import{d as o}from"./chunks/";import{u as t,c as i,j as e,a as r,k as a,a5 as l,o as s}from"./chunks/framework.BIC8H_hJ.js";const c=e("h1",{class:"p-name"},"/now",-1),m=["innerHTML"],h=l('

This "now page" offers a big picture glimpse into what I’m focused on at this point in my life. What is a now page?


I've been learning a lot about The Small Web (or the various other names it goes by). I've been working on this website and implementing the various IndieWeb building blocks

I'm also working on a proposal for adding The IndieWeb/Signature Blocks to your notes


While I'm not contributing to the project directly, I'm following along and participating with the discussions and designs of Commune.

I'm working on a mockup of what an app could look like that treats incoming messages, emails, etc. differently based on user defined rules, with a focus on moving them into personal or communal digital gardens.

Incremental Social

I'm running and improving the social media site Incremental Social, along with CardboardEmpress.

Chromatic Lattice

I'm working on a multiplayer incremental game. That's all that's known publicly for now 😜.


I'm working on a long single player narratively driven incremental game. This is a very long-term project.

',14),w=JSON.parse('{"title":"/now","description":"","frontmatter":{"public":"true","slug":"now","title":"/now","prev":false,"next":false},"headers":[],"relativePath":"now/","filePath":"now/"}'),d={name:"now/"},_=Object.assign(d,{setup(p){const n=t();return(u,g)=>(s(),i("div",null,[c,e("p",null,[r("181 words, ~1 minute read. "),e("span",{innerHTML:a(o)[`site/${a(n).page.value.relativePath}`]},null,8,m)]),h]))}});export{w as __pageData,_ as default};