<template> <div v-if="fileTreeIsVisible" class="gt-mr-3 gt-mt-3 diff-detail-box" > <!-- only render the tree if we're visible. in many cases this is something that doesn't change very often --> <div class="ui list"> <DiffFileTreeItem v-for="item in fileTree" :key="item.name" :item="item" :selected-file="selectedFile"/> </div> <div v-if="isIncomplete" id="diff-too-many-files-stats" class="gt-pt-2"> <span class="gt-mr-2">{{ tooManyFilesMessage }}</span><a :class="['ui', 'basic', 'tiny', 'button', isLoadingNewData === true ? 'disabled' : '']" id="diff-show-more-files-stats" @click.stop="loadMoreData">{{ showMoreMessage }}</a> </div> </div> </template> <script> import DiffFileTreeItem from './DiffFileTreeItem.vue'; import {doLoadMoreFiles} from '../features/repo-diff.js'; const {pageData} = window.config; const LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY = 'diff_file_tree_visible'; export default { components: {DiffFileTreeItem}, data: () => { const fileTreeIsVisible = localStorage.getItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY) === 'true'; pageData.diffFileInfo.fileTreeIsVisible = fileTreeIsVisible; return { ...pageData.diffFileInfo, selectedFile: '' }; }, computed: { fileTree() { const result = []; for (const file of this.files) { // Split file into directories const splits = file.Name.split('/'); let index = 0; let parent = null; let isFile = false; for (const split of splits) { index += 1; // reached the end if (index === splits.length) { isFile = true; } let newParent = { name: split, children: [], isFile }; if (isFile === true) { newParent.file = file; } if (parent) { // check if the folder already exists const existingFolder = parent.children.find( (x) => x.name === split ); if (existingFolder) { newParent = existingFolder; } else { parent.children.push(newParent); } } else { const existingFolder = result.find((x) => x.name === split); if (existingFolder) { newParent = existingFolder; } else { result.push(newParent); } } parent = newParent; } } const mergeChildIfOnlyOneDir = (entries) => { for (const entry of entries) { if (entry.children) { mergeChildIfOnlyOneDir(entry.children); } if (entry.children.length === 1 && entry.children[0].isFile === false) { // Merge it to the parent entry.name = `${entry.name}/${entry.children[0].name}`; entry.children = entry.children[0].children; } } }; // Merge folders with just a folder as children in order to // reduce the depth of our tree. mergeChildIfOnlyOneDir(result); return result; } }, mounted() { // ensure correct buttons when we are mounted to the dom this.adjustToggleButton(this.fileTreeIsVisible); // replace the pageData.diffFileInfo.files with our watched data so we get updates pageData.diffFileInfo.files = this.files; document.querySelector('.diff-toggle-file-tree-button').addEventListener('click', this.toggleVisibility); this.hashChangeListener = () => { this.selectedFile = window.location.hash; }; this.hashListener = window.addEventListener('hashchange', this.hashChangeListener); this.selectedFile = window.location.hash; }, unmounted() { document.querySelector('.diff-toggle-file-tree-button').removeEventListener('click', this.toggleVisibility); window.removeEventListener('hashchange', this.hashChangeListener); }, methods: { toggleVisibility() { this.updateVisibility(!this.fileTreeIsVisible); }, updateVisibility(visible) { this.fileTreeIsVisible = visible; localStorage.setItem(LOCAL_STORAGE_KEY, this.fileTreeIsVisible); this.adjustToggleButton(this.fileTreeIsVisible); }, adjustToggleButton(visible) { const [toShow, toHide] = document.querySelectorAll('.diff-toggle-file-tree-button .icon'); toShow.classList.toggle('gt-hidden', visible); // hide the toShow icon if the tree is visible toHide.classList.toggle('gt-hidden', !visible); // similarly const diffTree = document.getElementById('diff-file-tree'); diffTree.classList.toggle('gt-hidden', !visible); }, loadMoreData() { this.isLoadingNewData = true; doLoadMoreFiles(this.link, this.diffEnd, () => { this.isLoadingNewData = false; const {pageData} = window.config; this.diffEnd = pageData.diffFileInfo.diffEnd; }); }, }, }; </script>