diff --git a/src/data/common.tsx b/src/data/common.tsx
index ec3317e..b1d5398 100644
--- a/src/data/common.tsx
+++ b/src/data/common.tsx
@@ -8,7 +8,8 @@ import { GenericMilestone } from "features/milestones/milestone";
 import { displayResource, Resource } from "features/resources/resource";
 import type { GenericTree, GenericTreeNode, TreeNode, TreeNodeOptions } from "features/trees/tree";
 import { createTreeNode } from "features/trees/tree";
-import Formula, { FormulaSource, GenericFormula, InvertibleFormula } from "game/formulas";
+import Formula from "game/formulas/formulas";
+import type { FormulaSource, GenericFormula } from "game/formulas/types";
 import type { Modifier } from "game/modifiers";
 import type { Persistent } from "game/persistence";
 import { DefaultValue, persistent } from "game/persistence";
diff --git a/src/game/formulas.ts b/src/game/formulas/formulas.ts
similarity index 56%
rename from src/game/formulas.ts
rename to src/game/formulas/formulas.ts
index 7fd489b..885adee 100644
--- a/src/game/formulas.ts
+++ b/src/game/formulas/formulas.ts
@@ -2,965 +2,44 @@ import { Resource } from "features/resources/resource";
 import Decimal, { DecimalSource } from "util/bignum";
 import { Computable, convertComputable, ProcessedComputable } from "util/computed";
 import { computed, ComputedRef, ref, unref } from "vue";
+import type {
+    EvaluateFunction,
+    FormulaOptions,
+    FormulaSource,
+    GeneralFormulaOptions,
+    GenericFormula,
+    GuardedFormulasToDecimals,
+    IntegrableFormula,
+    IntegrateFunction,
+    InternalFormulaProperties,
+    InvertFunction,
+    InvertibleFormula,
+    InvertibleIntegralFormula,
+    InvertIntegralFunction,
+    SubstitutionFunction,
+    SubstitutionStack
+} from "./types";
+import * as ops from "./operations";
-// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
-export type GenericFormula = Formula<any>;
-export type FormulaSource = ProcessedComputable<DecimalSource> | GenericFormula;
-export type InvertibleFormula = GenericFormula & {
-    invert: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource;
-export type IntegrableFormula = GenericFormula & {
-    evaluateIntegral: (variable?: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource;
-export type InvertibleIntegralFormula = GenericFormula & {
-    invertIntegral: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource;
-export type SubstitutionStack = ((value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource)[] | undefined;
-export type FormulaOptions<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> =
-    | {
-          variable: ProcessedComputable<DecimalSource>;
-      }
-    | {
-          inputs: [FormulaSource];
-      }
-    | {
-          inputs: T;
-          evaluate: (this: Formula<T>, ...inputs: GuardedFormulasToDecimals<T>) => DecimalSource;
-          invert?: (
-              this: Formula<T>,
-              value: DecimalSource,
-              ...inputs: [...T, ...unknown[]]
-          ) => DecimalSource;
-          integrate?: (
-              this: Formula<T>,
-              variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-              stack: SubstitutionStack | undefined,
-              ...inputs: T
-          ) => DecimalSource;
-          integrateInner?: (
-              this: Formula<T>,
-              variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-              stack: SubstitutionStack | undefined,
-              ...inputs: T
-          ) => DecimalSource;
-          applySubstitution?: (
-              this: Formula<T>,
-              variable: DecimalSource,
-              ...inputs: T
-          ) => DecimalSource;
-          invertIntegral?: (this: Formula<T>, value: DecimalSource, ...inputs: T) => DecimalSource;
-          hasVariable?: boolean;
-      };
-function hasVariable(value: FormulaSource): value is InvertibleFormula {
+export function hasVariable(value: FormulaSource): value is InvertibleFormula {
     return value instanceof Formula && value.hasVariable();
-// It's really hard to type mapped tuples, but these classes seem to manage
-type FormulasToDecimals<T extends FormulaSource[]> = {
-    [K in keyof T]: DecimalSource;
-// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
-type TupleGuard<T extends any[]> = T extends any[] ? FormulasToDecimals<T> : never;
-type GuardedFormulasToDecimals<T extends FormulaSource[]> = TupleGuard<T>;
 export function unrefFormulaSource(value: FormulaSource, variable?: DecimalSource) {
     return value instanceof Formula ? value.evaluate(variable) : unref(value);
-function passthrough(value: DecimalSource) {
-    return value;
 function integrateVariable(variable: DecimalSource) {
     return Decimal.pow(variable, 2).div(2);
-function integrateVariableInner(this: GenericFormula, variable: DecimalSource | undefined) {
+function integrateVariableInner(this: GenericFormula, variable?: DecimalSource) {
     if (variable == null && this.innermostVariable == null) {
         throw "Cannot integrate non-existent variable";
     return variable ?? unref(this.innermostVariable);
-function invertNeg(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.neg(value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateNeg(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return Decimal.neg(lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack));
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function applySubstitutionNeg(value: DecimalSource) {
-    return Decimal.neg(value);
-function invertAdd(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.sub(value, unrefFormulaSource(rhs)));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        return rhs.invert(Decimal.sub(value, unrefFormulaSource(lhs)));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateAdd(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource,
-    rhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.times(
-            unrefFormulaSource(rhs),
-            variable ?? unref(lhs.innermostVariable) ?? 0
-        ).add(x);
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        const x = rhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.times(
-            unrefFormulaSource(lhs),
-            variable ?? unref(rhs.innermostVariable) ?? 0
-        ).add(x);
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateInnerAdd(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource,
-    rhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.add(x, unrefFormulaSource(rhs));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        const x = rhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.add(x, unrefFormulaSource(lhs));
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertIntegrateAdd(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const b = unrefFormulaSource(rhs);
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.pow(b, 2).add(Decimal.times(value, 2)).sub(b));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        const b = unrefFormulaSource(lhs);
-        return rhs.invert(Decimal.pow(b, 2).add(Decimal.times(value, 2)).sub(b));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function invertSub(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.add(value, unrefFormulaSource(rhs)));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        return rhs.invert(Decimal.sub(unrefFormulaSource(lhs), value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateSub(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource,
-    rhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.sub(
-            x,
-            Decimal.times(unrefFormulaSource(rhs), variable ?? unref(lhs.innermostVariable) ?? 0)
-        );
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        const x = rhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.times(
-            unrefFormulaSource(lhs),
-            variable ?? unref(rhs.innermostVariable) ?? 0
-        ).sub(x);
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateInnerSub(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource,
-    rhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.sub(x, unrefFormulaSource(rhs));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        const x = rhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.sub(x, unrefFormulaSource(lhs));
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertIntegrateSub(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const b = unrefFormulaSource(rhs);
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.pow(b, 2).add(Decimal.times(value, 2)).sqrt().sub(b));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        const b = unrefFormulaSource(lhs);
-        return rhs.invert(Decimal.pow(b, 2).add(Decimal.times(value, 2)).sqrt().sub(b));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function invertMul(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.div(value, unrefFormulaSource(rhs)));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        return rhs.invert(Decimal.div(value, unrefFormulaSource(lhs)));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateMul(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource,
-    rhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.times(x, unrefFormulaSource(rhs));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        const x = rhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.times(x, unrefFormulaSource(lhs));
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function applySubstitutionMul(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return Decimal.div(value, unrefFormulaSource(rhs));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        return Decimal.div(value, unrefFormulaSource(lhs));
-    }
-    throw "Could not apply substitution due to no input being a variable";
-function invertIntegrateMul(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const b = unrefFormulaSource(rhs);
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.sqrt(value).times(Decimal.sqrt(2)).div(Decimal.sqrt(b)));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        const b = unrefFormulaSource(lhs);
-        return rhs.invert(Decimal.sqrt(value).times(Decimal.sqrt(2)).div(Decimal.sqrt(b)));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function invertDiv(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.mul(value, unrefFormulaSource(rhs)));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        return rhs.invert(Decimal.div(unrefFormulaSource(lhs), value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateDiv(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource,
-    rhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.div(x, unrefFormulaSource(rhs));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        const x = rhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.div(unrefFormulaSource(lhs), x);
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function applySubstitutionDiv(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return Decimal.mul(value, unrefFormulaSource(rhs));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        return Decimal.mul(value, unrefFormulaSource(lhs));
-    }
-    throw "Could not apply substitution due to no input being a variable";
-function invertIntegrateDiv(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const b = unrefFormulaSource(rhs);
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.sqrt(value).times(Decimal.sqrt(2)).times(Decimal.sqrt(b)));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        const b = unrefFormulaSource(lhs);
-        return rhs.invert(Decimal.sqrt(value).times(Decimal.sqrt(2)).times(Decimal.sqrt(b)));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function invertRecip(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.recip(value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateRecip(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.ln(x);
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertIntegrateRecip(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.exp(value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function invertLog10(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.pow10(value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateLog10(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.ln(x).sub(1).times(x).div(Decimal.ln(10));
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertIntegrateLog10(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(
-            Decimal.exp(Decimal.ln(2).add(Decimal.ln(5)).times(value).div(Math.E).lambertw().add(1))
-        );
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function invertLog(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.pow(unrefFormulaSource(rhs), value));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        return rhs.invert(Decimal.root(unrefFormulaSource(lhs), value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateLog(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource,
-    rhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.ln(x)
-            .sub(1)
-            .times(x)
-            .div(Decimal.ln(unrefFormulaSource(rhs)));
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertIntegrateLog(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const numerator = Decimal.ln(unrefFormulaSource(rhs)).times(value);
-        return lhs.invert(numerator.div(numerator.div(Math.E).lambertw()));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function invertLog2(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.pow(2, value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateLog2(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.ln(x).sub(1).times(x).div(Decimal.ln(2));
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertIntegrateLog2(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.exp(Decimal.ln(2).times(value).div(Math.E).lambertw().add(1)));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function invertLn(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.exp(value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateLn(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.ln(x).sub(1).times(x);
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertIntegrateLn(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.exp(Decimal.div(value, Math.E).lambertw().add(1)));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function invertPow(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.root(value, unrefFormulaSource(rhs)));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        return rhs.invert(Decimal.ln(value).div(Decimal.ln(unrefFormulaSource(lhs))));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integratePow(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource,
-    rhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        const pow = Decimal.add(unrefFormulaSource(rhs), 1);
-        return Decimal.pow(x, pow).div(pow);
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        const x = rhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        const b = unrefFormulaSource(lhs);
-        return Decimal.pow(b, x).div(Decimal.ln(b));
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertIntegratePow(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const b = unrefFormulaSource(rhs);
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.negate(b).sub(1).negate().times(value).root(Decimal.add(b, 1)));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        const denominator = Decimal.ln(unrefFormulaSource(lhs));
-        return rhs.invert(Decimal.times(denominator, value).ln().div(denominator));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function invertPow10(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.root(value, 10));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integratePow10(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.ln(x).sub(1).times(x).div(Decimal.ln(10));
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertIntegratePow10(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(
-            Decimal.ln(2).add(Decimal.ln(5)).times(value).div(Math.E).lambertw().add(1).exp()
-        );
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function invertPowBase(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.ln(value).div(unrefFormulaSource(rhs)));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        return rhs.invert(Decimal.root(unrefFormulaSource(lhs), value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integratePowBase(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource,
-    rhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        const b = unrefFormulaSource(rhs);
-        return Decimal.pow(b, x).div(Decimal.ln(b));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        const x = rhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        const denominator = Decimal.add(unrefFormulaSource(lhs), 1);
-        return Decimal.pow(x, denominator).div(denominator);
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertIntegratePowBase(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const b = unrefFormulaSource(rhs);
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.ln(b).times(value).ln().div(Decimal.ln(b)));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        const b = unrefFormulaSource(lhs);
-        return rhs.invert(Decimal.neg(b).sub(1).negate().times(value).root(Decimal.add(b, 1)));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function invertRoot(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.root(value, Decimal.recip(unrefFormulaSource(rhs))));
-    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
-        return rhs.invert(Decimal.ln(unrefFormulaSource(lhs)).div(Decimal.ln(value)));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateRoot(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource,
-    rhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        const a = unrefFormulaSource(rhs);
-        return Decimal.pow(x, Decimal.recip(a).add(1)).times(a).div(Decimal.add(a, 1));
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertIntegrateRoot(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const b = unrefFormulaSource(rhs);
-        return lhs.invert(
-            Decimal.add(b, 1)
-                .times(value)
-                .div(b)
-                .pow(Decimal.div(b, Decimal.add(b, 1)))
-        );
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function invertExp(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.ln(value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateExp(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.exp(x);
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function tetrate(
-    value: DecimalSource,
-    height: DecimalSource = 2,
-    payload: DecimalSource = Decimal.fromComponents_noNormalize(1, 0, 1)
-) {
-    const heightNumber = Decimal.minabs(height, 1e308).toNumber();
-    return Decimal.tetrate(value, heightNumber, payload);
-function invertTetrate(
-    value: DecimalSource,
-    base: FormulaSource,
-    height: FormulaSource,
-    payload: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(base)) {
-        return base.invert(Decimal.ssqrt(value));
-    }
-    // Other params can't be inverted ATM
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function iteratedexp(
-    value: DecimalSource,
-    height: DecimalSource = 2,
-    payload: DecimalSource = Decimal.fromComponents_noNormalize(1, 0, 1)
-) {
-    const heightNumber = Decimal.minabs(height, 1e308).toNumber();
-    return Decimal.iteratedexp(value, heightNumber, new Decimal(payload));
-function invertIteratedExp(
-    value: DecimalSource,
-    lhs: FormulaSource,
-    height: FormulaSource,
-    payload: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(
-            Decimal.iteratedlog(
-                value,
-                Math.E,
-                Decimal.minabs(1e308, unrefFormulaSource(height)).toNumber()
-            )
-        );
-    }
-    // Other params can't be inverted ATM
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function iteratedLog(value: DecimalSource, lhs: DecimalSource = 10, times: DecimalSource = 2) {
-    const timesNumber = Decimal.minabs(times, 1e308).toNumber();
-    return Decimal.iteratedlog(value, lhs, timesNumber);
-function slog(value: DecimalSource, lhs: DecimalSource = 10) {
-    const baseNumber = Decimal.minabs(lhs, 1e308).toNumber();
-    return Decimal.slog(value, baseNumber);
-function invertSlog(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(
-            Decimal.tetrate(value, Decimal.minabs(1e308, unrefFormulaSource(rhs)).toNumber())
-        );
-    }
-    // Other params can't be inverted ATM
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function layeradd(value: DecimalSource, diff: DecimalSource, base: DecimalSource) {
-    const diffNumber = Decimal.minabs(diff, 1e308).toNumber();
-    return Decimal.layeradd(value, diffNumber, base);
-function invertLayeradd(
-    value: DecimalSource,
-    lhs: FormulaSource,
-    diff: FormulaSource,
-    base: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(
-            Decimal.layeradd(
-                value,
-                Decimal.minabs(1e308, unrefFormulaSource(diff)).negate().toNumber()
-            )
-        );
-    }
-    // Other params can't be inverted ATM
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function invertLambertw(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.pow(Math.E, value).times(value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function invertSsqrt(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.tetrate(value, 2));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function pentate(value: DecimalSource, height: DecimalSource, payload: DecimalSource) {
-    const heightNumber = Decimal.minabs(height, 1e308).toNumber();
-    return Decimal.pentate(value, heightNumber, payload);
-function invertSin(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.asin(value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateSin(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.cos(x).neg();
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertCos(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.acos(value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateCos(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.sin(x);
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertTan(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.atan(value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateTan(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.cos(x).ln().neg();
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertAsin(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.sin(value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateAsin(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.asin(x)
-            .times(x)
-            .add(Decimal.sqrt(Decimal.sub(1, Decimal.pow(x, 2))));
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertAcos(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.cos(value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateAcos(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.acos(x)
-            .times(x)
-            .sub(Decimal.sqrt(Decimal.sub(1, Decimal.pow(x, 2))));
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertAtan(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.tan(value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateAtan(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.atan(x)
-            .times(x)
-            .sub(Decimal.ln(Decimal.pow(x, 2).add(1)).div(2));
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertSinh(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.asinh(value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateSinh(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.cosh(x);
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertCosh(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.acosh(value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateCosh(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.sinh(x);
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertTanh(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.atanh(value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateTanh(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.cosh(x).ln();
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertAsinh(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.sinh(value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateAsinh(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.asinh(x).times(x).sub(Decimal.pow(x, 2).add(1).sqrt());
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertAcosh(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.cosh(value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateAcosh(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.acosh(x)
-            .times(x)
-            .sub(Decimal.add(x, 1).sqrt().times(Decimal.sub(x, 1).sqrt()));
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
-function invertAtanh(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        return lhs.invert(Decimal.tanh(value));
-    }
-    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
-function integrateAtanh(
-    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-    stack: SubstitutionStack,
-    lhs: FormulaSource
-) {
-    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
-        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
-        return Decimal.atanh(x)
-            .times(x)
-            .add(Decimal.sub(1, Decimal.pow(x, 2)).ln().div(2));
-    }
-    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
  * A class that can be used for cost/goal functions. It can be evaluated similar to a cost function, but also provides extra features for supported formulas. For example, a lot of math functions can be inverted.
  * Typically, the use of these extra features is to support cost/goal functions that have multiple levels purchased/completed at once efficiently.
@@ -970,59 +49,59 @@ function integrateAtanh(
 export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
     readonly inputs: T;
-    private readonly internalEvaluate:
-        | ((...inputs: GuardedFormulasToDecimals<T>) => DecimalSource)
-        | undefined;
-    private readonly internalInvert:
-        | ((value: DecimalSource, ...inputs: T) => DecimalSource)
-        | undefined;
-    private readonly internalIntegrate:
-        | ((
-              variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-              stack: SubstitutionStack | undefined,
-              ...inputs: T
-          ) => DecimalSource)
-        | undefined;
-    private readonly internalIntegrateInner:
-        | ((
-              variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
-              stack: SubstitutionStack | undefined,
-              ...inputs: T
-          ) => DecimalSource)
-        | undefined;
-    private readonly applySubstitution:
-        | ((variable: DecimalSource, ...inputs: T) => DecimalSource)
-        | undefined;
-    private readonly internalInvertIntegral:
-        | ((value: DecimalSource, ...inputs: T) => DecimalSource)
-        | undefined;
+    private readonly internalEvaluate: EvaluateFunction<T> | undefined;
+    private readonly internalInvert: InvertFunction<T> | undefined;
+    private readonly internalIntegrate: IntegrateFunction<T> | undefined;
+    private readonly internalIntegrateInner: IntegrateFunction<T> | undefined;
+    private readonly applySubstitution: SubstitutionFunction<T> | undefined;
+    private readonly internalInvertIntegral: InvertIntegralFunction<T> | undefined;
     private readonly internalHasVariable: boolean;
     public readonly innermostVariable: ProcessedComputable<DecimalSource> | undefined;
     constructor(options: FormulaOptions<T>) {
-        // Variable case
+        let readonlyProperties;
         if ("variable" in options) {
-            this.inputs = [options.variable] as T;
-            this.internalHasVariable = true;
-            this.innermostVariable = options.variable;
-            this.internalIntegrate =
-                integrateVariable as unknown as Formula<T>["internalIntegrate"];
-            this.internalIntegrateInner =
-                integrateVariableInner as unknown as Formula<T>["internalIntegrateInner"];
-            this.applySubstitution = passthrough as unknown as Formula<T>["applySubstitution"];
-            return;
-        }
-        // Constant case
-        if (!("evaluate" in options)) {
-            if (options.inputs.length !== 1) {
-                throw "Evaluate function is required if inputs is not length 1";
-            }
-            this.inputs = options.inputs as T;
-            this.internalHasVariable = false;
-            return;
+            readonlyProperties = this.setupVariable(options);
+        } else if (!("evaluate" in options)) {
+            readonlyProperties = this.setupConstant(options);
+        } else {
+            readonlyProperties = this.setupFormula(options);
+        this.inputs = readonlyProperties.inputs;
+        this.internalHasVariable = readonlyProperties.internalHasVariable;
+        this.innermostVariable = readonlyProperties.innermostVariable;
+        this.internalIntegrate = readonlyProperties.internalIntegrate;
+        this.internalIntegrateInner = readonlyProperties.internalIntegrateInner;
+        this.applySubstitution = readonlyProperties.applySubstitution;
+    }
+    private setupVariable({
+        variable
+    }: {
+        variable: ProcessedComputable<DecimalSource>;
+    }): InternalFormulaProperties<T> {
+        return {
+            inputs: [variable] as T,
+            internalHasVariable: true,
+            innermostVariable: variable,
+            internalIntegrate: integrateVariable as unknown as IntegrateFunction<T>,
+            internalIntegrateInner: integrateVariableInner as unknown as IntegrateFunction<T>,
+            applySubstitution: ops.passthrough as unknown as SubstitutionFunction<T>
+        };
+    }
+    private setupConstant({ inputs }: { inputs: [FormulaSource] }): InternalFormulaProperties<T> {
+        if (inputs.length !== 1) {
+            throw "Evaluate function is required if inputs is not length 1";
+        }
+        return {
+            inputs: inputs as T,
+            internalHasVariable: false
+        };
+    }
+    private setupFormula(options: GeneralFormulaOptions<T>): InternalFormulaProperties<T> {
         const {
@@ -1037,12 +116,6 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
             throw "A formula cannot be marked as having a variable if it is not invertible";
-        this.inputs = inputs;
-        this.internalEvaluate = evaluate;
-        this.internalIntegrate = integrate;
-        this.internalIntegrateInner = integrateInner;
-        this.applySubstitution = applySubstitution;
         const numVariables = inputs.filter(
             input => input instanceof Formula && input.hasVariable()
@@ -1050,21 +123,24 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
             | GenericFormula
             | undefined;
-        this.internalHasVariable =
+        const internalHasVariable =
             numVariables === 1 || (numVariables === 0 && hasVariable === true);
-        if (this.internalHasVariable) {
-            this.innermostVariable = variable?.innermostVariable;
-        }
-        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
-        // @ts-ignore
-        this.internalInvert =
-            this.internalHasVariable && variable?.isInvertible() ? invert : undefined;
-        // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
-        // @ts-ignore
-        this.internalInvertIntegral =
-            this.internalHasVariable && variable?.isIntegralInvertible()
-                ? invertIntegral
-                : undefined;
+        const innermostVariable = internalHasVariable ? variable?.innermostVariable : undefined;
+        const internalInvert = internalHasVariable && variable?.isInvertible() ? invert : undefined;
+        const internalInvertIntegral =
+            internalHasVariable && variable?.isIntegralInvertible() ? invertIntegral : undefined;
+        return {
+            inputs,
+            internalEvaluate: evaluate,
+            internalIntegrate: integrate,
+            internalIntegrateInner: integrateInner,
+            applySubstitution,
+            innermostVariable,
+            internalHasVariable,
+            internalInvert,
+            internalInvertIntegral
+        };
     /** Type predicate that this formula can be inverted. */
@@ -1340,9 +416,9 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value],
             evaluate: Decimal.neg,
-            invert: invertNeg,
-            applySubstitution: applySubstitutionNeg,
-            integrate: integrateNeg
+            invert: ops.invertNeg,
+            applySubstitution: ops.applySubstitutionNeg,
+            integrate: ops.integrateNeg
     public static negate<T extends GenericFormula>(value: T): Omit<T, "invertIntegral">;
@@ -1386,11 +462,11 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value, other],
             evaluate: Decimal.add,
-            invert: invertAdd,
-            integrate: integrateAdd,
-            integrateInner: integrateInnerAdd,
-            applySubstitution: passthrough,
-            invertIntegral: invertIntegrateAdd
+            invert: ops.invertAdd,
+            integrate: ops.integrateAdd,
+            integrateInner: ops.integrateInnerAdd,
+            applySubstitution: ops.passthrough,
+            invertIntegral: ops.invertIntegrateAdd
     public static plus<T extends GenericFormula>(value: T, other: FormulaSource): T;
@@ -1407,11 +483,11 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value, other],
             evaluate: Decimal.sub,
-            invert: invertSub,
-            integrate: integrateSub,
-            integrateInner: integrateInnerSub,
-            applySubstitution: passthrough,
-            invertIntegral: invertIntegrateSub
+            invert: ops.invertSub,
+            integrate: ops.integrateSub,
+            integrateInner: ops.integrateInnerSub,
+            applySubstitution: ops.passthrough,
+            invertIntegral: ops.invertIntegrateSub
     public static subtract<T extends GenericFormula>(value: T, other: FormulaSource): T;
@@ -1434,10 +510,10 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value, other],
             evaluate: Decimal.mul,
-            invert: invertMul,
-            integrate: integrateMul,
-            applySubstitution: applySubstitutionMul,
-            invertIntegral: invertIntegrateMul
+            invert: ops.invertMul,
+            integrate: ops.integrateMul,
+            applySubstitution: ops.applySubstitutionMul,
+            invertIntegral: ops.invertIntegrateMul
     public static multiply<T extends GenericFormula>(value: T, other: FormulaSource): T;
@@ -1460,10 +536,10 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value, other],
             evaluate: Decimal.div,
-            invert: invertDiv,
-            integrate: integrateDiv,
-            applySubstitution: applySubstitutionDiv,
-            invertIntegral: invertIntegrateDiv
+            invert: ops.invertDiv,
+            integrate: ops.integrateDiv,
+            applySubstitution: ops.applySubstitutionDiv,
+            invertIntegral: ops.invertIntegrateDiv
     public static divide<T extends GenericFormula>(value: T, other: FormulaSource): T;
@@ -1479,9 +555,9 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value],
             evaluate: Decimal.recip,
-            invert: invertRecip,
-            integrate: integrateRecip,
-            invertIntegral: invertIntegrateRecip
+            invert: ops.invertRecip,
+            integrate: ops.integrateRecip,
+            invertIntegral: ops.invertIntegrateRecip
     public static reciprocal<T extends GenericFormula>(value: T): T;
@@ -1499,61 +575,22 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value, other],
             evaluate: Decimal.max,
-            invert: passthrough as (
+            invert: ops.passthrough as (
                 value: DecimalSource,
                 ...inputs: [FormulaSource, FormulaSource]
             ) => DecimalSource,
-            invertIntegral: passthrough as (
+            invertIntegral: ops.passthrough as (
                 value: DecimalSource,
                 ...inputs: [FormulaSource, FormulaSource]
             ) => DecimalSource
-    public static min(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource): GenericFormula {
-        return new Formula({
-            inputs: [value, other],
-            evaluate: Decimal.min,
-            invert: passthrough as (
-                value: DecimalSource,
-                ...inputs: [FormulaSource, FormulaSource]
-            ) => DecimalSource,
-            invertIntegral: passthrough as (
-                value: DecimalSource,
-                ...inputs: [FormulaSource, FormulaSource]
-            ) => DecimalSource
-        });
-    }
-    public static minabs(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource): GenericFormula {
-        return new Formula({
-            inputs: [value, other],
-            evaluate: Decimal.minabs,
-            invert: passthrough as (
-                value: DecimalSource,
-                ...inputs: [FormulaSource, FormulaSource]
-            ) => DecimalSource,
-            invertIntegral: passthrough as (
-                value: DecimalSource,
-                ...inputs: [FormulaSource, FormulaSource]
-            ) => DecimalSource
-        });
-    }
-    public static maxabs(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource): GenericFormula {
-        return new Formula({
-            inputs: [value, other],
-            evaluate: Decimal.maxabs,
-            invert: passthrough as (
-                value: DecimalSource,
-                ...inputs: [FormulaSource, FormulaSource]
-            ) => DecimalSource,
-            invertIntegral: passthrough as (
-                value: DecimalSource,
-                ...inputs: [FormulaSource, FormulaSource]
-            ) => DecimalSource
-        });
-    }
+    public static min = ops.createPassthroughBinaryFormula(Decimal.min);
+    public static minabs = ops.createPassthroughBinaryFormula(Decimal.minabs);
+    public static maxabs = ops.createPassthroughBinaryFormula(Decimal.maxabs);
+    public static clampMin = ops.createPassthroughBinaryFormula(Decimal.clampMin);
+    public static clampMax = ops.createPassthroughBinaryFormula(Decimal.clampMax);
     public static clamp(
         value: FormulaSource,
@@ -1563,44 +600,12 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value, min, max],
             evaluate: Decimal.clamp,
-            invert: passthrough as (
-                value: DecimalSource,
-                ...inputs: [FormulaSource, FormulaSource, FormulaSource]
-            ) => DecimalSource,
-            invertIntegral: passthrough as (
-                value: DecimalSource,
-                ...inputs: [FormulaSource, FormulaSource, FormulaSource]
-            ) => DecimalSource
-        });
-    }
-    public static clampMin(value: FormulaSource, min: FormulaSource): GenericFormula {
-        return new Formula({
-            inputs: [value, min],
-            evaluate: Decimal.clampMin,
-            invert: passthrough as (
-                value: DecimalSource,
-                ...inputs: [FormulaSource, FormulaSource]
-            ) => DecimalSource,
-            invertIntegral: passthrough as (
-                value: DecimalSource,
-                ...inputs: [FormulaSource, FormulaSource]
-            ) => DecimalSource
-        });
-    }
-    public static clampMax(value: FormulaSource, max: FormulaSource): GenericFormula {
-        return new Formula({
-            inputs: [value, max],
-            evaluate: Decimal.clampMax,
-            invert: passthrough as (
-                value: DecimalSource,
-                ...inputs: [FormulaSource, FormulaSource]
-            ) => DecimalSource,
-            invertIntegral: passthrough as (
-                value: DecimalSource,
-                ...inputs: [FormulaSource, FormulaSource]
-            ) => DecimalSource
+            invert: ops.passthrough as InvertFunction<
+                [FormulaSource, FormulaSource, FormulaSource]
+            >,
+            invertIntegral: ops.passthrough as InvertFunction<
+                [FormulaSource, FormulaSource, FormulaSource]
+            >
@@ -1618,9 +623,9 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value],
             evaluate: Decimal.log10,
-            invert: invertLog10,
-            integrate: integrateLog10,
-            invertIntegral: invertIntegrateLog10
+            invert: ops.invertLog10,
+            integrate: ops.integrateLog10,
+            invertIntegral: ops.invertIntegrateLog10
@@ -1631,9 +636,9 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value, base],
             evaluate: Decimal.log,
-            invert: invertLog,
-            integrate: integrateLog,
-            invertIntegral: invertIntegrateLog
+            invert: ops.invertLog,
+            integrate: ops.integrateLog,
+            invertIntegral: ops.invertIntegrateLog
     public static logarithm<T extends GenericFormula>(value: T, base: FormulaSource): T;
@@ -1649,9 +654,9 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value],
             evaluate: Decimal.log2,
-            invert: invertLog2,
-            integrate: integrateLog2,
-            invertIntegral: invertIntegrateLog2
+            invert: ops.invertLog2,
+            integrate: ops.integrateLog2,
+            invertIntegral: ops.invertIntegrateLog2
@@ -1661,9 +666,9 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value],
             evaluate: Decimal.ln,
-            invert: invertLn,
-            integrate: integrateLn,
-            invertIntegral: invertIntegrateLn
+            invert: ops.invertLn,
+            integrate: ops.integrateLn,
+            invertIntegral: ops.invertIntegrateLn
@@ -1674,9 +679,9 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value, other],
             evaluate: Decimal.pow,
-            invert: invertPow,
-            integrate: integratePow,
-            invertIntegral: invertIntegratePow
+            invert: ops.invertPow,
+            integrate: ops.integratePow,
+            invertIntegral: ops.invertIntegratePow
@@ -1686,9 +691,9 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value],
             evaluate: Decimal.pow10,
-            invert: invertPow10,
-            integrate: integratePow10,
-            invertIntegral: invertIntegratePow10
+            invert: ops.invertPow10,
+            integrate: ops.integratePow10,
+            invertIntegral: ops.invertIntegratePow10
@@ -1699,9 +704,9 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value, other],
             evaluate: Decimal.pow_base,
-            invert: invertPowBase,
-            integrate: integratePowBase,
-            invertIntegral: invertIntegratePowBase
+            invert: ops.invertPowBase,
+            integrate: ops.integratePowBase,
+            invertIntegral: ops.invertIntegratePowBase
@@ -1712,9 +717,9 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value, other],
             evaluate: Decimal.root,
-            invert: invertRoot,
-            integrate: integrateRoot,
-            invertIntegral: invertIntegrateRoot
+            invert: ops.invertRoot,
+            integrate: ops.integrateRoot,
+            invertIntegral: ops.invertIntegrateRoot
@@ -1736,8 +741,8 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value],
             evaluate: Decimal.exp,
-            invert: invertExp,
-            integrate: integrateExp
+            invert: ops.invertExp,
+            integrate: ops.integrateExp
@@ -1782,8 +787,8 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
     ) {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value, height, payload],
-            evaluate: tetrate,
-            invert: invertTetrate
+            evaluate: ops.tetrate,
+            invert: ops.invertTetrate
@@ -1804,8 +809,8 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
     ) {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value, height, payload],
-            evaluate: iteratedexp,
-            invert: invertIteratedExp
+            evaluate: ops.iteratedexp,
+            invert: ops.invertIteratedExp
@@ -1814,7 +819,7 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         base: FormulaSource = 10,
         times: FormulaSource = 1
     ): GenericFormula {
-        return new Formula({ inputs: [value, base, times], evaluate: iteratedLog });
+        return new Formula({ inputs: [value, base, times], evaluate: ops.iteratedLog });
     public static slog<T extends GenericFormula>(
@@ -1823,7 +828,7 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
     ): Omit<T, "integrate" | "invertIntegral">;
     public static slog(value: FormulaSource, base?: FormulaSource): GenericFormula;
     public static slog(value: FormulaSource, base: FormulaSource = 10) {
-        return new Formula({ inputs: [value, base], evaluate: slog, invert: invertSlog });
+        return new Formula({ inputs: [value, base], evaluate: ops.slog, invert: ops.invertSlog });
     public static layeradd10(value: FormulaSource, diff: FormulaSource) {
@@ -1843,8 +848,8 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
     public static layeradd(value: FormulaSource, diff: FormulaSource, base: FormulaSource = 10) {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value, diff, base],
-            evaluate: layeradd,
-            invert: invertLayeradd
+            evaluate: ops.layeradd,
+            invert: ops.invertLayeradd
@@ -1853,7 +858,11 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
     ): Omit<T, "integrate" | "invertIntegral">;
     public static lambertw(value: FormulaSource): GenericFormula;
     public static lambertw(value: FormulaSource) {
-        return new Formula({ inputs: [value], evaluate: Decimal.lambertw, invert: invertLambertw });
+        return new Formula({
+            inputs: [value],
+            evaluate: Decimal.lambertw,
+            invert: ops.invertLambertw
+        });
     public static ssqrt<T extends GenericFormula>(
@@ -1861,7 +870,7 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
     ): Omit<T, "integrate" | "invertIntegral">;
     public static ssqrt(value: FormulaSource): GenericFormula;
     public static ssqrt(value: FormulaSource) {
-        return new Formula({ inputs: [value], evaluate: Decimal.ssqrt, invert: invertSsqrt });
+        return new Formula({ inputs: [value], evaluate: Decimal.ssqrt, invert: ops.invertSsqrt });
     public static pentate(
@@ -1869,7 +878,7 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         height: FormulaSource = 2,
         payload: FormulaSource = Decimal.fromComponents_noNormalize(1, 0, 1)
     ): GenericFormula {
-        return new Formula({ inputs: [value, height, payload], evaluate: pentate });
+        return new Formula({ inputs: [value, height, payload], evaluate: ops.pentate });
     public static sin<T extends GenericFormula>(value: T): Omit<T, "invertIntegral">;
@@ -1878,8 +887,8 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value],
             evaluate: Decimal.sin,
-            invert: invertAsin,
-            integrate: integrateSin
+            invert: ops.invertAsin,
+            integrate: ops.integrateSin
@@ -1889,8 +898,8 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value],
             evaluate: Decimal.cos,
-            invert: invertAcos,
-            integrate: integrateCos
+            invert: ops.invertAcos,
+            integrate: ops.integrateCos
@@ -1900,8 +909,8 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value],
             evaluate: Decimal.tan,
-            invert: invertAtan,
-            integrate: integrateTan
+            invert: ops.invertAtan,
+            integrate: ops.integrateTan
@@ -1911,8 +920,8 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value],
             evaluate: Decimal.asin,
-            invert: invertSin,
-            integrate: integrateAsin
+            invert: ops.invertSin,
+            integrate: ops.integrateAsin
@@ -1922,8 +931,8 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value],
             evaluate: Decimal.acos,
-            invert: invertCos,
-            integrate: integrateAcos
+            invert: ops.invertCos,
+            integrate: ops.integrateAcos
@@ -1933,8 +942,8 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value],
             evaluate: Decimal.atan,
-            invert: invertTan,
-            integrate: integrateAtan
+            invert: ops.invertTan,
+            integrate: ops.integrateAtan
@@ -1944,8 +953,8 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value],
             evaluate: Decimal.sinh,
-            invert: invertAsinh,
-            integrate: integrateSinh
+            invert: ops.invertAsinh,
+            integrate: ops.integrateSinh
@@ -1955,8 +964,8 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value],
             evaluate: Decimal.cosh,
-            invert: invertAcosh,
-            integrate: integrateCosh
+            invert: ops.invertAcosh,
+            integrate: ops.integrateCosh
@@ -1966,8 +975,8 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value],
             evaluate: Decimal.tanh,
-            invert: invertAtanh,
-            integrate: integrateTanh
+            invert: ops.invertAtanh,
+            integrate: ops.integrateTanh
@@ -1977,8 +986,8 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value],
             evaluate: Decimal.asinh,
-            invert: invertSinh,
-            integrate: integrateAsinh
+            invert: ops.invertSinh,
+            integrate: ops.integrateAsinh
@@ -1988,8 +997,8 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value],
             evaluate: Decimal.acosh,
-            invert: invertCosh,
-            integrate: integrateAcosh
+            invert: ops.invertCosh,
+            integrate: ops.integrateAcosh
@@ -1999,8 +1008,8 @@ export default class Formula<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> {
         return new Formula({
             inputs: [value],
             evaluate: Decimal.atanh,
-            invert: invertTanh,
-            integrate: integrateAtanh
+            invert: ops.invertTanh,
+            integrate: ops.integrateAtanh
@@ -2488,7 +1497,7 @@ export function calculateMaxAffordable(
             if (!formula.isInvertible()) {
                 throw "Cannot calculate max affordable of non-invertible formula";
-            return Decimal.floor((formula as InvertibleFormula).invert(resource.value));
+            return Decimal.floor(formula.invert(resource.value));
diff --git a/src/game/formulas/operations.ts b/src/game/formulas/operations.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fb860d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/game/formulas/operations.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,904 @@
+import Decimal, { DecimalSource } from "util/bignum";
+import { unref } from "vue";
+import Formula, { hasVariable, unrefFormulaSource } from "./formulas";
+import { FormulaSource, InvertFunction, SubstitutionStack } from "./types";
+export function passthrough(value: DecimalSource) {
+    return value;
+export function invertNeg(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.neg(value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateNeg(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return Decimal.neg(lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack));
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function applySubstitutionNeg(value: DecimalSource) {
+    return Decimal.neg(value);
+export function invertAdd(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.sub(value, unrefFormulaSource(rhs)));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        return rhs.invert(Decimal.sub(value, unrefFormulaSource(lhs)));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateAdd(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource,
+    rhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.times(
+            unrefFormulaSource(rhs),
+            variable ?? unref(lhs.innermostVariable) ?? 0
+        ).add(x);
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        const x = rhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.times(
+            unrefFormulaSource(lhs),
+            variable ?? unref(rhs.innermostVariable) ?? 0
+        ).add(x);
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateInnerAdd(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource,
+    rhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.add(x, unrefFormulaSource(rhs));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        const x = rhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.add(x, unrefFormulaSource(lhs));
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertIntegrateAdd(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const b = unrefFormulaSource(rhs);
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.pow(b, 2).add(Decimal.times(value, 2)).sub(b));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        const b = unrefFormulaSource(lhs);
+        return rhs.invert(Decimal.pow(b, 2).add(Decimal.times(value, 2)).sub(b));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertSub(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.add(value, unrefFormulaSource(rhs)));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        return rhs.invert(Decimal.sub(unrefFormulaSource(lhs), value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateSub(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource,
+    rhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.sub(
+            x,
+            Decimal.times(unrefFormulaSource(rhs), variable ?? unref(lhs.innermostVariable) ?? 0)
+        );
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        const x = rhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.times(
+            unrefFormulaSource(lhs),
+            variable ?? unref(rhs.innermostVariable) ?? 0
+        ).sub(x);
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateInnerSub(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource,
+    rhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.sub(x, unrefFormulaSource(rhs));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        const x = rhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.sub(x, unrefFormulaSource(lhs));
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertIntegrateSub(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const b = unrefFormulaSource(rhs);
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.pow(b, 2).add(Decimal.times(value, 2)).sqrt().sub(b));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        const b = unrefFormulaSource(lhs);
+        return rhs.invert(Decimal.pow(b, 2).add(Decimal.times(value, 2)).sqrt().sub(b));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertMul(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.div(value, unrefFormulaSource(rhs)));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        return rhs.invert(Decimal.div(value, unrefFormulaSource(lhs)));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateMul(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource,
+    rhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.times(x, unrefFormulaSource(rhs));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        const x = rhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.times(x, unrefFormulaSource(lhs));
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function applySubstitutionMul(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return Decimal.div(value, unrefFormulaSource(rhs));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        return Decimal.div(value, unrefFormulaSource(lhs));
+    }
+    throw "Could not apply substitution due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertIntegrateMul(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const b = unrefFormulaSource(rhs);
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.sqrt(value).times(Decimal.sqrt(2)).div(Decimal.sqrt(b)));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        const b = unrefFormulaSource(lhs);
+        return rhs.invert(Decimal.sqrt(value).times(Decimal.sqrt(2)).div(Decimal.sqrt(b)));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertDiv(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.mul(value, unrefFormulaSource(rhs)));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        return rhs.invert(Decimal.div(unrefFormulaSource(lhs), value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateDiv(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource,
+    rhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.div(x, unrefFormulaSource(rhs));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        const x = rhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.div(unrefFormulaSource(lhs), x);
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function applySubstitutionDiv(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return Decimal.mul(value, unrefFormulaSource(rhs));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        return Decimal.mul(value, unrefFormulaSource(lhs));
+    }
+    throw "Could not apply substitution due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertIntegrateDiv(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const b = unrefFormulaSource(rhs);
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.sqrt(value).times(Decimal.sqrt(2)).times(Decimal.sqrt(b)));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        const b = unrefFormulaSource(lhs);
+        return rhs.invert(Decimal.sqrt(value).times(Decimal.sqrt(2)).times(Decimal.sqrt(b)));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertRecip(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.recip(value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateRecip(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.ln(x);
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertIntegrateRecip(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.exp(value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertLog10(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.pow10(value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateLog10(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.ln(x).sub(1).times(x).div(Decimal.ln(10));
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertIntegrateLog10(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(
+            Decimal.exp(Decimal.ln(2).add(Decimal.ln(5)).times(value).div(Math.E).lambertw().add(1))
+        );
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertLog(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.pow(unrefFormulaSource(rhs), value));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        return rhs.invert(Decimal.root(unrefFormulaSource(lhs), value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateLog(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource,
+    rhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.ln(x)
+            .sub(1)
+            .times(x)
+            .div(Decimal.ln(unrefFormulaSource(rhs)));
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertIntegrateLog(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const numerator = Decimal.ln(unrefFormulaSource(rhs)).times(value);
+        return lhs.invert(numerator.div(numerator.div(Math.E).lambertw()));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertLog2(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.pow(2, value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateLog2(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.ln(x).sub(1).times(x).div(Decimal.ln(2));
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertIntegrateLog2(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.exp(Decimal.ln(2).times(value).div(Math.E).lambertw().add(1)));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertLn(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.exp(value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateLn(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.ln(x).sub(1).times(x);
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertIntegrateLn(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.exp(Decimal.div(value, Math.E).lambertw().add(1)));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertPow(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.root(value, unrefFormulaSource(rhs)));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        return rhs.invert(Decimal.ln(value).div(Decimal.ln(unrefFormulaSource(lhs))));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integratePow(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource,
+    rhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        const pow = Decimal.add(unrefFormulaSource(rhs), 1);
+        return Decimal.pow(x, pow).div(pow);
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        const x = rhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        const b = unrefFormulaSource(lhs);
+        return Decimal.pow(b, x).div(Decimal.ln(b));
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertIntegratePow(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const b = unrefFormulaSource(rhs);
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.negate(b).sub(1).negate().times(value).root(Decimal.add(b, 1)));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        const denominator = Decimal.ln(unrefFormulaSource(lhs));
+        return rhs.invert(Decimal.times(denominator, value).ln().div(denominator));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertPow10(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.root(value, 10));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integratePow10(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.ln(x).sub(1).times(x).div(Decimal.ln(10));
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertIntegratePow10(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(
+            Decimal.ln(2).add(Decimal.ln(5)).times(value).div(Math.E).lambertw().add(1).exp()
+        );
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertPowBase(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.ln(value).div(unrefFormulaSource(rhs)));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        return rhs.invert(Decimal.root(unrefFormulaSource(lhs), value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integratePowBase(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource,
+    rhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        const b = unrefFormulaSource(rhs);
+        return Decimal.pow(b, x).div(Decimal.ln(b));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        const x = rhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        const denominator = Decimal.add(unrefFormulaSource(lhs), 1);
+        return Decimal.pow(x, denominator).div(denominator);
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertIntegratePowBase(
+    value: DecimalSource,
+    lhs: FormulaSource,
+    rhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const b = unrefFormulaSource(rhs);
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.ln(b).times(value).ln().div(Decimal.ln(b)));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        const b = unrefFormulaSource(lhs);
+        return rhs.invert(Decimal.neg(b).sub(1).negate().times(value).root(Decimal.add(b, 1)));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertRoot(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.root(value, Decimal.recip(unrefFormulaSource(rhs))));
+    } else if (hasVariable(rhs)) {
+        return rhs.invert(Decimal.ln(unrefFormulaSource(lhs)).div(Decimal.ln(value)));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateRoot(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource,
+    rhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        const a = unrefFormulaSource(rhs);
+        return Decimal.pow(x, Decimal.recip(a).add(1)).times(a).div(Decimal.add(a, 1));
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertIntegrateRoot(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const b = unrefFormulaSource(rhs);
+        return lhs.invert(
+            Decimal.add(b, 1)
+                .times(value)
+                .div(b)
+                .pow(Decimal.div(b, Decimal.add(b, 1)))
+        );
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertExp(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.ln(value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateExp(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.exp(x);
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function tetrate(
+    value: DecimalSource,
+    height: DecimalSource = 2,
+    payload: DecimalSource = Decimal.fromComponents_noNormalize(1, 0, 1)
+) {
+    const heightNumber = Decimal.minabs(height, 1e308).toNumber();
+    return Decimal.tetrate(value, heightNumber, payload);
+export function invertTetrate(
+    value: DecimalSource,
+    base: FormulaSource,
+    height: FormulaSource,
+    payload: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(base)) {
+        return base.invert(Decimal.ssqrt(value));
+    }
+    // Other params can't be inverted ATM
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function iteratedexp(
+    value: DecimalSource,
+    height: DecimalSource = 2,
+    payload: DecimalSource = Decimal.fromComponents_noNormalize(1, 0, 1)
+) {
+    const heightNumber = Decimal.minabs(height, 1e308).toNumber();
+    return Decimal.iteratedexp(value, heightNumber, new Decimal(payload));
+export function invertIteratedExp(
+    value: DecimalSource,
+    lhs: FormulaSource,
+    height: FormulaSource,
+    payload: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(
+            Decimal.iteratedlog(
+                value,
+                Math.E,
+                Decimal.minabs(1e308, unrefFormulaSource(height)).toNumber()
+            )
+        );
+    }
+    // Other params can't be inverted ATM
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function iteratedLog(
+    value: DecimalSource,
+    lhs: DecimalSource = 10,
+    times: DecimalSource = 2
+) {
+    const timesNumber = Decimal.minabs(times, 1e308).toNumber();
+    return Decimal.iteratedlog(value, lhs, timesNumber);
+export function slog(value: DecimalSource, lhs: DecimalSource = 10) {
+    const baseNumber = Decimal.minabs(lhs, 1e308).toNumber();
+    return Decimal.slog(value, baseNumber);
+export function invertSlog(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource, rhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(
+            Decimal.tetrate(value, Decimal.minabs(1e308, unrefFormulaSource(rhs)).toNumber())
+        );
+    }
+    // Other params can't be inverted ATM
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function layeradd(value: DecimalSource, diff: DecimalSource, base: DecimalSource) {
+    const diffNumber = Decimal.minabs(diff, 1e308).toNumber();
+    return Decimal.layeradd(value, diffNumber, base);
+export function invertLayeradd(
+    value: DecimalSource,
+    lhs: FormulaSource,
+    diff: FormulaSource,
+    base: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(
+            Decimal.layeradd(
+                value,
+                Decimal.minabs(1e308, unrefFormulaSource(diff)).negate().toNumber()
+            )
+        );
+    }
+    // Other params can't be inverted ATM
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertLambertw(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.pow(Math.E, value).times(value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertSsqrt(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.tetrate(value, 2));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function pentate(value: DecimalSource, height: DecimalSource, payload: DecimalSource) {
+    const heightNumber = Decimal.minabs(height, 1e308).toNumber();
+    return Decimal.pentate(value, heightNumber, payload);
+export function invertSin(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.asin(value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateSin(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.cos(x).neg();
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertCos(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.acos(value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateCos(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.sin(x);
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertTan(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.atan(value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateTan(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.cos(x).ln().neg();
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertAsin(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.sin(value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateAsin(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.asin(x)
+            .times(x)
+            .add(Decimal.sqrt(Decimal.sub(1, Decimal.pow(x, 2))));
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertAcos(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.cos(value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateAcos(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.acos(x)
+            .times(x)
+            .sub(Decimal.sqrt(Decimal.sub(1, Decimal.pow(x, 2))));
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertAtan(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.tan(value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateAtan(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.atan(x)
+            .times(x)
+            .sub(Decimal.ln(Decimal.pow(x, 2).add(1)).div(2));
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertSinh(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.asinh(value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateSinh(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.cosh(x);
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertCosh(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.acosh(value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateCosh(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.sinh(x);
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertTanh(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.atanh(value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateTanh(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.cosh(x).ln();
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertAsinh(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.sinh(value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateAsinh(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.asinh(x).times(x).sub(Decimal.pow(x, 2).add(1).sqrt());
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertAcosh(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.cosh(value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateAcosh(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.acosh(x)
+            .times(x)
+            .sub(Decimal.add(x, 1).sqrt().times(Decimal.sub(x, 1).sqrt()));
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function invertAtanh(value: DecimalSource, lhs: FormulaSource) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        return lhs.invert(Decimal.tanh(value));
+    }
+    throw "Could not invert due to no input being a variable";
+export function integrateAtanh(
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack,
+    lhs: FormulaSource
+) {
+    if (hasVariable(lhs)) {
+        const x = lhs.evaluateIntegral(variable, stack);
+        return Decimal.atanh(x)
+            .times(x)
+            .add(Decimal.sub(1, Decimal.pow(x, 2)).ln().div(2));
+    }
+    throw "Could not integrate due to no input being a variable";
+export function createPassthroughBinaryFormula(
+    operation: (a: DecimalSource, b: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource
+) {
+    return (value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) =>
+        new Formula({
+            inputs: [value, other],
+            evaluate: operation,
+            invert: passthrough as InvertFunction<[FormulaSource, FormulaSource]>,
+            invertIntegral: passthrough as InvertFunction<[FormulaSource, FormulaSource]>
+        });
diff --git a/src/game/formulas/types.d.ts b/src/game/formulas/types.d.ts
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..baaf2bb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/game/formulas/types.d.ts
@@ -0,0 +1,79 @@
+import Formula from "game/formulas/formulas";
+import { DecimalSource } from "util/bignum";
+import { ProcessedComputable } from "util/computed";
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+type GenericFormula = Formula<any>;
+type FormulaSource = ProcessedComputable<DecimalSource> | GenericFormula;
+type InvertibleFormula = GenericFormula & {
+    invert: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource;
+type IntegrableFormula = GenericFormula & {
+    evaluateIntegral: (variable?: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource;
+type InvertibleIntegralFormula = GenericFormula & {
+    invertIntegral: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource;
+type EvaluateFunction<T> = (
+    this: Formula<T>,
+    ...inputs: GuardedFormulasToDecimals<T>
+) => DecimalSource;
+type InvertFunction<T> = (this: Formula<T>, value: DecimalSource, ...inputs: T) => DecimalSource;
+type IntegrateFunction<T> = (
+    this: Formula<T>,
+    variable: DecimalSource | undefined,
+    stack: SubstitutionStack | undefined,
+    ...inputs: T
+) => DecimalSource;
+type SubstitutionFunction<T> = (
+    this: Formula<T>,
+    variable: DecimalSource,
+    ...inputs: T
+) => DecimalSource;
+type InvertIntegralFunction<T> = (
+    this: Formula<T>,
+    value: DecimalSource,
+    ...inputs: T
+) => DecimalSource;
+type VariableFormulaOptions = { variable: ProcessedComputable<DecimalSource> };
+type ConstantFormulaOptions = {
+    inputs: [FormulaSource];
+type GeneralFormulaOptions<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> = {
+    inputs: T;
+    evaluate: EvaluateFunction<T>;
+    invert?: InvertFunction<T>;
+    integrate?: IntegrateFunction<T>;
+    integrateInner?: IntegrateFunction<T>;
+    applySubstitution?: SubstitutionFunction<T>;
+    invertIntegral?: InvertIntegralFunction<T>;
+    hasVariable?: boolean;
+type FormulaOptions<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> =
+    | VariableFormulaOptions
+    | ConstantFormulaOptions
+    | GeneralFormulaOptions<T>;
+type InternalFormulaProperties<T extends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]> = {
+    inputs: T;
+    internalHasVariable: boolean;
+    internalEvaluate?: EvaluateFunction<T>;
+    internalInvert?: InvertFunction<T>;
+    internalIntegrate?: IntegrateFunction<T>;
+    internalIntegrateInner?: IntegrateFunction<T>;
+    internalInvertIntegral?: InvertIntegralFunction<T>;
+    applySubstitution?: SubstitutionFunction<T>;
+    innermostVariable?: ProcessedComputable<DecimalSource>;
+type SubstitutionStack = ((value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource)[] | undefined;
+// It's really hard to type mapped tuples, but these classes seem to manage
+type FormulasToDecimals<T extends FormulaSource[]> = {
+    [K in keyof T]: DecimalSource;
+// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
+type TupleGuard<T extends any[]> = T extends any[] ? FormulasToDecimals<T> : never;
+type GuardedFormulasToDecimals<T extends FormulaSource[]> = TupleGuard<T>;
diff --git a/src/game/requirements.tsx b/src/game/requirements.tsx
index 5372e36..8cd1cf7 100644
--- a/src/game/requirements.tsx
+++ b/src/game/requirements.tsx
@@ -11,12 +11,8 @@ import {
 import { createLazyProxy } from "util/proxies";
 import { joinJSX, renderJSX } from "util/vue";
 import { computed, unref } from "vue";
-import Formula, {
-    calculateCost,
-    calculateMaxAffordable,
-    GenericFormula,
-    InvertibleFormula
-} from "./formulas";
+import Formula, { calculateCost, calculateMaxAffordable } from "./formulas/formulas";
+import type { GenericFormula, InvertibleFormula } from "./formulas/types";
 import { DefaultValue, Persistent } from "./persistence";
diff --git a/tests/game/formulas.test.ts b/tests/game/formulas.test.ts
index 9937d30..a2b4012 100644
--- a/tests/game/formulas.test.ts
+++ b/tests/game/formulas.test.ts
@@ -2,10 +2,9 @@ import { createResource, Resource } from "features/resources/resource";
 import Formula, {
-    GenericFormula,
-    InvertibleFormula,
-} from "game/formulas";
+} from "game/formulas/formulas";
+import type { GenericFormula, InvertibleFormula } from "game/formulas/types";
 import Decimal, { DecimalSource } from "util/bignum";
 import { beforeAll, describe, expect, test } from "vitest";
 import { ref } from "vue";
diff --git a/tests/game/requirements.test.ts b/tests/game/requirements.test.ts
index 55474b9..13a13e9 100644
--- a/tests/game/requirements.test.ts
+++ b/tests/game/requirements.test.ts
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 import { Visibility } from "features/feature";
 import { createResource, Resource } from "features/resources/resource";
-import Formula from "game/formulas";
+import Formula from "game/formulas/formulas";
 import {