188 lines
6.6 KiB
188 lines
6.6 KiB
import { layers } from "@/game/layers";
import player from "@/game/player";
import { RawLayer } from "@/typings/layer";
import { PlayerData } from "@/typings/player";
import Decimal from "@/util/bignum";
import {
} from "@/util/features";
import { computed } from "vue";
import a from "./layers/aca/a";
import c from "./layers/aca/c";
import f from "./layers/aca/f";
import demoLayer from "./layers/demo";
import demoInfinityLayer from "./layers/demo-infinity";
// Import initial layers
const g = {
id: "g",
symbol: "TH",
branches: ["c"],
color: "#6d3678",
shown: true,
canClick() {
return player.points.gte(10);
tooltip: "Thanos your points",
click() {
player.points = player.points.div(2);
} as RawLayer;
const h = {
id: "h",
branches: [
() => ({
target: "flatBoi",
featureType: "bar",
endOffset: {
-50 +
100 *
(layers.c.bars!.data.flatBoi.progress instanceof Number
? (layers.c.bars!.data.flatBoi.progress as number)
: (layers.c.bars!.data.flatBoi.progress as Decimal).toNumber())
tooltip() {
return "Restore your points to {{ player.c.otherThingy }}";
row: "side",
position: 3,
canClick() {
return player.points.lt(player.layers.c.otherThingy as Decimal);
click() {
player.points = new Decimal(player.layers.c.otherThingy as Decimal);
} as RawLayer;
const spook = {
id: "spook",
row: 1,
layerShown: "ghost"
} as RawLayer;
const main = {
id: "main",
display: `
<div v-if="player.devSpeed === 0">Game Paused</div>
<div v-else-if="player.devSpeed && player.devSpeed !== 1">Dev Speed: {{ format(player.devSpeed) }}x</div>
<div v-if="player.offTime != undefined">Offline Time: {{ formatTime(player.offTime.remain) }}</div>
<span v-if="player.points.lt('1e1000')">You have </span>
<h2>{{ format(player.points) }}</h2>
<span v-if="player.points.lt('1e1e6')"> points</span>
<div v-if="Decimal.gt(pointGain, 0)">
({{ player.oompsMag != 0 ? format(player.oomps) + " OOM" + (player.oompsMag < 0 ? "^OOM" : player.oompsMag > 1 ? "^" + player.oompsMag : "") + "s" : formatSmall(pointGain) }}/sec)
<spacer />
<tree :append="true" />`,
name: "Tree"
} as RawLayer;
export const getInitialLayers = (
/* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
playerData: Partial<PlayerData>
): Array<RawLayer> => [main, f, c, a, g, h, spook, demoLayer, demoInfinityLayer];
export function getStartingData(): Record<string, unknown> {
return {
points: new Decimal(10)
export const hasWon = computed(() => {
return false;
export const pointGain = computed(() => {
if (!hasUpgrade("c", 11)) return new Decimal(0);
let gain = new Decimal(3.19);
if (hasUpgrade("c", 12)) gain = gain.times(upgradeEffect("c", 12) as Decimal);
if (hasMilestone("p", 0)) gain = gain.plus(0.01);
if (hasMilestone("p", 4)) {
if (hasUpgrade("p", 12)) gain = gain.plus(0.1);
if (hasUpgrade("p", 13)) gain = gain.plus(0.1);
if (hasUpgrade("p", 14)) gain = gain.plus(0.1);
if (hasUpgrade("p", 21)) gain = gain.plus(0.1);
if (hasUpgrade("p", 22)) gain = gain.plus(0.1);
if (hasUpgrade("p", 23)) gain = gain.plus(0.1);
if (hasUpgrade("p", 31)) gain = gain.plus(0.1);
if (hasUpgrade("p", 32)) gain = gain.plus(0.1);
if (hasUpgrade("p", 33)) gain = gain.plus(0.1);
if (hasUpgrade("p", 11))
gain = gain.plus(
hasUpgrade("p", 34)
? new Decimal(1).plus(layers.p.upgrades!.data[34].effect as Decimal)
: 1
if (hasUpgrade("p", 12))
gain = gain.times(
hasUpgrade("p", 34)
? new Decimal(1).plus(layers.p.upgrades!.data[34].effect as Decimal)
: 1
if (hasUpgrade("p", 13))
gain = gain.pow(
hasUpgrade("p", 34)
? new Decimal(1).plus(layers.p.upgrades!.data[34].effect as Decimal)
: 1
if (hasUpgrade("p", 14))
gain = gain.tetrate(
hasUpgrade("p", 34)
? new Decimal(1).plus(layers.p.upgrades!.data[34].effect as Decimal).toNumber()
: 1
if (hasUpgrade("p", 71)) gain = gain.plus(1.1);
if (hasUpgrade("p", 72)) gain = gain.times(1.1);
if (hasUpgrade("p", 73)) gain = gain.pow(1.1);
if (hasUpgrade("p", 74)) gain = gain.tetrate(1.1);
if (hasMilestone("p", 5) && !inChallenge("p", 22)) {
const asdf = hasUpgrade("p", 132)
? (player.layers.p.gp as Decimal).plus(1).pow(new Decimal(1).div(2))
: hasUpgrade("p", 101)
? (player.layers.p.gp as Decimal).plus(1).pow(new Decimal(1).div(3))
: hasUpgrade("p", 93)
? (player.layers.p.gp as Decimal).plus(1).pow(0.2)
: (player.layers.p.gp as Decimal).plus(1).log10();
gain = gain.plus(asdf);
if (hasUpgrade("p", 213)) gain = gain.mul(asdf.plus(1));
if (hasUpgrade("p", 104)) gain = gain.times(player.layers.p.points.plus(1).pow(0.5));
if (hasUpgrade("p", 142)) gain = gain.times(5);
if (player.layers.i.unlocked)
gain = gain.times(player.layers.i.points.plus(1).pow(hasUpgrade("p", 235) ? 6.942 : 1));
if (inChallenge("p", 11) || inChallenge("p", 21))
gain = new Decimal(10).pow(gain.log10().pow(0.75));
if (inChallenge("p", 12) || inChallenge("p", 21))
gain = gain.pow(new Decimal(1).sub(new Decimal(1).div(getBuyableAmount("p", 11)!.plus(1))));
if (hasUpgrade("p", 211)) gain = gain.times(getBuyableAmount("p", 21)!.plus(1));
if (hasMilestone("p", 13)) gain = gain.times(layers.p.buyables!.data[31].effect as Decimal);
if (hasMilestone("p", 13)) gain = gain.pow(layers.p.buyables!.data[42].effect as Decimal);
return gain;
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
export function update(delta: Decimal): void {}
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
export function fixOldSave(
oldVersion: string | undefined,
playerData: Partial<PlayerData>
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
): void {}
/* eslint-enable @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */