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import{_ as e,c as t,o as a,a as n}from"./app.ab34650d.js";const h=JSON.parse('{"title":"Creating Features","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/advanced-concepts/","lastUpdated":1658112303000}'),o={name:"guide/advanced-concepts/"},i=n('<h1 id="creating-features" tabindex="-1">Creating Features <a class="header-anchor" href="#creating-features" aria-hidden="true">#</a></h1><p># TODO</p><p>Because typescript does not emit JS, if a value is supposed to be a function it is impossible to determine if a given function is the intended value or a function that returns the actual value. For this reason it is not recommended for any feature types to include properties that are <code>Computable&lt;Function&gt;</code>s, and all functions <em>will</em> be wrapped in <code>computed</code>. The notable exception to this is <a href="./../important-concepts/coercable.html#render-functions-jsx">JSX</a>, which uses a utility function to mark that a function should not be wrapped.</p>',3),r=[i];function s(c,d,u,p,l,_){return a(),t("div",null,r)}var m=e(o,[["render",s]]);export{h as __pageData,m as default};