimal.log10().floor())).toStringWithDecimalPlaces(3)+"e"+format(decimal.log10().floor())
else if (decimal.gte(1e9)) return exponentialFormat(decimal, precision)
else if (decimal.gte(1e3)) return commaFormat(decimal, 0)
@ -2100,9 +2131,6 @@ function getLayerGainMult(layer) {
if (player.ba.unl) mult = mult.times(tmp.balEff)
if (player.m.unl) mult = mult.times(tmp.hexEff)
case "ss":
if (player.ps.upgrades.includes(22)) mult = mult.times(LAYER_UPGS.ps[22].currently())
case "m":
if (player.sp.upgrades.includes(12)) mult = mult.times(LAYER_UPGS.sp[12].currently())
@ -2147,8 +2175,13 @@ function getResetGain(layer) {
if (LAYER_TYPE[layer]=="static") {
if ((!canBuyMax(layer)) || tmp.layerAmt[layer].lt(tmp.layerReqs[layer])) return new Decimal(1)
let gain = tmp.layerAmt[layer].div(tmp.layerReqs[layer]).div(tmp.gainMults[layer]).max(1).log(LAYER_BASE[layer]).pow(Decimal.pow(LAYER_EXP[layer], -1))
if (gain.gte(12)) gain = gain.times(12).sqrt()
if (gain.gte(1225)) gain = gain.times(Decimal.pow(1225, 9)).pow(0.1)
if (LAYER_ROW[layer] < 4 && layer != "hb") {
if (gain.gte(12)) {
if (fixValue(tmp.scaling12b).gt(1)) gain = gain.times(tmp.scaling12b).add(tmp.scaling12b.sub(1).times(12))
gain = gain.times(12).sqrt()
if (gain.gte(1225)) gain = gain.times(Decimal.pow(1225, 9)).pow(0.1)
return gain.floor().sub(player[layer].points).plus(1).max(1);
if (tmp.layerAmt[layer].lt(tmp.layerReqs[layer])) return new Decimal(0)
@ -2160,8 +2193,13 @@ function getResetGain(layer) {
function getNextAt(layer) {
if (LAYER_TYPE[layer]=="static") {
let amt = player[layer].points
if (amt.gte(1225)) amt = amt.pow(10).div(Decimal.pow(1225, 9))
if (amt.gte(12)) amt = amt.pow(2).div(12)
if (LAYER_ROW[layer] < 4 && layer != "hb") {
if (amt.gte(1225)) amt = amt.pow(10).div(Decimal.pow(1225, 9))
if (amt.gte(12)) {
amt = amt.pow(2).div(12)
if (fixValue(tmp.scaling12b).gt(1)) amt = amt.sub(tmp.scaling12b.sub(1).times(12)).div(tmp.scaling12b)
let extraCost = Decimal.pow(LAYER_BASE[layer], amt.pow(LAYER_EXP[layer])).times(tmp.gainMults[layer])
let cost = extraCost.times(tmp.layerReqs[layer]).max(tmp.layerReqs[layer])
if (LAYER_RES_CEIL.includes(layer)) cost = cost.ceil()
@ -2270,25 +2308,20 @@ function rowReset(row, layer) {
player.points = new Decimal(0);
case 1:
player.points = new Decimal(10);
player.p.points = new Decimal(0);
if ((LAYER_ROW[layer]>=3 && player.h.best.gte(10))||player.sp.total.gte(1)) player.p.upgrades = prevOnReset.p.upgrades;
else if ((player.h.best.lt(1)&&player.q.best.lt(1))||LAYER_ROW[layer]>=3) {
if (layer=="b"||layer=="g") {
if (player[layer].best.lt(8)) player.p.upgrades = [];
} else if (layer=="t"||layer=="s"||layer=="sb") {
if (player[layer].best.lt(3)) player.p.upgrades = [];
} else if (layer=="e") {
if (player[layer].best.lt(10)) player.p.upgrades = [];
} else player.p.upgrades = [];
player.g.power = new Decimal(0);
var keepUpgrades = 0
if (player.h.best.gte(1) || player.q.best.gte(1)) keepUpgrades = 1
else if (LAYER_ROW[layer] == 3 && player[layer].best.gte(layer == "e" ? 10 : 3)) keepUpgrades = 1
else if (LAYER_ROW[layer] == 2 && player[layer].best.gte(8)) keepUpgrades = 1
player.points = new Decimal(10)
player.p.points = new Decimal(0)
if (!keepUpgrades) player.p.upgrades = []
player.g.power = new Decimal(0)
case 2:
var keepMilestones = 0
if (player.h.best.gte(2)) keepMilestones = 1
else if (layer=="sb" && player.sb.best.gte(4)) keepMilestones = 1
else if ((layer=="t" || layer=="e" || layer=="s") && player[layer].best.gte(2)) keepMilestones = 1
if (player.h.best.gte(2) || player.q.best.gte(2)) keepMilestones = 1
else if (LAYER_ROW[layer] == 3 && player.sb.best.gte(layer == "sb" ? 4 : 2)) keepMilestones = 1
var keepUpgrades = 0
if (player.sp.total.gte(1)) keepUpgrades = 1
@ -2520,6 +2553,12 @@ function getPointGen() {
return gain
function getScaling12Boosters() {
let x = new Decimal(1)
if (player.ps.upgrades.includes(22)) x = x.times(LAYER_UPGS.ps[22].currently())
return x
function addToBoosterBase() {
let toAdd = new Decimal(0)
if (player.b.upgrades.includes(12)) toAdd = toAdd.plus(LAYER_UPGS.b[12].currently())
@ -2748,10 +2787,15 @@ function maxExtTimeCapsules() {
function addToTimeBase() {
let toAdd = new Decimal(0)
if (player.m.upgrades.includes(44)) toAdd = toAdd.plus(LAYER_UPGS.m[44].currently())
if (player.l.unl && tmp.l !== undefined) toAdd = toAdd.add(3).times(tmp.l.lbEff[3]).sub(3)
return toAdd
function multiplyToTimeBase() {
let x = new Decimal(1)
if (player.l.unl && tmp.l !== undefined) x = x.times(tmp.l.lbEff[3])
return x
function getSpace() {
let baseSpace = player.s.best.pow(1.1).times(3).floor()
if (player.s.upgrades.includes(13)&&!(tmp.hcActive?tmp.hcActive[12]:true)) baseSpace = baseSpace.plus(2);
@ -3278,14 +3322,12 @@ function getBalanceEnergyExp() {
function getPosGainMult() {
let mult = new Decimal(1)
if (player.ba.upgrades.includes(22)) mult = mult.times(LAYER_UPGS.ba[22].currently())
if (player.ps.upgrades.includes(23)) mult = mult.times(LAYER_UPGS.ps[23].currently())
return mult;
function getNegGainMult() {
let mult = new Decimal(1)
if (player.ba.upgrades.includes(22)) mult = mult.times(LAYER_UPGS.ba[22].currently())
if (player.ps.upgrades.includes(23)) mult = mult.times(LAYER_UPGS.ps[23].currently())
return mult;
@ -3496,10 +3538,10 @@ let LIFE_BOOSTERS = {
4: {
req: new Decimal(10),
reqMult: new Decimal(10),
req: new Decimal(9),
reqMult: new Decimal(2),
eff: function(str) {
return str.div(20).add(1).sqrt()
return str.div(40).add(1)
effDesc: function(x) {
return "Reduce the requirement of Super-Boosters, Super-Generators, and Hyper-Boosters by " + format(x) + "x"

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@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ function updateTemp() {
if (!tmp.layerEffs) tmp.layerEffs = {}
for (let name in LAYER_EFFS) tmp.layerEffs[name] = LAYER_EFFS[name]()
if (!tmp.layerReqs) tmp.layerReqs = {}
for (let name in LAYER_REQS) tmp.layerReqs[name] = getLayerReq(name)
if (!tmp.gainMults) tmp.gainMults = {}
if (!tmp.resetGain) tmp.resetGain = {}
if (!tmp.nextAt) tmp.nextAt = {}
@ -26,6 +26,8 @@ function updateTemp() {
tmp.pointGen = getPointGen()
tmp.scaling12b = getScaling12Boosters()
tmp.atbb = addToBoosterBase()
tmp.atgb = addToGenBase()
@ -42,6 +44,7 @@ function updateTemp() {
tmp.freeExtCap = getFreeExtCapsules()
tmp.timeEff = getTimeEnergyEff()
tmp.attb = addToTimeBase()
tmp.mttb = multiplyToTimeBase()
if (layerUnl("s")) {
if (!tmp.s) tmp.s = {