Implemented/balanced all row 1 & 2 prestige layers
Added the options/info menus
Balanced the row 3 prestige layers up to 1e560 points
Alpha Build 4
Implemented Auto-Boosters & Auto-Generators
Fixed a balancing issue with a certain prestige tree path (1e660 -> 1e600)
Added changelog
Balanced up to 1e700 with all prestige tree paths
Alpha Build 5
Balanced up to 1e920 with all prestige tree paths (before unlocking third row 3 layer)
Alpha Build 6
Made font work for Mac users
Added 1 new Space & Time milestone each
Balanced up to 1e3,375 points
Alpha Build 7
Made the new upgrades from Alpha Build 6 shown at proper times
Balanced up to 1e4,175 points
Setup a temp variable system (to prevent lag later on)
Alpha Build 8
Implemented Super-Boosters
Balanced up to 1e25,600 points
Alpha Build 9
Fixed a visual bug with the Prestige Tree branches
Added a hotkey for Super-Boosters
Added a new Super-Booster milestone
Fixed a bug with hotkeys
Balanced up to 1e46,500 points
Alpha Build 10
Rebalanced the Super-Booster era (now up to 1e9,250 points)
Implemented a game version variable
Beta v1.0
Made sure any built-in saves had Auto-Save turned on
Fixed a visual bug for mobile users
Added a "time played" display in the info tab
Implemented a NaN check system
Beta v1.01
Display Generator Power in the Space tab
Add a credits page in the info tab
Implemented a few minor QoL/visual fixes
Beta v1.1 Alpha 1
Add the framework for the first two row 4 layers
Balanced up to the second row 4 reset
This game uses break_eternity.js by Patashu.
This game was inspired by a post shown to me by Crimson406
Note: If anyone wishes to make a mod of this game, that is perfectly fine with me, just make sure to name it something different (ex: Prestige Tree NG+) and to let me know on my discord.
You have {{format(player.g.power)}} Generator Power, which multiplies Point gain by {{format(tmp.genPowEff)}}
8 Generators Keep Prestige Upgrades on reset
10 Generators Gain 100% of Prestige Point gain every second
15 Generators You can buy max Generators
2 enhance points Keep Booster/Generator milestones on reset
10 enhance points Keep Prestige Upgrades on reset
You have {{format(}} Time Energy, which multiplies Point gain & Prestige Point gain by {{format(tmp.timeEff)}}
2 time capsules Keep Booster/Generator milestones on reset
3 time capsules Keep Prestige Upgrades on reset
4 time capsules Keep Booster Upgrades on all row 3 resets
5 time capsules Automatically purchase Boosters
12 time capsules Boosters reset nothing
You have {{formatWhole(getSpace())}} Space remaining for Space Buildings.
2 space energy Keep Booster/Generator milestones on reset
3 space energy Keep Prestige Upgrades on reset
4 space energy Keep Generator Upgrades on all row 3 resets
5 space energy Automatically purchase Generators
12 space energy Generators reset nothing
You have {{ format(player.g.power) }} Generator Power
3 Super-Boosters Keep Prestige Upgrades on reset
4 Super-Boosters Keep Booster/Generator milestones on reset
1 Hindrance Spirit Keep Prestige Upgrades on all previous resets, and gain 100x more Enhance Points
You have {{format(}} Quirk Energy (generated by Quirk Layers), which multiplies Point & Generator Power gain by {{format(tmp.quirkEff)}}
1 Quirk Keep Prestige Upgrades on all previous resets, and gain 100x more Enhance Points