diff --git a/changelog.md b/changelog.md
index 759012c..541349c 100644
--- a/changelog.md
+++ b/changelog.md
@@ -1,4 +1,107 @@
+<<<<<<< Updated upstream
#The Modding Tree changelog:
+# The Modding Tree changelog:
+- Fixed the "blank" component breaking if only specifying the height.
+- Fixed some numbers not displaying with enough digits.
+- Made a few more things able to be functions.
+### v2.1.3.1 - 10/21/20
+- Fixed the update function.
+### v2.1.3 - 10/21/20
+- gainMult and gainExp are now optional.
+- Layer unlocking is now kept on reset.
+- Game should start up faster.
+- Layer updates now have a determined order and starts with earlier-rowed layers.
+- Automation now has a determined order and starts with later-rowed layers.
+- Fixed issues with resetting clickables and challenges.
+- Commas should no longer appear in the decimal places of a number.
+- Fixed potential issue in displaying the tree.
+### v2.1.2 - 10/19/20
+- Added buyUpgrade function (buyUpg still works though)
+- Added author name to modInfo.
+- Fix to crash caused when the name of a subtab or microtab is changed.
+- Fixes to outdated information in docs.
+- Improvements to Discord links.
+- Thank you to thepaperpilot for contributing to this update!
+### v2.1.1 - 10/17/20
+- Added resource-display component, which displays the base currency for the prestige layer, as well as the best
+ and/or total of this layer's prestige currency.
+- Fixed the value for the base currency not updating in resource-display.
+## v2.1: We should have thought of this sooner! - 10/17/20
+- Moved most of the code users will want to edit to mod.js, added documentation for it.
+ - Specifically, modInfo, VERSION, canGenPoints, getPointGen, and maxTickLength
+- Added getStartPoints()
+- Added the ability to store non-layer-related data
+- Added the ability to display more things at the top of the tree tab below points.
+- Made the endgame condition customizable
+- Added "sell one" and "sell all" buttons for buyables.
+- Moved the old "game" to demo.js, and replaced it with a minimal game that won't cause issues when edited.
+- Fixed issues with version number
+- Fixed number formatting issue making things like "10e9" appear.
+### v2.0.5 - 10/16/20
+- Made more features (including prestige parameters) able to be dynamic.
+- Layer nodes can be hidden but still take up space with "ghost" visibility
+- Added clickableEffect for real.
+- Fixed some visual issues with bars.
+- A few other minor tweaks and improvements.
+### v2.0.4 - 10/16/20
+- Fixed HTML on buttons interfering with clicking on them.
+### v2.0.3 - 10/16/20
+- Fixed hotkeys not displaying in info.
+- Fixed the game supressing all external hotkeys.
+- You can use more things as currencies for upgrade costs and challenge goals using currencyLocation.
+- Added maxTickLength, which can be used to prevent offline time or tab-switching from breaking time-limit based mechanics.
+- Made buyable respec buttons and clickable "master" buttons their own components, and gave them a hide/show feature.
+- Added a general "tooltip" feature for achievements.
+### v2.0.2 - 10/15/20
+- Branches are now dynamic (they can be functions).
+- Fixed a crash related to offline time.
+- Fixed links being too wide.
+### v2.0.1 - 10/15/20
+- Fixed side layers appearing multiple times.
+## v2.0: The Pinnacle of Achievement Mountain - 10/15/20
+- Added progress bars, which are highly customizable and can be horizontal or vertical!
+- Added "side layers", displayed smaller and off to the side, and don't get reset by default.
+ They can be used for global achievements and statistics. Speaking of which...
+- Added achievements!
+- Added clickables, a more generalized variant of buyables.
+- Almost every value in layer data can be either a function or a constant value!
+- Added support for multiple completions of challenges.
+- Added "none" prestige type, which removes the need for any other prestige-related features.
+- The points display and other gui elements stay at the top of the screen when the tree scrolls.
+- Added getter/setter functions for the amounts and effects of most Big Features
+- Moved modInfo to game.js, added a spot in modInfo for a Discord link, changelog link.
+ Also added a separate mod version from the TMT version in VERSION.
+- Tree structure is based on layer data, no index.html editing is needed.
+- Tmp does not need to be manually updated.
+- You don't have to have the same amount of upgrades in every row (and challs and buyables)
+- "unlocked" is optional for all Big Components (defaults to true).
+- All displays will update correctly.
+- Changelog is no longer in index.html at all.
+- Generation of Points now happens in the main game loop
+- Changed the reset functions to make keeping things easier
+- Renamed many things to increase readability (see the list in the link below)
+- Improved documentation based on feedback
+ [For a full list of changes to the format and functionality of existing things, click here.](2.0-format-changes.md)
+### v1.3.5:
+>>>>>>> Stashed changes
diff --git a/demo.html b/demo.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2bc5614
--- /dev/null
+++ b/demo.html
@@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
Loading... (If this takes too long it means there was a serious error!)
{{modInfo.name}} {{VERSION.withoutName}}
Congratulations! You have reached the end and beaten this game, but for now...
Please check the Discord to see if there are new content updates!
It took you {{formatTime(player.timePlayed)}} to beat the game.
Make sure that you record the time in your stream or else your speedrun won't count!
+ If you would like to speedrun this, press Play Again and record your attempt, then submit on the Discord Server in the channel #speedrun-submissions.
Oh, you are still reading this?
+ Made by {{modInfo.author}}
+ The Modding Tree {{TMT_VERSION.tmtNum}} by Acamaeda
+ The Prestige Tree made by Jacorb and Aarex
+ Original idea by papyrus (on discord)