# Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [Unreleased] ## [0.6.1] - 2023-05-17 ### Added - Error boundaries around each layer, and errors now display on the page when in development - Utility for creating requirement based on whether a conversion has met a requirement ### Changed - **BREAKING** Formulas/requirements refactor - spendResources renamed to cumulativeCost - summedPurchases renamed to directSum - calculateMaxAffordable now takes optional 'maxBulkAmount' parameter - cost requirements now pass cumulativeCost, maxBulkAmount, and directSum to calculateMaxAffordable - Non-integrable and non-invertible formulas will now work in more situations - Repeatable.maximize is removed - Challenge.maximize is removed - Formulas have better typing information now - Integrate functions now log errors if the variable input is not integrable - Cyclical proxies now throw errors - createFormulaPreview is now a JSX function - Tree nodes are not automatically capitalized anymore - upgrade.canPurchase now returns false if the upgrade is already bought - TPS display is simplified and more performant now ### Fixed - Actions could not be constructed - Progress bar on actions was misaligned - Many different issues the Board features (and many changes/improvements) - Calculating max affordable could sometimes infinite loop - Non-integrable formulas could cause errors in cost requirements - estimateTime would not show "never" when production is 0 - isInvertible and isIntegrable now properly handle nested formulas - Repeatables' amount display would show the literal text "joinJSX" - Repeatables would not buy max properly - Reset buttons were showing wrong "currentAt" vs "nextAt" - Step-wise formulas not updating their value correctly - Bonus amount decorator now checks for `amount` property in the post construct callback ### Documentation - Various typos fixed and a few sections made more thorough ## [0.6.0] - 2023-04-20 ### Added - **BREAKING** New requirements system - Replaces many features' existing requirements with new generic form - **BREAKING** Formulas, which can be used to calculate buy max for you - Requirements can use them so repeatables and challenges can be "buy max" without any extra effort - Conversions now use formulas instead of the old scaling functions system, allowing for arbitrary functions that are much easier to follow - Modifiers have a new getFormula property - Feature decorators, which simplify the process of adding extra values to features - Action feature, which is a clickable with a cooldown - ETA util (calculates time until a specific amount of a resource, based on its current gain rate) - createCollapsibleAchievements util - deleteLowerSaves util - Minimized layers can now display a component - submitOnBlur property to Text fields - showPopups property to achievements - Mouse/touch events to more onClick listeners - Example hotkey to starting layer - Schema for projInfo.json ### Changes - **BREAKING** Buyables renamed to Repeatables - Renamed purchaseLimit to limit - Renamed buyMax to maximize - Added initialAmount property - **BREAKING** Persistent refs no longer have redundancies in save object - Requires referencing persistent refs either through a proxy or by wrapping in `noPersist()` - **BREAKING** Visibility properties can now take booleans - Removed showIf util - **BREAKING** Lazy proxies and options functions now pass the base object in as `this` as well as the first parameter. - Tweaked settings display - setupPassiveGeneration will no longer lower the resource - displayResource now floors resource amounts - Tweaked modifier displays, incl showing negative modifiers in red - Hotkeys now appear on key graphic - Mofifier sections now accept computable strings for title and subtitle - Every VueFeature's `[Component]` property is now typed as GenericComponent - Make errors throw objects instead of strings - Updated b_e ### Fixed - NaN detection stopped working - Now specifically only checks persistent refs - trackTotal would increase the total when loading the save - PWAs wouldn't show updates - Board feature no longer working at all - Some discord links didn't open in new tab - Adjacent grid cells wouldn't merge - When fixing old saves, the modVersion would not be updated - Default layer would display `Dev Speed: 0x` when paused - Fixed hotkeys not working with shift + numbers - Fixed console errors about deleted persistent refs not being included in the layer object - Modifiers wouldn't display small numbers - Conversions' addSoftcap wouldn't affect currentAt or nextAt - MainDisplay not respecting style and classes props - Tabs could sometimes not update correctly - offlineTime not capping properly - Tooltips being user-selectable - Pinnable tooltips causing stack overflow - Workflows not working with submodules - Various minor typing issues ### Removed - **BREAKING** Removed milestones (achievements now have small and large displays) ### Documented - every single feature - formulas - requirements ### Tests - conversions - formulas - modifiers - requirements Contributors: thepaperpilot, escapee, adsaf, ducdat ## [0.5.2] - 2022-08-22 ### Added - onLoad event - fontsLoaded event - Dismissable notification you can add to VueFeatures when they're interactable - Option on exponential modifiers to better support numbers less than 1 - Utility function to track if a VueFeature is being hovered over - Utility to unwrap Resources that may be in refs - Utility to join JSX elements together with a joiner - Type for converting readonly string arrays into a union of string values ### Changed - The main and prestige layers no longer use arrow functions for their options functions - Modifiers are now lazily loaded - Collapsible modifier sections are now lazily loaded - Converted several refs into shallow refs for improved performance - Roboto Mono and Material Icons fonts are now bundled instead of downloaded from the web, so they work with PWAs - Node bounds are now updated whenever that context has a node removed or added, fixing many issues with incorrect bounds ### Fixed - trackResetTime not updating - colorText prepending $s - Default .replit config was broken - Pixi.js canvases no longer rendering - Node positions being shifted on initial page load due to fonts loading on firefox - Modifier sections looked wrong if the topmost section wasn't visible ## [0.5.1] - 2022-07-17 ### Added - Notif component that displays a jumping exclamation point - showAmount boolean to buyable displays - Tab families now take option to style the tab buttons container - Utility for creating text of a certain color ### Changed - Improved typing of player.layers - Improved typing of createCollapsibleModifierSections's parameters - Made Particles vue component typed as GenericComponent due to issues generating documentation - Minimized how much of pixi.js is included in the built site - Split bundles into smaller bundles for faster loading - Updated TypeScript - Descriptions on buyables are now optional - Improved tooltips performance - Improved how MainDisplay displays effect strings - MainDisplays are now sticky - processComputable now binds uncached functions as well ### Fixed - trackResetTime stopped working once its layer was removed and re-added - Runtime compilation was disabled in vite config - Websites had to be hosted on root directory to have assets load correctly - Tooltips' persistent ref was lazily created - In some situations Links would not update its bounding rect - Achievements' and milestones' onComplete callbacks were firing on load - Processed JSXFunctions were not considered coercable components by isCoercableComponent - Error from passing in overlay text to bar component ### Removed - lodash.cloneDeep dependency, which hasn't been used in awhile - Some unused configs from vue-cli-service ### Documented - Update vitepress, and updated the content of many pages - Rest of /game - Rest of /data - layers.tsx - Any type augmentations to Window object - Various cleanup of docs comments - Fixed doc generation being broken from switch to vite ### Tests - Switched from jest to vitest ## [0.5.0] - 2022-06-27 ### Added - Projects now cache for offline play, and show notification when an update is available - Projects can now be "installed" as a Progressive Web App - Conversions can now be given a custom spend function, which defaults to setting the base resource amount to 0 - Components for displaying Floor and Square Root symbols ### Changed - **BREAKING** Several projInfo properties now default to empty strings, to prevent things like reusing project IDs - **BREAKING** Replaced vue-cli-service with vite (should not break most projects) - Updated dependencies - Made all type-only imports explicit - setupPassiveGeneration now works properly on independent conversions - setupPassiveGeneration now takes an option cap it can't go over - Improved typing for PlayerData.layers - Options Functions have an improved `this` type - it now includes the options themselves - Removed v-show being used in data/common.tsx ### Tests - Implement Jest, and running tests automatically on push - Tests written for utils/common.ts ## [0.4.2] - 2022-05-23 ### Added - costModifier to conversions - onConvert(amountGained) to conversions ### Changed - **BREAKING** getFirstFeature has a new signature, that will lead to improved performance - trackResetTime is now intended to be used with a reset button - regularFormat handles small numbers better - Slider tooltips now appear below the slider, not above - Node's mutation observers now ignore attributes. This shouldn't have issues with links/particle effect positions, but prevents a _lot_ of unnecessary node updates - OptionsFunc no longer takes its S type parameter, as it was unnecessary. Layer options functions now have proper `this` typing - Several functions have been updated to take BaseLayer instead of GenericLayer, to allow them to work with `this` inside layer options functions ### Fixed - Particle effects and links would not always appear on reload or when switching layers - Particle effects and links no longer appear in wrong spot after nodes are added or removed - Collapsibles having wrong widths on the button and collapsed content sections - Additive modifiers with negative values appeared like "+-" instead of "-" - Buyables' onPurchase was not being called - Reset button would display "Next:" if the buyMax property is a ref ## [0.4.1] - 2022-05-10 ### Added - findFeatures can now accept multiple feature types - excludeFeatures can now be used to find features with a feature type _blacklist_ - All the icons in the saves manager now have tooltips ### Changed - All touch events that can be passive now are - Layers' style and classes attributes are now applied to the tab element rather than the layer-tab - Saving now always uses lz-string, and saveEncoding has been renamed to exportEncoding - The property will now only affect exports, and defaults to base64 so exports can be shared in more places without issues - Buyables can now have their onClick/purchase function overwritten ### Fixed - Arrays in player were not being wrapped in proxies for things like NaN detection - Error when switching between saves with different layers - Links would sometimes error from trying to use nodes that were removed earlier that frame - createModifierSection would require modifiers to have revert and enabled properties despite not using them - Tab buttons would not use the style property if it was a ref - Typings on the Board vue component were incorrect - Offline time would always show, if offlineLimit is set to 0 - Buyables will now call onPurchase() when cost and/or resource were not set - Presets dropdown wouldn't deselect the option after creating the save ### Documented - feature.ts ## [0.4.0] - 2022-05-01 ### Added - Saves can now be encoded in two new options: plaintext and lz compressed, determined by a new "saveEncoding" property in projInfo - Saves will be loaded in whatever format is detected. The setting only applies when writing saves - createModifierSection has new parameter to override the label used for the base value - createCollapsibleModifierSections utility function to display `createModifierSection`s in collapsible forms ### Fixed - Saves manager would not clear the current save from its cache when switching saves, leading to progress loss if flipping between saves - Layer.minWidth being ignored - Separators between tabs (player.tabs) would not extend to the bottom of the screen when scrolling - Tree nodes not being clicked on their edges ### Changed - **BREAKING** No features extend persistent anymore - This will break ALL existing saves that aren't manually dealt with in fixOldSave - Affected features: Achievement, Buyable, Grid, Infobox, Milestone, TabFamily, and Upgrade - Affected features will now have a property within them where the persistent ref is stored. This means new persistent refs can now be safely added to these features - Features with option functions with 0 required properties now don't require passing in an options function - Improved the look of the goBack and minimize buttons (and made them more consistent with each other) - Newly created saves are immediately switched to - TooltipDirection and Direction have been merged into one enum - Made layers shallow reactive, so it works better with dynamic layers - Modifier functions all have more explicit types now - Scaling functions take computables instead of processed computables ### Removed - Unused tsParticles.d.ts file ### Documented - modifiers.ts - conversions.ts ## [0.3.3] - 2022-04-24 ### Fixed - Spacing between rows in Tree components - Computed style attributes on tooltips were ignored - Tooltips could cause infinite loops due to cyclical dependencies ## [0.3.2] - 2022-04-23 ### Fixed - Clickables and several other elements would not register clicks sometimes, if the display is updating rapidly - createLayerTreeNode wasn't using display option correctly ## [0.3.1] - 2022-04-23 ### Added - Render utility methods that always return JSX Elements ### Changed - **BREAKING** Tooltips overhaul - Tree Nodes no longer have tooltips related properties - Tooltips can now be added to any feature with a Vue component using the `addTooltip` function - Any tooltip can be made pinnable by setting pinnable to true in the addTooltip options, or by passing a `Ref<boolean>` to a Tooltip component - Pinned tooltips have an icon to represent that. It can be disabled by setting the theme's `showPin` property to false - Modifiers are now their own features rather than a part of conversions - Including utilities to display the current state of all the modifiers - TabFamilies' options function is now optional - Layer.minWidth can take string values - If parseable into a number, it'll have "px" appended. Otherwise it'll be un-processed - TreeNodes now have Vue components attached to them - `createResourceTooltip` now shows the resource name - Made classic and aqua theme's `feature-foreground` color dark rather than light ## [0.3.0] - 2022-04-10 ### Added - conversion.currentAt [#4](https://github.com/profectus-engine/Profectus/pull/4) - OptionsFunc utility type, improving type inferencing in feature types - minimumGain property to ResetButton, defaulting to 1 ### Changed - **BREAKING** Major persistence rework - Removed makePersistent - Removed old Persistent, and renamed PersistentRef to Persistent - createLazyProxy now takes optional base object (replacing use cases for makePersistent) - Added warnings when creating refs outside a layer - Added warnings when persistent refs aren't included in their layer object - **BREAKING** createLayer now takes id as the first param, rather than inside the option function - resetButton now shows "Req:" instead of "Next:" when conversion.buyMax is false - Conversion nextAt and currentAt now cap at 0 after reverting modifier ### Fixed - Independent conversion gain calculation [#4](https://github.com/profectus-engine/Profectus/pull/4) - Persistence issue when loading layer dynamically - resetButton's gain and requirement display being incorrect when conversion.buyMax is false - Independent conversions with buyMax false capping incorrectly ## [0.2.2] - 2022-04-01 Unironically posting an update on April Fool's Day ;) ### Changed - **BREAKING** Replaced tsparticles with pixi-emitter. Different options, and behaves differently. - Print key and value in lazy proxy's setter message - Update bounding boxes after web fonts load in ### Removed - safff.txt ## [0.2.1] - 2022-03-29 ### Changed - **BREAKING** Reworked conversion.modifyGainAmount into conversion.gainModifier, with several utility functions. This makes nextAt accurate with modified gain ### Fixed - Made overlay nav not overlap leftmost layer ## [0.2.0] - 2022-03-27 ### Added - Particles feature - Collapsible layout component - Utility function for splitting off the first from the list of features that meets a given filter ### Changed - **BREAKING** Reworked most of the code from Links into a generic Context component that manages the positions of features in the DOM - Updated vue-cli and TS dependencies - Challenges cannot be started when maxed, and `canStart` now defaults to `true` - onClick listeners on various features now get passed a MouseEvent or TouchEvent when possible - Minor style changes to Milestones, most notably removing min-height ### Fixed - Buyables didn't support CoercableComponents for displays - TreeNodes would have a double glow effect on hover ### Removed - Unused mousemove listener attached to App.vue ## [0.1.4] - 2022-03-13 ### Added - You can now access this.on() from within a createLayer function (and other BaseLayer properties) - Support for passing non-persistent refs to createResource - dontMerge class to allow features to ignore mergeAdjacent ### Fixed - Clickables would not merge adjacent - onClick and onHold functions would not be bound to their object when being called - Refs passed to a components style prop would be ignored - Fixed z-index issue when stopping hovering over features with .can class ## [0.1.3] - 2022-03-11 ### Added - Milestone.complete - Challenge.complete - setupAutoClick function to run a clickable's onClick every tick - setupAutoComplete function to attempt to complete a challenge every tick - isAnyChallengeActive function to query if any challenge from a given list is active - Hotkeys now appear in info modal, if any exist - projInfo.json now includes a "enablePausing" option that can be used to prevent the player from pausing the game - Added a "gameWon" global event ### Changed - **BREAKING** Buyables now default to an infinite purchase limit - **BREAKING** devSpeed, playedTime, offlineTime, and diff now use numbers instead of Decimals - **BREAKING** Achievements and milestones now use watchEffect to check for completion, instead of polling each tick. shouldEarn properties now only accept functions - Cached more decimal values for optimization ### Fixed - Many types not being exported - setupHoldToClick wouldn't stop clicking after a component is unmounted - Header's banner would not have correct width ### Removed - **BREAKING** Removed setupAutoReset ### Documentation - Support for documentation generation using typedoc - Hide main layer from docs - Hide prestige layer from docs - Use stub declaration files for libs that don't provide types (vue-panzoom and vue-textarea-autosize) ## [0.1.2] - 2022-03-05 ### Changed - **BREAKING** Removed "@" path alias, and used baseUrl instead - **BREAKING** Renamed createExponentialScaling to createPolynomialScaling and removed coefficient parameter - Changed options passed into createLayerTreeNode; now allows overriding display - App component is no longer cloned before being passed to `createApp` - Changed TS version from ^4.5.4 to ~4.5.5 ### Fixed - Document title is set as soon as possible now ## [0.1.1] - 2022-03-02 ### Added - Configuration for Glitch projects - Configuration for Replit projects - Hide versionTitle if blank ### Changed - **BREAKING** Renamed modInfo.json -> projInfo.json - **BREAKING** Renamed mod.tsx -> projEntry.tsx - Improved performance of branch drawing code - Improved performance of formatting numbers - Changed some projInfo default values to empty strings - Renamed projInfo.allowSmall -> projInfo.defaultShowSmall ### Fixed - Spacing on discord logo in NaN screen - Some files accessing old location for persistence code - Fixed lint-staged not being listed in devDependencies - Branch locations were not accurate after scrolling - Saves Manager displayed "default body" while closing - Reset buttons activating when held down when canClick is false - Lifting up on auto clickable elements not stopping the auto clicker ### Removed - Removed Theme.stackedInfoboxes - Removed Theme.showSingleTab ## [0.1.0] - Initial Release