import{_ as e,c as t,o as a,a9 as s}from"./chunks/framework.D8PMdl4T.js";const g=JSON.parse('{"title":"Layer Features","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"public/gamedevtree/docs/","filePath":"public/gamedevtree/docs/","lastUpdated":1701137241000}'),i={name:"public/gamedevtree/docs/"},n=s(`

Layer Features

This is a more comprehensive list of established features to add to layers. You can add more freely, if you want to have other functions or values associated with your layer. These have special functionality, though.

You can make almost any value dynamic by using a function in its place, including all display strings and styling/color features.


Layer Definition features

Big features (all optional)

Prestige formula features

Tree/node features

Other features

        componentStyles: {
            "challenge"() {return {'height': '200px'}},
            "prestige-button"() {return {'color': '#AA66AA'}},

Custom Prestige type

`,18),o=[n];function r(l,h,u,p,c,d){return a(),t("div",null,o)}const f=e(i,[["render",r]]);export{g as __pageData,f as default};