diff --git a/src/data/layers/prestige.tsx b/src/data/layers/prestige.tsx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6e3cb69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/data/layers/prestige.tsx
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+ * @module
+ * @hidden
+ */
+import { main } from "data/projEntry";
+import { createCumulativeConversion } from "features/conversion";
+import { jsx } from "features/feature";
+import { createHotkey } from "features/hotkey";
+import { createReset } from "features/reset";
+import MainDisplay from "features/resources/MainDisplay.vue";
+import { createResource } from "features/resources/resource";
+import { addTooltip } from "features/tooltips/tooltip";
+import { createResourceTooltip } from "features/trees/tree";
+import { BaseLayer, createLayer } from "game/layers";
+import type { DecimalSource } from "util/bignum";
+import { render } from "util/vue";
+import { createLayerTreeNode, createResetButton } from "../common";
+const id = "p";
+const layer = createLayer(id, function (this: BaseLayer) {
+    const name = "Prestige";
+    const color = "#4BDC13";
+    const points = createResource<DecimalSource>(0, "prestige points");
+    const conversion = createCumulativeConversion(() => ({
+        formula: x => x.div(10).sqrt(),
+        baseResource: main.points,
+        gainResource: points
+    }));
+    const reset = createReset(() => ({
+        thingsToReset: (): Record<string, unknown>[] => [layer]
+    }));
+    const treeNode = createLayerTreeNode(() => ({
+        layerID: id,
+        color,
+        reset
+    }));
+    const tooltip = addTooltip(treeNode, {
+        display: createResourceTooltip(points),
+        pinnable: true
+    });
+    const resetButton = createResetButton(() => ({
+        conversion,
+        tree: main.tree,
+        treeNode
+    }));
+    const hotkey = createHotkey(() => ({
+        description: "Reset for prestige points",
+        key: "p",
+        onPress: resetButton.onClick
+    }));
+    return {
+        name,
+        color,
+        points,
+        tooltip,
+        display: jsx(() => (
+            <>
+                <MainDisplay resource={points} color={color} />
+                {render(resetButton)}
+            </>
+        )),
+        treeNode,
+        hotkey
+    };
+export default layer;
diff --git a/src/data/projEntry.tsx b/src/data/projEntry.tsx
index a52dcc3..f69ac8b 100644
--- a/src/data/projEntry.tsx
+++ b/src/data/projEntry.tsx
@@ -1,428 +1,92 @@
-import Board from "game/boards/Board.vue";
-import CircleProgress from "game/boards/CircleProgress.vue";
-import SVGNode from "game/boards/SVGNode.vue";
-import SquareProgress from "game/boards/SquareProgress.vue";
-import {
-    NodePosition,
-    makeDraggable,
-    placeInAvailableSpace,
-    setupActions,
-    setupDraggableNode,
-    setupUniqueIds
-} from "game/boards/board";
+import Node from "components/Node.vue";
+import Spacer from "components/layout/Spacer.vue";
 import { jsx } from "features/feature";
-import { createResource } from "features/resources/resource";
-import { createUpgrade } from "features/upgrades/upgrade";
+import { createResource, trackBest, trackOOMPS, trackTotal } from "features/resources/resource";
+import type { GenericTree } from "features/trees/tree";
+import { branchedResetPropagation, createTree } from "features/trees/tree";
+import { globalBus } from "game/events";
 import type { BaseLayer, GenericLayer } from "game/layers";
 import { createLayer } from "game/layers";
-import { Persistent, persistent } from "game/persistence";
 import type { Player } from "game/player";
-import { createCostRequirement } from "game/requirements";
+import player from "game/player";
+import type { DecimalSource } from "util/bignum";
+import Decimal, { format, formatTime } from "util/bignum";
 import { render } from "util/vue";
-import { ComponentPublicInstance, computed, ref, watch } from "vue";
-import { setupSelectable } from "./common";
-import "./common.css";
+import { computed, toRaw } from "vue";
+import prestige from "./layers/prestige";
  * @hidden
 export const main = createLayer("main", function (this: BaseLayer) {
-    type ANode = NodePosition & { id: number; links: number[]; type: "anode"; z: number };
-    type BNode = NodePosition & { id: number; links: number[]; type: "bnode"; z: number };
-    type CNode = typeof cNode & { position: Persistent<NodePosition> };
-    type NodeTypes = ANode | BNode;
+    const points = createResource<DecimalSource>(10);
+    const best = trackBest(points);
+    const total = trackTotal(points);
-    const board = ref<ComponentPublicInstance<typeof Board>>();
-    const { select, deselect, selected } = setupSelectable<number>();
-    const {
-        select: selectAction,
-        deselect: deselectAction,
-        selected: selectedAction
-    } = setupSelectable<number>();
-    watch(selected, selected => {
-        if (selected == null) {
-            deselectAction();
-        }
+    const pointGain = computed(() => {
+        // eslint-disable-next-line prefer-const
+        let gain = new Decimal(1);
+        return gain;
+    globalBus.on("update", diff => {
+        points.value = Decimal.add(points.value, Decimal.times(pointGain.value, diff));
+    });
+    const oomps = trackOOMPS(points, pointGain);
-    const {
-        startDrag,
-        endDrag,
-        drag,
-        nodeBeingDragged,
-        hasDragged,
-        receivingNodes,
-        receivingNode,
-        dragDelta
-    } = setupDraggableNode<number | "cnode">({
-        board,
-        getPosition(id) {
-            return nodesById.value[id] ?? (cNode as CNode).position.value;
+    const tree = createTree(() => ({
+        nodes: [[prestige.treeNode]],
+        branches: [],
+        onReset() {
+            points.value = toRaw(this.resettingNode.value) === toRaw(prestige.treeNode) ? 0 : 10;
+            best.value = points.value;
+            total.value = points.value;
-        setPosition(id, position) {
-            const node = nodesById.value[id] ?? (cNode as CNode).position.value;
-            node.x = position.x;
-            node.y = position.y;
-        }
-    });
-    // a nodes can be slotted into b nodes to draw a branch between them, with limited connections
-    // a nodes can be selected and have an action to spawn a b node, and vice versa
-    // Newly spawned nodes should find a safe spot to spawn, and display a link to their creator
-    // a nodes use all the stuff circles used to have, and b diamonds
-    // c node also exists but is a single Upgrade element that cannot be selected, but can be dragged
-    // d nodes are a performance test - 1000 simple nodes that have no interactions
-    // Make all nodes animate in (decorator? `fadeIn(feature)?)
-    const nodes = persistent<(ANode | BNode)[]>([
-        { id: 0, x: 0, y: 0, z: 0, links: [], type: "anode" }
-    ]);
-    const nodesById = computed<Record<string, NodeTypes>>(() =>
-        nodes.value.reduce((acc, curr) => ({ ...acc, [curr.id]: curr }), {})
-    );
-    function mouseDownNode(e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent, node: NodeTypes) {
-        const oldZ = node.z;
-        nodes.value.forEach(node => {
-            if (node.z > oldZ) {
-                node.z--;
-            }
-        });
-        node.z = nextId.value;
-        if (nodeBeingDragged.value == null) {
-            startDrag(e, node.id);
-        }
-        deselect();
-    }
-    function mouseUpNode(e: MouseEvent | TouchEvent, node: NodeTypes) {
-        if (!hasDragged.value) {
-            endDrag();
-            if (typeof node.id === "number") {
-                select(node.id);
-            }
-            e.stopPropagation();
-        }
-    }
-    function translate(node: NodePosition, isDragging: boolean) {
-        let x = node.x;
-        let y = node.y;
-        if (isDragging) {
-            x += dragDelta.value.x;
-            y += dragDelta.value.y;
-        }
-        return ` translate(${x}px,${y}px)`;
-    }
-    function rotate(rotation: number) {
-        return ` rotate(${rotation}deg) `;
-    }
-    function scale(nodeOrBool: NodeTypes | boolean) {
-        const isSelected =
-            typeof nodeOrBool === "boolean" ? nodeOrBool : selected.value === nodeOrBool.id;
-        return isSelected ? " scale(1.2)" : "";
-    }
-    function opacity(node: NodeTypes) {
-        const isDragging = selected.value !== node.id && nodeBeingDragged.value === node.id;
-        if (isDragging) {
-            return "; opacity: 0.5;";
-        }
-        return "";
-    }
-    function zIndex(node: NodeTypes) {
-        if (selected.value === node.id || nodeBeingDragged.value === node.id) {
-            return "; z-index: 100000000";
-        }
-        return "; z-index: " + node.z;
-    }
-    const renderANode = function (node: ANode) {
-        return (
-            <SVGNode
-                style={`transform: ${translate(node, nodeBeingDragged.value === node.id)}${opacity(
-                    node
-                )}${zIndex(node)}`}
-                onMouseDown={e => mouseDownNode(e, node)}
-                onMouseUp={e => mouseUpNode(e, node)}
-            >
-                <g style={`transform: ${scale(node)}`}>
-                    {receivingNodes.value.includes(node.id) && (
-                        <circle
-                            r="58"
-                            fill="var(--background)"
-                            stroke={receivingNode.value === node.id ? "#0F0" : "#0F03"}
-                            stroke-width="2"
-                        />
-                    )}
-                    <CircleProgress r={54.5} progress={0.5} stroke="var(--accent2)" />
-                    <circle
-                        r="50"
-                        fill="var(--raised-background)"
-                        stroke="var(--outline)"
-                        stroke-width="4"
-                    />
-                </g>
-                {selected.value === node.id && selectedAction.value === 0 && (
-                    <text y="140" fill="var(--foreground)" class="node-text">
-                        Spawn B Node
-                    </text>
-                )}
-                <text fill="var(--foreground)" class="node-text">
-                    A
-                </text>
-            </SVGNode>
-        );
-    };
-    const aActions = setupActions({
-        node: () => nodesById.value[selected.value ?? ""],
-        shouldShowActions: node => node.type === "anode",
-        actions(node) {
-            return [
-                p => (
-                    <g
-                        style={`transform: ${translate(p, selectedAction.value === 0)}${scale(
-                            selectedAction.value === 0
-                        )}`}
-                        onClick={() => {
-                            if (selectedAction.value === 0) {
-                                spawnBNode(node as ANode);
-                            } else {
-                                selectAction(0);
-                            }
-                        }}
-                    >
-                        <circle fill="black" r="20"></circle>
-                        <text fill="white" class="material-icons" x="-12" y="12">
-                            add
-                        </text>
-                    </g>
-                )
-            ];
-        },
-        distance: 100
-    });
-    const sqrtTwo = Math.sqrt(2);
-    const renderBNode = function (node: BNode) {
-        return (
-            <SVGNode
-                style={`transform: ${translate(node, nodeBeingDragged.value === node.id)}${opacity(
-                    node
-                )}${zIndex(node)}`}
-                onMouseDown={e => mouseDownNode(e, node)}
-                onMouseUp={e => mouseUpNode(e, node)}
-            >
-                <g style={`transform: ${scale(node)}${rotate(45)}`}>
-                    {receivingNodes.value.includes(node.id) && (
-                        <rect
-                            width={50 * sqrtTwo + 16}
-                            height={50 * sqrtTwo + 16}
-                            style={`translate(${(-50 * sqrtTwo + 16) / 2}, ${
-                                (-50 * sqrtTwo + 16) / 2
-                            })`}
-                            fill="var(--background)"
-                            stroke={receivingNode.value === node.id ? "#0F0" : "#0F03"}
-                            stroke-width="2"
-                        />
-                    )}
-                    <SquareProgress
-                        size={50 * sqrtTwo + 9}
-                        progress={0.5}
-                        stroke="var(--accent2)"
-                    />
-                    <rect
-                        width={50 * sqrtTwo}
-                        height={50 * sqrtTwo}
-                        style={`transform: translate(${(-50 * sqrtTwo) / 2}px, ${
-                            (-50 * sqrtTwo) / 2
-                        }px)`}
-                        fill="var(--raised-background)"
-                        stroke="var(--outline)"
-                        stroke-width="4"
-                    />
-                </g>
-                {selected.value === node.id && selectedAction.value === 0 && (
-                    <text y="140" fill="var(--foreground)" class="node-text">
-                        Spawn A Node
-                    </text>
-                )}
-                <text fill="var(--foreground)" class="node-text">
-                    B
-                </text>
-            </SVGNode>
-        );
-    };
-    const bActions = setupActions({
-        node: () => nodesById.value[selected.value ?? ""],
-        shouldShowActions: node => node.type === "bnode",
-        actions(node) {
-            return [
-                p => (
-                    <g
-                        style={`transform: ${translate(p, selectedAction.value === 0)}${scale(
-                            selectedAction.value === 0
-                        )}`}
-                        onClick={() => {
-                            if (selectedAction.value === 0) {
-                                spawnANode(node as BNode);
-                            } else {
-                                selectAction(0);
-                            }
-                        }}
-                    >
-                        <circle fill="white" r="20"></circle>
-                        <text fill="black" class="material-icons" x="-12" y="12">
-                            add
-                        </text>
-                    </g>
-                )
-            ];
-        },
-        distance: 100
-    });
-    function spawnANode(parent: ANode | BNode) {
-        const node: ANode = {
-            x: parent.x,
-            y: parent.y,
-            z: nextId.value,
-            type: "anode",
-            links: [parent.id],
-            id: nextId.value
-        };
-        placeInAvailableSpace(node, nodes.value);
-        nodes.value.push(node);
-    }
-    function spawnBNode(parent: ANode | BNode) {
-        const node: BNode = {
-            x: parent.x,
-            y: parent.y,
-            z: nextId.value,
-            type: "bnode",
-            links: [parent.id],
-            id: nextId.value
-        };
-        placeInAvailableSpace(node, nodes.value);
-        nodes.value.push(node);
-    }
-    const points = createResource(10);
-    const cNode = createUpgrade(() => ({
-        display: "<h1>C</h1>",
-        // Purposefully not using noPersist
-        requirements: createCostRequirement(() => ({ cost: 10, resource: points })),
-        style: {
-            x: "100px",
-            y: "100px",
-            pointerEvents: "none"
-        }
-    }));
-    makeDraggable(cNode, {
-        id: "cnode",
-        endDrag,
-        startDrag,
-        hasDragged,
-        nodeBeingDragged,
-        dragDelta,
-        onMouseUp() {
-            if (!hasDragged.value) {
-                cNode.purchase();
-            }
-        }
-    });
-    const dNodesPerAxis = 50;
-    const dNodes = jsx(() => (
-        <>
-            {new Array(dNodesPerAxis * dNodesPerAxis).fill(0).map((_, i) => {
-                const x = (Math.floor(i / dNodesPerAxis) - dNodesPerAxis / 2) * 100;
-                const y = ((i % dNodesPerAxis) - dNodesPerAxis / 2) * 100;
-                return (
-                    <path
-                        fill="var(--bought)"
-                        style={`transform: translate(${x}px, ${y}px) scale(0.05)`}
-                        d="M62.43,122.88h-1.98c0-16.15-6.04-30.27-18.11-42.34C30.27,68.47,16.16,62.43,0,62.43v-1.98 c16.16,0,30.27-6.04,42.34-18.14C54.41,30.21,60.45,16.1,60.45,0h1.98c0,16.15,6.04,30.27,18.11,42.34 c12.07,12.07,26.18,18.11,42.34,18.11v1.98c-16.15,0-30.27,6.04-42.34,18.11C68.47,92.61,62.43,106.72,62.43,122.88L62.43,122.88z"
-                    />
-                );
-            })}
-        </>
-    ));
-    const links = jsx(() => (
-        <>
-            {nodes.value
-                .reduce(
-                    (acc, curr) => [
-                        ...acc,
-                        ...curr.links.map(l => ({ from: curr, to: nodesById.value[l] }))
-                    ],
-                    [] as { from: NodeTypes; to: NodeTypes }[]
-                )
-                .map(link => (
-                    <line
-                        stroke="white"
-                        stroke-width={4}
-                        x1={
-                            nodeBeingDragged.value === link.from.id
-                                ? dragDelta.value.x + link.from.x
-                                : link.from.x
-                        }
-                        y1={
-                            nodeBeingDragged.value === link.from.id
-                                ? dragDelta.value.y + link.from.y
-                                : link.from.y
-                        }
-                        x2={
-                            nodeBeingDragged.value === link.to.id
-                                ? dragDelta.value.x + link.to.x
-                                : link.to.x
-                        }
-                        y2={
-                            nodeBeingDragged.value === link.to.id
-                                ? dragDelta.value.y + link.to.y
-                                : link.to.y
-                        }
-                    />
-                ))}
-        </>
-    ));
-    const nextId = setupUniqueIds(() => nodes.value);
-    function renderNode(node: NodeTypes | typeof cNode) {
-        if (node.type === "anode") {
-            return renderANode(node);
-        } else if (node.type === "bnode") {
-            return renderBNode(node);
-        } else {
-            return render(node);
-        }
-    }
+        resetPropagation: branchedResetPropagation
+    })) as GenericTree;
     return {
         name: "Tree",
-        color: "var(--accent1)",
+        links: tree.links,
         display: jsx(() => (
-                <Board
-                    onDrag={drag}
-                    onMouseDown={deselect}
-                    onMouseUp={endDrag}
-                    onMouseLeave={endDrag}
-                    ref={board}
-                >
-                    <SVGNode>
-                        {dNodes()}
-                        {links()}
-                    </SVGNode>
-                    {nodes.value.map(renderNode)}
-                    {render(cNode)}
-                    <SVGNode>
-                        {aActions()}
-                        {bActions()}
-                    </SVGNode>
-                </Board>
+                {player.devSpeed === 0 ? (
+                    <div>
+                        Game Paused
+                        <Node id="paused" />
+                    </div>
+                ) : null}
+                {player.devSpeed != null && player.devSpeed !== 0 && player.devSpeed !== 1 ? (
+                    <div>
+                        Dev Speed: {format(player.devSpeed)}x
+                        <Node id="devspeed" />
+                    </div>
+                ) : null}
+                {player.offlineTime != null && player.offlineTime !== 0 ? (
+                    <div>
+                        Offline Time: {formatTime(player.offlineTime)}
+                        <Node id="offline" />
+                    </div>
+                ) : null}
+                <div>
+                    {Decimal.lt(points.value, "1e1000") ? <span>You have </span> : null}
+                    <h2>{format(points.value)}</h2>
+                    {Decimal.lt(points.value, "1e1e6") ? <span> points</span> : null}
+                </div>
+                {Decimal.gt(pointGain.value, 0) ? (
+                    <div>
+                        ({oomps.value})
+                        <Node id="oomps" />
+                    </div>
+                ) : null}
+                <Spacer />
+                {render(tree)}
-        boardNodes: nodes,
-        cNode,
-        selected: persistent(selected)
+        points,
+        best,
+        total,
+        oomps,
+        tree
@@ -433,7 +97,7 @@ export const main = createLayer("main", function (this: BaseLayer) {
 export const getInitialLayers = (
     /* eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars */
     player: Partial<Player>
-): Array<GenericLayer> => [main];
+): Array<GenericLayer> => [main, prestige];
  * A computed ref whose value is true whenever the game is over.