
178 lines
7.1 KiB

addLayer("p", {
name: "progress", // This is optional, only used in a few places, If absent it just uses the layer id.
symbol: "%", // This appears on the layer's node. Default is the id with the first letter capitalized
position: 0, // Horizontal position within a row. By default it uses the layer id and sorts in alphabetical order
startData() { return {
unlocked: true,
points: new Decimal(0),
best: new Decimal(0),
levels: {
epsilon: new Decimal(0),
color: "#0c6949",
requires: new Decimal(1), // Can be a function that takes requirement increases into account
resource: "progress points", // Name of prestige currency
baseResource: "points", // Name of resource prestige is based on
baseAmount() {return player.points}, // Get the current amount of baseResource
type: "normal", // normal: cost to gain currency depends on amount gained. static: cost depends on how much you already have
exponent: 0.5, // Prestige currency exponent
gainMult() { // Calculate the multiplier for main currency from bonuses
mult = new Decimal(1)
return mult
gainExp() { // Calculate the exponent on main currency from bonuses
return new Decimal(1)
row: 0, // Row the layer is in on the tree (0 is the first row)
hotkeys: [
{key: "p", description: "P: Reset for progress points", onPress(){if (canReset(this.layer)) doReset(this.layer)}},
bars: {
alpha: {
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 50,
progress() { return player[this.layer].points.div(getAlphaCost()) },
display() {
return "Alpha - Level " + getAlphaLevel() + " (" + player[this.layer].points + "/" + getAlphaCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: +" + getAlphaEffect() + " to point gen."
fillStyle: {backgroundColor: "#0c6949"}
alphaRank: {
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 50,
progress() { return getAlphaLevel().div(getAlphaRankCost()) },
display() {
return "Alpha - Rank " + getAlphaRank() + " (" + getAlphaLevel() + "/" + getAlphaRankCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: +" + getAlphaRankEffect() + " to Alpha base."
fillStyle: {backgroundColor: "#0c6949"}
beta: {
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 50,
progress() { return player[this.layer].points.div(getBetaCost()) },
display() {
return "Beta - Level " + getBetaLevel() + " (" + player[this.layer].points + "/" + getBetaCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: x" + getBetaEffect() + " to point gen."
fillStyle: {backgroundColor: "#0c6949"}
betaRank: {
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 50,
progress() { return getBetaLevel().div(getBetaRankCost()) },
display() {
return "Beta - Rank " + getBetaRank() + " (" + getBetaLevel() + "/" + getBetaRankCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: +" + getBetaRankEffect() + " to Beta base."
fillStyle: {backgroundColor: "#0c6949"}
gamma: {
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 50,
progress() { return player[this.layer].points.div(getGammaCost()) },
display() {
return "Gamma - Level " + getGammaLevel() + " (" + player[this.layer].points + "/" + getGammaCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: x" + getGammaEffect() + " to point gen."
fillStyle: {backgroundColor: "#0c6949"}
gammaRank: {
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 50,
progress() { return getGammaLevel().div(getGammaRankCost()) },
display() {
return "Gamma - Rank " + getGammaRank() + " (" + getGammaLevel() + "/" + getGammaRankCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: +" + getGammaRankEffect() + " to Gamma base."
fillStyle: {backgroundColor: "#0c6949"}
delta: {
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 50,
progress() { return player[this.layer].points.div(getDeltaCost()) },
display() {
return "Delta - Level " + getDeltaLevel() + " (" + player[this.layer].points + "/" + getDeltaCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: x" + getDeltaEffect() + " to point gen."
fillStyle: {backgroundColor: "#0c6949"}
deltaRank: {
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 50,
progress() { return getDeltaLevel().div(getDeltaRankCost()) },
display() {
return "Delta - Rank " + getDeltaRank() + " (" + getDeltaLevel() + "/" + getDeltaRankCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: +" + getDeltaRankEffect() + " to Delta base."
fillStyle: {backgroundColor: "#0c6949"}
epsilon: {
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 50,
progress() { return player[this.layer].points.div(getEpsilonCost()) },
display() {
return "Epsilon - Level " + getEpsilonLevel() + " (" + player[this.layer].points + "/" + getEpsilonCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: ^" + getEpsilonEffect() + " to point gen."
fillStyle: {backgroundColor: "#0c6949"}
epsilonRank: {
direction: RIGHT,
width: 300,
height: 50,
progress() { return getEpsilonLevel().div(getEpsilonRankCost()) },
display() {
return "Epsilon - Rank " + getEpsilonRank() + " (" + getEpsilonLevel() + "/" + getEpsilonRankCost()
+ ")<br>Effect: +" + getEpsilonRankEffect() + " to Epsilon base."
fillStyle: {backgroundColor: "#0c6949"}
update(diff) {
if (player[this.layer].points.gte(player[this.layer].levels.epsilon.pow_base(5).mul(125/2))) {
player[this.layer].levels.epsilon = player[this.layer].levels.epsilon.add(1)
microtabs: {
progress: {
level: {
content: [
["bar", "alpha"],
["bar", "beta"],
["bar", "gamma"],
["bar", "delta"],
["bar", "epsilon"]
rank: {
content: [
["bar", "alphaRank"],
["bar", "betaRank"],
["bar", "gammaRank"],
["bar", "deltaRank"],
["bar", "epsilonRank"],
tabFormat: [
["microtabs", "progress"],
layerShown(){return true}