module.exports = { lang: "en-US", title: 'Profectus', description: 'A game engine that grows with you.', head: [ ['link', { rel: 'stylesheet', href: '' }] ], themeConfig: { repo: 'profectus-engine/profectus-docs', docsDir: '', docsBranch: 'main', editLinks: true, editLinkText: 'Edit this page on GitHub', lastUpdated: 'Last Updated', nav: [ { text: "Guide", link: "/guide/", activeMatch: "^/guide/" }, { text: "API", link: "/api/", activeMatch: "^/api/" }, { text: "Forums", link: "" }, { text: "Discord", link: "" }, { text: "Github", link: "" } ], sidebar: { "/guide/": [ { text: "Guide", children: [ { text: "Introduction", link: "/guide/" }, { text: "Getting Started", link: "/guide/getting-started" } ] }, { text: "Creating Features", children: [] } ], } } }