diff --git a/Garden b/Garden
index cfed61b8c..14f6d7bb1 160000
--- a/Garden
+++ b/Garden
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Subproject commit cfed61b8cebf793a02ff02b31518681d6a32dea4
+Subproject commit 14f6d7bb1eec4459bd0c18bf496a3c505c45f6f9
diff --git a/site/garden/a-plea-to-organize/index.md b/site/garden/a-plea-to-organize/index.md
index 7afc78b08..391fe9e33 100644
--- a/site/garden/a-plea-to-organize/index.md
+++ b/site/garden/a-plea-to-organize/index.md
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@ import { useData } from 'vitepress';
const pageData = useData();
A Plea to Organize
-1135 words, ~6 minute read.
+1140 words, ~6 minute read.
Referenced by:
@@ -89,4 +89,6 @@ Mainstream media, owned by the capitalist class, will frame progressive issues a
This is a frightening moment in our nation's history, but we are not powerless. By organizing, educating, and building solidarity, we can lay the foundation for a progressive future. Join an organization, get involved in mutual aid, and prepare to support a new party that prioritizes people over profit.
-The path ahead is not easy, but it is necessary. Together, we will challenge the establishment, demand justice, and build a society that works for everyone. The struggle is just beginning—let's make sure it ends in victory.
\ No newline at end of file
+The path ahead is not easy, but it is necessary. Together, we will challenge the establishment, demand justice, and build a society that works for everyone. The struggle is just beginning—let's make sure it ends in victory.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/site/garden/chromatic-lattice/index.md b/site/garden/chromatic-lattice/index.md
index 6274a625a..11d7895f5 100644
--- a/site/garden/chromatic-lattice/index.md
+++ b/site/garden/chromatic-lattice/index.md
@@ -11,15 +11,75 @@ import { useData } from 'vitepress';
const pageData = useData();
Chromatic Lattice
-205 words, ~1 minute read.
+1467 words, ~8 minute read.
Referenced by:
Digital LocalityFedi v2Incremental Social/nowOrchard
-A multiplayer game I have in development. It'll be about optimizing a board of tiles to create certain patterns to improve resource gains. Players will work collaboratively to construct monuments. It will be built on the [Agentic Fediverse](/garden/fedi-v2/index.md) and experiment with [Digital Locality](/garden/digital-locality/index.md).
+A multiplayer [Incremental Game](/garden/guide-to-incrementals/index.md) I have in development. It'll be about optimizing a board of tiles to create certain patterns to improve resource gains. Players will work collaboratively to construct monuments. It will also include an experiment on [Digital Locality](/garden/digital-locality/index.md).
-A person's board will act as their profile page, and will include a local chat room (in addition to the global one), a description, a list of people currently on the page, and a friends list that can be broken down into categories. Your cursor also appears on the board for all other users, although those can be toggled off in settings.
+## Gameplay
-The friend lists effectively work as the links between nodes, creating locality. Everyone has a link to their own board accessible at all times, and from there to their friends. You'd also be able to see a list of "adjacent" rooms with an active conversation, as well as what rooms your friends are in, with the ability to join them.
+The game features a board, a hexgonal grid. Colored tiles can be placed on the board, and have different effects based on the patterns formed. These tiles are purchased with currencies representing different colors of light. Initially the player starts with a couple tiles of a single color, a grid with just 7 tiles (a center cell and an adjacent cell for each edge) and simple patterns to create a different color than the one they started. Their initial patterns will allow them to make each of the three colors in a circle (e.g. two red tiles creating blue, two blue tiles creating green, and two green tiles creating red).
-In addition to friends, you can jump to a players board or to wherever the player is by right clicking their name in global chat. You can also share links to your board off platform as well.
+Next to the outer cells are more cells, with requirements to unlock them. These can be requirements that range from reaching a certain amount of a single currency, multiple currencies, having a tile with a certain amount of power, or reaching a number of simultaneous patterns met. Each unlocked cell gives more room for tiles as well as unlocking new patterns that can be matched. These new patterns will offer new benefits, like improving the effectiveness of a tile (its "power") or contributing to resource multipliers. The unlocked tile may also have an effect, such as giving extra power. There'll likely also be a "dead" cell or two, somewhere in the grid. This is just one that doesn't have an achievement and can never be placed on.
+There will be a development focus on quality of life features for creating the grid. An easy way to visualize the active patterns, the ability to save and load designs, etc.
+In addition to buying tiles, there will be a repeatable upgrade to increase a global power multiplier. It will increase the multiplier by 1.1x (compounding), but its cost will rotate between each of the three primary colors and increase at a rate of 1.5x (compounding).
+The final grid will have a "radius" of 9 (so each side is 5 long), totalling 63 cells. That's 56 achievements and patterns. Some of these achievements will be unavoidable, by having the requirements be things like "unlock 10 tiles", but will unlock patterns with negative effects. These are intended to increase the complexity of boards by urging the player to avoid certain patterns. For instance, an early one will be designed to specifically make packing the three simple patterns as tightly as possible less effective.
+### Monuments
+Upon starting the game, players are randomly assigned a faction (red, green, or blue) which will collectively contribute resources to a monument. This monument's colors will be determined by the distribution of resources across the three factions. The resources will be slowly produced by late-game patterns by individuals. As monuments are completed, new ones will be unlocked, and they'll all be viewable in a hall of fame page that'll include details on total contributions by faction and top contributors.
+Completing a monument will reset boards for players, and each board will have slight alterations to the positioning of achievements, tile effects, and the which pattern does which effect. This should serve to help keep the gameplay from getting stale and hopefully help mitigate people writing optimal guides that trivialize the gameplay. Each cell will also display the first player to unlock it that reset.
+Mew players may not like having their progress reset, and in general we don't want monuments to be causing resets too often and upsetting users. To that end, I think they should cost twice as much resources as the previous, or perhaps make it factorial growth if I'm concerned about virality. In either case, the hope is that this won't take too many resources to keep going, and as I'll get into, eventually I hope to see it all "start over" with a new season. Unlocking tiles will also contribute to a per-player leveling system. This means the initial achievements, being easier, are easy exp. This means new players joining even close to the end of a monument will still benefit from playing even if they likely won't contribute monument resources.
+### Seasons
+I have a lot on my plate, but eventually I'd want to come back to chromatic lattice and create a new season, perhaps several so long as people are interested. New seasons could bring new mechanics, new possible boards, new achievements, etc.
+One such new mechanic could involve replacing the monuments with a splatoon like mechanic where players are spending resources to move around and paint areas of a map.
+## Social Features
+The main screen the player will interact with is the "board" page, either their own or someone else's. It acts as a bit of a profile page, and include information about the player like a profile picture, bio, and friends list. It'll also include both a local and global chat. The local chat is only on that specific Board, and can include messages from anyone visiting that Board. People visiting will also have their cursors appear to the other visitors as a from of [ambient co-presence](https://maggieappleton.com/ambient-copresence).
+While visiting another board, you'll still have a panel displaying your own board and resources. The goal is to set it up so you're encouraged to spend time on other people's boards and creating informal hang outs.
+Each player will have control over their board, and can disable chat, clear its history, and configure the opacity of visitor cursors.
+### Digital Locality
+The friend lists effectively work as the links between nodes, creating locality. Everyone has a link to their own board accessible at all times, and from there to their friends. You'd also be able to see a list of "adjacent" rooms with an active conversation, as well as what rooms your friends are in, with the ability to join them. Initial friends will likely be made from global chat, or by follows on [Incremental Social](/garden/incremental-social/index.md), or linking your board via external sources.
+## Tech Stack
+I haven't determined the stack entirely yet, other than that I want both the server and client code to use typescript due to my familiarity with it and because of how accessible web apps are. My goals are to have assurance that players are obeying the rules of the game, have an eventually consistent state of the game, reasonable protection against bot accounts, and realtime display of cursors to other players. I'd rather make this properly [Decentralized](/garden/decentralized/index.md) and [Local-First Software](/garden/local-first-software/index.md), but that isn't strictly required.
+Oh, and to be clear, the frontend will definitely just be a website, using [Profectus](/garden/profectus/index.md).
+### Elysia
+The traditional approach. Use [Elysia](https://elysiajs.com/) or similar library to run a server that the clients connect to using websockets. The logic and state would be stored on the server, and passed along to the clients.
+This is a very centralized approach, and is the most common approach for multiplayer games. While I'd really like to support the agentic fediverse and local-first software, I currently think this is the most practical approach.
+### Leaf
+This would make the game run on the [Agentic Fediverse](/garden/fedi-v2/index.md). Initially the private keys would likely be managed by incremental social, which would also be the default iroh node clients would connect to.
+My concern with this approach is that it would be difficult to operate in a way that doesn't centralize the power. Being a multiplayer game it's important to ensure people can't just fabricate a history of actions with fake timestamps. In theory the fix for this would be something like the [Network of Vouches](undefined), but we're a long ways off from that being viable.
+I'm also concerned about it's efficiency in regards to creating and maintaining entities to store each player's current mouse position.
+Additionally, loading times for both your own board and other peoples' would likely be slow. You can't trust other players to give an accurate game state object,so you'd have to simulate their board based off their list of timestamped actions. This is slow, and doesn't allow for non-deterministic mechanics (e.g. RNG loot). This would be especially concerning if clients are supposed to include some piece of the game state next to players' names or in a mini profile display.
+### Rivet
+[Rivet](https://rivet.gg/) is a library for realtime applications (originally games). This would be similar to the traditional approach, but with a larger library that handles more of the work for us, enabling more advanced features like horizontal scaling and concurrency. It also has support for local-first sync, which could be useful in the future if we find a way for the game to work without needing a consistent connection for ensuring people are playing properly.
+There's other similar libraries, like [Jazz](https://jazz.tools/). In fact, Jazz will eventually have things like the cursors I want as an out-of-box feature. But unfortunately, it seems to be quite early in development and it along with many other features won't be ready for awhile. Although one of their example projects, [Learn Anything](https://learn-anything.xyz/), reminds me of some of the motivations I have behind [Orchard](/garden/orchard/index.md).
diff --git a/site/garden/decentralized/index.md b/site/garden/decentralized/index.md
index 98a99bb25..05621e139 100644
--- a/site/garden/decentralized/index.md
+++ b/site/garden/decentralized/index.md
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ const pageData = useData();
225 words, ~1 minute read.
-Referenced by:
CommuneDecentralized ModerationDecentralized Social MediaDigital LocalityFedi v2MatrixSocial MediaVirality
+Referenced by:
Chromatic LatticeCommuneDecentralized ModerationDecentralized Social MediaDigital LocalityFedi v2MatrixSocial MediaVirality
Tagged by:
Decentralized IdentityDecentralized ModerationNostr
diff --git a/site/garden/incremental-social/index.md b/site/garden/incremental-social/index.md
index 13b1976fd..d23de2614 100644
--- a/site/garden/incremental-social/index.md
+++ b/site/garden/incremental-social/index.md
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ const pageData = useData();
114 words, ~1 minute read.
-Referenced by:
My Personal Website/nowOrchardWebrings
+Referenced by:
Chromatic LatticeMy Personal Website/nowOrchardWebrings
My Projects
diff --git a/site/garden/leftism/index.md b/site/garden/leftism/index.md
index 19bdca7e7..2e131c521 100644
--- a/site/garden/leftism/index.md
+++ b/site/garden/leftism/index.md
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ import { useData } from 'vitepress';
const pageData = useData();
-1864 words, ~10 minute read.
+1870 words, ~10 minute read.
Referenced by:
DebateFilter BubblesMy Political BeliefsMy Political Journey
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ Leftism refers to a wide range of political ideologies that share a general oppo
### Marxism-Leninism
-Marxist-Leninists believe the way towards communism - a classless, stateless, moneyless society - requires a transitionary phase called the "dictatorship of the proletariat". This involves a revolutionary vanguard party seizing control of the state to protect against counter-revolutionary forces and reorganize society along socialist lines. The vanguard party will typically do so by taking advantage of a crisis brought on by the contradictions of capitalism. As material abundance is achieved and exploitation becomes structurally impossible, the state will "wither away," giving rise to communism.
+Marxist-Leninists believe the way towards communism - a classless, stateless, moneyless society - requires a transitionary phase called the "dictatorship of the proletariat". This involves a revolutionary vanguard party seizing control of the state to protect against counter-revolutionary forces, teach the underlying theories behind communism, and reorganize society along socialist lines. The vanguard party will typically do so by taking advantage of a crisis brought on by the contradictions of capitalism. As material abundance is achieved and exploitation becomes structurally impossible, the state will "wither away," giving rise to communism.
Examples of MLism include the Soviet Union and other 20th century communist movements.
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ Critics of anarchism often point to decentralized systems being harder to "scale
The page dedicated to anarchism will philosophically explore what a stateless society looks like, but does not really cover the process of transitioning from capitalism to anarchism, as I have little confidence such a process is truly possible without a state to protect it, so long as capitalists and other reactionary powers exist.
-### Market Socialisms and Reformism
+### Market Socialism and Reformism
In contrast to anarchism and communism, these ideologies see markets as a tool for innovation and resource allocation, and argue for transitioning an existing state towards socialism without a vanguard party or revolution.
diff --git a/site/garden/local-first-software/index.md b/site/garden/local-first-software/index.md
index 951cfa5ac..b0bbd2ae8 100644
--- a/site/garden/local-first-software/index.md
+++ b/site/garden/local-first-software/index.md
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ const pageData = useData();
48 words, ~0 minute read.
-Referenced by:
+Referenced by:
Chromatic LatticeOrchard
Software that is designed to operate fully offline, that can sync when connected to other clients. This means giving users ownership over their data while still allowing for collaboration.
diff --git a/site/garden/orchard/index.md b/site/garden/orchard/index.md
index 9a0a46994..b1074c92a 100644
--- a/site/garden/orchard/index.md
+++ b/site/garden/orchard/index.md
@@ -12,10 +12,10 @@ import { useData } from 'vitepress';
const pageData = useData();
-1086 words, ~6 minute read.
+1135 words, ~6 minute read.
-Referenced by:
Digital Locality/now
+Referenced by:
Chromatic LatticeDigital Locality/now
My Projects
@@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Links can also be manually created, and all links can be labeled to display a re
## Sharing Notes
-You can jump to other people's gardens and see their public notes (via a friends list or via a mutual chat room). You should be able to take any of those notes or the whole graph and include it in your own, so they are part of your graph and queries. There'll need to be a good way of displaying changes, aliasing topics, and proposing edits to other peoples' pages. A user should also be able to "fork" someone's notes so they can modify them, and maintain a link to the original note but no longer auto-update them.
+You can jump to other people's gardens and see their public notes (via a friends list or via a mutual chat room). You should be able to take any of those notes or the whole graph and include it in your own, so they are part of your graph and queries. There'll need to be a good way of displaying changes, aliasing topics, and proposing edits to other peoples' pages. A user should also be able to "fork" someone's notes so they can modify them, and maintain a link to the original note but no longer auto-update them. Unread notes should appear similar to unread chats, which will improve the ability to use Orchard as a method of learning. In fact, breaking down books by topic and adding them to an Orchard graph is something I think would be worth looking into, once the project is usable.
I think a conversation should show a sidebar of notes from both the user's network as well as any public notes from any other active participants' networks that relate to the set of topics being discussed. I think this would help encourage message gardening and assist with distributing information. We could go a step further and notify participants when those notes get added to or edited, which could help with corrections to articles getting spread to those who saw the original incorrect information (something that traditional media doesn't do well).
diff --git a/site/garden/profectus/index.md b/site/garden/profectus/index.md
index a2b511690..f454563f9 100644
--- a/site/garden/profectus/index.md
+++ b/site/garden/profectus/index.md
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ const pageData = useData();
27 words, ~0 minute read.
-Referenced by:
Advent Incremental/nowPlanar Pioneers
+Referenced by:
Advent IncrementalChromatic Lattice/nowPlanar Pioneers
Tagged by:
Advent IncrementalKronosPlanar Pioneers