var particles = {}; var particleID = 0; var mouseX = 0; var mouseY = 0; function makeParticles(data, amount=1, type = "normal") { for (let x = 0; x < amount; x++) { let particle = newParticles[type]() for (thing in data) { switch(thing) { case 'onClick': // Functions that should be copied over case 'onMouseEnter': case 'onMouseLeave': case 'update': particle[thing] = data[thing] break; default: particle[thing]=run(data[thing], data, x) } } if (data.dir === undefined) { particle.dir = particle.angle } particle.dir = particle.dir + (particle.spread * (x- amount/2 + 0.5)) if(particle.offset) { particle.x += particle.offset * sin(particle.dir) particle.y += particle.offset * cos(particle.dir) * -1 } particle.xVel = particle.speed * sin(particle.dir) particle.yVel = particle.speed * cos(particle.dir) * -1 particle.fadeInTimer = particle.fadeInTime Vue.set(particles,, particle) } } // Makes a particle at a random location that stays still until it despawns function makeShinies(data, amount=1) { makeParticles(data, amount, "shiny") } function updateParticles(diff) { for (p in particles) { let particle = particles[p] particle.time -= diff; particle.fadeInTimer -= diff; if (particle["time"] < 0) { Vue.delete(particles, p); } else { if (particle.update) run(particle.update, particle) particle.angle += particle.rotation particle.x += particle.xVel particle.y += particle.yVel particle.speed = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(particle.xVel, 2) + Math.pow(particle.yVel, 2)) particle.dir = atan(-particle.xVel/particle.yVel) particle.yVel += particle.gravity } } } function setDir(particle, dir) { particle.dir = dir particle.xVel = particle.speed * sin(particle.dir) particle.yVel = particle.speed * cos(particle.dir) * -1 } function setSpeed(particle, speed) { particle.speed = speed particle.xVel = particle.speed * sin(particle.dir) particle.yVel = particle.speed * cos(particle.dir) * -1 } const newParticles = { normal() { particleID++ return { time: 3, id: particleID, x: mouseX, y: mouseY, width: 35, height: 35, image: "resources/genericParticle.png", angle: 0, spread: 30, offset: 10, speed: 15, xVel: 0, yVel: 0, rotation: 0, gravity: 0, fadeOutTime: 1, fadeInTimer: 0, fadeInTime: 0, } }, shiny() { particleID++ return { time: 10, id: particleID, x: Math.random() * (tmp.other.screenWidth - 100) + 50, y: Math.random() * (tmp.other.screenHeight - 100) + 50, width: 50, height: 50, image: "resources/genericParticle.png", angle: 0, spread: 0, offset: 0, speed: 0, xVel: 0, yVel: 0, rotation: 0, gravity: 0, fadeOutTime: 1, fadeInTimer: 0, fadeInTime: 0.5, } }, } function updateMouse(event) { mouseX = event.clientX mouseY = event.clientY } function getOpacity(particle) { if ((particle.time < particle.fadeOutTime) && particle.fadeOutTime) return particle.time / particle.fadeOutTime if (particle.fadeInTimer > 0) return 1 - (particle.fadeInTimer / particle.fadeInTime) return 1 } function constructParticleStyle(particle){ let style = { left: (particle.x - particle.height/2) + 'px', top: (particle.y - particle.height/2) + 'px', width: particle.width + 'px', height: particle.height + 'px', transform: "rotate(" + particle.angle + "deg)", opacity: getOpacity(particle), "pointer-events": (particle.onClick || particle.onHover) ? 'auto' : 'none', } if (particle.color) { style["background-color"] = particle.color style.mask = "url(#pmask" + + ")" style["-webkit-mask-box-image"] = "url(" + particle.image + ")" } else style["background-image"] = "url(" + particle.image + ")" return style } function clearParticles(check) { if (!check) check = true for (p in particles) { if (run(check, particles[p], particles[p])){ Vue.delete(particles, p) } } } // Trig with degrees function sin(x) { return Math.sin(x*Math.PI/180)} function cos(x) {return Math.cos(x*Math.PI/180)} function tan(x) {return Math.tan(x*Math.PI/180)} function asin(x) { return Math.asin(x)*180/Math.PI} function acos(x) { return Math.acos(x)*180/Math.PI} function atan(x) { return Math.atan(x)*180/Math.PI}