import { CoercableComponent, JSXFunction } from "features/feature"; import Formula, { printFormula } from "game/formulas/formulas"; import { createAdditiveModifier, createExponentialModifier, createModifierSection, createMultiplicativeModifier, createSequentialModifier, Modifier } from "game/modifiers"; import Decimal, { DecimalSource } from "util/bignum"; import { WithRequired } from "util/common"; import { Computable } from "util/computed"; import { beforeAll, describe, expect, test } from "vitest"; import { Ref, ref, unref } from "vue"; import "../utils"; export type ModifierConstructorOptions = { [S in "addend" | "multiplier" | "exponent"]: Computable<DecimalSource>; } & { description?: Computable<CoercableComponent>; enabled?: Computable<boolean>; smallerIsBetter?: boolean; }; function testModifiers< T extends "addend" | "multiplier" | "exponent", S extends ModifierConstructorOptions >( modifierConstructor: (optionsFunc: () => S) => WithRequired<Modifier, "invert" | "getFormula">, property: T, operation: (lhs: DecimalSource, rhs: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource ) { // Util because adding [property] messes up typing function createModifier( value: Computable<DecimalSource>, options: Partial<ModifierConstructorOptions> = {} ): WithRequired<Modifier, "invert" | "getFormula"> { options[property] = value; return modifierConstructor(() => options as S); } describe("operations", () => { let modifier: WithRequired<Modifier, "invert" | "getFormula">; beforeAll(() => { modifier = createModifier(ref(5)); }); test("Applies correctly", () => expect(modifier.apply(10)).compare_tolerance(operation(10, 5))); test("Inverts correctly", () => expect(modifier.invert(operation(10, 5))).compare_tolerance(10)); test("getFormula returns the right formula", () => { const value = ref(10); expect(printFormula(modifier.getFormula(Formula.variable(value)))).toBe( `${}(x, 5.00)` ); }); }); describe("applies description correctly", () => { test("without description", () => expect(createModifier(0).description).toBeUndefined()); test("with description", () => { const desc = createModifier(0, { description: "test" }).description; expect(desc).not.toBeUndefined(); expect((desc as JSXFunction)()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe("applies enabled correctly", () => { test("without enabled", () => expect(createModifier(0).enabled).toBeUndefined()); test("with enabled", () => { const enabled = ref(false); const modifier = createModifier(5, { enabled }); expect(modifier.enabled).toBe(enabled); }); }); describe("applies smallerIsBetter correctly", () => { describe("without smallerIsBetter false", () => { test("negative value", () => expect( ( createModifier(-5, { description: "test", smallerIsBetter: false }) .description as JSXFunction )() ).toMatchSnapshot()); test("zero value", () => expect( ( createModifier(0, { description: "test", smallerIsBetter: false }) .description as JSXFunction )() ).toMatchSnapshot()); test("positive value", () => expect( ( createModifier(5, { description: "test", smallerIsBetter: false }) .description as JSXFunction )() ).toMatchSnapshot()); }); describe("with smallerIsBetter true", () => { test("negative value", () => expect( ( createModifier(-5, { description: "test", smallerIsBetter: true }) .description as JSXFunction )() ).toMatchSnapshot()); test("zero value", () => expect( ( createModifier(0, { description: "test", smallerIsBetter: true }) .description as JSXFunction )() ).toMatchSnapshot()); test("positive value", () => expect( ( createModifier(5, { description: "test", smallerIsBetter: true }) .description as JSXFunction )() ).toMatchSnapshot()); }); }); } describe("Additive Modifiers", () => testModifiers(createAdditiveModifier, "addend", Decimal.add)); describe("Multiplicative Modifiers", () => testModifiers(createMultiplicativeModifier, "multiplier", Decimal.mul)); describe("Exponential Modifiers", () => testModifiers(createExponentialModifier, "exponent", Decimal.pow)); describe("Sequential Modifiers", () => { function createModifier( value: Computable<DecimalSource>, options: Partial<ModifierConstructorOptions> = {} ): WithRequired<Modifier, "invert" | "getFormula"> { return createSequentialModifier(() => [ createAdditiveModifier(() => ({ ...options, addend: value })), createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({ ...options, multiplier: value })), createExponentialModifier(() => ({ ...options, exponent: value })) ]); } describe("operations", () => { let modifier: WithRequired<Modifier, "invert" | "getFormula">; beforeAll(() => { modifier = createModifier(5); }); test("Applies correctly", () => expect(modifier.apply(10)).compare_tolerance(Decimal.add(10, 5).times(5).pow(5))); test("Inverts correctly", () => expect(modifier.invert(Decimal.add(10, 5).times(5).pow(5))).compare_tolerance(10)); test("getFormula returns the right formula", () => { const value = ref(10); expect(printFormula(modifier.getFormula(Formula.variable(value)))).toBe( `pow(mul(add(x, 5.00), 5.00), 5.00)` ); }); }); describe("applies description correctly", () => { test("without description", () => expect(createModifier(0).description).toBeUndefined()); test("with description", () => { const desc = createModifier(0, { description: "test" }).description; expect(desc).not.toBeUndefined(); expect((desc as JSXFunction)()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test("with both", () => { const desc = createSequentialModifier(() => [ createAdditiveModifier(() => ({ addend: 0 })), createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({ multiplier: 0, description: "test" })) ]).description; expect(desc).not.toBeUndefined(); expect((desc as JSXFunction)()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); describe("applies enabled correctly", () => { test("without enabled", () => expect(createModifier(0).enabled).toBeUndefined()); test("with enabled", () => { const enabled = ref(false); const modifier = createModifier(5, { enabled }); expect(modifier.enabled).not.toBeUndefined(); expect(unref(modifier.enabled)).toBe(false); enabled.value = true; expect(unref(modifier.enabled)).toBe(true); }); test("with both", () => { const enabled = ref(false); const modifier = createSequentialModifier(() => [ createAdditiveModifier(() => ({ addend: 0 })), createMultiplicativeModifier(() => ({ multiplier: 0, enabled })) ]); expect(modifier.enabled).not.toBeUndefined(); // So long as one is true or undefined, enable should be true expect(unref(modifier.enabled)).toBe(true); }); }); describe("applies smallerIsBetter correctly", () => { describe("without smallerIsBetter false", () => { test("negative value", () => expect( ( createModifier(-5, { description: "test", smallerIsBetter: false }) .description as JSXFunction )() ).toMatchSnapshot()); test("zero value", () => expect( ( createModifier(0, { description: "test", smallerIsBetter: false }) .description as JSXFunction )() ).toMatchSnapshot()); test("positive value", () => expect( ( createModifier(5, { description: "test", smallerIsBetter: false }) .description as JSXFunction )() ).toMatchSnapshot()); }); describe("with smallerIsBetter true", () => { test("negative value", () => expect( ( createModifier(-5, { description: "test", smallerIsBetter: true }) .description as JSXFunction )() ).toMatchSnapshot()); test("zero value", () => expect( ( createModifier(0, { description: "test", smallerIsBetter: true }) .description as JSXFunction )() ).toMatchSnapshot()); test("positive value", () => expect( ( createModifier(5, { description: "test", smallerIsBetter: true }) .description as JSXFunction )() ).toMatchSnapshot()); }); describe("with both", () => { let value: Ref<DecimalSource>; let modifier: Modifier; beforeAll(() => { value = ref(0); modifier = createSequentialModifier(() => [ createAdditiveModifier(() => ({ addend: value, description: "test", smallerIsBetter: true })), createAdditiveModifier(() => ({ addend: value, description: "test", smallerIsBetter: false })) ]); }); test("negative value", () => { value.value = -5; expect((modifier.description as JSXFunction)()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test("zero value", () => { value.value = 0; expect((modifier.description as JSXFunction)()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test("positive value", () => { value.value = 5; expect((modifier.description as JSXFunction)()).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); }); }); describe("Create modifier sections", () => { test("No optional values", () => expect( createModifierSection({ title: "Test", modifier: createAdditiveModifier(() => ({ addend: 5, description: "Test Desc" })) }) ).toMatchSnapshot()); test("With subtitle", () => expect( createModifierSection({ title: "Test", subtitle: "Subtitle", modifier: createAdditiveModifier(() => ({ addend: 5, description: "Test Desc" })) }) ).toMatchSnapshot()); test("With base", () => expect( createModifierSection({ title: "Test", modifier: createAdditiveModifier(() => ({ addend: 5, description: "Test Desc" })), base: 10 }) ).toMatchSnapshot()); test("With unit", () => expect( createModifierSection({ title: "Test", modifier: createAdditiveModifier(() => ({ addend: 5, description: "Test Desc" })), unit: "/s" }) ).toMatchSnapshot()); test("With base", () => expect( createModifierSection({ title: "Test", modifier: createAdditiveModifier(() => ({ addend: 5, description: "Test Desc" })), baseText: "Based on" }) ).toMatchSnapshot()); test("With baseText", () => expect( createModifierSection({ title: "Test", modifier: createAdditiveModifier(() => ({ addend: 5, description: "Test Desc" })), baseText: "Based on" }) ).toMatchSnapshot()); describe("With smallerIsBetter", () => { test("smallerIsBetter = false", () => { expect( createModifierSection({ title: "Test", modifier: createAdditiveModifier(() => ({ addend: -5, description: "Test Desc" })), smallerIsBetter: false }) ).toMatchSnapshot(); expect( createModifierSection({ title: "Test", modifier: createAdditiveModifier(() => ({ addend: 0, description: "Test Desc" })), smallerIsBetter: false }) ).toMatchSnapshot(); expect( createModifierSection({ title: "Test", modifier: createAdditiveModifier(() => ({ addend: 5, description: "Test Desc" })), smallerIsBetter: false }) ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); test("smallerIsBetter = true", () => { expect( createModifierSection({ title: "Test", modifier: createAdditiveModifier(() => ({ addend: -5, description: "Test Desc" })), smallerIsBetter: true }) ).toMatchSnapshot(); expect( createModifierSection({ title: "Test", modifier: createAdditiveModifier(() => ({ addend: 0, description: "Test Desc" })), smallerIsBetter: true }) ).toMatchSnapshot(); expect( createModifierSection({ title: "Test", modifier: createAdditiveModifier(() => ({ addend: 5, description: "Test Desc" })), smallerIsBetter: true }) ).toMatchSnapshot(); }); }); test("With everything", () => expect( createModifierSection({ title: "Test", subtitle: "Subtitle", modifier: createAdditiveModifier(() => ({ addend: 5, description: "Test Desc" })), base: 10, unit: "/s", baseText: "Based on", smallerIsBetter: true }) ).toMatchSnapshot()); });