import{_ as t,c as a,a0 as o,o as r}from"./chunks/framework.P9qPzDnn.js";const u=JSON.parse('{"title":"Function: createCollapsibleModifierSections()","description":"","frontmatter":{"editLink":false},"headers":[],"relativePath":"api/data/common/functions/","filePath":"api/data/common/functions/","lastUpdated":null}'),s={name:"api/data/common/functions/"};function n(i,e,c,l,d,p){return r(),a("div",null,e[0]||(e[0]=[o('
Profectus / data/common / createCollapsibleModifierSections
): [() =>Renderable
Takes an array of modifier "sections", and creates a JSXFunction that can render all those sections, and allow each section to be collapsed. Also returns a list of persistent refs that are used to control which sections are currently collapsed.
() => Section
A function that returns the sections to display.
[() => Renderable
, Persistent
, boolean