import{_ as e,c as o,o as t,N as c}from"./chunks/framework.0799945b.js";const h=JSON.parse('{"title":"Module: game/formulas/formulas","description":"","frontmatter":{"editLink":false},"headers":[],"relativePath":"api/modules/game/formulas/","lastUpdated":null}'),d={name:"api/modules/game/formulas/"},a=c('

Module: game/formulas/formulas



default<T>: Object

A class that can be used for cost/goal functions. It can be evaluated similar to a cost function, but also provides extra features for supported formulas. For example, a lot of math functions can be inverted. Typically, the use of these extra features is to support cost/goal functions that have multiple levels purchased/completed at once efficiently.


Type parameters

Textends [FormulaSource] | FormulaSource[]
constructor<T>(options: FormulaOptions<T>) => default<T>
applySubstitutionundefined | SubstitutionFunction<T>
divide<T>(this: T, value: FormulaSource) => T<T>(this: GenericFormula, value: T) => T(this: GenericFormula, value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
divideBy<T>(this: T, value: FormulaSource) => T<T>(this: GenericFormula, value: T) => T(this: GenericFormula, value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
dividedBy<T>(this: T, value: FormulaSource) => T<T>(this: GenericFormula, value: T) => T(this: GenericFormula, value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
innermostVariableundefined | ProcessedComputable<DecimalSource>
integralFormulaundefined | GenericFormula
internalEvaluateundefined | EvaluateFunction<T>
internalIntegrateundefined | IntegrateFunction<T>
internalIntegrateInnerundefined | IntegrateFunction<T>
internalInvertundefined | InvertFunction<T>
logarithm<T>(this: T, value: FormulaSource) => T<T>(this: FormulaSource, value: T) => T(this: FormulaSource, value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
minus<T>(this: T, value: FormulaSource) => T<T>(this: GenericFormula, value: T) => T(this: GenericFormula, value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
multiply<T>(this: T, value: FormulaSource) => T<T>(this: GenericFormula, value: T) => T(this: GenericFormula, value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
negate<T>(this: T) => T(this: GenericFormula) => GenericFormula
negated<T>(this: T) => T(this: GenericFormula) => GenericFormula
plus<T>(this: T, value: FormulaSource) => T<T>(this: GenericFormula, value: T) => T(this: GenericFormula, value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
reciprocal<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
reciprocate<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
sgn() => GenericFormula
subtract<T>(this: T, value: FormulaSource) => T<T>(this: GenericFormula, value: T) => T(this: GenericFormula, value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
times<T>(this: T, value: FormulaSource) => T<T>(this: GenericFormula, value: T) => T(this: GenericFormula, value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
clampMax(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => default<[FormulaSource, FormulaSource]>
clampMin(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => default<[FormulaSource, FormulaSource]>
divide<T>(value: T, other: FormulaSource) => T<T>(value: FormulaSource, other: T) => T(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
divideBy<T>(value: T, other: FormulaSource) => T<T>(value: FormulaSource, other: T) => T(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
dividedBy<T>(value: T, other: FormulaSource) => T<T>(value: FormulaSource, other: T) => T(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
logarithm<T>(value: T, base: FormulaSource) => T<T>(value: FormulaSource, base: T) => T(value: FormulaSource, base: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
max(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => default<[FormulaSource, FormulaSource]>
maxabs(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => default<[FormulaSource, FormulaSource]>
min(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => default<[FormulaSource, FormulaSource]>
minabs(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => default<[FormulaSource, FormulaSource]>
minus<T>(value: T, other: FormulaSource) => T<T>(value: FormulaSource, other: T) => T(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
multiply<T>(value: T, other: FormulaSource) => T<T>(value: FormulaSource, other: T) => T(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
negate<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
negated<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
plus<T>(value: T, other: FormulaSource) => T<T>(value: FormulaSource, other: T) => T(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
reciprocal<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
reciprocate<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
sgn(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
subtract<T>(value: T, other: FormulaSource) => T<T>(value: FormulaSource, other: T) => T(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
times<T>(value: T, other: FormulaSource) => T<T>(value: FormulaSource, other: T) => T(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
abs() => GenericFormula
absLog10() => GenericFormula
acos<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
acosh<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
add<T>(this: T, value: FormulaSource) => T<T>(this: GenericFormula, value: T) => T(this: GenericFormula, value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
asin<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
asinh<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
atan<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
atanh<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
calculateConstantOfIntegration() => default
cbrt<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
ceil() => GenericFormula
clamp(min: FormulaSource, max: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
clampMax(value: FormulaSource) => default<[FormulaSource, FormulaSource]>
clampMin(value: FormulaSource) => default<[FormulaSource, FormulaSource]>
conditional(condition: Computable<boolean>, formulaModifier: (value: GenericFormula & { invert: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource } & { evaluateIntegral: (variable?: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource } & { invertIntegral: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource }) => GenericFormula) => GenericFormula
cos<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
cosh<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
cube<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
div<T>(this: T, value: FormulaSource) => T<T>(this: GenericFormula, value: T) => T(this: GenericFormula, value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
equals(other: GenericFormula) => boolean
evaluate(variable?: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource
evaluateIntegral(variable?: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource
exp<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
factorial() => default<[FormulaSource]>
floor() => GenericFormula
gamma() => default<[FormulaSource]>
getIntegralFormula(stack?: SubstitutionStack) => GenericFormula
hasVariable() => boolean
if(condition: Computable<boolean>, formulaModifier: (value: GenericFormula & { invert: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource } & { evaluateIntegral: (variable?: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource } & { invertIntegral: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource }) => GenericFormula) => GenericFormula
invert(value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource
invertIntegral(value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource
isIntegrable() => this is IntegrableFormula
isIntegralInvertible() => this is InvertibleIntegralFormula
isInvertible() => this is InvertibleFormula
iteratedexp<T>(this: T, height?: FormulaSource, payload?: FormulaSource) => Omit<T, "integrate">(this: FormulaSource, height?: FormulaSource, payload?: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
iteratedlog(base: FormulaSource, times: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
lambertw<T>(this: T) => Omit<T, "integrate">(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
layeradd<T>(this: T, diff: FormulaSource, base?: FormulaSource) => Omit<T, "integrate">(this: FormulaSource, diff: FormulaSource, base?: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
layeradd10(diff: FormulaSource) => default<[FormulaSource, FormulaSource]>
ln<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
lngamma() => default<[FormulaSource]>
log<T>(this: T, value: FormulaSource) => T<T>(this: FormulaSource, value: T) => T(this: FormulaSource, value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
log10<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
log2<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
max(value: FormulaSource) => default<[FormulaSource, FormulaSource]>
maxabs(value: FormulaSource) => default<[FormulaSource, FormulaSource]>
min(value: FormulaSource) => default<[FormulaSource, FormulaSource]>
minabs(value: FormulaSource) => default<[FormulaSource, FormulaSource]>
mul<T>(this: T, value: FormulaSource) => T<T>(this: GenericFormula, value: T) => T(this: GenericFormula, value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
neg<T>(this: T) => T(this: GenericFormula) => GenericFormula
pLog10() => GenericFormula
pentate(height: FormulaSource, payload: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
pow<T>(this: T, value: FormulaSource) => T<T>(this: FormulaSource, value: T) => T(this: FormulaSource, value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
pow10<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
pow_base<T>(this: T, value: FormulaSource) => T<T>(this: FormulaSource, value: T) => T(this: FormulaSource, value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
recip<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
root<T>(this: T, value: FormulaSource) => T<T>(this: FormulaSource, value: T) => T(this: FormulaSource, value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
round() => GenericFormula
setupConstant(__namedParameters: { inputs: [FormulaSource] }) => InternalFormulaProperties<T>
setupFormula(options: GeneralFormulaOptions<T>) => InternalFormulaProperties<T>
setupVariable(__namedParameters: { variable: ProcessedComputable<DecimalSource> }) => InternalFormulaProperties<T>
sign() => GenericFormula
sin<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
sinh<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
slog<T>(this: T, base?: FormulaSource) => Omit<T, "integrate">(this: FormulaSource, base?: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
sqr<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
sqrt<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
ssqrt<T>(this: T) => Omit<T, "integrate">(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
step(start: Computable<DecimalSource>, formulaModifier: (value: GenericFormula & { invert: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource } & { evaluateIntegral: (variable?: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource } & { invertIntegral: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource }) => GenericFormula) => GenericFormula
sub<T>(this: T, value: FormulaSource) => T<T>(this: GenericFormula, value: T) => T(this: GenericFormula, value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
tan<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
tanh<T>(this: T) => T(this: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
tetrate<T>(this: T, height?: FormulaSource, payload?: FormulaSource) => Omit<T, "integrate">(this: FormulaSource, height?: FormulaSource, payload?: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
trunc() => GenericFormula
abs(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
absLog10(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
acos<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
acosh<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
add<T>(value: T, other: FormulaSource) => T<T>(value: FormulaSource, other: T) => T(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
asin<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
asinh<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
atan<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
atanh<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
cbrt<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
ceil(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
clamp(value: FormulaSource, min: FormulaSource, max: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
conditional(value: FormulaSource, condition: Computable<boolean>, formulaModifier: (value: GenericFormula & { invert: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource } & { evaluateIntegral: (variable?: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource } & { invertIntegral: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource }) => GenericFormula, elseFormulaModifier?: (value: GenericFormula & { invert: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource } & { evaluateIntegral: (variable?: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource } & { invertIntegral: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource }) => GenericFormula) => GenericFormula
constant(value: ProcessedComputable<DecimalSource>) => GenericFormula & { invert: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource } & { evaluateIntegral: (variable?: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource } & { invertIntegral: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource }
cos<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
cosh<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
cube<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
div<T>(value: T, other: FormulaSource) => T<T>(value: FormulaSource, other: T) => T(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
exp<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
factorial(value: FormulaSource) => default<[FormulaSource]>
floor(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
gamma(value: FormulaSource) => default<[FormulaSource]>
if(value: FormulaSource, condition: Computable<boolean>, formulaModifier: (value: GenericFormula & { invert: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource } & { evaluateIntegral: (variable?: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource } & { invertIntegral: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource }) => GenericFormula, elseFormulaModifier?: (value: GenericFormula & { invert: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource } & { evaluateIntegral: (variable?: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource } & { invertIntegral: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource }) => GenericFormula) => GenericFormula
iteratedexp<T>(value: T, height?: FormulaSource, payload?: FormulaSource) => Omit<T, "integrate">(value: FormulaSource, height?: FormulaSource, payload?: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
iteratedlog(value: FormulaSource, base: FormulaSource, times: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
lambertw<T>(value: T) => Omit<T, "integrate">(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
layeradd<T>(value: T, diff: FormulaSource, base?: FormulaSource) => Omit<T, "integrate">(value: FormulaSource, diff: FormulaSource, base?: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
layeradd10(value: FormulaSource, diff: FormulaSource) => default<[FormulaSource, FormulaSource]>
ln<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
lngamma(value: FormulaSource) => default<[FormulaSource]>
log<T>(value: T, base: FormulaSource) => T<T>(value: FormulaSource, base: T) => T(value: FormulaSource, base: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
log10<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
log2<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
mul<T>(value: T, other: FormulaSource) => T<T>(value: FormulaSource, other: T) => T(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
neg<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
pLog10(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
pentate(value: FormulaSource, height: FormulaSource, payload: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
pow<T>(value: T, other: FormulaSource) => T<T>(value: FormulaSource, other: T) => T(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
pow10<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
pow_base<T>(value: T, other: FormulaSource) => T<T>(value: FormulaSource, other: T) => T(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
recip<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
root<T>(value: T, other: FormulaSource) => T<T>(value: FormulaSource, other: T) => T(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
round(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
sign(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
sin<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
sinh<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
slog<T>(value: T, base?: FormulaSource) => Omit<T, "integrate">(value: FormulaSource, base?: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
sqr<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
sqrt<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
ssqrt<T>(value: T) => Omit<T, "integrate">(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
step(value: FormulaSource, start: Computable<DecimalSource>, formulaModifier: (value: GenericFormula & { invert: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource } & { evaluateIntegral: (variable?: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource } & { invertIntegral: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource }) => GenericFormula) => GenericFormula
sub<T>(value: T, other: FormulaSource) => T<T>(value: FormulaSource, other: T) => T(value: FormulaSource, other: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
tan<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
tanh<T>(value: T) => T(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
tetrate<T>(value: T, height?: FormulaSource, payload?: FormulaSource) => Omit<T, "integrate">(value: FormulaSource, height?: FormulaSource, payload?: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
trunc(value: FormulaSource) => GenericFormula
variable(value: ProcessedComputable<DecimalSource>) => GenericFormula & { invert: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource } & { evaluateIntegral: (variable?: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource } & { invertIntegral: (value: DecimalSource) => DecimalSource }

Defined in




calculateCost(formula, amountToBuy, spendResources?, summedPurchases?): DecimalSource

Utility for calculating the cost of a formula for a given amount of purchases. If spendResources is changed to false, the calculation will be much faster with higher numbers.

formulaInvertibleFormulaThe formula to use for calculating buy max from
amountToBuyDecimalSourceThe amount of purchases to calculate the cost for
spendResources?trueWhether or not to count spent resources on each purchase or not. If true, costs will be approximated for performance, skewing towards higher cost
summedPurchases?numberHow many purchases to manually sum for improved accuracy. If not specified, defaults to 10 when spending resources and 0 when not


Other signatures

calculateCost(formula, amountToBuy, spendResources, summedPurchases?): DecimalSource


Defined in





calculateMaxAffordable(formula, resource, spendResources?, summedPurchases?): ComputedRef<DecimalSource>

Utility for calculating the maximum amount of purchases possible with a given formula and resource. If spendResources is changed to false, the calculation will be much faster with higher numbers.

formulaInvertibleFormulaThe formula to use for calculating buy max from
resourceResource<DecimalSource>The resource used when purchasing (is only read from)
spendResources?trueWhether or not to count spent resources on each purchase or not. If true, costs will be approximated for performance, skewing towards fewer purchases
summedPurchases?numberHow many of the most expensive purchases should be manually summed for better accuracy. If unspecified uses 10 when spending resources and 0 when not


Other signatures

calculateMaxAffordable(formula, resource, spendResources, summedPurchases?): ComputedRef<DecimalSource>


Defined in





findNonInvertible(formula): GenericFormula | null

Utility for recursively searching through a formula for the cause of non-invertibility.

formulaGenericFormulaThe formula to search for a non-invertible formula within

GenericFormula | null

Defined in



hasVariable(value): value is InvertibleFormula


Defined in



printFormula(formula): string

Stringifies a formula so it's more easy to read in the console

formulaFormulaSourceThe formula to print


Defined in



unrefFormulaSource(value, variable?): DecimalSource


Defined in


',74),r=[a];function l(u,s,f,i,m,n){return t(),o("div",null,r)}const y=e(d,[["render",l]]);export{h as __pageData,y as default};