diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index 5af2258..ed2514e 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -190,3 +190,34 @@ dist
+# Cache files for Sublime Text
+# Workspace files are user-specific
+# Project files should be checked into the repository, unless a significant
+# proportion of contributors will probably not be using Sublime Text
+# *.sublime-project
+# SFTP configuration file
+# Package control specific files
+Package Control.last-run
+Package Control.ca-list
+Package Control.ca-bundle
+Package Control.system-ca-bundle
+Package Control.cache/
+Package Control.ca-certs/
+Package Control.merged-ca-bundle
+Package Control.user-ca-bundle
+# Sublime-github package stores a github token in this file
+# https://packagecontrol.io/packages/sublime-github
diff --git a/kronos.sublime-workspace b/kronos.sublime-workspace
deleted file mode 100644
index 949448a..0000000
--- a/kronos.sublime-workspace
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1499 +0,0 @@
- "auto_complete":
- {
- "selected_items":
- [
- [
- "buyabl",
- "buyableEffect"
- ],
- [
- "getJob",
- "getJobProgressBar(job) -> {}\tfn "
- ],
- [
- "to",
- "toFixed(digits) -> string\tfn "
- ],
- [
- "ind",
- "findIndex(callback) -> number\tfn "
- ],
- [
- "cr",
- "createCard(title, description, onDraw) -> {}\tfn "
- ],
- [
- "tra",
- "translateY()\ttransform"
- ],
- [
- "createl",
- "createElement(tagName) -> Element\tfn "
- ],
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- "curr",
- "currentItemsCount"
- ],
- [
- "PRE",
- ],
- [
- "Wait",
- "WaitForObject"
- ],
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- "itemS",
- "itemSetID"
- ],
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- "Da",
- ],
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- "open",
- "openSlotType"
- ],
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- "PLO",
- ],
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- "Eff",
- ],
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- "TRE",
- ],
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- "S",
- ],
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- "ski",
- ],
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- "medit",
- "meditationStart"
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- "FOR",
- ],
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- "Upd",
- "UpdateProgressBar"
- ],
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- "GetMA",
- "GetMaxLevel"
- ],
- [
- "GetMa",
- "GetMaxLevel"
- ],
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- "BUYO",
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- "decoded"
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- "skill",
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- "opp",
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- "Re",
- "React.Fragment"
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- "summary〔variable〕"
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- "SET",
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- "parti",
- "particleCount"
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- "sta",
- "startPosition〔namespace〕"
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- "dipl",
- "diplomaColor"
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- "lectur",
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- "upgra",
- "upgradeEffect〔function〕"
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- "mei",
- "meierLevel"
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- "challeng",
- "challengeCompletions"
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- "upgr",
- "upgradeEffect〔function〕"
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- "gab",
- "gabenExp"
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- "gaben",
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- "gabe",
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- "buyab",
- "buyableEffect"
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- "buy",
- "buyableEffect"
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- "auto-up",
- "auto-upgradehardware"
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- "auto-",
- "auto-update"
- ],
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- "slow",
- "slowDownModifier〔variable〕"
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- "refac",
- "refactoringColor"
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- "ex",
- "experienceColor"
- ],
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- "good",
- "goodwillColor"
- ],
- [
- "go",
- "goodwillColor"
- ],
- [
- "goo",
- "goodwill"
- ],
- [
- "l",
- " Get the list of objects at the specified room position."
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- "resizeCanvas"
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- "transit",
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- "prod",
- "productivityMult"
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- "reset",
- "resettingLayer"
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- "renam",
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- "currMo",
- "currMouseX"
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- "start",
- "startMouse"
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- "currM",
- "currMouseY"
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- "occupation"
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- "majro",
- "majorPrestigeRow"
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- "chang",
- "changeGlobalSpeedInputContainer"
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- "cur",
- "currentLevel"
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- "ascen",
- "ascensionUpgrades"
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- "categ",
- "categoryMutationObservers"
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- "get",
- "getElementsByClassName"
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- "add",
- "addedNodes"
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- "asce",
- "ascensionSlideoutObserver"
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- "change",
- "changeGlobalSpeedInput"
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- "global",
- "globalSpeedRow"
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- "ce",
- "centerY"
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- "cet",
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- "just",
- "justSelectedSuggestion"
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- "inputField"
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- "contents": "Searching 21 files for \"info-tab\"\n\nD:\\projects\\The-Modding-Tree\\js\\components.js:\n 457 \tVue.component(\"layer-tab\", systemComponents[\"layer-tab\"]);\n 458 \tVue.component(\"overlay-head\", systemComponents[\"overlay-head\"]);\n 459: \tVue.component(\"info-tab\", systemComponents[\"info-tab\"]);\n 460 \tVue.component(\"options-tab\", systemComponents[\"options-tab\"]);\n 461 \n\nD:\\projects\\The-Modding-Tree\\js\\technical\\layerSupport.js:\n 241 \n 242 \n 243: addLayer(\"info-tab\", {\n 244: tabFormat: [\"info-tab\"],\n 245 row: \"otherside\"\n 246 })\n\nD:\\projects\\The-Modding-Tree\\js\\technical\\systemComponents.js:\n 105 \t},\n 106 \n 107: \t\"info-tab\": {\n 108 \t\ttemplate: `\n 109
\n\n5 matches across 3 files\n",
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- "/D/projects/The-Modding-Tree/js",
- "/D/projects/The-Modding-Tree/js/Layers"
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- "/D/projects/The-Modding-Tree/js/components.js",
- "/D/projects/OptiSpeech 2/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG",
- "/D/projects/The-Modding-Tree/js/game.js",
- "/D/projects/thepaperpilot.github.io/.git/COMMIT_EDITMSG",
- "/D/projects/The-Modding-Tree/README.md",
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- "/D/projects/The-Modding-Tree/js/technical/canvas.js",
- "/D/projects/The-Modding-Tree/kronos.sublime-project",
- "/D/projects/The-Modding-Tree/.tern-project.",
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- "/D/projects/The-Modding-Tree/js/../.eslintrc.js",
- "/D/projects/The-Modding-Tree/kronos-changelog.md",
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- "/C/Users/thepa/Documents/My Games/CORE/Saved/Maps/Fairweather Faire/fairweather-faire.sublime-project",
- "/C/Users/thepa/projects/topaz-interview/topaz-interview.sublime-project",
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