// ************ Number formatting ************ function exponentialFormat(num, precision, mantissa = true) { let e = num.log10().floor() let m = num.div(Decimal.pow(10, e)) if(m.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(precision) == 10) { m = new Decimal(1) e = e.add(1) } e = (e.gte(10000) ? commaFormat(e, 0) : e.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(0)) if (mantissa) return m.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(precision)+"e"+e else return "e"+e } function commaFormat(num, precision) { if (num === null || num === undefined) return "NaN" if (num.mag < 0.001) return (0).toFixed(precision) return num.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(precision).replace(/(\d)(?=(\d\d\d)+(?!\d))/g, "$1,") } function regularFormat(num, precision) { if (num === null || num === undefined) return "NaN" if (num.mag < 0.001) return (0).toFixed(precision) return num.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(precision) } function fixValue(x, y = 0) { return x || new Decimal(y) } function sumValues(x) { x = Object.values(x) if (!x[0]) return new Decimal(0) return x.reduce((a, b) => Decimal.add(a, b)) } function format(decimal, precision=2,) { decimal = new Decimal(decimal) if (isNaN(decimal.sign)||isNaN(decimal.layer)||isNaN(decimal.mag)) { player.hasNaN = true; return "NaN" } if (decimal.sign<0) return "-"+format(decimal.neg(), precision) if (decimal.mag == Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) return "Infinity" if (decimal.gte("eeee1000")) { var slog = decimal.slog() if (slog.gte(1e6)) return "F" + format(slog.floor()) else return Decimal.pow(10, slog.sub(slog.floor())).toStringWithDecimalPlaces(3) + "F" + commaFormat(slog.floor(), 0) } else if (decimal.gte("1e100000")) return exponentialFormat(decimal, 0, false) else if (decimal.gte("1e1000")) return exponentialFormat(decimal, 0) else if (decimal.gte(1e9)) return exponentialFormat(decimal, precision) else if (decimal.gte(1e3)) return commaFormat(decimal, 0) else return regularFormat(decimal, precision) } function formatWhole(decimal) { decimal = new Decimal(decimal) if (decimal.gte(1e9)) return format(decimal, 2) if (decimal.lte(0.98) && !decimal.eq(0)) return format(decimal, 2) return format(decimal, 0) } function formatTime(s) { if (s<60) return format(s)+"s" else if (s<3600) return formatWhole(Math.floor(s/60))+"m "+format(s%60)+"s" else if (s<86400) return formatWhole(Math.floor(s/3600))+"h "+formatWhole(Math.floor(s/60)%60)+"m "+format(s%60)+"s" else if (s<31536000) return formatWhole(Math.floor(s/84600)%365)+"d " + formatWhole(Math.floor(s/3600)%24)+"h "+formatWhole(Math.floor(s/60)%60)+"m "+format(s%60)+"s" else return formatWhole(Math.floor(s/31536000))+"y "+formatWhole(Math.floor(s/84600)%365)+"d " + formatWhole(Math.floor(s/3600)%24)+"h "+formatWhole(Math.floor(s/60)%60)+"m "+format(s%60)+"s" } function toPlaces(x, precision, maxAccepted) { x = new Decimal(x) let result = x.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(precision) if (new Decimal(result).gte(maxAccepted)) { result = new Decimal(maxAccepted-Math.pow(0.1, precision)).toStringWithDecimalPlaces(precision) } return result } // ************ Save stuff ************ function save() { localStorage.setItem(modInfo.id, btoa(JSON.stringify(player))) } function startPlayerBase() { return { tab: layoutInfo.startTab, navTab: (layoutInfo.showTree ? "tree-tab" : "none"), time: Date.now(), autosave: true, notify: {}, msDisplay: "always", offlineProd: true, versionType: modInfo.id, version: VERSION.num, beta: VERSION.beta, timePlayed: 0, keepGoing: false, hasNaN: false, hideChallenges: false, showStory: true, points: modInfo.initialStartPoints, subtabs: {}, lastSafeTab: (layoutInfo.showTree ? "none" : layoutInfo.startTab) } } function getStartPlayer() { playerdata = startPlayerBase() if (addedPlayerData) { extradata = addedPlayerData() for (thing in extradata) playerdata[thing] = extradata[thing] } playerdata.infoboxes = {} for (layer in layers){ playerdata[layer] = getStartLayerData(layer) if (layers[layer].tabFormat && !Array.isArray(layers[layer].tabFormat)) { playerdata.subtabs[layer] = {} playerdata.subtabs[layer].mainTabs = Object.keys(layers[layer].tabFormat)[0] } if (layers[layer].microtabs) { if (playerdata.subtabs[layer] == undefined) playerdata.subtabs[layer] = {} for (item in layers[layer].microtabs) playerdata.subtabs[layer][item] = Object.keys(layers[layer].microtabs[item])[0] } if (layers[layer].infoboxes) { if (playerdata.infoboxes[layer] == undefined) playerdata.infoboxes[layer] = {} for (item in layers[layer].infoboxes) playerdata.infoboxes[layer][item] = false } } return playerdata } function getStartLayerData(layer){ layerdata = {} if (layers[layer].startData) layerdata = layers[layer].startData() if (layerdata.unlocked === undefined) layerdata.unlocked = true if (layerdata.total === undefined) layerdata.total = new Decimal(0) if (layerdata.best === undefined) layerdata.best = new Decimal(0) if (layerdata.resetTime === undefined) layerdata.resetTime = 0 layerdata.buyables = getStartBuyables(layer) if(layerdata.clickables == undefined) layerdata.clickables = getStartClickables(layer) layerdata.spentOnBuyables = new Decimal(0) layerdata.upgrades = [] layerdata.milestones = [] layerdata.achievements = [] layerdata.challenges = getStartChallenges(layer) return layerdata } function getStartBuyables(layer){ let data = {} if (layers[layer].buyables) { for (id in layers[layer].buyables) if (isPlainObject(layers[layer].buyables[id])) data[id] = new Decimal(0) } return data } function getStartClickables(layer){ let data = {} if (layers[layer].clickables) { for (id in layers[layer].clickables) if (isPlainObject(layers[layer].clickables[id])) data[id] = "" } return data } function getStartChallenges(layer){ let data = {} if (layers[layer].challenges) { for (id in layers[layer].challenges) if (isPlainObject(layers[layer].challenges[id])) data[id] = 0 } return data } function fixSave() { defaultData = getStartPlayer() fixData(defaultData, player) for(layer in layers) { if (player[layer].best !== undefined) player[layer].best = new Decimal (player[layer].best) if (player[layer].total !== undefined) player[layer].total = new Decimal (player[layer].total) if (layers[layer].tabFormat && !Array.isArray(layers[layer].tabFormat)) { if(!Object.keys(layers[layer].tabFormat).includes(player.subtabs[layer].mainTabs)) player.subtabs[layer].mainTabs = Object.keys(layers[layer].tabFormat)[0] } if (layers[layer].microtabs) { for (item in layers[layer].microtabs) if(!Object.keys(layers[layer].microtabs[item]).includes(player.subtabs[layer][item])) player.subtabs[layer][item] = Object.keys(layers[layer].microtabs[item])[0] } } } function fixData(defaultData, newData) { for (item in defaultData){ if (defaultData[item] == null) { if (newData[item] === undefined) newData[item] = null } else if (Array.isArray(defaultData[item])) { if (newData[item] === undefined) newData[item] = defaultData[item] else fixData(defaultData[item], newData[item]) } else if (defaultData[item] instanceof Decimal) { // Convert to Decimal if (newData[item] === undefined) newData[item] = defaultData[item] else newData[item] = new Decimal(newData[item]) } else if ((!!defaultData[item]) && (typeof defaultData[item] === "object")) { if (newData[item] === undefined || (typeof defaultData[item] !== "object")) newData[item] = defaultData[item] else fixData(defaultData[item], newData[item]) } else { if (newData[item] === undefined) newData[item] = defaultData[item] } } } function load() { let get = localStorage.getItem(modInfo.id); if (get===null || get===undefined) player = getStartPlayer() else player = Object.assign(getStartPlayer(), JSON.parse(atob(get))) fixSave() if (player.offlineProd) { if (player.offTime === undefined) player.offTime = { remain: 0 } player.offTime.remain += (Date.now() - player.time) / 1000 } player.time = Date.now(); versionCheck(); changeTheme(); changeTreeQuality(); updateLayers() setupModInfo() setupTemp(); updateTemp(); updateTemp(); loadVue(); } function setupModInfo() { modInfo.changelog = changelog modInfo.winText = winText ? winText : `Congratulations! You have reached the end and beaten this game, but for now...` } function fixNaNs() { NaNcheck(player) } function NaNcheck(data) { for (item in data){ if (data[item] == null) { } else if (Array.isArray(data[item])) { NaNcheck(data[item]) } else if (data[item] !== data[item] || data[item] === decimalNaN){ if (NaNalert === true || confirm ("Invalid value found in player, named '" + item + "'. Please let the creator of this mod know! Would you like to try to auto-fix the save and keep going?")){ NaNalert = true data[item] = (data[item] !== data[item] ? 0 : decimalZero) } else { clearInterval(interval); player.autosave = false; NaNalert = true; } } else if (data[item] instanceof Decimal) { // Convert to Decimal } else if ((!!data[item]) && (data[item].constructor === Object)) { NaNcheck(data[item]) } } } function exportSave() { let str = btoa(JSON.stringify(player)) const el = document.createElement("textarea"); el.value = str; document.body.appendChild(el); el.select(); el.setSelectionRange(0, 99999); document.execCommand("copy"); document.body.removeChild(el); } function importSave(imported=undefined, forced=false) { if (imported===undefined) imported = prompt("Paste your save here") try { tempPlr = Object.assign(getStartPlayer(), JSON.parse(atob(imported))) if(tempPlr.versionType != modInfo.id && !forced && !confirm("This save appears to be for a different mod! Are you sure you want to import?")) // Wrong save (use "Forced" to force it to accept.) return player = tempPlr; player.versionType = modInfo.id fixSave() versionCheck() save() window.location.reload() } catch(e) { return; } } function versionCheck() { let setVersion = true if (player.versionType===undefined||player.version===undefined) { player.versionType = modInfo.id player.version = 0 } if (setVersion) { if (player.versionType == modInfo.id && VERSION.num > player.version) { player.keepGoing = false if (fixOldSave) fixOldSave(player.version) } player.versionType = getStartPlayer().versionType player.version = VERSION.num player.beta = VERSION.beta } } var saveInterval = setInterval(function() { if (player===undefined) return; if (gameEnded&&!player.keepGoing) return; if (player.autosave) save(); }, 5000) // ************ Themes ************ const themes = { 1: "aqua" } const theme_names = { aqua: "Aqua" } function changeTheme() { let aqua = player.theme == "aqua" colors_theme = colors[player.theme || "default"] document.body.style.setProperty('--background', aqua ? "#001f3f" : "#0f0f0f") document.body.style.setProperty('--background_tooltip', aqua ? "rgba(0, 15, 31, 0.75)" : "rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.75)") document.body.style.setProperty('--color', aqua ? "#bfdfff" : "#dfdfdf") document.body.style.setProperty('--points', aqua ? "#dfefff" : "#ffffff") document.body.style.setProperty("--locked", aqua ? "#c4a7b3" : "#bf8f8f") } function getThemeName() { return player.theme ? theme_names[player.theme] : "Default" } function switchTheme() { if (player.theme === undefined) player.theme = themes[1] else { player.theme = themes[Object.keys(themes)[player.theme] + 1] if (!player.theme) delete player.theme } changeTheme() resizeCanvas() } // ************ Options ************ function toggleOpt(name) { if (name == "oldStyle" && styleCooldown>0) return; player[name] = !player[name] if (name == "hqTree") changeTreeQuality() if (name == "oldStyle") updateStyle() } var styleCooldown = 0; function updateStyle() { styleCooldown = 1; let css = document.getElementById("styleStuff") css.href = player.oldStyle?"oldStyle.css":"style.css" needCanvasUpdate = true; } function changeTreeQuality() { var on = player.hqTree document.body.style.setProperty('--hqProperty1', on ? "2px solid" : "4px solid") document.body.style.setProperty('--hqProperty2a', on ? "-4px -4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25) inset" : "-4px -4px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) inset") document.body.style.setProperty('--hqProperty2b', on ? "0px 0px 20px var(--background)" : "") document.body.style.setProperty('--hqProperty3', on ? "2px 2px 4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.25)" : "none") } function toggleAuto(toggle) { player[toggle[0]][toggle[1]] = !player[toggle[0]][toggle[1]] } function adjustMSDisp() { let displays = ["always", "automation", "incomplete", "never"]; player.msDisplay = displays[(displays.indexOf(player.msDisplay)+1)%4] } function milestoneShown(layer, id) { complete = player[layer].milestones.includes(id) auto = layers[layer].milestones[id].toggles switch(player.msDisplay) { case "always": return true; break; case "automation": return (auto)||!complete break; case "incomplete": return !complete break; case "never": return false; break; } return false; } // ************ Big Feature related ************ function respecBuyables(layer) { if (!layers[layer].buyables) return if (!layers[layer].buyables.respec) return if (!confirm("Are you sure you want to respec? This will force you to do a \"" + (tmp[layer].name ? tmp[layer].name : layer) + "\" reset as well!")) return run(layers[layer].buyables.respec, layers[layer].buyables) updateBuyableTemp(layer) document.activeElement.blur() } function canAffordUpgrade(layer, id) { let upg = tmp[layer].upgrades[id] if (tmp[layer].upgrades[id].canAfford !== undefined) return tmp[layer].upgrades[id].canAfford let cost = tmp[layer].upgrades[id].cost return canAffordPurchase(layer, upg, cost) } function hasUpgrade(layer, id){ return (player[layer].upgrades.includes(toNumber(id)) || player[layer].upgrades.includes(id.toString())) } function hasMilestone(layer, id){ return (player[layer].milestones.includes(toNumber(id)) || player[layer].milestones.includes(id.toString())) } function hasAchievement(layer, id){ return (player[layer].achievements.includes(toNumber(id)) || player[layer].achievements.includes(id.toString())) } function hasChallenge(layer, id){ return (player[layer].challenges[id]) } function maxedChallenge(layer, id){ return (player[layer].challenges[id] >= tmp[layer].challenges[id].completionLimit) } function challengeCompletions(layer, id){ return (player[layer].challenges[id]) } function getBuyableAmount(layer, id){ return (player[layer].buyables[id]) } function setBuyableAmount(layer, id, amt){ player[layer].buyables[id] = amt } function getClickableState(layer, id){ return (player[layer].clickables[id]) } function setClickableState(layer, id, state){ player[layer].clickables[id] = state } function upgradeEffect(layer, id){ return (tmp[layer].upgrades[id].effect) } function challengeEffect(layer, id){ return (tmp[layer].challenges[id].rewardEffect) } function buyableEffect(layer, id){ return (tmp[layer].buyables[id].effect) } function clickableEffect(layer, id){ return (tmp[layer].clickables[id].effect) } function achievementEffect(layer, id){ return (tmp[layer].achievements[id].effect) } function canAffordPurchase(layer, thing, cost) { if (thing.currencyInternalName){ let name = thing.currencyInternalName if (thing.currencyLocation){ return !(thing.currencyLocation[name].lt(cost)) } else if (thing.currencyLayer){ let lr = thing.currencyLayer return !(player[lr][name].lt(cost)) } else { return !(player[name].lt(cost)) } } else { return !(player[layer].points.lt(cost)) } } function buyUpgrade(layer, id) { buyUpg(layer, id) } function buyUpg(layer, id) { if (!tmp[layer].upgrades || !tmp[layer].upgrades[id]) return let upg = tmp[layer].upgrades[id] if (!player[layer].unlocked) return if (!tmp[layer].upgrades[id].unlocked) return if (player[layer].upgrades.includes(id)) return if (upg.canAfford === false) return let pay = layers[layer].upgrades[id].pay if (pay !== undefined) run(pay, layers[layer].upgrades[id]) else { let cost = tmp[layer].upgrades[id].cost if (upg.currencyInternalName){ let name = upg.currencyInternalName if (upg.currencyLocation){ if (upg.currencyLocation[name].lt(cost)) return upg.currencyLocation[name] = upg.currencyLocation[name].sub(cost) } else if (upg.currencyLayer){ let lr = upg.currencyLayer if (player[lr][name].lt(cost)) return player[lr][name] = player[lr][name].sub(cost) } else { if (player[name].lt(cost)) return player[name] = player[name].sub(cost) } } else { if (player[layer].points.lt(cost)) return player[layer].points = player[layer].points.sub(cost) } } player[layer].upgrades.push(id); if (upg.onPurchase != undefined) run(upg.onPurchase, upg) } function buyMaxBuyable(layer, id) { if (!player[layer].unlocked) return if (!tmp[layer].buyables[id].unlocked) return if (!tmp[layer].buyables[id].canAfford) return if (!layers[layer].buyables[id].buyMax) return run(layers[layer].buyables[id].buyMax, layers[layer].buyables[id]) updateBuyableTemp(layer) } function buyBuyable(layer, id) { if (!player[layer].unlocked) return if (!tmp[layer].buyables[id].unlocked) return if (!tmp[layer].buyables[id].canAfford) return run(layers[layer].buyables[id].buy, layers[layer].buyables[id]) updateBuyableTemp(layer) } function clickClickable(layer, id) { if (!player[layer].unlocked) return if (!tmp[layer].clickables[id].unlocked) return if (!tmp[layer].clickables[id].canClick) return run(layers[layer].clickables[id].onClick, layers[layer].clickables[id]) updateClickableTemp(layer) } // Function to determine if the player is in a challenge function inChallenge(layer, id){ let challenge = player[layer].activeChallenge if (!challenge) return false id = toNumber(id) if (challenge==id) return true if (layers[layer].challenges[challenge].countsAs) return tmp[layer].challenges[challenge].countsAs.includes(id) } // ************ Misc ************ var onTreeTab = true function showTab(name) { if (LAYERS.includes(name) && !layerunlocked(name)) return if (player.tab === name && isPlainObject(tmp[name].tabFormat)) { player.subtabs[name].mainTabs = Object.keys(layers[name].tabFormat)[0] } var toTreeTab = name == "none" player.tab = name if (player.navTab == "none" && (tmp[name].row !== "side") && (tmp[name].row !== "otherside")) player.lastSafeTab = name delete player.notify[name] needCanvasUpdate = true document.activeElement.blur() } function showNavTab(name) { if (LAYERS.includes(name) && !layerunlocked(name)) return var toTreeTab = name == "tree" player.navTab = name player.notify[name] = false needCanvasUpdate = true } function goBack() { if (player.navTab !== "none") showTab("none") else showTab(player.lastSafeTab) } function layOver(obj1, obj2) { for (let x in obj2) { if (obj2[x] instanceof Decimal) obj1[x] = new Decimal(obj2[x]) else if (obj2[x] instanceof Object) layOver(obj1[x], obj2[x]); else obj1[x] = obj2[x]; } } function prestigeNotify(layer) { if (layers[layer].prestigeNotify) return layers[layer].prestigeNotify() else if (tmp[layer].autoPrestige || tmp[layer].passiveGeneration) return false else if (tmp[layer].type == "static") return tmp[layer].canReset else if (tmp[layer].type == "normal") return (tmp[layer].canReset && (tmp[layer].resetGain.gte(player[layer].points.div(10)))) else return false } function notifyLayer(name) { if (player.tab == name || !layerunlocked(name)) return player.notify[name] = 1 } function subtabShouldNotify(layer, family, id){ let subtab = {} if (family == "mainTabs") subtab = tmp[layer].tabFormat[id] else subtab = tmp[layer].microtabs[family][id] if (subtab.embedLayer) return tmp[subtab.embedLayer].notify else return subtab.shouldNotify } function subtabResetNotify(layer, family, id){ let subtab = {} if (family == "mainTabs") subtab = tmp[layer].tabFormat[id] else subtab = tmp[layer].microtabs[family][id] if (subtab.embedLayer) return tmp[subtab.embedLayer].prestigeNotify else return false } function nodeShown(layer) { if (layerShown(layer)) return true switch(layer) { case "idk": return player.idk.unlocked break; } return false } function layerunlocked(layer) { if (tmp[layer] && tmp[layer].type == "none") return (player[layer].unlocked) return LAYERS.includes(layer) && (player[layer].unlocked || (tmp[layer].canReset && tmp[layer].layerShown)) } function keepGoing() { player.keepGoing = true; needCanvasUpdate = true; } function toNumber(x) { if (x.mag !== undefined) return x.toNumber() if (x + 0 !== x) return parseFloat(x) return x } function updateMilestones(layer){ for (id in layers[layer].milestones){ if (!(hasMilestone(layer, id)) && layers[layer].milestones[id].done()){ player[layer].milestones.push(id) if (tmp[layer].milestonePopups || tmp[layer].milestonePopups === undefined) doPopup("milestone", tmp[layer].milestones[id].requirementDescription, "Milestone Gotten!", 3, tmp[layer].color); } } } function updateAchievements(layer){ for (id in layers[layer].achievements){ if (isPlainObject(layers[layer].achievements[id]) && !(hasAchievement(layer, id)) && layers[layer].achievements[id].done()) { player[layer].achievements.push(id) if (layers[layer].achievements[id].onComplete) layers[layer].achievements[id].onComplete() if (tmp[layer].achievementPopups || tmp[layer].achievementPopups === undefined) doPopup("achievement", tmp[layer].achievements[id].name, "Achievement Gotten!", 3, tmp[layer].color); } } } function addTime(diff, layer) { let data = player let time = data.timePlayed if (layer) { data = data[layer] time = data.time } //I am not that good to perfectly fix that leak. ~ DB Aarex if (time + 0 !== time) { console.log("Memory leak detected. Trying to fix...") time = toNumber(time) if (isNaN(time) || time == 0) { console.log("Couldn't fix! Resetting...") time = layer ? player.timePlayed : 0 if (!layer) player.timePlayedReset = true } } time += toNumber(diff) if (layer) data.time = time else data.timePlayed = time } document.onkeydown = function(e) { if (player===undefined) return; if (gameEnded&&!player.keepGoing) return; let shiftDown = e.shiftKey let ctrlDown = e.ctrlKey let key = e.key if (ctrlDown) key = "ctrl+" + key if (onFocused) return if (ctrlDown && hotkeys[key]) e.preventDefault() if(hotkeys[key]){ if (player[hotkeys[key].layer].unlocked) hotkeys[key].onPress() } } var onFocused = false function focused(x) { onFocused = x } function prestigeButtonText(layer) { if (layers[layer].prestigeButtonText !== undefined) return layers[layer].prestigeButtonText() else if(tmp[layer].type == "normal") return `${ player[layer].points.lt(1e3) ? (tmp[layer].resetDescription !== undefined ? tmp[layer].resetDescription : "Reset for ") : ""}+${formatWhole(tmp[layer].resetGain)} ${tmp[layer].resource} ${tmp[layer].resetGain.lt(100) && player[layer].points.lt(1e3) ? `

Next at ${ (tmp[layer].roundUpCost ? formatWhole(tmp[layer].nextAt) : format(tmp[layer].nextAt))} ${ tmp[layer].baseResource }` : ""}` else if(tmp[layer].type== "static") return `${tmp[layer].resetDescription !== undefined ? tmp[layer].resetDescription : "Reset for "}+${formatWhole(tmp[layer].resetGain)} ${tmp[layer].resource}

${player[layer].points.lt(30) ? (tmp[layer].baseAmount.gte(tmp[layer].nextAt)&&(tmp[layer].canBuyMax !== undefined) && tmp[layer].canBuyMax?"Next:":"Req:") : ""} ${formatWhole(tmp[layer].baseAmount)} / ${(tmp[layer].roundUpCost ? formatWhole(tmp[layer].nextAtDisp) : format(tmp[layer].nextAtDisp))} ${ tmp[layer].baseResource } ` else if(tmp[layer].type == "none") return "" else return "You need prestige button text" } function isFunction(obj) { return !!(obj && obj.constructor && obj.call && obj.apply); }; function isPlainObject(obj) { return (!!obj) && (obj.constructor === Object) } document.title = modInfo.name // Variables that must be defined to display popups var activePopups = []; var popupID = 0; // Function to show popups function doPopup(type="none",text="This is a test popup.",title="",timer=3, color="") { switch(type) { case "achievement": popupTitle = "Achievement Unlocked!"; popupType = "achievement-popup" break; case "challenge": popupTitle = "Challenge Complete"; popupType = "challenge-popup" break; default: popupTitle = "Something Happened?"; popupType = "default-popup" break; } if(title != "") popupTitle = title; popupMessage = text; popupTimer = timer; activePopups.push({"time":popupTimer,"type":popupType,"title":popupTitle,"message":(popupMessage+"\n"),"id":popupID, "color":color}) popupID++; } //Function to reduce time on active popups function adjustPopupTime(diff) { for(popup in activePopups) { activePopups[popup].time -= diff; if(activePopups[popup]["time"] < 0) { activePopups.splice(popup,1); // Remove popup when time hits 0 } } } function run(func, target, args=null){ if (!!(func && func.constructor && func.call && func.apply)){ let bound = func.bind(target) return bound(args) } else return func; }