import { isArray } from "@vue/shared"; import ClickableComponent from "features/clickables/Clickable.vue"; import type { CoercableComponent, GenericComponent, OptionsFunc, Replace, StyleValue } from "features/feature"; import { Component, GatherProps, getUniqueID, jsx, setDefault, Visibility } from "features/feature"; import { DefaultValue, Persistent, persistent } from "game/persistence"; import { createVisibilityRequirement, displayRequirements, maxRequirementsMet, payRequirements, Requirements, requirementsMet } from "game/requirements"; import type { DecimalSource } from "util/bignum"; import Decimal, { formatWhole } from "util/bignum"; import type { Computable, GetComputableType, GetComputableTypeWithDefault, ProcessedComputable } from "util/computed"; import { processComputable } from "util/computed"; import { createLazyProxy } from "util/proxies"; import { coerceComponent, isCoercableComponent } from "util/vue"; import type { Ref } from "vue"; import { computed, unref } from "vue"; import { Decorator } from "./decorators/common"; /** A symbol used to identify {@link Repeatable} features. */ export const RepeatableType = Symbol("Repeatable"); /** A type that can be used to customize the {@link Repeatable} display. */ export type RepeatableDisplay = | CoercableComponent | { /** A header to appear at the top of the display. */ title?: CoercableComponent; /** The main text that appears in the display. */ description?: CoercableComponent; /** A description of the current effect of this repeatable, based off its amount. */ effectDisplay?: CoercableComponent; /** Whether or not to show the current amount of this repeatable at the bottom of the display. */ showAmount?: boolean; }; /** An object that configures a {@link Repeatable}. */ export interface RepeatableOptions { /** Whether this repeatable should be visible. */ visibility?: Computable; /** The requirement(s) to increase this repeatable. */ requirements: Requirements; /** The maximum amount obtainable for this repeatable. */ limit?: Computable; /** The initial amount this repeatable has on a new save / after reset. */ initialAmount?: DecimalSource; /** Dictionary of CSS classes to apply to this feature. */ classes?: Computable>; /** CSS to apply to this feature. */ style?: Computable; /** Shows a marker on the corner of the feature. */ mark?: Computable; /** Toggles a smaller design for the feature. */ small?: Computable; /** Whether or not clicking this repeatable should attempt to maximize amount based on the requirements met. Requires {@link requirements} to be a requirement or array of requirements with {@link Requirement.canMaximize} true. */ maximize?: Computable; /** The display to use for this repeatable. */ display?: Computable; } /** * The properties that are added onto a processed {@link RepeatableOptions} to create a {@link Repeatable}. */ export interface BaseRepeatable { /** An auto-generated ID for identifying features that appear in the DOM. Will not persist between refreshes or updates. */ id: string; /** The current amount this repeatable has. */ amount: Persistent; /** Whether or not this repeatable's amount is at it's limit. */ maxed: Ref; /** Whether or not this repeatable can be clicked. */ canClick: ProcessedComputable; /** * How much amount can be increased by, or 1 if unclickable. * Capped at 1 if {@link RepeatableOptions.maximize} is false. **/ amountToIncrease: Ref; /** A function that gets called when this repeatable is clicked. */ onClick: (event?: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) => void; /** A symbol that helps identify features of the same type. */ type: typeof RepeatableType; /** The Vue component used to render this feature. */ [Component]: GenericComponent; /** A function to gather the props the vue component requires for this feature. */ [GatherProps]: () => Record; } /** An object that represents a feature with multiple "levels" with scaling requirements. */ export type Repeatable = Replace< T & BaseRepeatable, { visibility: GetComputableTypeWithDefault; requirements: GetComputableType; limit: GetComputableTypeWithDefault; classes: GetComputableType; style: GetComputableType; mark: GetComputableType; small: GetComputableType; maximize: GetComputableType; display: Ref; } >; /** A type that matches any valid {@link Repeatable} object. */ export type GenericRepeatable = Replace< Repeatable, { visibility: ProcessedComputable; limit: ProcessedComputable; } >; /** * Lazily creates a repeatable with the given options. * @param optionsFunc Repeatable options. */ export function createRepeatable( optionsFunc: OptionsFunc, ...decorators: Decorator[] ): Repeatable { const amount = persistent(0); const decoratedData = decorators.reduce((current, next) => Object.assign(current, next.getPersistentData?.()), {}); return createLazyProxy(feature => { const repeatable =, feature); = getUniqueID("repeatable-"); repeatable.type = RepeatableType; repeatable[Component] = ClickableComponent as GenericComponent; for (const decorator of decorators) { decorator.preConstruct?.(repeatable); } repeatable.amount = amount; repeatable.amount[DefaultValue] = repeatable.initialAmount ?? 0; Object.assign(repeatable, decoratedData); const limitRequirement = { requirementMet: computed(() => Decimal.sub( unref((repeatable as GenericRepeatable).limit), (repeatable as GenericRepeatable).amount.value ) ), requiresPay: false, visibility: Visibility.None } as const; const visibilityRequirement = createVisibilityRequirement(repeatable as GenericRepeatable); if (isArray(repeatable.requirements)) { repeatable.requirements.unshift(visibilityRequirement); repeatable.requirements.push(limitRequirement); } else { repeatable.requirements = [ visibilityRequirement, repeatable.requirements, limitRequirement ]; } repeatable.maxed = computed(() => Decimal.gte( (repeatable as GenericRepeatable).amount.value, unref((repeatable as GenericRepeatable).limit) ) ); processComputable(repeatable as T, "classes"); const classes = repeatable.classes as | ProcessedComputable> | undefined; repeatable.classes = computed(() => { const currClasses = unref(classes) || {}; if ((repeatable as GenericRepeatable).maxed.value) { currClasses.bought = true; } return currClasses; }); repeatable.amountToIncrease = computed(() => unref((repeatable as GenericRepeatable).maximize) ? maxRequirementsMet(repeatable.requirements) : 1 ); repeatable.canClick = computed(() => requirementsMet(repeatable.requirements)); const onClick = repeatable.onClick; repeatable.onClick = function (this: GenericRepeatable, event?: MouseEvent | TouchEvent) { const genericRepeatable = repeatable as GenericRepeatable; if (!unref(genericRepeatable.canClick)) { return; } payRequirements(repeatable.requirements, unref(repeatable.amountToIncrease)); genericRepeatable.amount.value = Decimal.add(genericRepeatable.amount.value, 1); onClick?.(event); }; processComputable(repeatable as T, "display"); const display = repeatable.display; repeatable.display = jsx(() => { // TODO once processComputable types correctly, remove this "as X" const currDisplay = unref(display) as RepeatableDisplay; if (isCoercableComponent(currDisplay)) { const CurrDisplay = coerceComponent(currDisplay); return ; } if (currDisplay != null) { const genericRepeatable = repeatable as GenericRepeatable; const Title = coerceComponent(currDisplay.title ?? "", "h3"); const Description = coerceComponent(currDisplay.description ?? ""); const EffectDisplay = coerceComponent(currDisplay.effectDisplay ?? ""); return ( {currDisplay.title == null ? null : (
</div> )} {currDisplay.description == null ? null : <Description />} {currDisplay.showAmount === false ? null : ( <div> <br /> joinJSX( <>Amount: {formatWhole(genericRepeatable.amount.value)}</>, {unref(genericRepeatable.limit) !== Decimal.dInf ? ( <> / {formatWhole(unref(genericRepeatable.limit))}</> ) : undefined} ) </div> )} {currDisplay.effectDisplay == null ? null : ( <div> <br /> Currently: <EffectDisplay /> </div> )} {genericRepeatable.maxed.value ? null : ( <div> <br /> {displayRequirements( genericRepeatable.requirements, unref(repeatable.amountToIncrease) )} </div> )} </span> ); } return ""; }); processComputable(repeatable as T, "visibility"); setDefault(repeatable, "visibility", Visibility.Visible); processComputable(repeatable as T, "limit"); setDefault(repeatable, "limit", Decimal.dInf); processComputable(repeatable as T, "style"); processComputable(repeatable as T, "mark"); processComputable(repeatable as T, "small"); processComputable(repeatable as T, "maximize"); for (const decorator of decorators) { decorator.postConstruct?.(repeatable); } const decoratedProps = decorators.reduce((current, next) => Object.assign(current, next.getGatheredProps?.(repeatable)), {}); repeatable[GatherProps] = function (this: GenericRepeatable) { const { display, visibility, style, classes, onClick, canClick, small, mark, id } = this; return { display, visibility, style: unref(style), classes, onClick, canClick, small, mark, id, ...decoratedProps }; }; return repeatable as unknown as Repeatable<T>; }); }