import "@fontsource/material-icons"; import App from "App.vue"; import projInfo from "data/projInfo.json"; import "game/notifications"; import state from "game/state"; import { loadSettings } from "game/settings"; import { load, loadSave, newSave } from "util/save"; import { useRegisterSW } from "virtual:pwa-register/vue"; import type { App as VueApp } from "vue"; import { createApp, nextTick } from "vue"; import { useToast } from "vue-toastification"; import "util/galaxy"; declare global { /** * Augment the window object so the vue app and project info can be accessed from the console. */ interface Window { vue: VueApp; projInfo: typeof projInfo; } /** Fix for typedoc treating import functions as taking AssertOptions instead of GlobOptions. */ interface AssertOptions { as: string; } } const error = console.error; console.error = function (...args) { if (import.meta.env.DEV) { state.errors.push(new Error(args[0], { cause: args[1] })); } error(...args); }; window.onerror = function (event, source, lineno, colno, err) { state.errors.push(err instanceof Error ? err : new Error(JSON.stringify(err))); error(err); return true; }; window.onunhandledrejection = function (event) { state.errors.push( event.reason instanceof Error ? event.reason : new Error(JSON.stringify(event.reason)) ); error(event.reason); }; document.title = projInfo.title; window.projInfo = projInfo; if ( === "") { console.error( "Project ID is empty!", "Please select a unique ID for this project in /src/data/projInfo.json" ); } requestAnimationFrame(async () => { console.log( "%cMade in Profectus%c\nLearn more at", "font-weight: bold; font-size: 24px; color: #A3BE8C; background: #2E3440; padding: 4px 8px; border-radius: 8px;", "padding: 4px;" ); // Load global settings loadSettings(); if (window.location.pathname === "/new") { await loadSave(newSave()); } else { await load(); } window.history.replaceState({}, document.title, "/"); const { globalBus } = await import("./game/events"); const { startGameLoop } = await import("./game/gameLoop"); // Create Vue const vue = (window.vue = createApp(App)); vue.config.errorHandler = function (err, instance, info) { console.error(err, info, instance); }; globalBus.emit("setupVue", vue); vue.mount("#app"); // Setup PWA update prompt nextTick(() => { const toast = useToast(); const { updateServiceWorker } = useRegisterSW({ onNeedRefresh() {"New content available, click here to update.", { timeout: false, closeOnClick: false, draggable: false, icon: { iconClass: "material-icons", iconChildren: "refresh", iconTag: "i" }, rtl: false, onClick() { updateServiceWorker(); } }); }, onOfflineReady() {"App ready to work offline"); }, onRegisterError: console.warn, onRegistered(r) { if (r) { // setInterval(() => r.update(), 60 * 60 * 1000); } } }); }); startGameLoop(); });