var app; function loadVue() { // data = a function returning the content (actually HTML) Vue.component("display-text", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: ` ` }); // data = a function returning the content (actually HTML) Vue.component("raw-html", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: ` ` }); // Blank space, data = optional height in px or pair with width and height in px Vue.component("blank", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: `

` }); // Displays an image, data is the URL Vue.component("display-image", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: ` ` }); // data = an array of Components to be displayed in a row Vue.component("row", { props: ["layer", "data"], computed: { key() { return this.$vnode.key; } }, template: `
` }); // data = an array of Components to be displayed in a column Vue.component("column", { props: ["layer", "data"], computed: { key() { return this.$vnode.key; } }, template: `
` }); Vue.component("infobox", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: `
` }); // Data = width in px, by default fills the full area Vue.component("h-line", { props: ["layer", "data"], template:`
` }); // Data = height in px, by default is bad Vue.component("v-line", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: `
` }); Vue.component("challenges", { props: ["layer"], template: `
` }); // data = id Vue.component("challenge", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: `

Goal: {{format(tmp[layer].challenges[data].goal)}} {{tmp[layer].challenges[data].currencyDisplayName ? tmp[layer].challenges[data].currencyDisplayName : "points"}}
` }); Vue.component("upgrades", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: `

` }); // data = id Vue.component("upgrade", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: ` ` }); Vue.component("milestones", { props: ["layer"], template: `

` }); Vue.component("milestones-filtered", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: `

` }); // data = id Vue.component("milestone", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: `

  ` }); Vue.component("toggle", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: ` ` }); // data = function to return the text describing the reset before the amount gained (optional) Vue.component("prestige-button", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: ` ` }); // Displays the main resource for the layer Vue.component("main-display", { props: ["layer"], template: `
You have



` }); // Displays the base resource for the layer, as well as the best and total values for the layer's currency, if tracked Vue.component("resource-display", { props: ["layer"], template: `

You have {{formatWhole(tmp[layer].baseAmount)}} {{tmp[layer].baseResource}}

You are gaining {{formatWhole(tmp[layer].resetGain.times(tmp[layer].passiveGeneration))}} {{tmp[layer].resource}} per second

Your best {{tmp[layer].resource}} is {{formatWhole(player[layer].best)}}
You have made a total of {{formatWhole(player[layer].total)}} {{tmp[layer].resource}}
` }); // data = button size, in px Vue.component("buyables", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: `

` }); // data = id of buyable Vue.component("buyable", { props: ["layer", "data", "size"], template: `

` }); Vue.component("respec-button", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: ` ` }); // data = button size, in px Vue.component("clickables", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: `

` }); // data = id of clickable Vue.component("clickable", { props: ["layer", "data", "size"], template: ` ` }); Vue.component("master-button", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: ` ` }); // data = button size, in px Vue.component("microtabs", { props: ["layer", "data"], computed: { currentTab() { return player.subtabs[layer][data]; } }, template: `
` }); // data = id of the bar Vue.component("bar", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: `
` }); Vue.component("achievements", { props: ["layer"], template: `

` }); // data = id Vue.component("achievement", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: `

` }); // Data is an array with the structure of the tree Vue.component("tree", { props: ["layer", "data"], computed: { key() { return this.$vnode.key; } }, template: `
` }); // These are for buyables, data is the id of the corresponding buyable Vue.component("sell-one", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: ` ` }); Vue.component("sell-all", { props: ["layer", "data"], template: ` ` }); // SYSTEM COMPONENTS Vue.component("tab-buttons", systemComponents["tab-buttons"]); Vue.component("tree-node", systemComponents["tree-node"]); Vue.component("layer-tab", systemComponents["layer-tab"]); Vue.component("overlay-head", systemComponents["overlay-head"]); Vue.component("info-tab", systemComponents["info-tab"]); Vue.component("options-tab", systemComponents["options-tab"]); app = new Vue({ el: "#app", data: { player, tmp, Decimal, format, formatWhole, formatTime, focused, getThemeName, layerunlocked, doReset, buyUpg, startChallenge, milestoneShown, keepGoing, hasUpgrade, hasMilestone, hasAchievement, hasChallenge, maxedChallenge, inChallenge, canAffordUpgrade, canCompleteChallenge, subtabShouldNotify, subtabResetNotify, VERSION, LAYERS, hotkeys, activePopups, }, }); }