import{_ as a,c as s,o,b as e,d as t}from"./app.54d5a277.js";const b='{"title":"Utilities","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"guide/"}',i={},n=e("h1",{id:"utilities",tabindex:"-1"},[t("Utilities "),e("a",{class:"header-anchor",href:"#utilities","aria-hidden":"true"},"#")],-1),r=e("p",null,"There are often concepts that aren't inherent to a single feature, but rather work with joining different features together. For example, a reset clickable that activates a conversion and resets a tree, which happens to be a common use case but isn't inherent to clickables, conversions, or trees.",-1),c=e("p",null,[t("These are perfect situations for utilities, and so to encourage creators to learn to identify and take advantage of these situations, a file called "),e("code",null,"src/data/common.tsx"),t(" has been created to demo some of the more common utility functions a project might use. Adding new utilities to this file is encouraged, as is creating utils in general. It also works as a good stepping stone to creating your own features.")],-1),l=[n,r,c];function d(u,h,f,p,_,m){return o(),s("div",null,l)}var k=a(i,[["render",d]]);export{b as __pageData,k as default};