// Copyright 2015 The Gogs Authors. All rights reserved.
// Copyright 2019 The Gitea Authors. All rights reserved.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT

package user

import (

	activities_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/activities"
	repo_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/repo"
	user_model "code.gitea.io/gitea/models/user"
	shared_user "code.gitea.io/gitea/routers/web/shared/user"

const (
	tplProfileBigAvatar base.TplName = "shared/user/profile_big_avatar"

// OwnerProfile render profile page for a user or a organization (aka, repo owner)
func OwnerProfile(ctx *context.Context) {
	if strings.Contains(ctx.Req.Header.Get("Accept"), "application/rss+xml") {
	if strings.Contains(ctx.Req.Header.Get("Accept"), "application/atom+xml") {

	if ctx.ContextUser.IsOrganization() {
	} else {

func userProfile(ctx *context.Context) {
	// check view permissions
	if !user_model.IsUserVisibleToViewer(ctx, ctx.ContextUser, ctx.Doer) {
		ctx.NotFound("user", fmt.Errorf(ctx.ContextUser.Name))

	ctx.Data["Title"] = ctx.ContextUser.DisplayName()
	ctx.Data["PageIsUserProfile"] = true

	// prepare heatmap data
	if setting.Service.EnableUserHeatmap {
		data, err := activities_model.GetUserHeatmapDataByUser(ctx, ctx.ContextUser, ctx.Doer)
		if err != nil {
			ctx.ServerError("GetUserHeatmapDataByUser", err)
		ctx.Data["HeatmapData"] = data
		ctx.Data["HeatmapTotalContributions"] = activities_model.GetTotalContributionsInHeatmap(data)

	profileDbRepo, profileGitRepo, profileReadmeBlob, profileClose := shared_user.FindUserProfileReadme(ctx, ctx.Doer)
	defer profileClose()

	showPrivate := ctx.IsSigned && (ctx.Doer.IsAdmin || ctx.Doer.ID == ctx.ContextUser.ID)
	prepareUserProfileTabData(ctx, showPrivate, profileDbRepo, profileGitRepo, profileReadmeBlob)
	// call PrepareContextForProfileBigAvatar later to avoid re-querying the NumFollowers & NumFollowing
	ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplProfile)

func prepareUserProfileTabData(ctx *context.Context, showPrivate bool, profileDbRepo *repo_model.Repository, profileGitRepo *git.Repository, profileReadme *git.Blob) {
	// if there is a profile readme, default to "overview" page, otherwise, default to "repositories" page
	// if there is not a profile readme, the overview tab should be treated as the repositories tab
	tab := ctx.FormString("tab")
	if tab == "" || tab == "overview" {
		if profileReadme != nil {
			tab = "overview"
		} else {
			tab = "repositories"
	ctx.Data["TabName"] = tab
	ctx.Data["HasProfileReadme"] = profileReadme != nil

	page := ctx.FormInt("page")
	if page <= 0 {
		page = 1

	pagingNum := setting.UI.User.RepoPagingNum
	topicOnly := ctx.FormBool("topic")
	var (
		repos   []*repo_model.Repository
		count   int64
		total   int
		orderBy db.SearchOrderBy

	ctx.Data["SortType"] = ctx.FormString("sort")
	switch ctx.FormString("sort") {
	case "newest":
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByNewest
	case "oldest":
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByOldest
	case "recentupdate":
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByRecentUpdated
	case "leastupdate":
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByLeastUpdated
	case "reversealphabetically":
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByAlphabeticallyReverse
	case "alphabetically":
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByAlphabetically
	case "moststars":
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByStarsReverse
	case "feweststars":
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByStars
	case "mostforks":
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByForksReverse
	case "fewestforks":
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByForks
		ctx.Data["SortType"] = "recentupdate"
		orderBy = db.SearchOrderByRecentUpdated

	keyword := ctx.FormTrim("q")
	ctx.Data["Keyword"] = keyword

	language := ctx.FormTrim("language")
	ctx.Data["Language"] = language

	followers, numFollowers, err := user_model.GetUserFollowers(ctx, ctx.ContextUser, ctx.Doer, db.ListOptions{
		PageSize: pagingNum,
		Page:     page,
	if err != nil {
		ctx.ServerError("GetUserFollowers", err)
	ctx.Data["NumFollowers"] = numFollowers
	following, numFollowing, err := user_model.GetUserFollowing(ctx, ctx.ContextUser, ctx.Doer, db.ListOptions{
		PageSize: pagingNum,
		Page:     page,
	if err != nil {
		ctx.ServerError("GetUserFollowing", err)
	ctx.Data["NumFollowing"] = numFollowing

	switch tab {
	case "followers":
		ctx.Data["Cards"] = followers
		total = int(numFollowers)
	case "following":
		ctx.Data["Cards"] = following
		total = int(numFollowing)
	case "activity":
		date := ctx.FormString("date")
		pagingNum = setting.UI.FeedPagingNum
		items, count, err := activities_model.GetFeeds(ctx, activities_model.GetFeedsOptions{
			RequestedUser:   ctx.ContextUser,
			Actor:           ctx.Doer,
			IncludePrivate:  showPrivate,
			OnlyPerformedBy: true,
			IncludeDeleted:  false,
			Date:            date,
			ListOptions: db.ListOptions{
				PageSize: pagingNum,
				Page:     page,
		if err != nil {
			ctx.ServerError("GetFeeds", err)
		ctx.Data["Feeds"] = items
		ctx.Data["Date"] = date

		total = int(count)
	case "stars":
		ctx.Data["PageIsProfileStarList"] = true
		repos, count, err = repo_model.SearchRepository(ctx, &repo_model.SearchRepoOptions{
			ListOptions: db.ListOptions{
				PageSize: pagingNum,
				Page:     page,
			Actor:              ctx.Doer,
			Keyword:            keyword,
			OrderBy:            orderBy,
			Private:            ctx.IsSigned,
			StarredByID:        ctx.ContextUser.ID,
			Collaborate:        util.OptionalBoolFalse,
			TopicOnly:          topicOnly,
			Language:           language,
			IncludeDescription: setting.UI.SearchRepoDescription,
		if err != nil {
			ctx.ServerError("SearchRepository", err)

		total = int(count)
	case "watching":
		repos, count, err = repo_model.SearchRepository(ctx, &repo_model.SearchRepoOptions{
			ListOptions: db.ListOptions{
				PageSize: pagingNum,
				Page:     page,
			Actor:              ctx.Doer,
			Keyword:            keyword,
			OrderBy:            orderBy,
			Private:            ctx.IsSigned,
			WatchedByID:        ctx.ContextUser.ID,
			Collaborate:        util.OptionalBoolFalse,
			TopicOnly:          topicOnly,
			Language:           language,
			IncludeDescription: setting.UI.SearchRepoDescription,
		if err != nil {
			ctx.ServerError("SearchRepository", err)

		total = int(count)
	case "overview":
		if bytes, err := profileReadme.GetBlobContent(setting.UI.MaxDisplayFileSize); err != nil {
			log.Error("failed to GetBlobContent: %v", err)
		} else {
			if profileContent, err := markdown.RenderString(&markup.RenderContext{
				Ctx:     ctx,
				GitRepo: profileGitRepo,
				Links: markup.Links{
					// Give the repo link to the markdown render for the full link of media element.
					// the media link usually be like /[user]/[repoName]/media/branch/[branchName],
					// 	Eg. /Tom/.profile/media/branch/main
					// The branch shown on the profile page is the default branch, this need to be in sync with doc, see:
					//	https://docs.gitea.com/usage/profile-readme
					Base:       profileDbRepo.Link(),
					BranchPath: path.Join("branch", util.PathEscapeSegments(profileDbRepo.DefaultBranch)),
				Metas: map[string]string{"mode": "document"},
			}, bytes); err != nil {
				log.Error("failed to RenderString: %v", err)
			} else {
				ctx.Data["ProfileReadme"] = profileContent
	default: // default to "repositories"
		repos, count, err = repo_model.SearchRepository(ctx, &repo_model.SearchRepoOptions{
			ListOptions: db.ListOptions{
				PageSize: pagingNum,
				Page:     page,
			Actor:              ctx.Doer,
			Keyword:            keyword,
			OwnerID:            ctx.ContextUser.ID,
			OrderBy:            orderBy,
			Private:            ctx.IsSigned,
			Collaborate:        util.OptionalBoolFalse,
			TopicOnly:          topicOnly,
			Language:           language,
			IncludeDescription: setting.UI.SearchRepoDescription,
		if err != nil {
			ctx.ServerError("SearchRepository", err)

		total = int(count)
	ctx.Data["Repos"] = repos
	ctx.Data["Total"] = total

	err = shared_user.LoadHeaderCount(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		ctx.ServerError("LoadHeaderCount", err)

	pager := context.NewPagination(total, pagingNum, page, 5)
	pager.AddParam(ctx, "tab", "TabName")
	if tab != "followers" && tab != "following" && tab != "activity" && tab != "projects" {
		pager.AddParam(ctx, "language", "Language")
	if tab == "activity" {
		pager.AddParam(ctx, "date", "Date")
	ctx.Data["Page"] = pager

// Action response for follow/unfollow user request
func Action(ctx *context.Context) {
	var err error
	switch ctx.FormString("action") {
	case "follow":
		err = user_model.FollowUser(ctx, ctx.Doer.ID, ctx.ContextUser.ID)
	case "unfollow":
		err = user_model.UnfollowUser(ctx, ctx.Doer.ID, ctx.ContextUser.ID)

	if err != nil {
		log.Error("Failed to apply action %q: %v", ctx.FormString("action"), err)
		ctx.Error(http.StatusBadRequest, fmt.Sprintf("Action %q failed", ctx.FormString("action")))

	ctx.HTML(http.StatusOK, tplProfileBigAvatar)