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/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-this-alias */
export type CompareResult = -1 | 0 | 1;
const MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS = 17; //Maximum number of digits of precision to assume in Number
const EXP_LIMIT = 9e15; //If we're ABOVE this value, increase a layer. (9e15 is close to the largest integer that can fit in a Number.)
const LAYER_DOWN: number = Math.log10(9e15);
const FIRST_NEG_LAYER = 1 / 9e15; //At layer 0, smaller non-zero numbers than this become layer 1 numbers with negative mag. After that the pattern continues as normal.
const NUMBER_EXP_MAX = 308; //The largest exponent that can appear in a Number, though not all mantissas are valid here.
const NUMBER_EXP_MIN = -324; //The smallest exponent that can appear in a Number, though not all mantissas are valid here.
const MAX_ES_IN_A_ROW = 5; //For default toString behaviour, when to swap from eee... to (e^n) syntax.
const IGNORE_COMMAS = true;
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const powerOf10 = (function() {
// We need this lookup table because Math.pow(10, exponent)
// when exponent's absolute value is large is slightly inaccurate.
// You can fix it with the power of math... or just make a lookup table.
// Faster AND simpler
const powersOf10: number[] = [];
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for (let i = NUMBER_EXP_MIN + 1; i <= NUMBER_EXP_MAX; i++) {
powersOf10.push(Number("1e" + i));
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const indexOf0InPowersOf10 = 323;
return function(power: number) {
return powersOf10[power + indexOf0InPowersOf10];
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//tetration/slog to real height stuff
//background info and tables of values for critical functions taken here:
const critical_headers = [2, Math.E, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10];
const critical_tetr_values = [
// Base 2
// Base E
1, //0.0
1.1121114330934, //0.1
1.23103892493161, //0.2
1.35838369631113, //0.3
1.49605193039935, //0.4
1.64635423375119, //0.5
1.81213853570186, //0.6
1.99697132461829, //0.7
2.20538955455724, //0.8
2.44325744833852, //0.9
Math.E //1.0
// Base 3
// Base 4
// Base 5
// Base 6
// Base 7
// Base 8
// Base 9
// Base 10
const critical_slog_values = [
// Base 2
// Base E
-1, //0.0
-0.90603157029014, //0.1
-0.80786507256596, //0.2
-0.7064666939634, //0.3
-0.60294836853664, //0.4
-0.49849837513117, //0.5
-0.39430303318768, //0.6
-0.29147201034755, //0.7
-0.19097820800866, //0.8
-0.09361896280296, //0.9
0 //1.0
// Base 3
// Base 4
// Base 5
// Base 6
// Base 7
// Base 8
// Base 9
// Base 10
const D = function D(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
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return Decimal.fromValue_noAlloc(value);
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const FC = function(sign: number, layer: number, mag: number) {
return Decimal.fromComponents(sign, layer, mag);
const FC_NN = function FC_NN(sign: number, layer: number, mag: number) {
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
return Decimal.fromComponents_noNormalize(sign, layer, mag);
const ME = function ME(mantissa: number, exponent: number) {
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
return Decimal.fromMantissaExponent(mantissa, exponent);
const ME_NN = function ME_NN(mantissa: number, exponent: number) {
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
return Decimal.fromMantissaExponent_noNormalize(mantissa, exponent);
const decimalPlaces = function decimalPlaces(value: number, places: number): number {
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const len = places + 1;
const numDigits = Math.ceil(Math.log10(Math.abs(value)));
const rounded =
Math.round(value * Math.pow(10, len - numDigits)) * Math.pow(10, numDigits - len);
return parseFloat(rounded.toFixed(Math.max(len - numDigits, 0)));
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const f_maglog10 = function(n: number) {
return Math.sign(n) * Math.log10(Math.abs(n));
//from HyperCalc source code
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const f_gamma = function(n: number) {
if (!isFinite(n)) {
return n;
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if (n < -50) {
if (n === Math.trunc(n)) {
return 0;
let scal1 = 1;
while (n < 10) {
scal1 = scal1 * n;
n -= 1;
let l = 0.9189385332046727; //0.5*Math.log(2*Math.PI)
l = l + (n + 0.5) * Math.log(n);
l = l - n;
const n2 = n * n;
let np = n;
l = l + 1 / (12 * np);
np = np * n2;
l = l + 1 / (360 * np);
np = np * n2;
l = l + 1 / (1260 * np);
np = np * n2;
l = l + 1 / (1680 * np);
np = np * n2;
l = l + 1 / (1188 * np);
np = np * n2;
l = l + 691 / (360360 * np);
np = np * n2;
l = l + 7 / (1092 * np);
np = np * n2;
l = l + 3617 / (122400 * np);
return Math.exp(l) / scal1;
const _twopi = 6.2831853071795864769252842; // 2*pi
const _EXPN1 = 0.36787944117144232159553; // exp(-1)
const OMEGA = 0.56714329040978387299997; // W(1, 0)
// The evaluation can become inaccurate very close to the branch point
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const f_lambertw = function(z: number, tol = 1e-10): number {
let w;
let wn;
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if (!Number.isFinite(z)) {
return z;
if (z === 0) {
return z;
if (z === 1) {
return OMEGA;
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if (z < 10) {
w = 0;
} else {
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w = Math.log(z) - Math.log(Math.log(z));
for (let i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
wn = (z * Math.exp(-w) + w * w) / (w + 1);
if (Math.abs(wn - w) < tol * Math.abs(wn)) {
return wn;
} else {
w = wn;
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throw Error(`Iteration failed to converge: ${z.toString()}`);
//return Number.NaN;
// The evaluation can become inaccurate very close to the branch point
// at ``-1/e``. In some corner cases, `lambertw` might currently
// fail to converge, or can end up on the wrong branch.
function d_lambertw(z: Decimal, tol = 1e-10): Decimal {
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let w;
let ew, wew, wewz, wn;
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if (!Number.isFinite(z.mag)) {
return z;
if (z === Decimal.dZero) {
return z;
if (z === Decimal.dOne) {
//Split out this case because the asymptotic series blows up
return D(OMEGA);
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const absz = Decimal.abs(z);
//Get an initial guess for Halley's method
w = Decimal.ln(z);
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//Halley's method; see 5.9 in [1]
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for (let i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
ew = Decimal.exp(-w);
wewz = w.sub(z.mul(ew));
wn = w.sub(
.div(Decimal.mul(2, w).add(2))
if (Decimal.abs(wn.sub(w)).lt(Decimal.abs(wn).mul(tol))) {
return wn;
} else {
w = wn;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
throw Error(`Iteration failed to converge: ${z.toString()}`);
//return Decimal.dNaN;
export type DecimalSource = Decimal | number | string;
* The Decimal's value is simply mantissa * 10^exponent.
export default class Decimal {
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public static readonly dZero = FC_NN(0, 0, 0);
public static readonly dOne = FC_NN(1, 0, 1);
public static readonly dNegOne = FC_NN(-1, 0, 1);
public static readonly dTwo = FC_NN(1, 0, 2);
public static readonly dTen = FC_NN(1, 0, 10);
public static readonly dNaN = FC_NN(Number.NaN, Number.NaN, Number.NaN);
public static readonly dInf = FC_NN(1, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
public static readonly dNegInf = FC_NN(-1, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);
public static readonly dNumberMax = FC(1, 0, Number.MAX_VALUE);
public static readonly dNumberMin = FC(1, 0, Number.MIN_VALUE);
public sign: number = Number.NaN;
public mag: number = Number.NaN;
public layer: number = Number.NaN;
constructor(value?: DecimalSource) {
if (value instanceof Decimal) {
} else if (typeof value === "number") {
} else if (typeof value === "string") {
} else {
this.sign = 0;
this.layer = 0;
this.mag = 0;
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get m(): number {
if (this.sign === 0) {
return 0;
} else if (this.layer === 0) {
const exp = Math.floor(Math.log10(this.mag));
//handle special case 5e-324
let man;
if (this.mag === 5e-324) {
man = 5;
} else {
man = this.mag / powerOf10(exp);
return this.sign * man;
} else if (this.layer === 1) {
const residue = this.mag - Math.floor(this.mag);
return this.sign * Math.pow(10, residue);
} else {
//mantissa stops being relevant past 1e9e15 / ee15.954
return this.sign;
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set m(value: number) {
if (this.layer <= 2) {
this.fromMantissaExponent(value, this.e);
} else {
//don't even pretend mantissa is meaningful
this.sign = Math.sign(value);
if (this.sign === 0) {
this.layer === 0;
this.exponent === 0;
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get e(): number {
if (this.sign === 0) {
return 0;
} else if (this.layer === 0) {
return Math.floor(Math.log10(this.mag));
} else if (this.layer === 1) {
return Math.floor(this.mag);
} else if (this.layer === 2) {
return Math.floor(Math.sign(this.mag) * Math.pow(10, Math.abs(this.mag)));
} else {
return this.mag * Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
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set e(value: number) {
this.fromMantissaExponent(this.m, value);
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get s(): number {
return this.sign;
set s(value: number) {
if (value === 0) {
this.sign = 0;
this.layer = 0;
this.mag = 0;
} else {
this.sign = value;
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// Object.defineProperty(Decimal.prototype, "mantissa", {
get mantissa(): number {
return this.m;
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set mantissa(value: number) {
this.m = value;
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get exponent(): number {
return this.e;
set exponent(value: number) {
this.e = value;
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public static fromComponents(sign: number, layer: number, mag: number): Decimal {
return new Decimal().fromComponents(sign, layer, mag);
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public static fromComponents_noNormalize(sign: number, layer: number, mag: number): Decimal {
return new Decimal().fromComponents_noNormalize(sign, layer, mag);
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public static fromMantissaExponent(mantissa: number, exponent: number): Decimal {
return new Decimal().fromMantissaExponent(mantissa, exponent);
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public static fromMantissaExponent_noNormalize(mantissa: number, exponent: number): Decimal {
return new Decimal().fromMantissaExponent_noNormalize(mantissa, exponent);
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public static fromDecimal(value: Decimal): Decimal {
return new Decimal().fromDecimal(value);
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public static fromNumber(value: number): Decimal {
return new Decimal().fromNumber(value);
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public static fromString(value: string): Decimal {
return new Decimal().fromString(value);
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public static fromValue(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return new Decimal().fromValue(value);
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public static fromValue_noAlloc(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return value instanceof Decimal ? value : new Decimal(value);
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public static abs(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).abs();
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public static neg(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).neg();
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public static negate(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).neg();
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public static negated(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).neg();
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public static sign(value: DecimalSource): number {
return D(value).sign;
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public static sgn(value: DecimalSource): number {
return D(value).sign;
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public static round(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).round();
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public static floor(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).floor();
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public static ceil(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).ceil();
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public static trunc(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).trunc();
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public static add(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).add(other);
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public static plus(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).add(other);
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public static sub(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).sub(other);
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public static subtract(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).sub(other);
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public static minus(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).sub(other);
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public static mul(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).mul(other);
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public static multiply(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).mul(other);
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public static times(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).mul(other);
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public static div(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).div(other);
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public static divide(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).div(other);
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public static recip(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).recip();
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public static reciprocal(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).recip();
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public static reciprocate(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).reciprocate();
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public static cmp(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): CompareResult {
return D(value).cmp(other);
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public static cmpabs(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): CompareResult {
return D(value).cmpabs(other);
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public static compare(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): CompareResult {
return D(value).cmp(other);
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public static isNaN(value: DecimalSource): boolean {
value = D(value);
return isNaN(value.sign) || isNaN(value.layer) || isNaN(value.mag);
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public static isFinite(value: DecimalSource): boolean {
value = D(value);
return isFinite(value.sign) && isFinite(value.layer) && isFinite(value.mag);
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public static eq(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): boolean {
return D(value).eq(other);
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public static equals(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): boolean {
return D(value).eq(other);
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public static neq(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): boolean {
return D(value).neq(other);
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public static notEquals(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): boolean {
return D(value).notEquals(other);
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public static lt(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): boolean {
return D(value).lt(other);
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public static lte(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): boolean {
return D(value).lte(other);
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public static gt(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): boolean {
return D(value).gt(other);
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public static gte(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): boolean {
return D(value).gte(other);
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public static max(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).max(other);
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public static min(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).min(other);
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public static minabs(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).minabs(other);
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public static maxabs(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).maxabs(other);
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public static clamp(value: DecimalSource, min: DecimalSource, max: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).clamp(min, max);
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public static clampMin(value: DecimalSource, min: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).clampMin(min);
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public static clampMax(value: DecimalSource, max: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).clampMax(max);
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public static cmp_tolerance(
value: DecimalSource,
other: DecimalSource,
tolerance: number
): CompareResult {
return D(value).cmp_tolerance(other, tolerance);
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public static compare_tolerance(
value: DecimalSource,
other: DecimalSource,
tolerance: number
): CompareResult {
return D(value).cmp_tolerance(other, tolerance);
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public static eq_tolerance(
value: DecimalSource,
other: DecimalSource,
tolerance: number
): boolean {
return D(value).eq_tolerance(other, tolerance);
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public static equals_tolerance(
value: DecimalSource,
other: DecimalSource,
tolerance: number
): boolean {
return D(value).eq_tolerance(other, tolerance);
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public static neq_tolerance(
value: DecimalSource,
other: DecimalSource,
tolerance: number
): boolean {
return D(value).neq_tolerance(other, tolerance);
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public static notEquals_tolerance(
value: DecimalSource,
other: DecimalSource,
tolerance: number
): boolean {
return D(value).notEquals_tolerance(other, tolerance);
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public static lt_tolerance(
value: DecimalSource,
other: DecimalSource,
tolerance: number
): boolean {
return D(value).lt_tolerance(other, tolerance);
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public static lte_tolerance(
value: DecimalSource,
other: DecimalSource,
tolerance: number
): boolean {
return D(value).lte_tolerance(other, tolerance);
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public static gt_tolerance(
value: DecimalSource,
other: DecimalSource,
tolerance: number
): boolean {
return D(value).gt_tolerance(other, tolerance);
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public static gte_tolerance(
value: DecimalSource,
other: DecimalSource,
tolerance: number
): boolean {
return D(value).gte_tolerance(other, tolerance);
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public static pLog10(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).pLog10();
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public static absLog10(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).absLog10();
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public static log10(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).log10();
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public static log(value: DecimalSource, base: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).log(base);
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public static log2(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).log2();
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public static ln(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).ln();
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public static logarithm(value: DecimalSource, base: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).logarithm(base);
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public static pow(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).pow(other);
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public static pow10(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).pow10();
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public static root(value: DecimalSource, other: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).root(other);
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public static factorial(value: DecimalSource, _other?: never): Decimal {
return D(value).factorial();
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public static gamma(value: DecimalSource, _other?: never): Decimal {
return D(value).gamma();
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public static lngamma(value: DecimalSource, _other?: never): Decimal {
return D(value).lngamma();
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public static exp(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).exp();
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public static sqr(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).sqr();
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public static sqrt(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).sqrt();
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public static cube(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).cube();
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public static cbrt(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).cbrt();
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public static tetrate(
value: DecimalSource,
height = 2,
payload: DecimalSource = FC_NN(1, 0, 1)
): Decimal {
return D(value).tetrate(height, payload);
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public static iteratedexp(value: DecimalSource, height = 2, payload = FC_NN(1, 0, 1)): Decimal {
return D(value).iteratedexp(height, payload);
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public static iteratedlog(value: DecimalSource, base: DecimalSource = 10, times = 1): Decimal {
return D(value).iteratedlog(base, times);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public static layeradd10(value: DecimalSource, diff: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).layeradd10(diff);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public static layeradd(value: DecimalSource, diff: number, base = 10): Decimal {
return D(value).layeradd(diff, base);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public static slog(value: DecimalSource, base = 10): Decimal {
return D(value).slog(base);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public static lambertw(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).lambertw();
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public static ssqrt(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).ssqrt();
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public static pentate(
value: DecimalSource,
height = 2,
payload: DecimalSource = FC_NN(1, 0, 1)
): Decimal {
return D(value).pentate(height, payload);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
* If you're willing to spend 'resourcesAvailable' and want to buy something
* with exponentially increasing cost each purchase (start at priceStart,
* multiply by priceRatio, already own currentOwned), how much of it can you buy?
* Adapted from Trimps source code.
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public static affordGeometricSeries(
resourcesAvailable: DecimalSource,
priceStart: DecimalSource,
priceRatio: DecimalSource,
currentOwned: DecimalSource
): Decimal {
return this.affordGeometricSeries_core(
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
* How much resource would it cost to buy (numItems) items if you already have currentOwned,
* the initial price is priceStart and it multiplies by priceRatio each purchase?
public static sumGeometricSeries(
numItems: DecimalSource,
priceStart: DecimalSource,
priceRatio: DecimalSource,
currentOwned: DecimalSource
): Decimal {
return this.sumGeometricSeries_core(numItems, D(priceStart), D(priceRatio), currentOwned);
* If you're willing to spend 'resourcesAvailable' and want to buy something with additively
* increasing cost each purchase (start at priceStart, add by priceAdd, already own currentOwned),
* how much of it can you buy?
public static affordArithmeticSeries(
resourcesAvailable: DecimalSource,
priceStart: DecimalSource,
priceAdd: DecimalSource,
currentOwned: DecimalSource
): Decimal {
return this.affordArithmeticSeries_core(
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
* How much resource would it cost to buy (numItems) items if you already have currentOwned,
* the initial price is priceStart and it adds priceAdd each purchase?
* Adapted from
public static sumArithmeticSeries(
numItems: DecimalSource,
priceStart: DecimalSource,
priceAdd: DecimalSource,
currentOwned: DecimalSource
): Decimal {
return this.sumArithmeticSeries_core(
* When comparing two purchases that cost (resource) and increase your resource/sec by (deltaRpS),
* the lowest efficiency score is the better one to purchase.
* From Frozen Cookies:
public static efficiencyOfPurchase(
cost: DecimalSource,
currentRpS: DecimalSource,
deltaRpS: DecimalSource
): Decimal {
return this.efficiencyOfPurchase_core(D(cost), D(currentRpS), D(deltaRpS));
public static randomDecimalForTesting(maxLayers: number): Decimal {
// NOTE: This doesn't follow any kind of sane random distribution, so use this for testing purposes only.
//5% of the time, return 0
if (Math.random() * 20 < 1) {
return FC_NN(0, 0, 0);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
const randomsign = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//5% of the time, return 1 or -1
if (Math.random() * 20 < 1) {
return FC_NN(randomsign, 0, 1);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//pick a random layer
const layer = Math.floor(Math.random() * (maxLayers + 1));
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
let randomexp = layer === 0 ? Math.random() * 616 - 308 : Math.random() * 16;
//10% of the time, make it a simple power of 10
if (Math.random() > 0.9) {
randomexp = Math.trunc(randomexp);
let randommag = Math.pow(10, randomexp);
//10% of the time, trunc mag
if (Math.random() > 0.9) {
randommag = Math.trunc(randommag);
return FC(randomsign, layer, randommag);
public static affordGeometricSeries_core(
resourcesAvailable: Decimal,
priceStart: Decimal,
priceRatio: Decimal,
currentOwned: DecimalSource
): Decimal {
const actualStart = priceStart.mul(priceRatio.pow(currentOwned));
return Decimal.floor(
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public static sumGeometricSeries_core(
numItems: DecimalSource,
priceStart: Decimal,
priceRatio: Decimal,
currentOwned: DecimalSource
): Decimal {
return priceStart
.mul(Decimal.sub(1, priceRatio.pow(numItems)))
.div(Decimal.sub(1, priceRatio));
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public static affordArithmeticSeries_core(
resourcesAvailable: Decimal,
priceStart: Decimal,
priceAdd: Decimal,
currentOwned: Decimal
): Decimal {
// n = (-(a-d/2) + sqrt((a-d/2)^2+2dS))/d
// where a is actualStart, d is priceAdd and S is resourcesAvailable
// then floor it and you're done!
const actualStart = priceStart.add(currentOwned.mul(priceAdd));
const b = actualStart.sub(priceAdd.div(2));
const b2 = b.pow(2);
return b
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public static sumArithmeticSeries_core(
numItems: Decimal,
priceStart: Decimal,
priceAdd: Decimal,
currentOwned: Decimal
): Decimal {
const actualStart = priceStart.add(currentOwned.mul(priceAdd)); // (n/2)*(2*a+(n-1)*d)
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
return numItems.div(2).mul(actualStart.mul(2).plus(numItems.sub(1).mul(priceAdd)));
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public static efficiencyOfPurchase_core(
cost: Decimal,
currentRpS: Decimal,
deltaRpS: Decimal
): Decimal {
return cost.div(currentRpS).add(cost.div(deltaRpS));
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public [Symbol.for("+")](other: DecimalSource): DecimalSource {
return this.add(other);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public [Symbol.for("-")](other: DecimalSource): DecimalSource {
return this.sub(other);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public [Symbol.for("*")](other: DecimalSource): DecimalSource {
return this.times(other);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public [Symbol.for("/")](other: DecimalSource): DecimalSource {
return this.div(other);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public [Symbol.for("minus")](): DecimalSource {
return this.neg();
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public [Symbol.for("==")](other: DecimalSource): boolean {
return this.eq(other);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public [Symbol.for(">")](other: DecimalSource): boolean {
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public [Symbol.for("<")](other: DecimalSource): boolean {
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public [Symbol.for(">=")](other: DecimalSource): boolean {
return this.gte(other);
public [Symbol.for("<=")](other: DecimalSource): boolean {
return this.lte(other);
public [Symbol.for("!=")](other: DecimalSource): boolean {
return this.neq(other);
public normalize(): this {
Whenever we are partially 0 (sign is 0 or mag and layer is 0), make it fully 0.
Whenever we are at or hit layer 0, extract sign from negative mag.
If layer === 0 and mag < FIRST_NEG_LAYER (1/9e15), shift to 'first negative layer' (add layer, log10 mag).
While abs(mag) > EXP_LIMIT (9e15), layer += 1, mag = maglog10(mag).
While abs(mag) < LAYER_DOWN (15.954) and layer > 0, layer -= 1, mag = pow(10, mag).
When we're done, all of the following should be true OR one of the numbers is not IsFinite OR layer is not IsInteger (error state):
Any 0 is totally zero (0, 0, 0).
Anything layer 0 has mag 0 OR mag > 1/9e15 and < 9e15.
Anything layer 1 or higher has abs(mag) >= 15.954 and < 9e15.
We will assume in calculations that all Decimals are either erroneous or satisfy these criteria. (Otherwise: Garbage in, garbage out.)
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (this.sign === 0 || (this.mag === 0 && this.layer === 0)) {
this.sign = 0;
this.mag = 0;
this.layer = 0;
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (this.layer === 0 && this.mag < 0) {
//extract sign from negative mag at layer 0
this.mag = -this.mag;
this.sign = -this.sign;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//Handle shifting from layer 0 to negative layers.
if (this.layer === 0 && this.mag < FIRST_NEG_LAYER) {
this.layer += 1;
this.mag = Math.log10(this.mag);
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
let absmag = Math.abs(this.mag);
let signmag = Math.sign(this.mag);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (absmag >= EXP_LIMIT) {
this.layer += 1;
this.mag = signmag * Math.log10(absmag);
return this;
} else {
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
while (absmag < LAYER_DOWN && this.layer > 0) {
this.layer -= 1;
if (this.layer === 0) {
this.mag = Math.pow(10, this.mag);
} else {
this.mag = signmag * Math.pow(10, absmag);
absmag = Math.abs(this.mag);
signmag = Math.sign(this.mag);
if (this.layer === 0) {
if (this.mag < 0) {
//extract sign from negative mag at layer 0
this.mag = -this.mag;
this.sign = -this.sign;
} else if (this.mag === 0) {
//excessive rounding can give us all zeroes
this.sign = 0;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public fromComponents(sign: number, layer: number, mag: number): this {
this.sign = sign;
this.layer = layer;
this.mag = mag;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public fromComponents_noNormalize(sign: number, layer: number, mag: number): this {
this.sign = sign;
this.layer = layer;
this.mag = mag;
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public fromMantissaExponent(mantissa: number, exponent: number): this {
this.layer = 1;
this.sign = Math.sign(mantissa);
mantissa = Math.abs(mantissa);
this.mag = exponent + Math.log10(mantissa);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public fromMantissaExponent_noNormalize(mantissa: number, exponent: number): this {
//The idea of 'normalizing' a break_infinity.js style Decimal doesn't really apply. So just do the same thing.
this.fromMantissaExponent(mantissa, exponent);
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public fromDecimal(value: Decimal): this {
this.sign = value.sign;
this.layer = value.layer;
this.mag = value.mag;
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public fromNumber(value: number): this {
this.mag = Math.abs(value);
this.sign = Math.sign(value);
this.layer = 0;
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public fromString(value: string): Decimal {
value = value.replace(",", "");
value = value.replace(",", ".");
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//Handle x^^^y format.
const pentationparts = value.split("^^^");
if (pentationparts.length === 2) {
const base = parseFloat(pentationparts[0]);
const height = parseFloat(pentationparts[1]);
const heightparts = pentationparts[1].split(";");
let payload = 1;
if (heightparts.length === 2) {
payload = parseFloat(heightparts[1]);
if (!isFinite(payload)) {
payload = 1;
if (isFinite(base) && isFinite(height)) {
const result = Decimal.pentate(base, height, payload);
this.sign = result.sign;
this.layer = result.layer;
this.mag = result.mag;
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//Handle x^^y format.
const tetrationparts = value.split("^^");
if (tetrationparts.length === 2) {
const base = parseFloat(tetrationparts[0]);
const height = parseFloat(tetrationparts[1]);
const heightparts = tetrationparts[1].split(";");
let payload = 1;
if (heightparts.length === 2) {
payload = parseFloat(heightparts[1]);
if (!isFinite(payload)) {
payload = 1;
if (isFinite(base) && isFinite(height)) {
const result = Decimal.tetrate(base, height, payload);
this.sign = result.sign;
this.layer = result.layer;
this.mag = result.mag;
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//Handle x^y format.
const powparts = value.split("^");
if (powparts.length === 2) {
const base = parseFloat(powparts[0]);
const exponent = parseFloat(powparts[1]);
if (isFinite(base) && isFinite(exponent)) {
const result = Decimal.pow(base, exponent);
this.sign = result.sign;
this.layer = result.layer;
this.mag = result.mag;
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//Handle various cases involving it being a Big Number.
value = value.trim().toLowerCase();
//handle X PT Y format.
let base;
let height;
let ptparts = value.split("pt");
if (ptparts.length === 2) {
base = 10;
height = parseFloat(ptparts[0]);
ptparts[1] = ptparts[1].replace("(", "");
ptparts[1] = ptparts[1].replace(")", "");
let payload = parseFloat(ptparts[1]);
if (!isFinite(payload)) {
payload = 1;
if (isFinite(base) && isFinite(height)) {
const result = Decimal.tetrate(base, height, payload);
this.sign = result.sign;
this.layer = result.layer;
this.mag = result.mag;
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//handle XpY format (it's the same thing just with p).
ptparts = value.split("p");
if (ptparts.length === 2) {
base = 10;
height = parseFloat(ptparts[0]);
ptparts[1] = ptparts[1].replace("(", "");
ptparts[1] = ptparts[1].replace(")", "");
let payload = parseFloat(ptparts[1]);
if (!isFinite(payload)) {
payload = 1;
if (isFinite(base) && isFinite(height)) {
const result = Decimal.tetrate(base, height, payload);
this.sign = result.sign;
this.layer = result.layer;
this.mag = result.mag;
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
const parts = value.split("e");
const ecount = parts.length - 1;
//Handle numbers that are exactly floats (0 or 1 es).
if (ecount === 0) {
const numberAttempt = parseFloat(value);
if (isFinite(numberAttempt)) {
return this.fromNumber(numberAttempt);
} else if (ecount === 1) {
//Very small numbers ("2e-3000" and so on) may look like valid floats but round to 0.
const numberAttempt = parseFloat(value);
if (isFinite(numberAttempt) && numberAttempt !== 0) {
return this.fromNumber(numberAttempt);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//Handle new (e^N)X format.
const newparts = value.split("e^");
if (newparts.length === 2) {
this.sign = 1;
if (newparts[0].charAt(0) == "-") {
this.sign = -1;
let layerstring = "";
for (let i = 0; i < newparts[1].length; ++i) {
const chrcode = newparts[1].charCodeAt(i);
if ((chrcode >= 43 && chrcode <= 57) || chrcode === 101) {
//is "0" to "9" or "+" or "-" or "." or "e" (or "," or "/")
layerstring += newparts[1].charAt(i);
} //we found the end of the layer count
else {
this.layer = parseFloat(layerstring);
this.mag = parseFloat(newparts[1].substr(i + 1));
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (ecount < 1) {
this.sign = 0;
this.layer = 0;
this.mag = 0;
return this;
const mantissa = parseFloat(parts[0]);
if (mantissa === 0) {
this.sign = 0;
this.layer = 0;
this.mag = 0;
return this;
let exponent = parseFloat(parts[parts.length - 1]);
//handle numbers like AeBeC and AeeeeBeC
if (ecount >= 2) {
const me = parseFloat(parts[parts.length - 2]);
if (isFinite(me)) {
exponent *= Math.sign(me);
exponent += f_maglog10(me);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//Handle numbers written like eee... (N es) X
if (!isFinite(mantissa)) {
this.sign = parts[0] === "-" ? -1 : 1;
this.layer = ecount;
this.mag = exponent;
//Handle numbers written like XeY
else if (ecount === 1) {
this.sign = Math.sign(mantissa);
this.layer = 1;
//Example: 2e10 is equal to 10^log10(2e10) which is equal to 10^(10+log10(2))
this.mag = exponent + Math.log10(Math.abs(mantissa));
//Handle numbers written like Xeee... (N es) Y
else {
this.sign = Math.sign(mantissa);
this.layer = ecount;
if (ecount === 2) {
const result = Decimal.mul(FC(1, 2, exponent), D(mantissa));
this.sign = result.sign;
this.layer = result.layer;
this.mag = result.mag;
return this;
} else {
//at eee and above, mantissa is too small to be recognizable!
this.mag = exponent;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public fromValue(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
if (value instanceof Decimal) {
return this.fromDecimal(value);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (typeof value === "number") {
return this.fromNumber(value);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (typeof value === "string") {
return this.fromString(value);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
this.sign = 0;
this.layer = 0;
this.mag = 0;
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public toNumber(): number {
if (!Number.isFinite(this.layer)) {
return Number.NaN;
if (this.layer === 0) {
return this.sign * this.mag;
} else if (this.layer === 1) {
return this.sign * Math.pow(10, this.mag);
} //overflow for any normalized Decimal
else {
return this.mag > 0
? this.sign > 0
: 0;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public mantissaWithDecimalPlaces(places: number): number {
if (isNaN(this.m)) {
return Number.NaN;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (this.m === 0) {
return 0;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
return decimalPlaces(this.m, places);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public magnitudeWithDecimalPlaces(places: number): number {
if (isNaN(this.mag)) {
return Number.NaN;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (this.mag === 0) {
return 0;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
return decimalPlaces(this.mag, places);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public toString(): string {
if (isNaN(this.layer) || isNaN(this.sign) || isNaN(this.mag)) {
return "NaN";
if (this.mag === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || this.layer === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
return this.sign === 1 ? "Infinity" : "-Infinity";
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (this.layer === 0) {
if ((this.mag < 1e21 && this.mag > 1e-7) || this.mag === 0) {
return (this.sign * this.mag).toString();
return this.m + "e" + this.e;
} else if (this.layer === 1) {
return this.m + "e" + this.e;
} else {
//layer 2+
if (this.layer <= MAX_ES_IN_A_ROW) {
return (this.sign === -1 ? "-" : "") + "e".repeat(this.layer) + this.mag;
} else {
return (this.sign === -1 ? "-" : "") + "(e^" + this.layer + ")" + this.mag;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public toExponential(places: number): string {
if (this.layer === 0) {
return (this.sign * this.mag).toExponential(places);
return this.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(places);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public toFixed(places: number): string {
if (this.layer === 0) {
return (this.sign * this.mag).toFixed(places);
return this.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(places);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public toPrecision(places: number): string {
if (this.e <= -7) {
return this.toExponential(places - 1);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (places > this.e) {
return this.toFixed(places - this.exponent - 1);
return this.toExponential(places - 1);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public valueOf(): string {
return this.toString();
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public toJSON(): string {
return this.toString();
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public toStringWithDecimalPlaces(places: number): string {
if (this.layer === 0) {
if ((this.mag < 1e21 && this.mag > 1e-7) || this.mag === 0) {
return (this.sign * this.mag).toFixed(places);
return decimalPlaces(this.m, places) + "e" + decimalPlaces(this.e, places);
} else if (this.layer === 1) {
return decimalPlaces(this.m, places) + "e" + decimalPlaces(this.e, places);
} else {
//layer 2+
if (this.layer <= MAX_ES_IN_A_ROW) {
return (
(this.sign === -1 ? "-" : "") +
"e".repeat(this.layer) +
decimalPlaces(this.mag, places)
} else {
return (
(this.sign === -1 ? "-" : "") +
"(e^" +
this.layer +
")" +
decimalPlaces(this.mag, places)
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public abs(): Decimal {
return FC_NN(this.sign === 0 ? 0 : 1, this.layer, this.mag);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public neg(): Decimal {
return FC_NN(-this.sign, this.layer, this.mag);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public negate(): Decimal {
return this.neg();
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public negated(): Decimal {
return this.neg();
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
// public sign () {
// return this.sign;
// }
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public sgn(): number {
return this.sign;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public round(): this | Decimal {
if (this.mag < 0) {
return Decimal.dZero;
if (this.layer === 0) {
return FC(this.sign, 0, Math.round(this.mag));
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public floor(): this | Decimal {
if (this.mag < 0) {
return Decimal.dZero;
if (this.layer === 0) {
return FC(this.sign, 0, Math.floor(this.mag));
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public ceil(): this | Decimal {
if (this.mag < 0) {
return Decimal.dZero;
if (this.layer === 0) {
return FC(this.sign, 0, Math.ceil(this.mag));
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public trunc(): this | Decimal {
if (this.mag < 0) {
return Decimal.dZero;
if (this.layer === 0) {
return FC(this.sign, 0, Math.trunc(this.mag));
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public add(value: DecimalSource): this | Decimal {
const decimal = D(value);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//inf/nan check
if (!Number.isFinite(this.layer)) {
return this;
if (!Number.isFinite(decimal.layer)) {
return decimal;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//Special case - if one of the numbers is 0, return the other number.
if (this.sign === 0) {
return decimal;
if (decimal.sign === 0) {
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//Special case - Adding a number to its negation produces 0, no matter how large.
if (
this.sign === -decimal.sign &&
this.layer === decimal.layer &&
this.mag === decimal.mag
) {
return FC_NN(0, 0, 0);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
let a;
let b;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//Special case: If one of the numbers is layer 2 or higher, just take the bigger number.
if (this.layer >= 2 || decimal.layer >= 2) {
return this.maxabs(decimal);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (Decimal.cmpabs(this, decimal) > 0) {
a = this;
b = decimal;
} else {
a = decimal;
b = this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (a.layer === 0 && b.layer === 0) {
return D(a.sign * a.mag + b.sign * b.mag);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
const layera = a.layer * Math.sign(a.mag);
const layerb = b.layer * Math.sign(b.mag);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//If one of the numbers is 2+ layers higher than the other, just take the bigger number.
if (layera - layerb >= 2) {
return a;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (layera === 0 && layerb === -1) {
if (Math.abs(b.mag - Math.log10(a.mag)) > MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS) {
return a;
} else {
const magdiff = Math.pow(10, Math.log10(a.mag) - b.mag);
const mantissa = b.sign + a.sign * magdiff;
return FC(Math.sign(mantissa), 1, b.mag + Math.log10(Math.abs(mantissa)));
if (layera === 1 && layerb === 0) {
if (Math.abs(a.mag - Math.log10(b.mag)) > MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS) {
return a;
} else {
const magdiff = Math.pow(10, a.mag - Math.log10(b.mag));
const mantissa = b.sign + a.sign * magdiff;
return FC(
Math.log10(b.mag) + Math.log10(Math.abs(mantissa))
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (Math.abs(a.mag - b.mag) > MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS) {
return a;
} else {
const magdiff = Math.pow(10, a.mag - b.mag);
const mantissa = b.sign + a.sign * magdiff;
return FC(Math.sign(mantissa), 1, b.mag + Math.log10(Math.abs(mantissa)));
throw Error("Bad arguments to add: " + this + ", " + value);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public plus(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return this.add(value);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public sub(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return this.add(D(value).neg());
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public subtract(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return this.sub(value);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public minus(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return this.sub(value);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public mul(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
const decimal = D(value);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//inf/nan check
if (!Number.isFinite(this.layer)) {
return this;
if (!Number.isFinite(decimal.layer)) {
return decimal;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//Special case - if one of the numbers is 0, return 0.
if (this.sign === 0 || decimal.sign === 0) {
return FC_NN(0, 0, 0);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//Special case - Multiplying a number by its own reciprocal yields +/- 1, no matter how large.
if (this.layer === decimal.layer && this.mag === -decimal.mag) {
return FC_NN(this.sign * decimal.sign, 0, 1);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
let a;
let b;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//Which number is bigger in terms of its multiplicative distance from 1?
if (
this.layer > decimal.layer ||
(this.layer == decimal.layer && Math.abs(this.mag) > Math.abs(decimal.mag))
) {
a = this;
b = decimal;
} else {
a = decimal;
b = this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (a.layer === 0 && b.layer === 0) {
return D(a.sign * b.sign * a.mag * b.mag);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//Special case: If one of the numbers is layer 3 or higher or one of the numbers is 2+ layers bigger than the other, just take the bigger number.
if (a.layer >= 3 || a.layer - b.layer >= 2) {
return FC(a.sign * b.sign, a.layer, a.mag);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (a.layer === 1 && b.layer === 0) {
return FC(a.sign * b.sign, 1, a.mag + Math.log10(b.mag));
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (a.layer === 1 && b.layer === 1) {
return FC(a.sign * b.sign, 1, a.mag + b.mag);
if (a.layer === 2 && b.layer === 1) {
const newmag = FC(Math.sign(a.mag), a.layer - 1, Math.abs(a.mag)).add(
FC(Math.sign(b.mag), b.layer - 1, Math.abs(b.mag))
return FC(a.sign * b.sign, newmag.layer + 1, newmag.sign * newmag.mag);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (a.layer === 2 && b.layer === 2) {
const newmag = FC(Math.sign(a.mag), a.layer - 1, Math.abs(a.mag)).add(
FC(Math.sign(b.mag), b.layer - 1, Math.abs(b.mag))
return FC(a.sign * b.sign, newmag.layer + 1, newmag.sign * newmag.mag);
throw Error("Bad arguments to mul: " + this + ", " + value);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public multiply(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return this.mul(value);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public times(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return this.mul(value);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public div(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
const decimal = D(value);
return this.mul(decimal.recip());
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public divide(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return this.div(value);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public divideBy(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return this.div(value);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public dividedBy(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return this.div(value);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public recip(): Decimal {
if (this.mag === 0) {
return Decimal.dNaN;
} else if (this.layer === 0) {
return FC(this.sign, 0, 1 / this.mag);
} else {
return FC(this.sign, this.layer, -this.mag);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public reciprocal(): Decimal {
return this.recip();
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public reciprocate(): Decimal {
return this.recip();
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
* -1 for less than value, 0 for equals value, 1 for greater than value
public cmp(value: DecimalSource): CompareResult {
const decimal = D(value);
if (this.sign > decimal.sign) {
return 1;
if (this.sign < decimal.sign) {
return -1;
return (this.sign * this.cmpabs(value)) as CompareResult;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public cmpabs(value: DecimalSource): CompareResult {
const decimal = D(value);
const layera = this.mag > 0 ? this.layer : -this.layer;
const layerb = decimal.mag > 0 ? decimal.layer : -decimal.layer;
if (layera > layerb) {
return 1;
if (layera < layerb) {
return -1;
if (this.mag > decimal.mag) {
return 1;
if (this.mag < decimal.mag) {
return -1;
return 0;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public compare(value: DecimalSource): CompareResult {
return this.cmp(value);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public isNan(): boolean {
return isNaN(this.sign) || isNaN(this.layer) || isNaN(this.mag);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public isFinite(): boolean {
return isFinite(this.sign) && isFinite(this.layer) && isFinite(this.mag);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public eq(value: DecimalSource): boolean {
const decimal = D(value);
return (
this.sign === decimal.sign && this.layer === decimal.layer && this.mag === decimal.mag
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public equals(value: DecimalSource): boolean {
return this.eq(value);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public neq(value: DecimalSource): boolean {
return !this.eq(value);
public notEquals(value: DecimalSource): boolean {
return this.neq(value);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public lt(value: DecimalSource): boolean {
return this.cmp(value) === -1;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public lte(value: DecimalSource): boolean {
return !;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public gt(value: DecimalSource): boolean {
return this.cmp(value) === 1;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public gte(value: DecimalSource): boolean {
return !;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public max(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
const decimal = D(value);
return ? decimal : this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public min(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
const decimal = D(value);
return ? decimal : this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public maxabs(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
const decimal = D(value);
return this.cmpabs(decimal) < 0 ? decimal : this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public minabs(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
const decimal = D(value);
return this.cmpabs(decimal) > 0 ? decimal : this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public clamp(min: DecimalSource, max: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return this.max(min).min(max);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public clampMin(min: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return this.max(min);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public clampMax(max: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return this.min(max);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public cmp_tolerance(value: DecimalSource, tolerance: number): CompareResult {
const decimal = D(value);
return this.eq_tolerance(decimal, tolerance) ? 0 : this.cmp(decimal);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public compare_tolerance(value: DecimalSource, tolerance: number): CompareResult {
return this.cmp_tolerance(value, tolerance);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
* Tolerance is a relative tolerance, multiplied by the greater of the magnitudes of the two arguments.
* For example, if you put in 1e-9, then any number closer to the
* larger number than (larger number)*1e-9 will be considered equal.
public eq_tolerance(value: DecimalSource, tolerance: number): boolean {
const decimal = D(value); //
if (tolerance == null) {
tolerance = 1e-7;
//Numbers that are too far away are never close.
if (this.sign !== decimal.sign) {
return false;
if (Math.abs(this.layer - decimal.layer) > 1) {
return false;
// return abs(a-b) <= tolerance * max(abs(a), abs(b))
let magA = this.mag;
let magB = decimal.mag;
if (this.layer > decimal.layer) {
magB = f_maglog10(magB);
if (this.layer < decimal.layer) {
magA = f_maglog10(magA);
return Math.abs(magA - magB) <= tolerance * Math.max(Math.abs(magA), Math.abs(magB));
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public equals_tolerance(value: DecimalSource, tolerance: number): boolean {
return this.eq_tolerance(value, tolerance);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public neq_tolerance(value: DecimalSource, tolerance: number): boolean {
return !this.eq_tolerance(value, tolerance);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public notEquals_tolerance(value: DecimalSource, tolerance: number): boolean {
return this.neq_tolerance(value, tolerance);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public lt_tolerance(value: DecimalSource, tolerance: number): boolean {
const decimal = D(value);
return !this.eq_tolerance(decimal, tolerance) &&;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public lte_tolerance(value: DecimalSource, tolerance: number): boolean {
const decimal = D(value);
return this.eq_tolerance(decimal, tolerance) ||;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public gt_tolerance(value: DecimalSource, tolerance: number): boolean {
const decimal = D(value);
return !this.eq_tolerance(decimal, tolerance) &&;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public gte_tolerance(value: DecimalSource, tolerance: number): boolean {
const decimal = D(value);
return this.eq_tolerance(decimal, tolerance) ||;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public pLog10(): Decimal {
if ( {
return Decimal.dZero;
return this.log10();
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public absLog10(): Decimal {
if (this.sign === 0) {
return Decimal.dNaN;
} else if (this.layer > 0) {
return FC(Math.sign(this.mag), this.layer - 1, Math.abs(this.mag));
} else {
return FC(1, 0, Math.log10(this.mag));
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public log10(): Decimal {
if (this.sign <= 0) {
return Decimal.dNaN;
} else if (this.layer > 0) {
return FC(Math.sign(this.mag), this.layer - 1, Math.abs(this.mag));
} else {
return FC(this.sign, 0, Math.log10(this.mag));
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public log(base: DecimalSource): Decimal {
base = D(base);
if (this.sign <= 0) {
return Decimal.dNaN;
if (base.sign <= 0) {
return Decimal.dNaN;
if (base.sign === 1 && base.layer === 0 && base.mag === 1) {
return Decimal.dNaN;
} else if (this.layer === 0 && base.layer === 0) {
return FC(this.sign, 0, Math.log(this.mag) / Math.log(base.mag));
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
return Decimal.div(this.log10(), base.log10());
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public log2(): Decimal {
if (this.sign <= 0) {
return Decimal.dNaN;
} else if (this.layer === 0) {
return FC(this.sign, 0, Math.log2(this.mag));
} else if (this.layer === 1) {
return FC(Math.sign(this.mag), 0, Math.abs(this.mag) * 3.321928094887362); //log2(10)
} else if (this.layer === 2) {
return FC(Math.sign(this.mag), 1, Math.abs(this.mag) + 0.5213902276543247); //-log10(log10(2))
} else {
return FC(Math.sign(this.mag), this.layer - 1, Math.abs(this.mag));
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public ln(): Decimal {
if (this.sign <= 0) {
return Decimal.dNaN;
} else if (this.layer === 0) {
return FC(this.sign, 0, Math.log(this.mag));
} else if (this.layer === 1) {
return FC(Math.sign(this.mag), 0, Math.abs(this.mag) * 2.302585092994046); //ln(10)
} else if (this.layer === 2) {
return FC(Math.sign(this.mag), 1, Math.abs(this.mag) + 0.36221568869946325); //log10(log10(e))
} else {
return FC(Math.sign(this.mag), this.layer - 1, Math.abs(this.mag));
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public logarithm(base: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return this.log(base);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public pow(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
const decimal = D(value);
const a = this;
const b = decimal;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//special case: if a is 0, then return 0 (UNLESS b is 0, then return 1)
if (a.sign === 0) {
return b.eq(0) ? FC_NN(1, 0, 1) : a;
//special case: if a is 1, then return 1
if (a.sign === 1 && a.layer === 0 && a.mag === 1) {
return a;
//special case: if b is 0, then return 1
if (b.sign === 0) {
return FC_NN(1, 0, 1);
//special case: if b is 1, then return a
if (b.sign === 1 && b.layer === 0 && b.mag === 1) {
return a;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
const result = a
if (this.sign === -1) {
if (Math.abs(b.toNumber() % 2) % 2 === 1) {
return result.neg();
} else if (Math.abs(b.toNumber() % 2) % 2 === 0) {
return result;
return Decimal.dNaN;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
return result;
public pow10(): Decimal {
There are four cases we need to consider:
1) positive sign, positive mag (e15, ee15): +1 layer (e.g. 10^15 becomes e15, 10^e15 becomes ee15)
2) negative sign, positive mag (-e15, -ee15): +1 layer but sign and mag sign are flipped (e.g. 10^-15 becomes e-15, 10^-e15 becomes ee-15)
3) positive sign, negative mag (e-15, ee-15): layer 0 case would have been handled in the Math.pow check, so just return 1
4) negative sign, negative mag (-e-15, -ee-15): layer 0 case would have been handled in the Math.pow check, so just return 1
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (!Number.isFinite(this.layer) || !Number.isFinite(this.mag)) {
return Decimal.dNaN;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
let a = this;
//handle layer 0 case - if no precision is lost just use Math.pow, else promote one layer
if (a.layer === 0) {
const newmag = Math.pow(10, a.sign * a.mag);
if (Number.isFinite(newmag) && Math.abs(newmag) >= 0.1) {
return FC(1, 0, newmag);
} else {
if (a.sign === 0) {
return Decimal.dOne;
} else {
a = FC_NN(a.sign, a.layer + 1, Math.log10(a.mag)) as this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//handle all 4 layer 1+ cases individually
if (a.sign > 0 && a.mag >= 0) {
return FC(a.sign, a.layer + 1, a.mag);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (a.sign < 0 && a.mag >= 0) {
return FC(-a.sign, a.layer + 1, -a.mag);
//both the negative mag cases are identical: one +/- rounding error
return Decimal.dOne;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public pow_base(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
return D(value).pow(this);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public root(value: DecimalSource): Decimal {
const decimal = D(value);
return this.pow(decimal.recip());
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public factorial(): Decimal {
if (this.mag < 0) {
return this.add(1).gamma();
} else if (this.layer === 0) {
return this.add(1).gamma();
} else if (this.layer === 1) {
return Decimal.exp(Decimal.mul(this, Decimal.ln(this).sub(1)));
} else {
return Decimal.exp(this);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//from HyperCalc source code
public gamma(): Decimal {
if (this.mag < 0) {
return this.recip();
} else if (this.layer === 0) {
if (, 0, 24))) {
return D(f_gamma(this.sign * this.mag));
const t = this.mag - 1;
let l = 0.9189385332046727; //0.5*Math.log(2*Math.PI)
l = l + (t + 0.5) * Math.log(t);
l = l - t;
const n2 = t * t;
let np = t;
let lm = 12 * np;
let adj = 1 / lm;
let l2 = l + adj;
if (l2 === l) {
return Decimal.exp(l);
l = l2;
np = np * n2;
lm = 360 * np;
adj = 1 / lm;
l2 = l - adj;
if (l2 === l) {
return Decimal.exp(l);
l = l2;
np = np * n2;
lm = 1260 * np;
let lt = 1 / lm;
l = l + lt;
np = np * n2;
lm = 1680 * np;
lt = 1 / lm;
l = l - lt;
return Decimal.exp(l);
} else if (this.layer === 1) {
return Decimal.exp(Decimal.mul(this, Decimal.ln(this).sub(1)));
} else {
return Decimal.exp(this);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public lngamma(): Decimal {
return this.gamma().ln();
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public exp(): Decimal {
if (this.mag < 0) {
return Decimal.dOne;
if (this.layer === 0 && this.mag <= 709.7) {
return D(Math.exp(this.sign * this.mag));
} else if (this.layer === 0) {
return FC(1, 1, this.sign * Math.log10(Math.E) * this.mag);
} else if (this.layer === 1) {
return FC(1, 2, this.sign * (Math.log10(0.4342944819032518) + this.mag));
} else {
return FC(1, this.layer + 1, this.sign * this.mag);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public sqr(): Decimal {
return this.pow(2);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public sqrt(): Decimal {
if (this.layer === 0) {
return D(Math.sqrt(this.sign * this.mag));
} else if (this.layer === 1) {
return FC(1, 2, Math.log10(this.mag) - 0.3010299956639812);
} else {
const result = Decimal.div(FC_NN(this.sign, this.layer - 1, this.mag), FC_NN(1, 0, 2));
result.layer += 1;
return result;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public cube(): Decimal {
return this.pow(3);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public cbrt(): Decimal {
return this.pow(1 / 3);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//Tetration/tetrate: The result of exponentiating 'this' to 'this' 'height' times in a row.
//If payload != 1, then this is 'iterated exponentiation', the result of exping (payload) to base (this) (height) times.
//Works with negative and positive real heights.
public tetrate(height = 2, payload: DecimalSource = FC_NN(1, 0, 1)): Decimal {
//x^^1 == x
if (height === 1) {
return Decimal.pow(this, payload);
//x^^0 == 1
if (height === 0) {
return new Decimal(payload);
//1^^x == 1
if (this.eq(Decimal.dOne)) {
return Decimal.dOne;
//-1^^x == -1
if (this.eq(-1)) {
return Decimal.pow(this, payload);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (height === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) {
const this_num = this.toNumber();
//within the convergence range?
if (this_num <= 1.44466786100976613366 && this_num >= 0.06598803584531253708) {
//hotfix for the very edge of the number range not being handled properly
if (this_num > 1.444667861009099) {
return new Decimal(Math.E);
//Formula for infinite height power tower.
const negln = Decimal.ln(this).neg();
return negln.lambertw().div(negln);
} else if (this_num > 1.44466786100976613366) {
//explodes to infinity
return new Decimal(Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
} else {
//0.06598803584531253708 > this_num >= 0: never converges
//this_num < 0: quickly becomes a complex number
return Decimal.dNaN;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//0^^x oscillates if we define 0^0 == 1 (which in javascript land we do), since then 0^^1 is 0, 0^^2 is 1, 0^^3 is 0, etc. payload is ignored
//using the linear approximation for height (TODO: don't know a better way to calculate it ATM, but it wouldn't surprise me if it's just NaN)
if (this.eq(Decimal.dZero)) {
let result = Math.abs((height + 1) % 2);
if (result > 1) {
result = 2 - result;
return new Decimal(result);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
if (height < 0) {
return Decimal.iteratedlog(payload, this, -height);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
payload = D(payload);
const oldheight = height;
height = Math.trunc(height);
const fracheight = oldheight - height;
if ( && this.lte(1.44466786100976613366)) {
//similar to 0^^n, flip-flops between two values, converging slowly (or if it's below 0.06598803584531253708, never. so once again, the fractional part at the end will be a linear approximation (TODO: again pending knowledge of how to approximate better, although tbh I think it should in reality just be NaN)
height = Math.min(10000, height);
for (let i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
const old_payload: Decimal = payload;
payload = this.pow(payload);
//stop early if we converge
if (old_payload.eq(payload)) {
return payload;
if (fracheight != 0) {
const next_payload = this.pow(payload);
return payload.mul(1 - fracheight).add(next_payload.mul(fracheight));
return payload;
//TODO: base < 0, but it's hard for me to reason about (probably all non-integer heights are NaN automatically?)
if (fracheight !== 0) {
if (payload.eq(Decimal.dOne)) {
//TODO: for bases above 10, revert to old linear approximation until I can think of something better
if ( {
payload = this.pow(fracheight);
} else {
payload = D(Decimal.tetrate_critical(this.toNumber(), fracheight));
//TODO: until the critical section grid can handle numbers below 2, scale them to the base
//TODO: maybe once the critical section grid has very large bases, this math can be appropriate for them too? I'll think about it
if ( {
payload = payload
} else {
if (this.eq(10)) {
payload = payload.layeradd10(fracheight);
} else {
payload = payload.layeradd(fracheight, this);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
for (let i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
payload = this.pow(payload);
//bail if we're NaN
if (!isFinite(payload.layer) || !isFinite(payload.mag)) {
return payload.normalize();
if (payload.layer - this.layer > 3) {
return FC_NN(payload.sign, payload.layer + (height - i - 1), payload.mag);
//give up after 10000 iterations if nothing is happening
if (i > 10000) {
return payload;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
return payload;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//iteratedexp/iterated exponentiation: - all cases handled in tetrate, so just call it
public iteratedexp(height = 2, payload = FC_NN(1, 0, 1)): Decimal {
return this.tetrate(height, payload);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//iterated log/repeated log: The result of applying log(base) 'times' times in a row. Approximately equal to subtracting (times) from the number's slog representation. Equivalent to tetrating to a negative height.
//Works with negative and positive real heights.
public iteratedlog(base: DecimalSource = 10, times = 1): Decimal {
if (times < 0) {
return Decimal.tetrate(base, -times, this);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
base = D(base);
let result = D(this);
const fulltimes = times;
times = Math.trunc(times);
const fraction = fulltimes - times;
if (result.layer - base.layer > 3) {
const layerloss = Math.min(times, result.layer - base.layer - 3);
times -= layerloss;
result.layer -= layerloss;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
for (let i = 0; i < times; ++i) {
result = result.log(base);
//bail if we're NaN
if (!isFinite(result.layer) || !isFinite(result.mag)) {
return result.normalize();
//give up after 10000 iterations if nothing is happening
if (i > 10000) {
return result;
//handle fractional part
if (fraction > 0 && fraction < 1) {
if (base.eq(10)) {
result = result.layeradd10(-fraction);
} else {
result = result.layeradd(-fraction, base);
return result;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//Super-logarithm, one of tetration's inverses, tells you what size power tower you'd have to tetrate base to to get number. By definition, will never be higher than 1.8e308 in break_eternity.js, since a power tower 1.8e308 numbers tall is the largest representable number.
public slog(base: DecimalSource = 10): Decimal {
base = D(base);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//special cases:
//slog base 0 or lower is NaN
if (base.lte(Decimal.dZero)) {
return Decimal.dNaN;
//slog base 1 is NaN
if (base.eq(Decimal.dOne)) {
return Decimal.dNaN;
//need to handle these small, wobbling bases specially
if ( {
if (this.eq(Decimal.dOne)) {
return Decimal.dZero;
if (this.eq(Decimal.dZero)) {
return Decimal.dNegOne;
//0 < this < 1: ambiguous (happens multiple times)
//this < 0: impossible (as far as I can tell)
//this > 1: partially complex ( base 0.25 for proof)
return Decimal.dNaN;
//slog_n(0) is -1
if (this.mag < 0 || this.eq(Decimal.dZero)) {
return Decimal.dNegOne;
let result = 0;
let copy = D(this);
if (copy.layer - base.layer > 3) {
const layerloss = copy.layer - base.layer - 3;
result += layerloss;
copy.layer -= layerloss;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
for (let i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
if ( {
copy = Decimal.pow(base, copy);
result -= 1;
} else if (copy.lte(Decimal.dOne)) {
return D(result + Decimal.slog_critical(base.toNumber(), copy.toNumber()));
} else {
result += 1;
copy = Decimal.log(copy, base);
return D(result);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//background info and tables of values for critical functions taken here:
public static slog_critical(base: number, height: number): number {
//TODO: for bases above 10, revert to old linear approximation until I can think of something better
if (base > 10) {
return height - 1;
return Decimal.critical_section(base, height, critical_slog_values);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public static tetrate_critical(base: number, height: number): number {
return Decimal.critical_section(base, height, critical_tetr_values);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public static critical_section(base: number, height: number, grid: number[][]): number {
//this part is simple at least, since it's just 0.1 to 0.9
height *= 10;
if (height < 0) {
height = 0;
if (height > 10) {
height = 10;
//have to do this complicated song and dance since one of the critical_headers is Math.E, and in the future I'd like 1.5 as well
if (base < 2) {
base = 2;
if (base > 10) {
base = 10;
let lower = 0;
let upper = 0;
//basically, if we're between bases, we interpolate each bases' relevant values together
//then we interpolate based on what the fractional height is.
//accuracy could be improved by doing a non-linear interpolation (maybe), by adding more bases and heights (definitely) but this is AFAIK the best you can get without running some or mathematica program to calculate exact values
for (let i = 0; i < critical_headers.length; ++i) {
if (critical_headers[i] == base) {
// exact match
lower = grid[i][Math.floor(height)];
upper = grid[i][Math.ceil(height)];
} else if (critical_headers[i] < base && critical_headers[i + 1] > base) {
// interpolate between this and the next
const basefrac =
(base - critical_headers[i]) / (critical_headers[i + 1] - critical_headers[i]);
lower =
grid[i][Math.floor(height)] * (1 - basefrac) +
grid[i + 1][Math.floor(height)] * basefrac;
upper =
grid[i][Math.ceil(height)] * (1 - basefrac) +
grid[i + 1][Math.ceil(height)] * basefrac;
const frac = height - Math.floor(height);
const result = lower * (1 - frac) + upper * frac;
return result;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//Function for adding/removing layers from a Decimal, even fractional layers (e.g. its slog10 representation).
//Moved this over to use the same critical section as tetrate/slog.
public layeradd10(diff: DecimalSource): Decimal {
diff = Decimal.fromValue_noAlloc(diff).toNumber();
const result = D(this);
if (diff >= 1) {
//bug fix: if result is very smol (mag < 0, layer > 0) turn it into 0 first
if (result.mag < 0 && result.layer > 0) {
result.sign = 0;
result.mag = 0;
result.layer = 0;
} else if (result.sign === -1 && result.layer == 0) {
//bug fix - for stuff like -3.layeradd10(1) we need to move the sign to the mag
result.sign = 1;
result.mag = -result.mag;
const layeradd = Math.trunc(diff);
diff -= layeradd;
result.layer += layeradd;
if (diff <= -1) {
const layeradd = Math.trunc(diff);
diff -= layeradd;
result.layer += layeradd;
if (result.layer < 0) {
for (let i = 0; i < 100; ++i) {
result.mag = Math.log10(result.mag);
if (!isFinite(result.mag)) {
//another bugfix: if we hit -Infinity mag, then we should return negative infinity, not 0. 0.layeradd10(-1) h its this
if (result.sign === 0) {
result.sign = 1;
//also this, for 0.layeradd10(-2)
if (result.layer < 0) {
result.layer = 0;
return result.normalize();
if (result.layer >= 0) {
while (result.layer < 0) {
result.mag = Math.log10(result.mag);
//bugfix: before we normalize: if we started with 0, we now need to manually fix a layer ourselves!
if (result.sign === 0) {
result.sign = 1;
if (result.mag === 0 && result.layer >= 1) {
result.layer -= 1;
result.mag = 1;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//layeradd10: like adding 'diff' to the number's slog(base) representation. Very similar to tetrate base 10 and iterated log base 10. Also equivalent to adding a fractional amount to the number's layer in its break_eternity.js representation.
if (diff !== 0) {
return result.layeradd(diff, 10); //safe, only calls positive height 1 payload tetration, slog and log
return result;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//layeradd: like adding 'diff' to the number's slog(base) representation. Very similar to tetrate base 'base' and iterated log base 'base'.
public layeradd(diff: number, base: DecimalSource): Decimal {
const slogthis = this.slog(base).toNumber();
const slogdest = slogthis + diff;
if (slogdest >= 0) {
return Decimal.tetrate(base, slogdest);
} else if (!Number.isFinite(slogdest)) {
return Decimal.dNaN;
} else if (slogdest >= -1) {
return Decimal.log(Decimal.tetrate(base, slogdest + 1), base);
} else {
return Decimal.log(Decimal.log(Decimal.tetrate(base, slogdest + 2), base), base);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//The Lambert W function, also called the omega function or product logarithm, is the solution W(x) === x*e^x.
//Some special values, for testing:
public lambertw(): Decimal {
if ( {
throw Error("lambertw is unimplemented for results less than -1, sorry!");
} else if (this.mag < 0) {
return D(f_lambertw(this.toNumber()));
} else if (this.layer === 0) {
return D(f_lambertw(this.sign * this.mag));
} else if (this.layer === 1) {
return d_lambertw(this);
} else if (this.layer === 2) {
return d_lambertw(this);
if (this.layer >= 3) {
return FC_NN(this.sign, this.layer - 1, this.mag);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
throw "Unhandled behavior in lambertw()";
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//The super square-root function - what number, tetrated to height 2, equals this?
//Other sroots are possible to calculate probably through guess and check methods, this one is easy though.
public ssqrt(): Decimal {
if (this.sign == 1 && this.layer >= 3) {
return FC_NN(this.sign, this.layer - 1, this.mag);
const lnx = this.ln();
return lnx.div(lnx.lambertw());
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
Unit tests for tetrate/iteratedexp/iteratedlog/layeradd10/layeradd/slog:
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
(note: these won't be exactly precise with the new slog implementation, but that's okay)
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
var first = Math.random()*100;
var both = Math.random()*100;
var expected = first+both+1;
var result = new Decimal(10).layeradd10(first).layeradd10(both).slog();
if (Number.isFinite(result.mag) && !Decimal.eq_tolerance(expected, result))
console.log(first + ", " + both);
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
var first = Math.random()*100;
var both = Math.random()*100;
first += both;
var expected = first-both+1;
var result = new Decimal(10).layeradd10(first).layeradd10(-both).slog();
if (Number.isFinite(result.mag) && !Decimal.eq_tolerance(expected, result))
console.log(first + ", " + both);
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
var first = Math.random()*100;
var both = Math.random()*100;
var base = Math.random()*8+2;
var expected = first+both+1;
var result = new Decimal(base).layeradd(first, base).layeradd(both, base).slog(base);
if (Number.isFinite(result.mag) && !Decimal.eq_tolerance(expected, result))
console.log(first + ", " + both);
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
var first = Math.random()*100;
var both = Math.random()*100;
var base = Math.random()*8+2;
first += both;
var expected = first-both+1;
var result = new Decimal(base).layeradd(first, base).layeradd(-both, base).slog(base);
if (Number.isFinite(result.mag) && !Decimal.eq_tolerance(expected, result))
console.log(first + ", " + both);
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
var first = Math.round((Math.random()*30))/10;
var both = Math.round((Math.random()*30))/10;
var tetrateonly = Decimal.tetrate(10, first);
var tetrateandlog = Decimal.tetrate(10, first+both).iteratedlog(10, both);
if (!Decimal.eq_tolerance(tetrateonly, tetrateandlog))
console.log(first + ", " + both);
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
var first = Math.round((Math.random()*30))/10;
var both = Math.round((Math.random()*30))/10;
var base = Math.random()*8+2;
var tetrateonly = Decimal.tetrate(base, first);
var tetrateandlog = Decimal.tetrate(base, first+both).iteratedlog(base, both);
if (!Decimal.eq_tolerance(tetrateonly, tetrateandlog))
console.log(first + ", " + both);
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
var first = Math.round((Math.random()*30))/10;
var both = Math.round((Math.random()*30))/10;
var base = Math.random()*8+2;
var tetrateonly = Decimal.tetrate(base, first, base);
var tetrateandlog = Decimal.tetrate(base, first+both, base).iteratedlog(base, both);
if (!Decimal.eq_tolerance(tetrateonly, tetrateandlog))
console.log(first + ", " + both);
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
var xex = new Decimal(-0.3678794411710499+Math.random()*100);
var x = Decimal.lambertw(xex);
if (!Decimal.eq_tolerance(xex, x.mul(Decimal.exp(x))))
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
var xex = new Decimal(-0.3678794411710499+Math.exp(Math.random()*100));
var x = Decimal.lambertw(xex);
if (!Decimal.eq_tolerance(xex, x.mul(Decimal.exp(x))))
for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i)
var a = Decimal.randomDecimalForTesting(Math.random() > 0.5 ? 0 : 1);
var b = Decimal.randomDecimalForTesting(Math.random() > 0.5 ? 0 : 1);
if (Math.random() > 0.5) { a = a.recip(); }
if (Math.random() > 0.5) { b = b.recip(); }
var c = a.add(b).toNumber();
if (Number.isFinite(c) && !Decimal.eq_tolerance(c, a.toNumber()+b.toNumber()))
console.log(a + ", " + b);
for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i)
var a = Decimal.randomDecimalForTesting(Math.round(Math.random()*4));
var b = Decimal.randomDecimalForTesting(Math.round(Math.random()*4));
if (Math.random() > 0.5) { a = a.recip(); }
if (Math.random() > 0.5) { b = b.recip(); }
var c = a.mul(b).toNumber();
if (Number.isFinite(c) && Number.isFinite(a.toNumber()) && Number.isFinite(b.toNumber()) && a.toNumber() != 0 && b.toNumber() != 0 && c != 0 && !Decimal.eq_tolerance(c, a.toNumber()*b.toNumber()))
console.log("Test 1: " + a + ", " + b);
else if (!Decimal.mul(a.recip(), b.recip()).eq_tolerance(Decimal.mul(a, b).recip()))
console.log("Test 3: " + a + ", " + b);
for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
var a = Decimal.randomDecimalForTesting(Math.round(Math.random()*4));
var b = Decimal.randomDecimalForTesting(Math.round(Math.random()*4));
if (Math.random() > 0.5 && a.sign !== 0) { a = a.recip(); }
if (Math.random() > 0.5 && b.sign !== 0) { b = b.recip(); }
var c = a.pow(b);
var d = a.root(b.recip());
var e = a.pow(b.recip());
var f = a.root(b);
if (!c.eq_tolerance(d) && a.sign !== 0 && b.sign !== 0)
console.log("Test 1: " + a + ", " + b);
if (!e.eq_tolerance(f) && a.sign !== 0 && b.sign !== 0)
console.log("Test 2: " + a + ", " + b);
for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
var a = Math.round(Math.random()*18-9);
var b = Math.round(Math.random()*100-50);
var c = Math.round(Math.random()*18-9);
var d = Math.round(Math.random()*100-50);
console.log("Decimal.pow(Decimal.fromMantissaExponent(" + a + ", " + b + "), Decimal.fromMantissaExponent(" + c + ", " + d + ")).toString()");
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
//Pentation/pentate: The result of tetrating 'height' times in a row. An absurdly strong operator - Decimal.pentate(2, 4.28) and Decimal.pentate(10, 2.37) are already too huge for break_eternity.js!
public pentate(height = 2, payload: DecimalSource = FC_NN(1, 0, 1)): Decimal {
payload = D(payload);
const oldheight = height;
height = Math.trunc(height);
const fracheight = oldheight - height;
//I have no idea if this is a meaningful approximation for pentation to continuous heights, but it is monotonic and continuous.
if (fracheight !== 0) {
if (payload.eq(Decimal.dOne)) {
payload = new Decimal(fracheight);
} else {
if (this.eq(10)) {
payload = payload.layeradd10(fracheight);
} else {
payload = payload.layeradd(fracheight, this);
for (let i = 0; i < height; ++i) {
payload = this.tetrate(payload.toNumber());
//bail if we're NaN
if (!isFinite(payload.layer) || !isFinite(payload.mag)) {
return payload.normalize();
//give up after 10 iterations if nothing is happening
if (i > 10) {
return payload;
return payload;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
// trig functions!
public sin(): this | Decimal {
if (this.mag < 0) {
return this;
if (this.layer === 0) {
return D(Math.sin(this.sign * this.mag));
return FC_NN(0, 0, 0);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public cos(): Decimal {
if (this.mag < 0) {
return Decimal.dOne;
if (this.layer === 0) {
return D(Math.cos(this.sign * this.mag));
return FC_NN(0, 0, 0);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public tan(): this | Decimal {
if (this.mag < 0) {
return this;
if (this.layer === 0) {
return D(Math.tan(this.sign * this.mag));
return FC_NN(0, 0, 0);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public asin(): this | Decimal {
if (this.mag < 0) {
return this;
if (this.layer === 0) {
return D(Math.asin(this.sign * this.mag));
return FC_NN(Number.NaN, Number.NaN, Number.NaN);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public acos(): Decimal {
if (this.mag < 0) {
return D(Math.acos(this.toNumber()));
if (this.layer === 0) {
return D(Math.acos(this.sign * this.mag));
return FC_NN(Number.NaN, Number.NaN, Number.NaN);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public atan(): this | Decimal {
if (this.mag < 0) {
return this;
if (this.layer === 0) {
return D(Math.atan(this.sign * this.mag));
return D(Math.atan(this.sign * 1.8e308));
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public sinh(): Decimal {
return this.exp()
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public cosh(): Decimal {
return this.exp()
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public tanh(): Decimal {
return this.sinh().div(this.cosh());
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public asinh(): Decimal {
return Decimal.ln(
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public acosh(): Decimal {
return Decimal.ln(
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public atanh(): Decimal {
if (this.abs().gte(1)) {
return FC_NN(Number.NaN, Number.NaN, Number.NaN);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
return Decimal.ln(this.add(1).div(D(1).sub(this))).div(2);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
* Joke function from Realm Grinder
public ascensionPenalty(ascensions: DecimalSource): Decimal {
if (ascensions === 0) {
return this;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
return this.root(Decimal.pow(10, ascensions));
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
* Joke function from Cookie Clicker. It's 'egg'
public egg(): Decimal {
return this.add(9);
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public lessThanOrEqualTo(other: DecimalSource): boolean {
return this.cmp(other) < 1;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public lessThan(other: DecimalSource): boolean {
return this.cmp(other) < 0;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public greaterThanOrEqualTo(other: DecimalSource): boolean {
return this.cmp(other) > -1;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
public greaterThan(other: DecimalSource): boolean {
return this.cmp(other) > 0;
2022-01-13 22:25:47 -06:00
// return Decimal;
// return Decimal;