2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
import Formula, { FormulaSource, InvertibleFormula } from "game/formulas";
import Decimal, { DecimalSource, format } from "util/bignum";
import { beforeAll, describe, expect, test, vi } from "vitest";
2023-01-03 20:56:35 -06:00
import { ref } from "vue";
type FormulaFunctions = keyof Formula & keyof typeof Formula & keyof typeof Decimal;
interface FixedLengthArray<T, L extends number> extends ArrayLike<T> {
length: L;
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compare_tolerance(received, expected) {
const { isNot } = this;
return {
// do not alter your "pass" based on isNot. Vitest does it for you
pass: Decimal.eq_tolerance(received, expected),
message: () =>
`Expected ${received} to${
(isNot as boolean) ? " not" : ""
} be close to ${expected}`,
expected: format(expected),
actual: format(received)
interface CustomMatchers<R = unknown> {
compare_tolerance(expected: DecimalSource): R;
declare global {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-namespace
namespace Vi {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
interface Assertion extends CustomMatchers {}
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-interface
interface AsymmetricMatchersContaining extends CustomMatchers {}
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function testConstant(
desc: string,
formulaFunc: () => InvertibleFormula,
expectedValue: DecimalSource = 10
) {
describe(desc, () => {
let formula: Formula;
beforeAll(() => {
formula = formulaFunc();
2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
test("evaluates correctly", async () =>
test("invert is pass-through", async () =>
test("is invertible", async () => expect(formula.invertible).toBe(true));
test("is not marked as having a variable", async () =>
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// Utility function that will test all the different
// It's a lot of tests, but I'd rather be exhaustive
function testFormula<T extends FormulaFunctions>(
2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
functionName: T,
2023-01-03 20:56:35 -06:00
args: Readonly<FixedLengthArray<number, Parameters<typeof Formula[T]>["length"]>>,
invertible = true
) {
let value: Decimal;
beforeAll(() => {
value = testValueFormulas[args[0]].evaluate();
2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
let testName = functionName + "(";
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
if (i !== 0) {
testName += ", ";
2023-01-03 20:56:35 -06:00
2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
testName += testValues[args[i]];
testName += ")";
describe(testName, () => {
let expectedEvaluation: Decimal | undefined;
const formulaArgs: Formula[] = [];
let staticFormula: Formula;
let instanceFormula: Formula;
beforeAll(() => {
for (let i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
staticFormula = Formula[functionName](...formulaArgs);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
instanceFormula = formulaArgs[0][functionName](...formulaArgs.slice(1));
try {
2023-01-03 20:56:35 -06:00
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
expectedEvaluation = Decimal[functionName](...args);
} catch {
// If this is an invalid Decimal operation, then ignore this test case
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2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
test("Static formula is not marked as having a variable", async () =>
test("Static function evaluates correctly", async () =>
expectedEvaluation != null &&
test("Static function invertible", async () =>
if (invertible) {
test("Static function inverts correctly", async () =>
2023-01-03 20:56:35 -06:00
expectedEvaluation != null &&
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!Decimal.isNaN(expectedEvaluation) &&
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2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
// Do those tests again but for non-static methods
test("Instance formula is not marked as having a variable", async () =>
test("Instance function evaluates correctly", async () =>
expectedEvaluation != null &&
test("Instance function invertible", async () =>
if (invertible) {
test("Instance function inverts correctly", async () =>
2023-01-03 20:56:35 -06:00
expectedEvaluation != null &&
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!Decimal.isNaN(expectedEvaluation) &&
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2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
function testAliases<T extends FormulaFunctions[]>(
formula: Formula,
aliases: T,
args: FormulaSource[]
) {
const spy = vi.spyOn(formula, aliases[0]);
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
aliases.slice(1).forEach(name => formula[name](...args));
expect(spy).toHaveBeenCalledTimes(aliases.length - 1);
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const testValues = [-2.5, -1, -0.1, 0, 0.1, 1, 2.5] as const;
let testValueFormulas: InvertibleFormula[] = [];
const invertibleZeroParamFunctionNames = [
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2023-01-03 20:56:35 -06:00
] as const;
const nonInvertibleZeroParamFunctionNames = [
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2023-01-03 20:56:35 -06:00
] as const;
const invertibleOneParamFunctionNames = [
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2023-01-03 20:56:35 -06:00
] as const;
const nonInvertibleOneParamFunctionNames = [
2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
2023-01-03 20:56:35 -06:00
] as const;
2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
const invertibleTwoParamFunctionNames = ["tetrate", "layeradd", "iteratedexp"] as const;
2023-01-03 20:56:35 -06:00
2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
const nonInvertibleTwoParamFunctionNames = ["clamp", "iteratedlog", "pentate"] as const;
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2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
describe.concurrent("Creating Formulas", () => {
2023-01-03 20:56:35 -06:00
beforeAll(() => {
testValueFormulas = testValues.map(v => Formula.constant(v));
describe("Constants", () => {
testConstant("number", () => Formula.constant(10));
testConstant("string", () => Formula.constant("10"));
testConstant("formula", () => Formula.constant(Formula.constant(10)));
testConstant("decimal", () => Formula.constant(new Decimal("1e400")), "1e400");
testConstant("ref", () => Formula.constant(ref(10)));
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// Test that these are just pass-throughts so we don't need to test each one everywhere else
describe("Function aliases", () => {
let formula: Formula;
beforeAll(() => {
formula = Formula.constant(10);
test("neg", async () => testAliases(formula, ["neg", "negate", "negated"], [0]));
test("recip", async () =>
testAliases(formula, ["recip", "reciprocal", "reciprocate"], [0]));
test("sign", async () => testAliases(formula, ["sign", "sgn"], [0]));
test("add", async () => testAliases(formula, ["add", "plus"], [0]));
test("sub", async () => testAliases(formula, ["sub", "subtract", "minus"], [0]));
test("mul", async () => testAliases(formula, ["mul", "multiply", "times"], [0]));
test("div", async () => testAliases(formula, ["div", "divide"], [1]));
test("log", async () => testAliases(formula, ["log", "logarithm"], [0]));
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describe("Invertible 0-param", () => {
invertibleZeroParamFunctionNames.forEach(names => {
for (let i = 0; i < testValues.length; i++) {
testFormula(names, [i] as const);
describe("Non-Invertible 0-param", () => {
nonInvertibleZeroParamFunctionNames.forEach(names => {
for (let i = 0; i < testValues.length; i++) {
testFormula(names, [i] as const, false);
describe("Invertible 1-param", () => {
invertibleOneParamFunctionNames.forEach(names => {
for (let i = 0; i < testValues.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < testValues.length; j++) {
testFormula(names, [i, j] as const);
describe("Non-Invertible 1-param", () => {
nonInvertibleOneParamFunctionNames.forEach(names => {
for (let i = 0; i < testValues.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < testValues.length; j++) {
testFormula(names, [i, j] as const, false);
describe("Invertible 2-param", () => {
invertibleTwoParamFunctionNames.forEach(names => {
for (let i = 0; i < testValues.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < testValues.length; j++) {
for (let k = 0; k < testValues.length; k++) {
testFormula(names, [i, j, k] as const);
describe("Non-Invertible 2-param", () => {
nonInvertibleTwoParamFunctionNames.forEach(names => {
for (let i = 0; i < testValues.length; i++) {
for (let j = 0; j < testValues.length; j++) {
for (let k = 0; k < testValues.length; k++) {
testFormula(names, [i, j, k] as const, false);
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2023-01-03 20:56:35 -06:00
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describe("Variables", () => {
let variable: Formula;
let constant: Formula;
beforeAll(() => {
variable = Formula.variable(10);
constant = Formula.constant(10);
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2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
test("Created variable is marked as a variable", () => expect(variable.hasVariable).toBe(true));
test("Evaluate() returns variable's value", () =>
test("Invert() is pass-through", () => expect(variable.invert(100)).compare_tolerance(100));
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2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
test("Nested variable is marked as having a variable", () =>
test("Nested non-variable is marked as not having a variable", () =>
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2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
describe("Invertible Formulas correctly calculate when they contain a variable", () => {
function checkFormula(formula: Formula, expectedBool = true) {
invertibleZeroParamFunctionNames.forEach(name => {
describe(name, () => {
test(`${name}(var) is marked as invertible and having a variable`, () =>
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2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
invertibleOneParamFunctionNames.forEach(name => {
describe(name, () => {
test(`${name}(var, const) is marked as invertible and having a variable`, () =>
checkFormula(Formula[name](variable, constant)));
test(`${name}(const, var) is marked as invertible and having a variable`, () =>
checkFormula(Formula[name](constant, variable)));
test(`${name}(var, var) is marked as not invertible and not having a variable`, () =>
checkFormula(Formula[name](variable, variable), false));
2023-01-03 20:56:35 -06:00
2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
invertibleTwoParamFunctionNames.forEach(name => {
describe(name, () => {
test(`${name}(var, const, const) is marked as invertible and having a variable`, () =>
checkFormula(Formula[name](variable, constant, constant)));
test(`${name}(const, var, const) is marked as invertible and having a variable`, () =>
checkFormula(Formula[name](constant, variable, constant)));
test(`${name}(const, const, var) is marked as invertible and having a variable`, () =>
checkFormula(Formula[name](constant, constant, variable)));
test(`${name}(var, var, const) is marked as not invertible and not having a variable`, () =>
checkFormula(Formula[name](variable, variable, constant), false));
test(`${name}(var, const, var) is marked as not invertible and not having a variable`, () =>
checkFormula(Formula[name](variable, constant, variable), false));
test(`${name}(const, var, var) is marked as not invertible and not having a variable`, () =>
checkFormula(Formula[name](constant, variable, variable), false));
test(`${name}(var, var, var) is marked as not invertible and not having a variable`, () =>
checkFormula(Formula[name](variable, variable, variable), false));
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2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
2023-01-03 20:56:35 -06:00
2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
describe("Non-Invertible Formulas never marked as having a variable", () => {
function checkFormula(formula: Formula) {
nonInvertibleZeroParamFunctionNames.forEach(name => {
describe(name, () => {
test(`${name}(var) is marked as not invertible and not having a variable`, () =>
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2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
nonInvertibleOneParamFunctionNames.forEach(name => {
describe(name, () => {
test(`${name}(var, const) is marked as not invertible and not having a variable`, () =>
checkFormula(Formula[name](variable, constant)));
test(`${name}(const, var) is marked as not invertible and not having a variable`, () =>
checkFormula(Formula[name](constant, variable)));
test(`${name}(var, var) is marked as not invertible and not having a variable`, () =>
checkFormula(Formula[name](variable, variable)));
2023-01-03 20:56:35 -06:00
2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
nonInvertibleTwoParamFunctionNames.forEach(name => {
describe(name, () => {
test(`${name}(var, const, const) is marked as not invertible and not having a variable`, () =>
checkFormula(Formula[name](variable, constant, constant)));
test(`${name}(const, var, const) is marked as not invertible and not having a variable`, () =>
checkFormula(Formula[name](constant, variable, constant)));
test(`${name}(const, const, var) is marked as not invertible and not having a variable`, () =>
checkFormula(Formula[name](constant, constant, variable)));
test(`${name}(var, var, const) is marked as not invertible and not having a variable`, () =>
checkFormula(Formula[name](variable, variable, constant)));
test(`${name}(var, const, var) is marked as not invertible and not having a variable`, () =>
checkFormula(Formula[name](variable, constant, variable)));
test(`${name}(const, var, var) is marked as not invertible and not having a variable`, () =>
checkFormula(Formula[name](constant, variable, variable)));
test(`${name}(var, var, var) is marked as not invertible and not having a variable`, () =>
checkFormula(Formula[name](variable, variable, variable)));
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2023-01-06 00:38:11 -06:00
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describe("Inverting calculates the value of the variable", () => {
let variable: Formula;
let constant: Formula;
beforeAll(() => {
variable = Formula.variable(2);
constant = Formula.constant(3);
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2023-01-08 10:15:46 -06:00
invertibleOneParamFunctionNames.forEach(name =>
describe(name, () => {
test(`${name}(var, const).invert()`, () => {
const formula = Formula[name](variable, constant);
const result = formula.evaluate();
test(`${name}(const, var).invert()`, () => {
const formula = Formula[name](constant, variable);
const result = formula.evaluate();
invertibleTwoParamFunctionNames.forEach(name =>
describe(name, () => {
test(`${name}(var, const, const).invert()`, () => {
const formula = Formula[name](variable, constant, constant);
const result = formula.evaluate();
test(`${name}(const, var, const).invert()`, () => {
const formula = Formula[name](constant, variable, constant);
const result = formula.evaluate();
test(`${name}(const, const, var).invert()`, () => {
const formula = Formula[name](constant, constant, variable);
const result = formula.evaluate();
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