Loading... (If this takes too long it means there was a serious error!)

{{modInfo.name}} {{VERSION.withoutName}}

Congratulations! You have reached the end and beaten this game, but for now...

Please check the Discord to see if there are new content updates!

It took you {{formatTime(player.timePlayed)}} to beat the game.
Make sure that you record the time in your stream or else your speedrun won't count!


The Modding Tree Discord
Main Prestige Tree server

If you would like to speedrun this, press Play Again and record your attempt, then submit on the Discord Server in the channel #speedrun-submissions.

Oh, you are still reading this?



Dev Speed: {{format(player.devSpeed)}}x

Offline Time: {{formatTime(player.offTime.remain)}}

Reach {{formatWhole(ENDGAME)}} to beat the game!

You have

