Reduced offline time to 10% of its original amount
Balanced up to 1e6,000,000 Points, 3e12 Magic, and 1e11 Balance Energy
Beta v1.2 Alpha 8
Added a new milestone
Added a new Hindrance ;)
Balanced up to 1e5,500,000 Points, 2.5e10 Magic, and 2e9 Balance Energy
Beta v1.2 Alpha 7
Balanced up to 1e3,950,000 Points, 1,500,000 Magic, and 5,000,000 Balance Energy
Beta v1.2 Alpha 6
Fixed a bug with hotkeys
Balanced up to 1e3,000,000 Points, 80,000 Magic, and 160,000 Balance Energy
Beta v1.2 Alpha 5
Balanced up to 1e2,400,000 Points, 1,500 Magic, and 3,000 Balance Energy
Beta v1.2 Alpha 4
Implemented the final Hindrance
Balanced up to 1e2,000,000 Points, 200 Magic, and 200 Balance Energy
Beta v1.2 Alpha 3
Balanced up to 50 Magic and 50 Balance Energy
Beta v1.2 Alpha 2
Added 2 new upgrades and a few new milestones
Balanced up to 25 Magic and 25 Balance Energy
Beta v1.2 Alpha 1
Implemented the two Row 5 layers
Added a new option
Rebalanced a few things at the end of row 4
Balanced up to 1 of each Row 5 reset
Beta v1.1
Cleaned up a few things
Beta v1.1 Alpha 21
Rebalanced from h10 to endgame (now ends at 1e920,000 Points unless you wanna grind)
Beta v1.1 Alpha 20
Made h10 hidden until you beat h9
Rebalanced/fixed h10
Beta v1.1 Alpha 19
Remade the offline progression system
Balanced up to 1e925,000 Points
Beta v1.1 Alpha 18
Added a new Hindrance (h10)
Balanced up to 1e800,000 Points
Beta v1.1 Alpha 17
Fixed a bug with unlocking Hyper-Boosters & Subspace
Balanced up to 1e710,000 Points
Beta v1.1 Alpha 16
Added a new Hindrance (h9)
Added a new Hyper-Booster milestone
Made the Space Building automation prioritize the rightmost buildings first
Balanced up to 1e690,000 Points
Beta v1.1 Alpha 15
Balanced up to 1e635,000 Points (don't worry, the crazy inflation stops here)
Beta v1.1 Alpha 14
Implemented the fourth row 4 layer unlock
Balanced up to 1e240,000-1e250,000 Points
Beta v1.1 Alpha 13
Implemented Subspace & Hyper-Booster resets
Balanced up to 1e100,000 Points in either path
Beta v1.1 Alpha 12
Balanced up to 1e20 Hindrance Spirit, 2e21 Quirks, and 1e72,000 Points
Beta v1.1 Alpha 11
Added a new Quirk Milestone
Balanced up to 1e15 Hindrance Spirit, 1e16 Quirks, and 1e42,500 Points
Beta v1.1 Alpha 10
Balanced up to 2e13 Hindrance Spirit & Quirks, and 1e31,000 Points
Beta v1.1 Alpha 9
Added a new option
Balanced up to 2e10 Hindrance Spirit & Quirks, and 1e27,500 Points
Beta v1.1 Alpha 8
Several bugfixes
Balanced up to 1e9 Hindrance Spirit & Quirks, and 1e25,750 Points
Beta v1.1 Alpha 7
Reversed the order of the changelog
Added the fourth Hindrance
Balanced up to 50,000 Hindrance Spirit & Quirks
Beta v1.1 Alpha 6
Various bugfixes
Added the third Hindrance
Balanced up to 2,500 Hindrance Spirit & Quirks
Beta v1.1 Alpha 5
Add the second Hindrance
Balanced up to 200 Hindrance Spirit & Quirks
Beta v1.1 Alpha 4
Add the first Hindrance
Implemented some new milestones
Balanced up to 60 Hindrance Spirit & Quirks
Beta v1.1 Alpha 3
Fixed corruption bug
Implemented some new milestones
Balanced up to 15 Hindrance Spirit & 15 Quirks
Beta v1.1 Alpha 2
Implemented some new milestones
Balanced up to 5 Hindrance Spirit & 5 Quirks
Beta v1.1 Alpha 1
Add the framework for the first two row 4 layers
Balanced up to the second row 4 reset
Beta v1.01
Display Generator Power in the Space tab
Add a credits page in the info tab
Implemented a few minor QoL/visual fixes
Beta v1.0
Made sure any built-in saves had Auto-Save turned on
Fixed a visual bug for mobile users
Added a "time played" display in the info tab
Implemented a NaN check system
Alpha Build 10
Rebalanced the Super-Booster era (now up to 1e9,250 points)
Implemented a game version variable
Alpha Build 9
Fixed a visual bug with the Prestige Tree branches
Added a hotkey for Super-Boosters
Added a new Super-Booster milestone
Fixed a bug with hotkeys
Balanced up to 1e46,500 points
Alpha Build 8
Implemented Super-Boosters
Balanced up to 1e25,600 points
Alpha Build 7
Made the new upgrades from Alpha Build 6 shown at proper times
Balanced up to 1e4,175 points
Setup a temp variable system (to prevent lag later on)
Alpha Build 6
Made font work for Mac users
Added 1 new Space & Time milestone each
Balanced up to 1e3,375 points
Alpha Build 5
Balanced up to 1e920 with all prestige tree paths (before unlocking third row 3 layer)
Alpha Build 4
Implemented Auto-Boosters & Auto-Generators
Fixed a balancing issue with a certain prestige tree path (1e660 -> 1e600)
Added changelog
Balanced up to 1e700 with all prestige tree paths
Pre-Alpha Build 4
Implemented/balanced all row 1 & 2 prestige layers
Added the options/info menus
Balanced the row 3 prestige layers up to 1e560 points
Prestige Tree
Version 1.1: The Life Update
Made by Jacorb and Aarex
Idea by papyrus (on discord)
Jacorb's Discord Aarex's Home
Note by Jacorb: If anyone wishes to make a mod of this game, that is perfectly fine with me, just make sure to name it something different (ex: Prestige Tree NG+) and to let me know on my discord.
You have {{format(}} Quirk Energy (generated by Quirk Layers), which multiplies Point & Generator Power gain by {{format(tmp.quirkEff)}}
1 Quirk Keep Prestige Upgrades on all previous resets, and gain 100x more Enhance Points
2 Quirks You can buy max Time Capsules & Space Energy
4 Quirks Keep Space Buildings on all fourth row resets
5 Quirks Automatically purchase Enhancers
10 Quirks Automatically purchase Time Capsules & Space Energy
15 Quirks Gain 100% of Enhance Point gain every second
25 Quirks Space resets reset nothing
2,500 Quirks You can destroy individual Space Buildings
1 Hyper-Booster You can buy max Super-Boosters
You have {{format(}} Subspace, which provides you with {{formatWhole(tmp.ssEff1)}} extra Space, makes all Space Buildings {{format(tmp.ssEff2)}}x cheaper, and makes all Space Buildings {{format(tmp.ssEff3.sub(1).times(100))}}% stronger
1 Subspace Energy Automatically purchase Space Buildings
You have {{formatWhole(player.m.hexes)}} Hexes, which are multiplying Hindrance Spirit & Quirk gain by {{format(tmp.hexEff)}}
1 Magic Keep row 4 milestones on all resets
2 Magic Keep Hindrance completions on all resets
3 Magic Gain 100% of Hindrance Spirit & Quirk gain every second
2.5e9 Magic Gain 100% of Hex gain every second, and Spells last 10x longer
You have {{format(}} Balance Power, which is multiplying Hindrance Spirit & Quirk gain by {{format(tmp.balEff)}}
You have {{format(}} Positivity
You have {{format(}} Negativity
Your Positivity & Negativity are multiplying Balance Power gain by {{format(tmp.balEff2)}}
1 Balance Energy Keep row 4 milestones on all resets
2 Balance Energy Keep Quirk Upgrades on all resets
3 Balance Energy Automatically purchase Quirk Layers
5 Balance Energy Keep Hyper-Booster & Subspace Upgrades on all resets
8 Balance Energy You can buy max Hyper-Boosters & Subspace Energy, and Hyper-Boosters/Subspace Energy reset nothing