addLayer("f", {
name: "files", // This is optional, only used in a few places, If absent it just uses the layer id.
symbol: "🗎", // This appears on the layer's node. Default is the id with the first letter capitalized
position: 2, // Horizontal position within a row. By default it uses the layer id and sorts in alphabetical order
startData() { return {
unlocked: false,
points: new Decimal(0),
total: new Decimal(0)
color: "#7f1bae",
requires() {
let req = new Decimal(250)
if (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 32)) { req = req.mul(0.5) }
if (hasMilestone(this.layer, 9)) { req = req.mul(0.5) }
return req
}, // Can be a function that takes requirement increases into account
resource: "files", // Name of prestige currency
baseResource: "super progress points", // Name of resource prestige is based on
baseAmount() {return player.sp.points}, // Get the current amount of baseResource
type: "custom", // normal: cost to gain currency depends on amount gained. static: cost depends on how much you already have
exponent() {
let exp = 1.3
if (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 52)) exp **= 0.9
return exp
}, // Prestige currency exponent
base() {
let base = 1.3
if (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 41)) base **= 0.95
return base
effective() {
let plyr = player[this.layer]
return plyr.points.mul(2).add('i',0)).div(10**hasMilestone('f',14))).div(3)
getResetGain(canMax = tmp[this.layer].canBuyMax) {
let tlyr = tmp[this.layer]
let amount = tlyr.baseAmount.div(tlyr.requires).log(tlyr.base)
if (amount.gte(0)) amount = amount.root(tlyr.exponent).add(1).sub(tlyr.effective).sqrt().floor().max(0)
if (isNaN(amount)) return new Decimal(0)
if (!canMax && amount.gte(1)) return new Decimal(tlyr.directMult)
return amount.max(0).mul(tlyr.directMult)
getNextAt(canMax = tmp[this.layer].canBuyMax) {
let tlyr = tmp[this.layer]
if (!canMax) return tlyr.effective.pow(tlyr.exponent).pow_base(tlyr.base).mul(tlyr.requires)
return tlyr.getResetGain.div(tlyr.directMult).floor().plus(1).pow(2).add(tlyr.effective).sub(1)
canReset() {
return tmp[this.layer].getResetGain.gte(1)
prestigeButtonText() {
return "Reset for " + format(tmp[this.layer].getResetGain.max(1)) + " " + tmp[this.layer].resource + "
Req: "
+ format(tmp[this.layer].baseAmount) + "/" + format(tmp[this.layer].getNextAt) + " " + tmp[this.layer].baseResource
prestigeNotify() { return tmp[this.layer].canReset },
gainMult() { // Calculate the multiplier for main currency from bonuses
return new Decimal(1)
gainExp() { // Calculate the exponent on main currency from bonuses
return new Decimal(1)
directMult() { // Calculate the multiplier for main currency from bonuses
return new Decimal(1).add(hasMilestone('i', 0) ? 1 : 0)
canBuyMax() {
return hasMilestone(this.layer, 8)
row: 2, // Row the layer is in on the tree (0 is the first row)
displayRow: 0,
hotkeys: [
{key: "f", description: "F: Reset for files", onPress(){if (canReset(this.layer)) doReset(this.layer)}},
doReset(resettingLayer) {
if (layers[resettingLayer].row <= this.row) return;
let keep = []
layerDataReset(this.layer, keep)
if (hasMilestone('i', 1)) player[this.layer].total = player[this.layer].points = player[this.layer].points.max(5)
milestones: {
0: {
requirementDescription: "1 total File.",
effectDescription: "Triple PP and SPP gen.",
done() { return player[this.layer].total.gte(1) }
1: {
requirementDescription: "2 total Files.",
effectDescription() {
return "Total levels and super levels boost point gen.
Effect: x"
+ format(getTotalLevel().add(getTotalSuperLevel()).add(7).log(2)) + "."
done() { return player[this.layer].total.gte(2) }
2: {
requirementDescription: "3 total Files.",
effectDescription: "Halve PP req.",
done() { return player[this.layer].total.gte(3) }
3: {
requirementDescription: "4 total Files.",
effectDescription: "SPP no longer resets PP.",
done() { return player[this.layer].total.gte(4) }
4: {
requirementDescription: "5 total Files.",
effectDescription: "Unlock the Directory.",
done() { return player[this.layer].total.gte(5) }
5: {
requirementDescription: "6 total Files.",
effectDescription: "Autobuy all PP buyables.",
done() { return player[this.layer].total.gte(6) }
6: {
requirementDescription: "8 total Files.",
effectDescription() {
return "Total Files boost point gen.
Effect: x" + format(player[this.layer].total.div(2).add(1)) + "."
done() { return player[this.layer].total.gte(8) }
7: {
requirementDescription: "10 total Files.",
effectDescription: "You can now get fractional levels.",
done() { return player[this.layer].total.gte(10) }
8: {
requirementDescription: "15 total Files.",
effectDescription: "You can buy max files.",
done() { return player[this.layer].total.gte(15) }
9: {
requirementDescription: "20 total Files.",
effectDescription: "Halve base file cost.",
done() { return player[this.layer].total.gte(20) }
10: {
requirementDescription: "25 total Files.",
effectDescription: "Autobuy both SPP buyables.",
done() { return player[this.layer].total.gte(25) }
11: {
requirementDescription: "40 total Files.",
effectDescription() {
return "Total super levels increase second softcap's start.
Effect: ^"
+ format(getTotalSuperLevel().pow(1/10).add(1).log(10).add(1)) + "."
done() { return player[this.layer].total.gte(40) }
12: {
requirementDescription: "70 total Files.",
effectDescription() {
return "SPP boosts point gen.
Effect: x"
+ format(player.sp.points.add(1).log(250).add(1)) + "."
done() { return player[this.layer].total.gte(75) }
13: {
requirementDescription: "150 total Files.",
effectDescription() {
return "PP boosts point gen.
Effect: ^"
+ format(player.p.points.sqrt()) + "."
done() { return player[this.layer].total.gte(150) }
14: {
requirementDescription: "300 total Files.",
effectDescription: "Total File effect on File cost drastically reduced.",
done() { return player[this.layer].total.gte(300) }
15: {
requirementDescription: "500 total Files.",
effectDescription: "First softcap start x1e5.",
done() { return player[this.layer].total.gte(500) }
upgrades: {
11: {
description: "Total rank boosts point gen.",
effect() { return getTotalRank().add(2) },
effectDisplay() { return "^" + format(this.effect()) + "." },
cost: 1,
canAfford() { return hasMilestone(this.layer, 4) },
21: {
description: "Start with 2 free Rebased levels.",
cost: 3,
canAfford() { return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 11) },
branches: [11]
22: {
description: "Start with 2 free Shorter bars levels.",
cost: 3,
canAfford() { return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 11) },
branches: [11]
23: {
description: "Gain 10% of your PP gain every second.",
cost: 4,
canAfford() { return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 11) },
branches: [11]
31: {
description: "Make Gamma effect use total level as well.",
cost: 5,
canAfford() { return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 21) },
branches: [21]
32: {
description: "Halve base File cost.",
cost: 6,
canAfford() { return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 21) && hasUpgrade(this.layer, 22) },
branches: [21, 22]
33: {
description: "Multiply base PP cost by 0.75.",
cost: 5,
canAfford() { return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 22) },
branches: [22]
41: {
description: "Raise Beta, Delta, Zeta effects ^1.1.",
cost: 8,
canAfford() { return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 31) },
branches: [31]
42: {
description: "Raise File cost base ^0.95.",
cost: 8,
canAfford() { return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 32) },
branches: [32]
43: {
description: "Total Files divide PP cost.",
cost: 9,
canAfford() { return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 32) && hasUpgrade(this.layer, 33) },
effect() { return player[this.layer].total.add(3).log(2).add(1) },
effectDisplay() { return "/" + format(this.effect()) + "." },
branches: [32, 33]
44: {
description: "Gain another 15% of your PP gain every second.",
cost: 8,
canAfford() { return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 23) && hasUpgrade(this.layer, 33) },
branches: [[23, 2], 33]
51: {
description: "Multiply all rank effects by 2.",
cost: 15,
canAfford() { return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 41) && hasUpgrade(this.layer, 43) },
branches: [41, [43, 2]]
52: {
description: "Raise File cost exponent ^0.8.",
cost: 13,
canAfford() { return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 42) },
branches: [42]
53: {
description: "Total files boost point gen.",
cost: 14,
canAfford() { return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 43) },
effect() { return player[this.layer].total.log(10).add(1) },
effectDisplay() { return "^" + format(this.effect()) + "." },
branches: [43]
54: {
description: "Halve base SPP cost.",
cost: 13,
canAfford() { return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 43) },
branches: [43]
61: {
description: "Decrease the second softcap's log base.",
cost: 20,
canAfford() { return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 51) && hasUpgrade(this.layer, 52) },
branches: [51, 52]
62: {
description: "Gain 20% of your SPP gain per second.",
cost: 20,
canAfford() { return hasUpgrade(this.layer, 53) && hasUpgrade(this.layer, 44) },
branches: [53, [44, 2]]
buyables: {
11: {
title: "The finale of the intro",
effect() { return Decimal.pow(3, getBuyableAmount(this.layer, },
cost() { return Decimal.add(getBuyableAmount(this.layer,, 1).mul(5) },
display() {
return "Increase point gen. after second softcap.
Amount: "
+ format(getBuyableAmount(this.layer, + ".
Effect: x"
+ format(this.effect(getBuyableAmount(this.layer, + ".
Cost: "
+ format(this.cost(getBuyableAmount(this.layer, + " Files."
canAfford() {
return Decimal.gte(player[this.layer].points, this.cost())
&& hasUpgrade(this.layer, 61) && hasUpgrade(this.layer, 62)
buy() {
player[this.layer].points = player[this.layer].points.sub(this.cost())
addBuyables(this.layer,, 1)
clickables: {
21: {
display() { return "Reset directory" },
onClick() {
if (confirm("Are you sure you want to respec? This will cause a File reset.")) {
if (player[this.layer].upgrades == 0) player.ach.has55 = true
player[this.layer].points = player[this.layer].total
player[this.layer].upgrades = []
player[this.layer].buyables[11] = new Decimal(0)
doReset('f', true)
canClick() { return true },
style: {
width: "60px",
minHeight: "60px"
layerShown(){ return player.sp.points.gte(200) || player[this.layer].unlocked },
branches: ['sp'],
tabFormat: {
filestones: {
content: [
["row", [
["milestones", [0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14]],
["milestones", [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15]]
directory: {
content: [
["row", ["prestige-button", ["clickable", 11]]],
["clickable", 21],
["upgrade-tree", [
[21, 22, 23],
[31, 32, 33],
[41, 42, 43, 44],
[51, 52, 53, 54],
[61, 62]
unlocked() { return hasMilestone('f', 4) }