var app; function loadVue() { Vue.component('layer-node', { props: ['layer', 'abb'], template: ` <button v-if="nodeShown(layer)" v-bind:id="layer" v-on:click="function() { showTab(layer) }" v-bind:tooltip=" layerUnl(layer) ? formatWhole(player[layer].points) + ' ' + LAYER_RES[layer] : 'Reach ' + formatWhole(tmp.layerReqs[layer]) + ' ' + LAYER_AMT_NAMES[layer] + ' to unlock (You have ' + formatWhole(tmp.layerAmt[layer]) + ' ' + LAYER_AMT_NAMES[layer] + ')' " v-bind:class="{ treeNode: true, [layer]: true, hidden: !layerShown(layer), locked: !layerUnl(layer), can: layerUnl(layer) }"> {{abb}} </button> ` }) app = new Vue({ el: "#app", data: { player, tmp, Decimal, format, formatWhole, formatTime, focused, getThemeName, layerUnl, getLayerEffDesc, doReset, buyUpg, getEnhancerCost, getExtCapsuleCost, getSpace, getSpaceBuildingsUnl, getSpaceBuildingCost, getSpaceBuildingEffDesc, buyBuilding, getQuirkLayerCost, buyQuirkLayer, startChall, milestoneShown, destroyBuilding, getSpellDesc, activateSpell, spellActive, updateToCast, keepGoing, VERSION, ENDGAME, LAYERS, LAYER_RES, LAYER_TYPE, LAYER_UPGS, LAYER_EFFS, LAYER_AMT_NAMES, LAYER_RES_CEIL, LAYER_CHALLS, SPACE_BUILDINGS, SPELL_NAMES, LIFE_BOOSTERS, HYPERSPACE, IMPERIUM, MASTERY }, }) }