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synced 2025-01-18 03:31:30 +00:00
Added tooltips to other components
This commit is contained in:
10 changed files with 32 additions and 11 deletions
@ -1,7 +1,9 @@
# The Modding Tree changelog:
## v2.6.2 - 6/10/21
- Broke up style.css into many files to make it easier to find and customize what matters. If you already have custom CSS, keep that and ignore the new ones maybe?
- Added buyable and clickable trees.
- Added optional tooltips to upgrades, buyables, clickables, milestones, and gridables.
- Fixed the passiveGeneration display.
- Fixed "marked" feature.
- doReset now will function on non-numeric rows besides "side".
@ -55,6 +55,8 @@ Features:
- marked: **optional** Adds a mark to the corner of the buyable. If it's "true" it will be a star, but it can also be an image URL.
- tooltip: **optional**. Adds a tooltip to this buyable, appears when it is hovered over. Can use basic HTML. Default is no tooltip. If this returns an empty value, that also disables the tooltip.
- layer: **assigned automagically**. It's the same value as the name of this layer, so you can do `player[this.layer].points` or similar.
- id: **assigned automagically**. It's the "key" which the buyable was stored under, for convenient access. The buyable in the example's id is 11.
@ -44,6 +44,8 @@ Features:
- marked: **optional** Adds a mark to the corner of the clickable. If it's "true" it will be a star, but it can also be an image URL.
- tooltip: **optional**. Adds a tooltip to this clickable, appears when it is hovered over. Can use basic HTML. Default is no tooltip. If this returns an empty value, that also disables the tooltip.
- layer: **assigned automagically**. It's the same value as the name of this layer, so you can do `player[this.layer].points` or similar.
- id: **assigned automagically**. It's the "key" which the clickable was stored under, for convenient access. The clickable in the example's id is 11.
@ -65,4 +65,6 @@ Features:
- getEffect(data, id): **optional**. A function that calculates and returns a gridable's effect, based on its position and data. (Whatever that means for a gridable)
- getTooltip(data, id): **optional**. Adds a tooltip to the gridables, appears when they hovered over. Can use basic HTML. Default is no tooltip. If this returns an empty value, that also disables the tooltip.
- layer: **assigned automagically**. It's the same value as the name of this layer, so you can do `player[this.layer].points` or similar.
@ -33,6 +33,8 @@ Milestone features:
- unlocked(): **optional**. A function returning a boolean to determine if the milestone should be shown. If absent, it is always shown.
- tooltip: **optional**. Adds a tooltip to this milestone, appears when it is hovered over. Can use basic HTML. Default is no tooltip. If this returns an empty value, that also disables the tooltip.
- layer: **assigned automagically**. It's the same value as the name of this layer, so you can do `player[this.layer].points` or similar.
- id: **assigned automagically**. It's the "key" which the milestone was stored under, for convenient access. The milestone in the example's id is 0.
@ -43,6 +43,8 @@ Individual upgrades can have these features:
- style: **optional**. Applies CSS to this upgrade, in the form of an object where the keys are CSS attributes, and the values are the values for those attributes (both as strings).
- tooltip: **optional**. Adds a tooltip to this upgrade, appears when it is hovered over. Can use basic HTML. Default is no tooltip. If this returns an empty value, that also disables the tooltip.
- layer: **assigned automagically**. It's the same value as the name of this layer, so you can do `player[this.layer].points` or similar.
- id: **assigned automagically**. It's the "key" which the upgrade was stored under, for convenient access. The upgrade in the example's id is 11.
@ -109,7 +109,8 @@ addLayer("c", {
description: "Gain 1 Point every second.",
cost: new Decimal(1),
unlocked() { return player[this.layer].unlocked }, // The upgrade is only visible when this is true
branches: [12]
branches: [12],
tooltip: "hi",
12: {
description: "Point generation is faster based on your unspent Lollipops.",
@ -244,7 +245,6 @@ addLayer("c", {
fillStyle: {'background-color' : "#FFFFFF"},
baseStyle: {'background-color' : "#696969"},
textStyle: {'color': '#04e050'},
borderStyle() {return {}},
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ let modInfo = {
// Set your version in num and name
let VERSION = {
num: "2.6.1",
num: "2.6.2",
name: "Fixed Reality",
@ -172,7 +172,7 @@ function loadVue() {
Vue.component('upgrade', {
props: ['layer', 'data'],
template: `
<button v-if="tmp[layer].upgrades && tmp[layer].upgrades[data]!== undefined && tmp[layer].upgrades[data].unlocked" :id='"upgrade-" + layer + "-" + data' v-on:click="buyUpg(layer, data)" v-bind:class="{ [layer]: true, upg: true, bought: hasUpgrade(layer, data), locked: (!(canAffordUpgrade(layer, data))&&!hasUpgrade(layer, data)), can: (canAffordUpgrade(layer, data)&&!hasUpgrade(layer, data))}"
<button v-if="tmp[layer].upgrades && tmp[layer].upgrades[data]!== undefined && tmp[layer].upgrades[data].unlocked" :id='"upgrade-" + layer + "-" + data' v-on:click="buyUpg(layer, data)" v-bind:class="{ [layer]: true, tooltipBox: true, upg: true, bought: hasUpgrade(layer, data), locked: (!(canAffordUpgrade(layer, data))&&!hasUpgrade(layer, data)), can: (canAffordUpgrade(layer, data)&&!hasUpgrade(layer, data))}"
v-bind:style="[((!hasUpgrade(layer, data) && canAffordUpgrade(layer, data)) ? {'background-color': tmp[layer].color} : {}), tmp[layer].upgrades[data].style]">
<span v-if="layers[layer].upgrades[data].fullDisplay" v-html="run(layers[layer].upgrades[data].fullDisplay, layers[layer].upgrades[data])"></span>
<span v-else>
@ -180,7 +180,9 @@ function loadVue() {
<span v-html="tmp[layer].upgrades[data].description"></span>
<span v-if="layers[layer].upgrades[data].effectDisplay"><br>Currently: <span v-html="run(layers[layer].upgrades[data].effectDisplay, layers[layer].upgrades[data])"></span></span>
<br><br>Cost: {{ formatWhole(tmp[layer].upgrades[data].cost) }} {{(tmp[layer].upgrades[data].currencyDisplayName ? tmp[layer].upgrades[data].currencyDisplayName : tmp[layer].resource)}}
<tooltip v-if="tmp[layer].upgrades[data].tooltip" :text="tmp[layer].upgrades[data].tooltip"></tooltip>
@ -203,9 +205,11 @@ function loadVue() {
Vue.component('milestone', {
props: ['layer', 'data'],
template: `
<td v-if="tmp[layer].milestones && tmp[layer].milestones[data]!== undefined && milestoneShown(layer, data) && tmp[layer].milestones[data].unlocked" v-bind:style="[tmp[layer].milestones[data].style]" v-bind:class="{milestone: !hasMilestone(layer, data), milestoneDone: hasMilestone(layer, data)}">
<td v-if="tmp[layer].milestones && tmp[layer].milestones[data]!== undefined && milestoneShown(layer, data) && tmp[layer].milestones[data].unlocked" v-bind:style="[tmp[layer].milestones[data].style]" v-bind:class="{milestone: !hasMilestone(layer, data), tooltipBox: true, milestoneDone: hasMilestone(layer, data)}">
<h3 v-html="tmp[layer].milestones[data].requirementDescription"></h3><br>
<span v-html="run(layers[layer].milestones[data].effectDescription, layers[layer].milestones[data])"></span><br>
<tooltip v-if="tmp[layer].milestones[data].tooltip" :text="tmp[layer].milestones[data].tooltip"></tooltip>
<span v-if="(tmp[layer].milestones[data].toggles)&&(hasMilestone(layer, data))" v-for="toggle in tmp[layer].milestones[data].toggles"><toggle :layer= "layer" :data= "toggle" v-bind:style="tmp[layer].componentStyles.toggle"></toggle> </span></td></tr>
@ -271,12 +275,13 @@ function loadVue() {
props: ['layer', 'data', 'size'],
template: `
<div v-if="tmp[layer].buyables && tmp[layer].buyables[data]!== undefined && tmp[layer].buyables[data].unlocked" style="display: grid">
<button v-bind:class="{ buyable: true, can: tmp[layer].buyables[data].canBuy, locked: !tmp[layer].buyables[data].canAfford, bought: player[layer].buyables[data].gte(tmp[layer].buyables[data].purchaseLimit)}"
<button v-bind:class="{ buyable: true, tooltipBox: true, can: tmp[layer].buyables[data].canBuy, locked: !tmp[layer].buyables[data].canAfford, bought: player[layer].buyables[data].gte(tmp[layer].buyables[data].purchaseLimit)}"
v-bind:style="[tmp[layer].buyables[data].canBuy ? {'background-color': tmp[layer].color} : {}, size ? {'height': size, 'width': size} : {}, tmp[layer].componentStyles.buyable, tmp[layer].buyables[data].style]"
v-on:click="if(!interval) buyBuyable(layer, data)" :id='"buyable-" + layer + "-" + data' @mousedown="start" @mouseleave="stop" @mouseup="stop" @touchstart="start" @touchend="stop" @touchcancel="stop">
<span v-if= "tmp[layer].buyables[data].title"><h2 v-html="tmp[layer].buyables[data].title"></h2><br></span>
<span v-bind:style="{'white-space': 'pre-line'}" v-html="run(layers[layer].buyables[data].display, layers[layer].buyables[data])"></span>
<node-mark :layer='layer' :data='tmp[layer].buyables[data].marked'></node-mark>
<tooltip v-if="tmp[layer].buyables[data].tooltip" :text="tmp[layer].buyables[data].tooltip"></tooltip>
<br v-if="(tmp[layer].buyables[data].sellOne !== undefined && !(tmp[layer].buyables[data].canSellOne !== undefined && tmp[layer].buyables[data].canSellOne == false)) || (tmp[layer].buyables[data].sellAll && !(tmp[layer].buyables[data].canSellAll !== undefined && tmp[layer].buyables[data].canSellAll == false))">
@ -333,12 +338,14 @@ function loadVue() {
template: `
v-if="tmp[layer].clickables && tmp[layer].clickables[data]!== undefined && tmp[layer].clickables[data].unlocked"
v-bind:class="{ upg: true, can: tmp[layer].clickables[data].canClick, locked: !tmp[layer].clickables[data].canClick}"
v-bind:class="{ upg: true, tooltipBox: true, can: tmp[layer].clickables[data].canClick, locked: !tmp[layer].clickables[data].canClick}"
v-bind:style="[tmp[layer].clickables[data].canClick ? {'background-color': tmp[layer].color} : {}, size ? {'height': size, 'width': size} : {}, tmp[layer].clickables[data].style]"
v-on:click="if(!interval) clickClickable(layer, data)" :id='"clickable-" + layer + "-" + data' @mousedown="start" @mouseleave="stop" @mouseup="stop" @touchstart="start" @touchend="stop" @touchcancel="stop">
<span v-if= "tmp[layer].clickables[data].title"><h2 v-html="tmp[layer].clickables[data].title"></h2><br></span>
<span v-bind:style="{'white-space': 'pre-line'}" v-html="run(layers[layer].clickables[data].display, layers[layer].clickables[data])"></span>
<node-mark :layer='layer' :data='tmp[layer].clickables[data].marked'></node-mark>
<tooltip v-if="tmp[layer].clickables[data].tooltip" :text="tmp[layer].clickables[data].tooltip"></tooltip>
data() { return { interval: false, time: 0,}},
@ -391,11 +398,13 @@ function loadVue() {
template: `
v-if="tmp[layer].grid && player[layer].grid[data]!== undefined && run(layers[layer].grid.getUnlocked, layers[layer].grid, data)"
v-bind:class="{ tile: true, can: canClick, locked: !canClick}"
v-bind:class="{ tile: true, can: canClick, locked: !canClick, tooltipBox: true,}"
v-bind:style="[canClick ? {'background-color': tmp[layer].color} : {}, gridRun(layer, 'getStyle', player[this.layer].grid[this.data], this.data)]"
v-on:click="clickGrid(layer, data)" @mousedown="start" @mouseleave="stop" @mouseup="stop" @touchstart="start" @touchend="stop" @touchcancel="stop">
<span v-if= "layers[layer].grid.getTitle"><h3 v-html="gridRun(this.layer, 'getTitle', player[this.layer].grid[this.data], this.data)"></h3><br></span>
<span v-bind:style="{'white-space': 'pre-line'}" v-html="gridRun(this.layer, 'getDisplay', player[this.layer].grid[this.data], this.data)"></span>
<span v-bind:style="{'white-space': 'pre-line'}" v-html="gridRun(this.layer, 'getDisplay', player[this.layer].grid[this.data], this.data)"></span>
<tooltip v-if="layers[layer].grid.getTooltip" :text="gridRun(this.layer, 'getTooltip', player[this.layer].grid[this.data], this.data)"></tooltip>
data() { return { interval: false, time: 0,}},
@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ var gameEnded = false;
// Don't change this
const TMT_VERSION = {
tmtNum: "2.6.1",
tmtNum: "2.6.2",
tmtName: "Fixed Reality"
Add table
Reference in a new issue