Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/Acamaeda/The-Modding-Tree.git synced 2025-03-28 19:58:04 +00:00
2021-05-13 17:44:07 -04:00

396 lines
11 KiB

// ************ Big Feature related ************
function respecBuyables(layer) {
if (!layers[layer].buyables) return
if (!layers[layer].buyables.respec) return
if (!player[layer].noRespecConfirm && !confirm(tmp[layer].buyables.respecMessage || "Are you sure you want to respec? This will force you to do a \"" + (tmp[layer].name ? tmp[layer].name : layer) + "\" reset as well!")) return
run(layers[layer].buyables.respec, layers[layer].buyables)
function canAffordUpgrade(layer, id) {
let upg = tmp[layer].upgrades[id]
if (tmp[layer].upgrades[id].canAfford !== undefined) return tmp[layer].upgrades[id].canAfford
let cost = tmp[layer].upgrades[id].cost
return canAffordPurchase(layer, upg, cost)
function canBuyBuyable(layer, id) {
let b = temp[layer].buyables[id]
return (b.unlocked && run(b.canAfford, b) && player[layer].buyables[id].lt(b.purchaseLimit))
function canAffordPurchase(layer, thing, cost) {
if (thing.currencyInternalName) {
let name = thing.currencyInternalName
if (thing.currencyLocation) {
return !(thing.currencyLocation[name].lt(cost))
else if (thing.currencyLayer) {
let lr = thing.currencyLayer
return !(player[lr][name].lt(cost))
else {
return !(player[name].lt(cost))
else {
return !(player[layer].points.lt(cost))
function buyUpgrade(layer, id) {
buyUpg(layer, id)
function buyUpg(layer, id) {
if (!tmp[layer].upgrades || !tmp[layer].upgrades[id]) return
let upg = tmp[layer].upgrades[id]
if (!player[layer].unlocked) return
if (!tmp[layer].upgrades[id].unlocked) return
if (player[layer].upgrades.includes(id)) return
if (upg.canAfford === false) return
let pay = layers[layer].upgrades[id].pay
if (pay !== undefined)
run(pay, layers[layer].upgrades[id])
else {
let cost = tmp[layer].upgrades[id].cost
if (upg.currencyInternalName) {
let name = upg.currencyInternalName
if (upg.currencyLocation) {
if (upg.currencyLocation[name].lt(cost)) return
upg.currencyLocation[name] = upg.currencyLocation[name].sub(cost)
else if (upg.currencyLayer) {
let lr = upg.currencyLayer
if (player[lr][name].lt(cost)) return
player[lr][name] = player[lr][name].sub(cost)
else {
if (player[name].lt(cost)) return
player[name] = player[name].sub(cost)
else {
if (player[layer].points.lt(cost)) return
player[layer].points = player[layer].points.sub(cost)
if (upg.onPurchase != undefined)
run(upg.onPurchase, upg)
function buyMaxBuyable(layer, id) {
if (!player[layer].unlocked) return
if (!tmp[layer].buyables[id].unlocked) return
if (!tmp[layer].buyables[id].canAfford) return
if (!layers[layer].buyables[id].buyMax) return
run(layers[layer].buyables[id].buyMax, layers[layer].buyables[id])
function buyBuyable(layer, id) {
if (!player[layer].unlocked) return
if (!tmp[layer].buyables[id].unlocked) return
if (!tmp[layer].buyables[id].canBuy) return
run(layers[layer].buyables[id].buy, layers[layer].buyables[id])
function clickClickable(layer, id) {
if (!player[layer].unlocked) return
if (!tmp[layer].clickables[id].unlocked) return
if (!tmp[layer].clickables[id].canClick) return
run(layers[layer].clickables[id].onClick, layers[layer].clickables[id])
function clickGrid(layer, id) {
if (!player[layer].unlocked) return
if (!run(layers[layer].grid.getUnlocked, layers[layer].grid, id)) return
if (!gridRun(layer, 'getCanClick', player[layer].grid[id], id)) return
gridRun(layer, 'onClick', player[layer].grid[id], id)
// Function to determine if the player is in a challenge
function inChallenge(layer, id) {
let challenge = player[layer].activeChallenge
if (!challenge) return false
id = toNumber(id)
if (challenge == id) return true
if (layers[layer].challenges[challenge].countsAs)
return tmp[layer].challenges[challenge].countsAs.includes(id)
// ************ Misc ************
var onTreeTab = true
function showTab(name) {
if (LAYERS.includes(name) && !layerunlocked(name)) return
if (player.tab === name && isPlainObject(tmp[name].tabFormat)) {
player.subtabs[name].mainTabs = Object.keys(layers[name].tabFormat)[0]
var toTreeTab = name == "none"
player.tab = name
if (player.navTab == "none" && (tmp[name].row !== "side") && (tmp[name].row !== "otherside")) player.lastSafeTab = name
delete player.notify[name]
needCanvasUpdate = true
function showNavTab(name) {
if (LAYERS.includes(name) && !layerunlocked(name)) return
var toTreeTab = name == "tree"
player.navTab = name
player.notify[name] = false
needCanvasUpdate = true
function goBack() {
if (player.navTab !== "none") showTab("none")
else showTab(player.lastSafeTab)
function layOver(obj1, obj2) {
for (let x in obj2) {
if (obj2[x] instanceof Decimal) obj1[x] = new Decimal(obj2[x])
else if (obj2[x] instanceof Object) layOver(obj1[x], obj2[x]);
else obj1[x] = obj2[x];
function prestigeNotify(layer) {
if (layers[layer].prestigeNotify) return layers[layer].prestigeNotify()
if (isPlainObject(tmp[layer].tabFormat)) {
for (subtab in tmp[layer].tabFormat){
if (subtabResetNotify(layer, 'mainTabs', subtab))
return true
for (family in tmp[layer].microtabs) {
for (subtab in tmp[layer].microtabs[family]){
if (subtabResetNotify(layer, family, subtab))
return true
if (tmp[layer].autoPrestige || tmp[layer].passiveGeneration) return false
else if (tmp[layer].type == "static") return tmp[layer].canReset
else if (tmp[layer].type == "normal") return (tmp[layer].canReset && (tmp[layer].resetGain.gte(player[layer].points.div(10))))
else return false
function notifyLayer(name) {
if (player.tab == name || !layerunlocked(name)) return
player.notify[name] = 1
function subtabShouldNotify(layer, family, id) {
let subtab = {}
if (family == "mainTabs") subtab = tmp[layer].tabFormat[id]
else subtab = tmp[layer].microtabs[family][id]
if (subtab.embedLayer) return tmp[subtab.embedLayer].notify
else return subtab.shouldNotify
function subtabResetNotify(layer, family, id) {
let subtab = {}
if (family == "mainTabs") subtab = tmp[layer].tabFormat[id]
else subtab = tmp[layer].microtabs[family][id]
if (subtab.embedLayer) return tmp[subtab.embedLayer].prestigeNotify
else return subtab.prestigeNotify
function nodeShown(layer) {
if (layerShown(layer)) return true
switch (layer) {
case "idk":
return player.idk.unlocked
return false
function layerunlocked(layer) {
if (tmp[layer] && tmp[layer].type == "none") return (player[layer].unlocked)
return LAYERS.includes(layer) && (player[layer].unlocked || (tmp[layer].canReset && tmp[layer].layerShown))
function keepGoing() {
player.keepGoing = true;
needCanvasUpdate = true;
function toNumber(x) {
if (x.mag !== undefined) return x.toNumber()
if (x + 0 !== x) return parseFloat(x)
return x
function updateMilestones(layer) {
for (id in layers[layer].milestones) {
if (!(hasMilestone(layer, id)) && layers[layer].milestones[id].done()) {
if (tmp[layer].milestonePopups || tmp[layer].milestonePopups === undefined) doPopup("milestone", tmp[layer].milestones[id].requirementDescription, "Milestone Gotten!", 3, tmp[layer].color);
player[layer].lastMilestone = id
function updateAchievements(layer) {
for (id in layers[layer].achievements) {
if (isPlainObject(layers[layer].achievements[id]) && !(hasAchievement(layer, id)) && layers[layer].achievements[id].done()) {
if (layers[layer].achievements[id].onComplete) layers[layer].achievements[id].onComplete()
if (tmp[layer].achievementPopups || tmp[layer].achievementPopups === undefined) doPopup("achievement", tmp[layer].achievements[id].name, "Achievement Gotten!", 3, tmp[layer].color);
function addTime(diff, layer) {
let data = player
let time = data.timePlayed
if (layer) {
data = data[layer]
time = data.time
//I am not that good to perfectly fix that leak. ~ DB Aarex
if (time + 0 !== time) {
console.log("Memory leak detected. Trying to fix...")
time = toNumber(time)
if (isNaN(time) || time == 0) {
console.log("Couldn't fix! Resetting...")
time = layer ? player.timePlayed : 0
if (!layer) player.timePlayedReset = true
time += toNumber(diff)
if (layer) data.time = time
else data.timePlayed = time
shiftDown = false
ctrlDown = false
document.onkeydown = function (e) {
if (player === undefined) return;
if (gameEnded && !player.keepGoing) return;
shiftDown = e.shiftKey
ctrlDown = e.ctrlKey
let key = e.key
if (ctrlDown) key = "ctrl+" + key
if (onFocused) return
if (ctrlDown && hotkeys[key]) e.preventDefault()
if (hotkeys[key]) {
let k = hotkeys[key]
if (player[k.layer].unlocked && tmp[k.layer].hotkeys[k.id].unlocked)
document.onkeyup = function (e) {
shiftDown = e.shiftKey
ctrlDown = e.ctrlKey
var onFocused = false
function focused(x) {
onFocused = x
function isFunction(obj) {
return !!(obj && obj.constructor && obj.call && obj.apply);
function isPlainObject(obj) {
return (!!obj) && (obj.constructor === Object)
document.title = modInfo.name
// Converts a string value to whatever it's supposed to be
function toValue(value, oldValue) {
if (oldValue instanceof Decimal)
return new Decimal (value)
else if (!isNaN(oldValue))
return value.toNumber()
else return value
// Variables that must be defined to display popups
var activePopups = [];
var popupID = 0;
// Function to show popups
function doPopup(type = "none", text = "This is a test popup.", title = "", timer = 3, color = "") {
switch (type) {
case "achievement":
popupTitle = "Achievement Unlocked!";
popupType = "achievement-popup"
case "challenge":
popupTitle = "Challenge Complete";
popupType = "challenge-popup"
popupTitle = "Something Happened?";
popupType = "default-popup"
if (title != "") popupTitle = title;
popupMessage = text;
popupTimer = timer;
activePopups.push({ "time": popupTimer, "type": popupType, "title": popupTitle, "message": (popupMessage + "\n"), "id": popupID, "color": color })
//Function to reduce time on active popups
function adjustPopupTime(diff) {
for (popup in activePopups) {
activePopups[popup].time -= diff;
if (activePopups[popup]["time"] < 0) {
activePopups.splice(popup, 1); // Remove popup when time hits 0
function run(func, target, args = null) {
if (isFunction(func)) {
let bound = func.bind(target)
return bound(args)
return func;
function gridRun(layer, func, data, id) {
if (isFunction(layers[layer].grid[func])) {
let bound = layers[layer].grid[func].bind(layers[layer].grid)
return bound(data, id)
return layers[layer].grid[func];