<spanclass="line"><spanstyle="--shiki-light:#24292E;--shiki-dark:#E1E4E8;"> [</span><spanstyle="--shiki-light:#032F62;--shiki-dark:#9ECBFF;">"prestige-button"</span><spanstyle="--shiki-light:#24292E;--shiki-dark:#E1E4E8;">, </span><spanstyle="--shiki-light:#D73A49;--shiki-dark:#F97583;">function</span><spanstyle="--shiki-light:#24292E;--shiki-dark:#E1E4E8;">() { </span><spanstyle="--shiki-light:#D73A49;--shiki-dark:#F97583;">return</span><spanstyle="--shiki-light:#032F62;--shiki-dark:#9ECBFF;">"Melt your points into "</span><spanstyle="--shiki-light:#24292E;--shiki-dark:#E1E4E8;"> }],</span></span>
<spanclass="line"><spanstyle="--shiki-light:#24292E;--shiki-dark:#E1E4E8;">]</span></span></code></pre></div><p>It is a list of components, which can be either just a name, or an array with arguments. If it's an array, the first item is the name of the component, the second is the data passed into it, and the third (optional) applies a CSS style to it with a "CSS object", where the keys are CSS attributes.</p><p>These are the existing components, but you can create more in <ahref="/js/components.js">components.js</a>:</p><ul><li><p>display-text: Displays some text (can use basic HTML). The argument is the text to display. It can also be a function that returns updating text.</p></li><li><p>raw-html: Displays some basic HTML, can also be a function.</p></li><li><p>blank: Adds empty space. The default dimensions are 8px x 17px. The argument changes the dimensions. If it's a single value (e.g. "20px"), that determines the height. If you have a pair of arguments, the first is width and the second is height.</p></li><li><p>row: Display a list of components horizontally. The argument is an array of components in the tab layout format.</p></li><li><p>column: Display a list of components vertically. The argument is an array of components in the tab layout format. This is useful to display columns within a row.</p></li><li><p>main-display: The text that displays the main currency for the layer and its effects. The argument is the amount of precision to use, allowing it to display non-whole numbers.</p></li><li><p>resource-display: The text that displays the currency that this layer is based on, as well as the best and/or total values for this layer's prestige currency (if they are put in <code>startData</code> for this layer).</p></li><li><p>prestige-button: The argument is a string that the prestige button should say before the amount of currency you will gain. It can also be a function that returns updating text.</p></li><li><p>text-input: A text input box. The argument is the name of the variable in player[layer] that the input is for, player[layer][argument] (Works with strings, numbers, and Decimals!)</p></li><li><p>slider: Lets the user input a value with a slider. The argument a 3-element array: [name, min, max]. The name is the name of the variable in player[layer] that the input that the input is for, and min and max are the limits of the slider. (Does not work for Decimal values)</p></li><li><p>upgrades: The layer's upgrades. The argument is optional, and is a the list of rows this component should include, if it doesn't have all of them.</p></li><li><p>milestones, challenges, achievements: Display the upgrades, milestones, and challenges for a layer, as appropriate.</p></li><li><p>buyables, clickables: Display all of the buyables/clickables for this layer, as appropriate. The argument is optional and is the size of the boxes in pixels.</p></li><li><p>microtabs: Display a set of subtabs for an area. The argument is the name of the set of microtabs in the "microtabs" feature.</p></li><li><p>bar: Display a bar. The argument is the id of the bar to display.</p></li><li><p>infobox: Display an infobox. The argument is the id of the infobox to display.</p></li><li><p>tree: Displays a tree. The argument is an array of arrays containing the names of the nodes in the tree (first by row, then by column) <ahref="./trees-and-tree-customization">See here for more information on tree layouts and nodes!</a></p></li><li><p>toggle: A toggle button that toggles a bool value. The argument is a pair that identifies the location in player of the bool to toggle, e.g. <code>[layer, id]</code>. 'layer' also affects the color of the toggle.</p></li><li><p>grid: Displays the gridable grid for the layer. If you need more than one grid, use a layer proxy.</p></li><li><p>layer-proxy: Lets you use components from another layer. The argument is a pair, <code>[layer, data]</code>, consisting of the id of the layer to proxy from, and the tabFormat for the components to show. (Note: you cann
" data-v-d99464a4>this commit</a> on <timedata-v-d99464a4>Saturday, June 15, 2024 at 10:11:48