addLayer("study", { name: "study", resource: "properties studied", image: "images/orchid_sketch.jpg", color: studyColor, jobName: "Study flowers", showJobDelay: 0.25, layerShown: () => player.chapter > 1 && hasMilestone("flowers", 4), startData() { return { unlocked: true, points: new Decimal(0), total: new Decimal(0), xp: new Decimal(0), lastLevel: new Decimal(0), realTime: 0, timeLoopActive: false }; }, getResetGain() { if (!tmp[this.layer].layerShown || ( !== this.layer && !player[this.layer].timeLoopActive)) { return new Decimal(0); } let gain = new Decimal(1); return gain; }, passiveGeneration: new Decimal(1), tabFormat: [ "main-display", ["display-text", () => `You are collecting ${format(} flowers per second`], "blank", ["display-text", () => { if ( { return "There's a very large field of flowers"; } if ( { return "A small patch is missing from the field of flowers"; } if ( { return "A medium patch is missing from the field of flowers"; } if ( { return "A large patch is missing from the field of flowers"; } if ( { return "The field of flowers looks about half way picked"; } if ( { return "There are very few flowers left"; } if ( && player.chapter === 1) { return "The field is barren"; } return ""; }], "blank", ["display-text", () => { if (!hasMilestone("flowers", 0)) { return "Discover new ways to harness the flower's power at level 2"; } if (!hasMilestone("flowers", 1)) { return "Discover new ways to harness the flower's power at level 4"; } if (!hasMilestone("flowers", 2)) { return "Discover new ways to harness the flower's power at level 6"; } if (!hasMilestone("flowers", 3)) { return "Discover new ways to harness the flower's power at level 8"; } if (!hasMilestone("flowers", 4)) { return "Discover new ways to harness the flower's power at level 10"; } return ""; }], () => player.chapter === 1 && hasMilestone("flowers", "4") ? ["upgrade", "nextChapter"] : null, "blank", "buyables", "blank", "upgrades" ], update(diff) { if ( === this.layer || player[this.layer].timeLoopActive) { player[this.layer].realTime += diff; } let jobLevel = new Decimal(getJobLevel(this.layer)); if (jobLevel.neq(player[this.layer].lastLevel)) { doPopup("none", `Level ${jobLevel}`, "Level Up!", 3, layers[this.layer].color); player[this.layer].lastLevel = jobLevel; } }, onAddPoints(gain) { let xpGain = gain; if (hasUpgrade(this.layer, 13)) { xpGain = xpGain.times(upgradeEffect(this.layer, 13)); } xpGain = xpGain.times(buyableEffect("flowers", 12)); player[this.layer].xp = player[this.layer].xp.add(xpGain); }, milestones: { 0: { requirementDescription: "Level 2", done: () => }, 1: { requirementDescription: "Level 4", done: () => }, 2: { requirementDescription: "Level 6", done: () => }, 3: { requirementDescription: "Level 8", done: () => }, 4: { requirementDescription: "Level 10", done: () => } }, buyables: { rows: 1, cols: 3, 11: { title: "I tried to look at the thing in a scientific spirit
", display() { return `Each casting of this spell increases its cost, and makes collecting flowers 50% faster.

Currently: x${format(this.effect())}

Cost: ${format(this.cost())} flowers`; }, cost(x) { return new Decimal(1000).times(new Decimal(3).pow(x || getBuyableAmount(this.layer,; }, effect() { return new Decimal(1.5).pow(getBuyableAmount(this.layer,; }, canAfford() { return player[this.layer].points.gte(this.cost()); }, buy() { player[this.layer].points = player[this.layer].points.sub(this.cost()); setBuyableAmount(this.layer,, getBuyableAmount(this.layer,; }, unlocked: () => hasMilestone("flowers", 1) }, 12: { title: "Why should I trouble myself?
", display() { return `Each casting of this spell increases its cost, and doubles experience gain.

Currently: x${format(this.effect())}

Cost: ${format(this.cost())} flowers`; }, cost(x) { return new Decimal(10000).times(new Decimal(4).pow(x || getBuyableAmount(this.layer,; }, effect() { return new Decimal(2).pow(getBuyableAmount(this.layer,; }, canAfford() { return player[this.layer].points.gte(this.cost()); }, buy() { player[this.layer].points = player[this.layer].points.sub(this.cost()); setBuyableAmount(this.layer,, getBuyableAmount(this.layer,; }, unlocked: () => hasMilestone("flowers", 2) }, 13: { title: "And there was Weena dancing at my side!
", display() { return `Each casting of this spell increases its cost, and raises flower collection rate to an additive +.05 power.

Currently: ^${format(this.effect())}

Cost: ${format(this.cost())} flowers`; }, cost(x) { return new Decimal(250000).times(new Decimal(10).pow(x || getBuyableAmount(this.layer,; }, effect() { return new Decimal(.05).times(getBuyableAmount(this.layer,; }, canAfford() { return player[this.layer].points.gte(this.cost()); }, buy() { player[this.layer].points = player[this.layer].points.sub(this.cost()); setBuyableAmount(this.layer,, getBuyableAmount(this.layer,; }, unlocked: () => hasMilestone("flowers", 3) } }, upgrades: { rows: 1, cols: 4, nextChapter: { title: "And those that carry us forward, are dreams.
", description: "Close the time loop.", unlocked: true, onPurchase() { showTab("none"); player.chapter = 2; player.timeSlots = new Decimal(1); } }, 11: { title: "A chain of beautiful flowers
", description: "Increase collection speed based on how many flowers you have
", cost: new Decimal(10), effect: () =>, unlocked: () => hasMilestone("flowers", 0), effectDisplay() { return `x${format(this.effect())}`; } }, 12: { title: "A big garland of flowers
", description: "Increase collection speed based on your collecting flowers level", cost: new Decimal(100), effect: () => new Decimal(getJobLevel("flowers")).pow(2).div(10).add(1), unlocked: () => hasMilestone("flowers", 0), effectDisplay() { return `x${format(this.effect())}`; } }, 13: { title: "Weena's Gift
", description: "Increase experience gain based on real time spent collecting flowers", cost: new Decimal(250), effect: () => new Decimal(, unlocked: () => hasMilestone("flowers", 0), effectDisplay() { return `x${format(this.effect())}`; } }, 14: { title: "White Sphinx
", description: "Increase flower collection based on the number of upgrades bought", cost: new Decimal(500), effect: () => Decimal.pow(1.5,, unlocked: () => hasMilestone("flowers", 0), effectDisplay() { return `x${format(this.effect())}`; } } } });