import{_ as e,c as t,o,N as a}from"./chunks/framework.0799945b.js";const u=JSON.parse('{"title":"Module: features/infoboxes/infobox","description":"","frontmatter":{"editLink":false},"headers":[],"relativePath":"api/modules/features/","lastUpdated":null}'),d={name:"api/modules/features/"},l=a('
• BaseInfobox: Object
The properties that are added onto a processed InfoboxOptions to create an Infobox.
Name | Type | Description |
[Component] | GenericComponent | The Vue component used to render this feature. |
[GatherProps] | () => Record <string , unknown > | A function to gather the props the vue component requires for this feature. |
collapsed | Persistent <boolean > | Whether or not this infobox is collapsed. |
id | string | An auto-generated ID for identifying features that appear in the DOM. Will not persist between refreshes or updates. |
type | typeof InfoboxType | A symbol that helps identify features of the same type. |
• InfoboxOptions: Object
An object that configures an Infobox.
Name | Type | Description |
bodyStyle? | Computable <StyleValue > | CSS to apply to the body of the infobox. |
classes? | Computable <Record <string , boolean >> | Dictionary of CSS classes to apply to this feature. |
color? | Computable <string > | The background color of the Infobox. |
display | Computable <CoercableComponent > | The main text that appears in the display. |
style? | Computable <StyleValue > | CSS to apply to this feature. |
title | Computable <CoercableComponent > | A header to appear at the top of the display. |
titleStyle? | Computable <StyleValue > | CSS to apply to the title of the infobox. |
visibility? | Computable <boolean | Visibility > | Whether this clickable should be visible. |
Ƭ GenericInfobox: Replace
>, { visibility
: ProcessedComputable
| boolean
> }>
A type that matches any valid Infobox object.
Ƭ Infobox<T
>: Replace
& BaseInfobox
, { bodyStyle
: GetComputableType
]> ; classes
: GetComputableType
]> ; color
: GetComputableType
]> ; display
: GetComputableType
]> ; style
: GetComputableType
]> ; title
: GetComputableType
]> ; titleStyle
: GetComputableType
]> ; visibility
: GetComputableTypeWithDefault
], Visible
> }>
An object that represents a feature that displays information in a collapsible way.
Name | Type |
T | extends InfoboxOptions |
• Const
InfoboxType: typeof InfoboxType
A symbol used to identify Infobox features.
▸ createInfobox<T
): Infobox
Lazily creates an infobox with the given options.
Name | Type |
T | extends InfoboxOptions |
Name | Type | Description |
optionsFunc | OptionsFunc <T , BaseInfobox , GenericInfobox > | Infobox options. |
Name | Type |
visibility * | processedPropType<Visibility | boolean>(Number, Boolean) |
display * | processedPropType<CoercableComponent>(Object, String, Function) |
title * | processedPropType<CoercableComponent>(Object, String, Function) |
color | processedPropType<string>(String) |
collapsed * | Ref<boolean> |
style | processedPropType<StyleValue>(Object, String, Array) |
titleStyle | processedPropType<StyleValue>(Object, String, Array) |
bodyStyle | processedPropType<StyleValue>(Object, String, Array) |
classes | processedPropType<Record<string, boolean>>(Object) |
id * | string |