import type { Settings } from "game/settings"; import { createNanoEvents } from "nanoevents"; import type { App } from "vue"; import type { GenericLayer } from "./layers"; /** All types of events able to be sent or emitted from the global event bus. */ export interface GlobalEvents { /** * Sent whenever a layer is added. * @param layer The layer being added. * @param saveData The layer's save data object within player. */ addLayer: (layer: GenericLayer, saveData: Record) => void; /** * Sent whenever a layer is removed. * @param layer The layer being removed. */ removeLayer: (layer: GenericLayer) => void; /** * Sent every game tick. Runs the life cycle of the project. * @param diff The delta time since last tick, in ms. * @param trueDiff The delta time since last tick, in ms. Unaffected by time modifiers like {@link game/player.Player.devSpeed} or {@link game/player.Player.offlineTime}. Intended for things like updating animations. */ update: (diff: number, trueDiff: number) => void; /** * Sent when constructing the {@link Settings} object. * Use it to add default values for custom properties to the object. * @param settings The settings object being constructed. * @see {@link features/features.setDefault} for setting default values. */ loadSettings: (settings: Partial) => void; /** * Sent when the game has ended. */ gameWon: VoidFunction; /** * Sent when setting up the Vue Application instance. * Use it to register global components or otherwise set up things that should affect Vue globally. * @param vue The Vue App being constructed. */ setupVue: (vue: App) => void; /** * Sent whenever a save has finished loading. * Happens when the page is opened and upon switching saves in the saves manager. */ onLoad: VoidFunction; /** * Using document.fonts.ready returns too early on firefox, so we use document.fonts.onloadingdone instead, which doesn't accept multiple listeners. * This event fires when that callback is called. */ fontsLoaded: VoidFunction; } /** A global event bus for hooking into {@link GlobalEvents}. */ export const globalBus = createNanoEvents(); document.fonts.onloadingdone = () => globalBus.emit("fontsLoaded");