import ClickableComponent from "features/clickables/Clickable.vue"; import type { CoercableComponent, OptionsFunc, Replace, StyleValue } from "features/feature"; import { Component, GatherProps, getUniqueID, jsx, setDefault, Visibility } from "features/feature"; import type { Resource } from "features/resources/resource"; import { DefaultValue, Persistent } from "game/persistence"; import { persistent } from "game/persistence"; import type { DecimalSource } from "util/bignum"; import Decimal, { format, formatWhole } from "util/bignum"; import type { Computable, GetComputableType, GetComputableTypeWithDefault, ProcessedComputable } from "util/computed"; import { processComputable } from "util/computed"; import { createLazyProxy } from "util/proxies"; import { coerceComponent, isCoercableComponent } from "util/vue"; import type { Ref } from "vue"; import { computed, unref } from "vue"; export const BuyableType = Symbol("Buyable"); export type BuyableDisplay = | CoercableComponent | { title?: CoercableComponent; description?: CoercableComponent; effectDisplay?: CoercableComponent; showAmount?: boolean; }; export interface BuyableOptions { visibility?: Computable; cost?: Computable; resource?: Resource; canPurchase?: Computable; purchaseLimit?: Computable; initialValue?: DecimalSource; classes?: Computable>; style?: Computable; mark?: Computable; small?: Computable; display?: Computable; onPurchase?: (cost: DecimalSource | undefined) => void; } export interface BaseBuyable { id: string; amount: Persistent; maxed: Ref; canAfford: Ref; canClick: ProcessedComputable; onClick: VoidFunction; purchase: VoidFunction; type: typeof BuyableType; [Component]: typeof ClickableComponent; [GatherProps]: () => Record; } export type Buyable = Replace< T & BaseBuyable, { visibility: GetComputableTypeWithDefault; cost: GetComputableType; resource: GetComputableType; canPurchase: GetComputableTypeWithDefault>; purchaseLimit: GetComputableTypeWithDefault; classes: GetComputableType; style: GetComputableType; mark: GetComputableType; small: GetComputableType; display: Ref; } >; export type GenericBuyable = Replace< Buyable, { visibility: ProcessedComputable; canPurchase: ProcessedComputable; purchaseLimit: ProcessedComputable; } >; export function createBuyable( optionsFunc: OptionsFunc ): Buyable { const amount = persistent(0); return createLazyProxy(() => { const buyable = optionsFunc(); if (buyable.canPurchase == null && (buyable.resource == null || buyable.cost == null)) { console.warn( "Cannot create buyable without a canPurchase property or a resource and cost property", buyable ); throw "Cannot create buyable without a canPurchase property or a resource and cost property"; } = getUniqueID("buyable-"); buyable.type = BuyableType; buyable[Component] = ClickableComponent; buyable.amount = amount; buyable.amount[DefaultValue] = buyable.initialValue ?? 0; buyable.canAfford = computed(() => { const genericBuyable = buyable as GenericBuyable; const cost = unref(genericBuyable.cost); return ( genericBuyable.resource != null && cost != null && Decimal.gte(genericBuyable.resource.value, cost) ); }); if (buyable.canPurchase == null) { buyable.canPurchase = computed( () => unref((buyable as GenericBuyable).visibility) === Visibility.Visible && unref((buyable as GenericBuyable).canAfford) && (buyable as GenericBuyable).amount.value, unref((buyable as GenericBuyable).purchaseLimit) ) ); } buyable.maxed = computed(() => Decimal.gte( (buyable as GenericBuyable).amount.value, unref((buyable as GenericBuyable).purchaseLimit) ) ); processComputable(buyable as T, "classes"); const classes = buyable.classes as ProcessedComputable> | undefined; buyable.classes = computed(() => { const currClasses = unref(classes) || {}; if ((buyable as GenericBuyable).maxed.value) { currClasses.bought = true; } return currClasses; }); processComputable(buyable as T, "canPurchase"); buyable.canClick = buyable.canPurchase as ProcessedComputable; buyable.onClick = buyable.purchase = buyable.onClick ?? buyable.purchase ?? function (this: GenericBuyable) { const genericBuyable = buyable as GenericBuyable; if (!unref(genericBuyable.canPurchase)) { return; } const cost = unref(genericBuyable.cost); if (genericBuyable.cost != null && genericBuyable.resource != null) { genericBuyable.resource.value = Decimal.sub( genericBuyable.resource.value, // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion cost! ); genericBuyable.amount.value = Decimal.add(genericBuyable.amount.value, 1); } genericBuyable.onPurchase?.(cost); }; processComputable(buyable as T, "display"); const display = buyable.display; buyable.display = jsx(() => { // TODO once processComputable types correctly, remove this "as X" const currDisplay = unref(display) as BuyableDisplay; if (isCoercableComponent(currDisplay)) { const CurrDisplay = coerceComponent(currDisplay); return ; } if (currDisplay != null && buyable.cost != null && buyable.resource != null) { const genericBuyable = buyable as GenericBuyable; const Title = coerceComponent(currDisplay.title || "", "h3"); const Description = coerceComponent(currDisplay.description || ""); const EffectDisplay = coerceComponent(currDisplay.effectDisplay || ""); return ( {currDisplay.title ? (
</div> ) : null} {currDisplay.description ? <Description /> : null} {currDisplay.showAmount === false ? null : ( <div> <br /> {unref(genericBuyable.purchaseLimit) === Decimal.dInf ? ( <>Amount: {formatWhole(genericBuyable.amount.value)}</> ) : ( <> Amount: {formatWhole(genericBuyable.amount.value)} /{" "} {formatWhole(unref(genericBuyable.purchaseLimit))} </> )} </div> )} {currDisplay.effectDisplay ? ( <div> <br /> Currently: <EffectDisplay /> </div> ) : null} {genericBuyable.cost && !genericBuyable.maxed.value ? ( <div> <br /> Cost: {format(unref(genericBuyable.cost) || 0)}{" "} {buyable.resource.displayName} </div> ) : null} </span> ); } return ""; }); processComputable(buyable as T, "visibility"); setDefault(buyable, "visibility", Visibility.Visible); processComputable(buyable as T, "cost"); processComputable(buyable as T, "resource"); processComputable(buyable as T, "purchaseLimit"); setDefault(buyable, "purchaseLimit", Decimal.dInf); processComputable(buyable as T, "style"); processComputable(buyable as T, "mark"); processComputable(buyable as T, "small"); buyable[GatherProps] = function (this: GenericBuyable) { const { display, visibility, style, classes, onClick, canClick, small, mark, id } = this; return { display, visibility, style: unref(style), classes, onClick, canClick, small, mark, id }; }; return buyable as unknown as Buyable<T>; }); }