var layers = { c: { startData() { return { unl: true, points: new Decimal(0), best: new Decimal(0), total: new Decimal(0), upgrades: [], milestones: [], beep: false, }}, color: "#4BEC13", requires() {return new Decimal(10)}, // Can be a function that takes requirement increases into account resource: "lollipops", // Name of prestige currency baseResource: "candies", // Name of resource prestige is based on baseAmount() {return player.points}, type: "normal", // normal: cost to gain currency depends on amount gained. static: cost depends on how much you already have exponent: 0.5, // Prestige currency exponent base: 5, // Only needed for static layers, base of the formula (b^(x^exp)) resCeil: false, // True if the resource needs to be rounded up canBuyMax() {}, // Only needed for static layers gainMult() { mult = new Decimal(1) if (player.c.upgrades.includes(21)) mult = mult.times(2) if (player.c.upgrades.includes(23)) mult = mult.times(LAYER_UPGS.c[23].currently()) return mult }, gainExp() { return new Decimal(1) }, row: 0, effect() {return { // Formulas for any boosts inherent to resources in the layer. Can return a single value instead of an object if there is just one effect waffleBoost: (true == false ? 0 : Decimal.pow(player.c.points, 0.2)), icecreamCap: (player.c.points * 10) }}, effectDescription() { eff = layers.c.effect(); return "which are boosting waffles by "+format(eff.waffleBoost)+" and increasing the Ice Cream cap by "+format(eff.icecreamCap) }, milestones: { 0: {requirementDesc: "3 Lollipops", done() {return}, effectDesc: "Makes this green", }, 1: {requirementDesc: "4 Lollipops", done() {return}, effectDesc: "You can toggle beep and boop (which do nothing)", toggles: [ ["c", "beep"], // Each toggle is defined by a layer and the data toggled for that layer ["f", "boop"]], } }, upgrades: { rows: 1, cols: 3, 11: { desc: "Gain 1 Candy every second.", cost: new Decimal(1), unl() { return player.c.unl }, }, 12: { desc: "Candy generation is faster based on your unspent Lollipops.", cost: new Decimal(1), unl() { return player.c.upgrades.includes(11) }, effect() { let ret = player.c.points.add(1).pow(player.c.upgrades.includes(24)?1.1:(player.c.upgrades.includes(14)?0.75:0.5)) if (ret.gte("1e20000000")) ret = ret.sqrt().times("1e10000000") return ret; }, effDisp(x) { return format(x)+"x" }, }, 13: { desc: "Make this layer act like you bought it first.", cost: new Decimal(69), currencyDisplayName: "candies", // Use if using a nonstandard currency currencyInternalName: "points", // Use if using a nonstandard currency currencyLayer: "", // Leave empty if not in a layer "e.g. points" unl() { return player.c.upgrades.includes(12) }, onPurchase() { player.c.order = 0 } }, }, doReset(layer){ if(layers[layer].row > layers["c"].row) fullLayerReset('c') // This is actually the default behavior }, convertToDecimal() { // Convert any layer-specific values (besides points, total, and best) to Decimal }, layerShown() {return true}, // Condition for when layer appears update(diff) { if (player.c.upgrades.includes(11)) player.points = player.points.add(tmp.pointGen.times(diff)).max(0) }, // Do any gameloop things (e.g. resource generation) inherent to this layer automate() { }, // Do any automation inherent to this layer if appropriate updateTemp() { }, // Do any necessary temp updating resetsNothing() {return false}, incr_order: [], // Array of layer names to have their order increased when this one is first unlocked }, f: { startData() { return { unl: false, points: new Decimal(0), boop: false, }}, color: "#FE0102", requires() {return new Decimal(200)}, resource: "farm points", baseResource: "candies", baseAmount() {return player.points}, type: "normal", exponent: 0.5, resCeil: false, gainMult() { return new Decimal(1) }, gainExp() { return new Decimal(1) }, row: 1, layerShown() {return true}, branches: [["c", 1]] // Each pair corresponds to a line added to the tree when this node is unlocked. The letter is the other end of the line, and the number affects the color, 1 is default }, } function layerShown(layer){ return layers[layer].layerShown(); } var LAYERS = Object.keys(layers); var ROW_LAYERS = {} for (layer in layers){ row = layers[layer].row if(!ROW_LAYERS[row]) ROW_LAYERS[row] = {} ROW_LAYERS[row][layer]=layer; } function addLayer(layerName, layerData){ // Call this to add layers from a different file! layers[name] = layerData LAYERS = Object.keys(layers); ROW_LAYERS = {} for (layer in layers){ row = layers[layer].row if(!ROW_LAYERS[row]) ROW_LAYERS[row] = {} ROW_LAYERS[row][layer]=layer; } }