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import{_ as o,c as s,o as a,x as e,a as t}from"./chunks/framework.0799945b.js";const v=JSON.parse('{"title":"Profectus API","description":"","frontmatter":{"editLink":false},"headers":[],"relativePath":"api/","lastUpdated":null}'),r={name:"api/"},i=e("h1",{id:"profectus-api",tabindex:"-1"},[t("Profectus API "),e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#profectus-api","aria-label":'Permalink to "Profectus API"'},"")],-1),n=e("p",null,[t("This section of the docs is generated via the doc comments inside the Profectus source code. While it can be used as a reference, the comments themselves should show up in your IDE when relevant, which is probably a better way to get help. The "),e("a",{href:"/guide/"},"guide"),t(" has longer-form explanations of key concepts and is more likely to be of use to new developers.")],-1),c=[i,n];function d(l,h,p,f,u,_){return a(),s("div",null,c)}const P=o(r,[["render",d]]);export{v as __pageData,P as default};