(function (global, factory) { typeof exports === 'object' && typeof module !== 'undefined' ? module.exports = factory() : typeof define === 'function' && define.amd ? define(factory) : (global = global || self, global.Decimal = factory()); }(this, function () { 'use strict'; var padEnd = function (string, maxLength, fillString) { if (string === null || maxLength === null) { return string; } var result = String(string); var targetLen = typeof maxLength === 'number' ? maxLength : parseInt(maxLength, 10); if (isNaN(targetLen) || !isFinite(targetLen)) { return result; } var length = result.length; if (length >= targetLen) { return result; } var filled = fillString === null ? '' : String(fillString); if (filled === '') { filled = ' '; } var fillLen = targetLen - length; while (filled.length < fillLen) { filled += filled; } var truncated = filled.length > fillLen ? filled.substr(0, fillLen) : filled; return result + truncated; }; var MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS = 17; //Maximum number of digits of precision to assume in Number var EXP_LIMIT = 9e15; //If we're ABOVE this value, increase a layer. (9e15 is close to the largest integer that can fit in a Number.) var LAYER_DOWN = Math.log10(9e15); //If we're BELOW this value, drop down a layer. About 15.954. var FIRST_NEG_LAYER = 1/9e15; //At layer 0, smaller non-zero numbers than this become layer 1 numbers with negative mag. After that the pattern continues as normal. var NUMBER_EXP_MAX = 308; //The largest exponent that can appear in a Number, though not all mantissas are valid here. var NUMBER_EXP_MIN = -324; //The smallest exponent that can appear in a Number, though not all mantissas are valid here. var MAX_ES_IN_A_ROW = 5; //For default toString behaviour, when to swap from eee... to (e^n) syntax. var powerOf10 = function () { // We need this lookup table because Math.pow(10, exponent) // when exponent's absolute value is large is slightly inaccurate. // You can fix it with the power of math... or just make a lookup table. // Faster AND simpler var powersOf10 = []; for (var i = NUMBER_EXP_MIN + 1; i <= NUMBER_EXP_MAX; i++) { powersOf10.push(Number("1e" + i)); } var indexOf0InPowersOf10 = 323; return function (power) { return powersOf10[power + indexOf0InPowersOf10]; }; }(); var D = function D(value) { return Decimal.fromValue_noAlloc(value); }; var FC = function FC(sign, layer, mag) { return Decimal.fromComponents(sign, layer, mag); }; var FC_NN = function FC_NN(sign, layer, mag) { return Decimal.fromComponents_noNormalize(sign, layer, mag); }; var ME = function ME(mantissa, exponent) { return Decimal.fromMantissaExponent(mantissa, exponent); }; var ME_NN = function ME_NN(mantissa, exponent) { return Decimal.fromMantissaExponent_noNormalize(mantissa, exponent); }; var decimalPlaces = function decimalPlaces(value, places) { var len = places + 1; var numDigits = Math.ceil(Math.log10(Math.abs(value))); var rounded = Math.round(value * Math.pow(10, len - numDigits)) * Math.pow(10, numDigits - len); return parseFloat(rounded.toFixed(Math.max(len - numDigits, 0))); }; var f_maglog10 = function(n) { return Math.sign(n)*Math.log10(Math.abs(n)); } //from HyperCalc source code var f_gamma = function(n) { if (!isFinite(n)) { return n; } if (n < -50) { if (n === Math.trunc(n)) { return Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; } return 0; } var scal1 = 1; while (n < 10) { scal1 = scal1*n; ++n; } n -= 1; var l = 0.9189385332046727; //0.5*Math.log(2*Math.PI) l = l + (n+0.5)*Math.log(n); l = l - n; var n2 = n*n; var np = n; l = l+1/(12*np); np = np*n2; l = l+1/(360*np); np = np*n2; l = l+1/(1260*np); np = np*n2; l = l+1/(1680*np); np = np*n2; l = l+1/(1188*np); np = np*n2; l = l+691/(360360*np); np = np*n2; l = l+7/(1092*np); np = np*n2; l = l+3617/(122400*np); return Math.exp(l)/scal1; }; var twopi = 6.2831853071795864769252842; // 2*pi var EXPN1 = 0.36787944117144232159553; // exp(-1) var OMEGA = 0.56714329040978387299997; // W(1, 0) //from https://math.stackexchange.com/a/465183 // The evaluation can become inaccurate very close to the branch point var f_lambertw = function(z, tol = 1e-10) { var w; var wn; if (!Number.isFinite(z)) { return z; } if (z === 0) { return z; } if (z === 1) { return OMEGA; } if (z < 10) { w = 0; } else { w = Math.log(z)-Math.log(Math.log(z)); } for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { wn = (z * Math.exp(-w) + w * w)/(w + 1); if (Math.abs(wn - w) < tol*Math.abs(wn)) { return wn; } else { w = wn; } } throw Error("Iteration failed to converge: " + z); //return Number.NaN; } var Decimal = /** @class */ function () { function Decimal(value) { this.sign = Number.NaN; this.layer = Number.NaN; this.mag = Number.NaN; if (value instanceof Decimal) { this.fromDecimal(value); } else if (typeof value === "number") { this.fromNumber(value); } else if (typeof value === "string") { this.fromString(value); } else { this.sign = 0; this.layer = 0; this.mag = 0; } } Object.defineProperty(Decimal.prototype, "m", { get: function get() { if (this.sign === 0) { return 0; } else if (this.layer === 0) { var exp = Math.floor(Math.log10(this.mag)); //handle special case 5e-324 var man; if (this.mag === 5e-324) { man = 5; } else { man = this.mag / powerOf10(exp); } return this.sign*man; } else if (this.layer === 1) { var residue = this.mag-Math.floor(this.mag); return this.sign*Math.pow(10, residue); } else { //mantissa stops being relevant past 1e9e15 / ee15.954 return this.sign; } }, set: function set(value) { if (this.layer <= 2) { this.fromMantissaExponent(value, this.e); } else { //don't even pretend mantissa is meaningful this.sign = Math.sign(value); if (this.sign === 0) { this.layer === 0; this.exponent === 0; } } }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Decimal.prototype, "e", { get: function get() { if (this.sign === 0) { return 0; } else if (this.layer === 0) { return Math.floor(Math.log10(this.mag)); } else if (this.layer === 1) { return Math.floor(this.mag); } else if (this.layer === 2) { return Math.floor(Math.sign(this.mag)*Math.pow(10, Math.abs(this.mag))); } else { return this.mag*Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; } }, set: function set(value) { this.fromMantissaExponent(this.m, value); }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Decimal.prototype, "s", { get: function get() { return this.sign; }, set: function set(value) { if (value === 0) { this.sign = 0; this.layer = 0; this.mag = 0; } else { this.sign = value; } }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Decimal.prototype, "mantissa", { get: function get() { return this.m; }, set: function set(value) { this.m = value; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Object.defineProperty(Decimal.prototype, "exponent", { get: function get() { return this.e; }, set: function set(value) { this.e = value; }, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); Decimal.fromComponents = function (sign, layer, mag) { return new Decimal().fromComponents(sign, layer, mag); }; Decimal.fromComponents_noNormalize = function (sign, layer, mag) { return new Decimal().fromComponents_noNormalize(sign, layer, mag); }; Decimal.fromMantissaExponent = function (mantissa, exponent) { return new Decimal().fromMantissaExponent(mantissa, exponent); }; Decimal.fromMantissaExponent_noNormalize = function (mantissa, exponent) { return new Decimal().fromMantissaExponent_noNormalize(mantissa, exponent); }; Decimal.fromDecimal = function (value) { return new Decimal().fromDecimal(value); }; Decimal.fromNumber = function (value) { return new Decimal().fromNumber(value); }; Decimal.fromString = function (value) { return new Decimal().fromString(value); }; Decimal.fromValue = function (value) { return new Decimal().fromValue(value); }; Decimal.fromValue_noAlloc = function (value) { return value instanceof Decimal ? value : new Decimal(value); }; Decimal.abs = function (value) { return D(value).abs(); }; Decimal.neg = function (value) { return D(value).neg(); }; Decimal.negate = function (value) { return D(value).neg(); }; Decimal.negated = function (value) { return D(value).neg(); }; Decimal.sign = function (value) { return D(value).sign(); }; Decimal.sgn = function (value) { return D(value).sign(); }; Decimal.round = function (value) { return D(value).round(); }; Decimal.floor = function (value) { return D(value).floor(); }; Decimal.ceil = function (value) { return D(value).ceil(); }; Decimal.trunc = function (value) { return D(value).trunc(); }; Decimal.add = function (value, other) { return D(value).add(other); }; Decimal.plus = function (value, other) { return D(value).add(other); }; Decimal.sub = function (value, other) { return D(value).sub(other); }; Decimal.subtract = function (value, other) { return D(value).sub(other); }; Decimal.minus = function (value, other) { return D(value).sub(other); }; Decimal.mul = function (value, other) { return D(value).mul(other); }; Decimal.multiply = function (value, other) { return D(value).mul(other); }; Decimal.times = function (value, other) { return D(value).mul(other); }; Decimal.div = function (value, other) { return D(value).div(other); }; Decimal.divide = function (value, other) { return D(value).div(other); }; Decimal.recip = function (value) { return D(value).recip(); }; Decimal.reciprocal = function (value) { return D(value).recip(); }; Decimal.reciprocate = function (value) { return D(value).reciprocate(); }; Decimal.cmp = function (value, other) { return D(value).cmp(other); }; Decimal.cmpabs = function (value, other) { return D(value).cmpabs(other); }; Decimal.compare = function (value, other) { return D(value).cmp(other); }; Decimal.eq = function (value, other) { return D(value).eq(other); }; Decimal.equals = function (value, other) { return D(value).eq(other); }; Decimal.neq = function (value, other) { return D(value).neq(other); }; Decimal.notEquals = function (value, other) { return D(value).notEquals(other); }; Decimal.lt = function (value, other) { return D(value).lt(other); }; Decimal.lte = function (value, other) { return D(value).lte(other); }; Decimal.gt = function (value, other) { return D(value).gt(other); }; Decimal.gte = function (value, other) { return D(value).gte(other); }; Decimal.max = function (value, other) { return D(value).max(other); }; Decimal.min = function (value, other) { return D(value).min(other); }; Decimal.minabs = function (value, other) { return D(value).minabs(other); }; Decimal.maxabs = function (value, other) { return D(value).maxabs(other); }; Decimal.clamp = function(value, min, max) { return D(value).clamp(min, max); } Decimal.clampMin = function(value, min) { return D(value).clampMin(min); } Decimal.clampMax = function(value, max) { return D(value).clampMax(max); } Decimal.cmp_tolerance = function (value, other, tolerance) { return D(value).cmp_tolerance(other, tolerance); }; Decimal.compare_tolerance = function (value, other, tolerance) { return D(value).cmp_tolerance(other, tolerance); }; Decimal.eq_tolerance = function (value, other, tolerance) { return D(value).eq_tolerance(other, tolerance); }; Decimal.equals_tolerance = function (value, other, tolerance) { return D(value).eq_tolerance(other, tolerance); }; Decimal.neq_tolerance = function (value, other, tolerance) { return D(value).neq_tolerance(other, tolerance); }; Decimal.notEquals_tolerance = function (value, other, tolerance) { return D(value).notEquals_tolerance(other, tolerance); }; Decimal.lt_tolerance = function (value, other, tolerance) { return D(value).lt_tolerance(other, tolerance); }; Decimal.lte_tolerance = function (value, other, tolerance) { return D(value).lte_tolerance(other, tolerance); }; Decimal.gt_tolerance = function (value, other, tolerance) { return D(value).gt_tolerance(other, tolerance); }; Decimal.gte_tolerance = function (value, other, tolerance) { return D(value).gte_tolerance(other, tolerance); }; Decimal.pLog10 = function (value) { return D(value).pLog10(); }; Decimal.absLog10 = function (value) { return D(value).absLog10(); }; Decimal.log10 = function (value) { return D(value).log10(); }; Decimal.log = function (value, base) { return D(value).log(base); }; Decimal.log2 = function (value) { return D(value).log2(); }; Decimal.ln = function (value) { return D(value).ln(); }; Decimal.logarithm = function (value, base) { return D(value).logarithm(base); }; Decimal.pow = function (value, other) { return D(value).pow(other); }; Decimal.pow10 = function (value) { return D(value).pow10(); }; Decimal.root = function (value, other) { return D(value).root(other); }; Decimal.factorial = function (value, other) { return D(value).factorial(); }; Decimal.gamma = function (value, other) { return D(value).gamma(); }; Decimal.lngamma = function (value, other) { return D(value).lngamma(); }; Decimal.exp = function (value) { return D(value).exp(); }; Decimal.sqr = function (value) { return D(value).sqr(); }; Decimal.sqrt = function (value) { return D(value).sqrt(); }; Decimal.cube = function (value) { return D(value).cube(); }; Decimal.cbrt = function (value) { return D(value).cbrt(); }; Decimal.tetrate = function (value, height = 2, payload = FC_NN(1, 0, 1)) { return D(value).tetrate(height, payload); } Decimal.iteratedexp = function (value, height = 2, payload = FC_NN(1, 0, 1)) { return D(value).iteratedexp(height, payload); } Decimal.iteratedlog = function (value, base = 10, times = 1) { return D(value).iteratedlog(base, times); } Decimal.layeradd10 = function (value, diff) { return D(value).layeradd10(diff); } Decimal.layeradd = function (value, diff, base = 10) { return D(value).layeradd(diff, base); } Decimal.slog = function (value, base = 10) { return D(value).slog(base); } Decimal.lambertw = function(value) { return D(value).lambertw(); } Decimal.ssqrt = function(value) { return D(value).ssqrt(); } Decimal.pentate = function (value, height = 2, payload = FC_NN(1, 0, 1)) { return D(value).pentate(height, payload); } /** * If you're willing to spend 'resourcesAvailable' and want to buy something * with exponentially increasing cost each purchase (start at priceStart, * multiply by priceRatio, already own currentOwned), how much of it can you buy? * Adapted from Trimps source code. */ Decimal.affordGeometricSeries = function (resourcesAvailable, priceStart, priceRatio, currentOwned) { return this.affordGeometricSeries_core(D(resourcesAvailable), D(priceStart), D(priceRatio), currentOwned); }; /** * How much resource would it cost to buy (numItems) items if you already have currentOwned, * the initial price is priceStart and it multiplies by priceRatio each purchase? */ Decimal.sumGeometricSeries = function (numItems, priceStart, priceRatio, currentOwned) { return this.sumGeometricSeries_core(numItems, D(priceStart), D(priceRatio), currentOwned); }; /** * If you're willing to spend 'resourcesAvailable' and want to buy something with additively * increasing cost each purchase (start at priceStart, add by priceAdd, already own currentOwned), * how much of it can you buy? */ Decimal.affordArithmeticSeries = function (resourcesAvailable, priceStart, priceAdd, currentOwned) { return this.affordArithmeticSeries_core(D(resourcesAvailable), D(priceStart), D(priceAdd), D(currentOwned)); }; /** * How much resource would it cost to buy (numItems) items if you already have currentOwned, * the initial price is priceStart and it adds priceAdd each purchase? * Adapted from http://www.mathwords.com/a/arithmetic_series.htm */ Decimal.sumArithmeticSeries = function (numItems, priceStart, priceAdd, currentOwned) { return this.sumArithmeticSeries_core(D(numItems), D(priceStart), D(priceAdd), D(currentOwned)); }; /** * When comparing two purchases that cost (resource) and increase your resource/sec by (deltaRpS), * the lowest efficiency score is the better one to purchase. * From Frozen Cookies: * http://cookieclicker.wikia.com/wiki/Frozen_Cookies_(JavaScript_Add-on)#Efficiency.3F_What.27s_that.3F */ Decimal.efficiencyOfPurchase = function (cost, currentRpS, deltaRpS) { return this.efficiencyOfPurchase_core(D(cost), D(currentRpS), D(deltaRpS)); }; Decimal.randomDecimalForTesting = function (maxLayers) { // NOTE: This doesn't follow any kind of sane random distribution, so use this for testing purposes only. //5% of the time, return 0 if (Math.random() * 20 < 1) { return FC_NN(0, 0, 0); } var randomsign = Math.random() > 0.5 ? 1 : -1; //5% of the time, return 1 or -1 if (Math.random() * 20 < 1) { return FC_NN(randomsign, 0, 1); } //pick a random layer var layer = Math.floor(Math.random()*(maxLayers+1)); var randomexp = layer === 0 ? Math.random()*616-308 : Math.random()*16; //10% of the time, make it a simple power of 10 if (Math.random() > 0.9) { randomexp = Math.trunc(randomexp); } var randommag = Math.pow(10, randomexp); //10% of the time, trunc mag if (Math.random() > 0.9) { randommag = Math.trunc(randommag); } return FC(randomsign, layer, randommag); }; Decimal.affordGeometricSeries_core = function (resourcesAvailable, priceStart, priceRatio, currentOwned) { var actualStart = priceStart.mul(priceRatio.pow(currentOwned)); return Decimal.floor(resourcesAvailable.div(actualStart).mul(priceRatio.sub(1)).add(1).log10().div(priceRatio.log10())); }; Decimal.sumGeometricSeries_core = function (numItems, priceStart, priceRatio, currentOwned) { return priceStart.mul(priceRatio.pow(currentOwned)).mul(Decimal.sub(1, priceRatio.pow(numItems))).div(Decimal.sub(1, priceRatio)); }; Decimal.affordArithmeticSeries_core = function (resourcesAvailable, priceStart, priceAdd, currentOwned) { // n = (-(a-d/2) + sqrt((a-d/2)^2+2dS))/d // where a is actualStart, d is priceAdd and S is resourcesAvailable // then floor it and you're done! var actualStart = priceStart.add(currentOwned.mul(priceAdd)); var b = actualStart.sub(priceAdd.div(2)); var b2 = b.pow(2); return b.neg().add(b2.add(priceAdd.mul(resourcesAvailable).mul(2)).sqrt()).div(priceAdd).floor(); }; Decimal.sumArithmeticSeries_core = function (numItems, priceStart, priceAdd, currentOwned) { var actualStart = priceStart.add(currentOwned.mul(priceAdd)); // (n/2)*(2*a+(n-1)*d) return numItems.div(2).mul(actualStart.mul(2).plus(numItems.sub(1).mul(priceAdd))); }; Decimal.efficiencyOfPurchase_core = function (cost, currentRpS, deltaRpS) { return cost.div(currentRpS).add(cost.div(deltaRpS)); }; Decimal.prototype.normalize = function () { /* PSEUDOCODE: Whenever we are partially 0 (sign is 0 or mag and layer is 0), make it fully 0. Whenever we are at or hit layer 0, extract sign from negative mag. If layer === 0 and mag < FIRST_NEG_LAYER (1/9e15), shift to 'first negative layer' (add layer, log10 mag). While abs(mag) > EXP_LIMIT (9e15), layer += 1, mag = maglog10(mag). While abs(mag) < LAYER_DOWN (15.954) and layer > 0, layer -= 1, mag = pow(10, mag). When we're done, all of the following should be true OR one of the numbers is not IsFinite OR layer is not IsInteger (error state): Any 0 is totally zero (0, 0, 0). Anything layer 0 has mag 0 OR mag > 1/9e15 and < 9e15. Anything layer 1 or higher has abs(mag) >= 15.954 and < 9e15. We will assume in calculations that all Decimals are either erroneous or satisfy these criteria. (Otherwise: Garbage in, garbage out.) */ if (this.sign === 0 || (this.mag === 0 && this.layer === 0)) { this.sign = 0; this.mag = 0; this.layer = 0; return this; } if (this.layer === 0 && this.mag < 0) { //extract sign from negative mag at layer 0 this.mag = -this.mag; this.sign = -this.sign; } //Handle shifting from layer 0 to negative layers. if (this.layer === 0 && this.mag < FIRST_NEG_LAYER) { this.layer += 1; this.mag = Math.log10(this.mag); return this; } var absmag = Math.abs(this.mag); var signmag = Math.sign(this.mag); if (absmag >= EXP_LIMIT) { this.layer += 1; this.mag = signmag*Math.log10(absmag); return this; } else { while (absmag < LAYER_DOWN && this.layer > 0) { this.layer -= 1; if (this.layer === 0) { this.mag = Math.pow(10, this.mag); } else { this.mag = signmag*Math.pow(10, absmag); absmag = Math.abs(this.mag); signmag = Math.sign(this.mag); } } if (this.layer === 0) { if (this.mag < 0) { //extract sign from negative mag at layer 0 this.mag = -this.mag; this.sign = -this.sign; } else if (this.mag === 0) { //excessive rounding can give us all zeroes this.sign = 0; } } } return this; }; Decimal.prototype.fromComponents = function (sign, layer, mag) { this.sign = sign; this.layer = layer; this.mag = mag; this.normalize(); return this; }; Decimal.prototype.fromComponents_noNormalize = function (sign, layer, mag) { this.sign = sign; this.layer = layer; this.mag = mag; return this; }; Decimal.prototype.fromMantissaExponent = function (mantissa, exponent) { this.layer = 1; this.sign = Math.sign(mantissa); mantissa = Math.abs(mantissa); this.mag = exponent + Math.log10(mantissa); this.normalize(); return this; }; Decimal.prototype.fromMantissaExponent_noNormalize = function (mantissa, exponent) { //The idea of 'normalizing' a break_infinity.js style Decimal doesn't really apply. So just do the same thing. this.fromMantissaExponent(mantissa, exponent); return this; }; Decimal.prototype.fromDecimal = function (value) { this.sign = value.sign; this.layer = value.layer; this.mag = value.mag; return this; }; Decimal.prototype.fromNumber = function (value) { this.mag = Math.abs(value); this.sign = Math.sign(value); this.layer = 0; this.normalize(); return this; }; var IGNORE_COMMAS = true; var COMMAS_ARE_DECIMAL_POINTS = false; Decimal.prototype.fromString = function (value) { if (IGNORE_COMMAS) { value = value.replace(",", ""); } else if (COMMAS_ARE_DECIMAL_POINTS) { value = value.replace(",", "."); } //Handle x^^^y format. var pentationparts = value.split("^^^"); if (pentationparts.length === 2) { var base = parseFloat(pentationparts[0]); var height = parseFloat(pentationparts[1]); var payload = 1; var heightparts = pentationparts[1].split(";"); if (heightparts.length === 2) { var payload = parseFloat(heightparts[1]); if (!isFinite(payload)) { payload = 1; } } if (isFinite(base) && isFinite(height)) { var result = Decimal.pentate(base, height, payload); this.sign = result.sign; this.layer = result.layer; this.mag = result.mag; return this; } } //Handle x^^y format. var tetrationparts = value.split("^^"); if (tetrationparts.length === 2) { var base = parseFloat(tetrationparts[0]); var height = parseFloat(tetrationparts[1]); var heightparts = tetrationparts[1].split(";"); if (heightparts.length === 2) { var payload = parseFloat(heightparts[1]); if (!isFinite(payload)) { payload = 1; } } if (isFinite(base) && isFinite(height)) { var result = Decimal.tetrate(base, height, payload); this.sign = result.sign; this.layer = result.layer; this.mag = result.mag; return this; } } //Handle x^y format. var powparts = value.split("^"); if (powparts.length === 2) { var base = parseFloat(powparts[0]); var exponent = parseFloat(powparts[1]); if (isFinite(base) && isFinite(exponent)) { var result = Decimal.pow(base, exponent); this.sign = result.sign; this.layer = result.layer; this.mag = result.mag; return this; } } //Handle various cases involving it being a Big Number. value = value.trim().toLowerCase(); //handle X PT Y format. var ptparts = value.split("pt"); if (ptparts.length === 2) { base = 10; height = parseFloat(ptparts[0]); ptparts[1] = ptparts[1].replace("(", ""); ptparts[1] = ptparts[1].replace(")", ""); var payload = parseFloat(ptparts[1]); if (!isFinite(payload)) { payload = 1; } if (isFinite(base) && isFinite(height)) { var result = Decimal.tetrate(base, height, payload); this.sign = result.sign; this.layer = result.layer; this.mag = result.mag; return this; } } //handle XpY format (it's the same thing just with p). var ptparts = value.split("p"); if (ptparts.length === 2) { base = 10; height = parseFloat(ptparts[0]); ptparts[1] = ptparts[1].replace("(", ""); ptparts[1] = ptparts[1].replace(")", ""); var payload = parseFloat(ptparts[1]); if (!isFinite(payload)) { payload = 1; } if (isFinite(base) && isFinite(height)) { var result = Decimal.tetrate(base, height, payload); this.sign = result.sign; this.layer = result.layer; this.mag = result.mag; return this; } } var parts = value.split("e"); var ecount = parts.length-1; //Handle numbers that are exactly floats (0 or 1 es). if (ecount === 0) { var numberAttempt = parseFloat(value); if (isFinite(numberAttempt)) { return this.fromNumber(numberAttempt); } } else if (ecount === 1) { //Very small numbers ("2e-3000" and so on) may look like valid floats but round to 0. var numberAttempt = parseFloat(value); if (isFinite(numberAttempt) && numberAttempt !== 0) { return this.fromNumber(numberAttempt); } } //Handle new (e^N)X format. var newparts = value.split("e^"); if (newparts.length === 2) { this.sign = 1; if (newparts[0].charAt(0) == "-") { this.sign = -1; } var layerstring = ""; for (var i = 0; i < newparts[1].length; ++i) { var chrcode = newparts[1].charCodeAt(i); if ((chrcode >= 43 && chrcode <= 57) || chrcode === 101) //is "0" to "9" or "+" or "-" or "." or "e" (or "," or "/") { layerstring += newparts[1].charAt(i); } else //we found the end of the layer count { this.layer = parseFloat(layerstring); this.mag = parseFloat(newparts[1].substr(i+1)); this.normalize(); return this; } } } if (ecount < 1) { this.sign = 0; this.layer = 0; this.mag = 0; return this; } var mantissa = parseFloat(parts[0]); if (mantissa === 0) { this.sign = 0; this.layer = 0; this.mag = 0; return this; } var exponent = parseFloat(parts[parts.length-1]); //handle numbers like AeBeC and AeeeeBeC if (ecount >= 2) { var me = parseFloat(parts[parts.length-2]); if (isFinite(me)) { exponent *= Math.sign(me); exponent += f_maglog10(me); } } //Handle numbers written like eee... (N es) X if (!isFinite(mantissa)) { this.sign = (parts[0] === "-") ? -1 : 1; this.layer = ecount; this.mag = exponent; } //Handle numbers written like XeY else if (ecount === 1) { this.sign = Math.sign(mantissa); this.layer = 1; //Example: 2e10 is equal to 10^log10(2e10) which is equal to 10^(10+log10(2)) this.mag = exponent + Math.log10(Math.abs(mantissa)); } //Handle numbers written like Xeee... (N es) Y else { this.sign = Math.sign(mantissa); this.layer = ecount; if (ecount === 2) { var result = Decimal.mul(FC(1, 2, exponent), D(mantissa)); this.sign = result.sign; this.layer = result.layer; this.mag = result.mag; return this; } else { //at eee and above, mantissa is too small to be recognizable! this.mag = exponent; } } this.normalize(); return this; }; Decimal.prototype.fromValue = function (value) { if (value instanceof Decimal) { return this.fromDecimal(value); } if (typeof value === "number") { return this.fromNumber(value); } if (typeof value === "string") { return this.fromString(value); } this.sign = 0; this.layer = 0; this.mag = 0; return this; }; Decimal.prototype.toNumber = function () { if (!Number.isFinite(this.layer)) { return Number.NaN; } if (this.layer === 0) { return this.sign*this.mag; } else if (this.layer === 1) { return this.sign*Math.pow(10, this.mag); } else //overflow for any normalized Decimal { return this.mag > 0 ? (this.sign > 0 ? Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY : Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) : 0; } }; Decimal.prototype.mantissaWithDecimalPlaces = function (places) { // https://stackoverflow.com/a/37425022 if (isNaN(this.m)) { return Number.NaN; } if (this.m === 0) { return 0; } return decimalPlaces(this.m, places); }; Decimal.prototype.magnitudeWithDecimalPlaces = function (places) { // https://stackoverflow.com/a/37425022 if (isNaN(this.mag)) { return Number.NaN; } if (this.mag === 0) { return 0; } return decimalPlaces(this.mag, places); }; Decimal.prototype.toString = function () { if (this.layer === 0) { if ((this.mag < 1e21 && this.mag > 1e-7) || this.mag === 0) { return (this.sign*this.mag).toString(); } return this.m + "e" + this.e; } else if (this.layer === 1) { return this.m + "e" + this.e; } else { //layer 2+ if (this.layer <= MAX_ES_IN_A_ROW) { return (this.sign === -1 ? "-" : "") + "e".repeat(this.layer) + this.mag; } else { return (this.sign === -1 ? "-" : "") + "(e^" + this.layer + ")" + this.mag; } } }; Decimal.prototype.toExponential = function (places) { if (this.layer === 0) { return (this.sign*this.mag).toExponential(places); } return this.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(places); }; Decimal.prototype.toFixed = function (places) { if (this.layer === 0) { return (this.sign*this.mag).toFixed(places); } return this.toStringWithDecimalPlaces(places); }; Decimal.prototype.toPrecision = function (places) { if (this.e <= -7) { return this.toExponential(places - 1); } if (places > this.e) { return this.toFixed(places - this.exponent - 1); } return this.toExponential(places - 1); }; Decimal.prototype.valueOf = function () { return this.toString(); }; Decimal.prototype.toJSON = function () { return this.toString(); }; Decimal.prototype.toStringWithDecimalPlaces = function (places) { if (this.layer === 0) { if ((this.mag < 1e21 && this.mag > 1e-7) || this.mag === 0) { return (this.sign*this.mag).toFixed(places); } return decimalPlaces(this.m, places) + "e" + decimalPlaces(this.e, places); } else if (this.layer === 1) { return decimalPlaces(this.m, places) + "e" + decimalPlaces(this.e, places); } else { //layer 2+ if (this.layer <= MAX_ES_IN_A_ROW) { return (this.sign === -1 ? "-" : "") + "e".repeat(this.layer) + decimalPlaces(this.mag, places); } else { return (this.sign === -1 ? "-" : "") + "(e^" + this.layer + ")" + decimalPlaces(this.mag, places); } } }; Decimal.prototype.abs = function () { return FC_NN(this.sign === 0 ? 0 : 1, this.layer, this.mag); }; Decimal.prototype.neg = function () { return FC_NN(-this.sign, this.layer, this.mag); }; Decimal.prototype.negate = function () { return this.neg(); }; Decimal.prototype.negated = function () { return this.neg(); }; Decimal.prototype.sign = function () { return this.sign; }; Decimal.prototype.sgn = function () { return this.sign; }; Decimal.prototype.round = function () { if (this.mag < 0) { return Decimal.dZero; } if (this.layer === 0) { return FC(this.sign, 0, Math.round(this.mag)); } return this; }; Decimal.prototype.floor = function () { if (this.mag < 0) { return Decimal.dZero; } if (this.layer === 0) { return FC(this.sign, 0, Math.floor(this.mag)); } return this; }; Decimal.prototype.ceil = function () { if (this.mag < 0) { return Decimal.dZero; } if (this.layer === 0) { return FC(this.sign, 0, Math.ceil(this.mag)); } return this; }; Decimal.prototype.trunc = function () { if (this.mag < 0) { return Decimal.dZero; } if (this.layer === 0) { return FC(this.sign, 0, Math.trunc(this.mag)); } return this; }; Decimal.prototype.add = function (value) { var decimal = D(value); //inf/nan check if (!Number.isFinite(this.layer)) { return this; } if (!Number.isFinite(decimal.layer)) { return decimal; } //Special case - if one of the numbers is 0, return the other number. if (this.sign === 0) { return decimal; } if (decimal.sign === 0) { return this; } //Special case - Adding a number to its negation produces 0, no matter how large. if (this.sign === -(decimal.sign) && this.layer === decimal.layer && this.mag === decimal.mag) { return FC_NN(0, 0, 0); } var a; var b; //Special case: If one of the numbers is layer 2 or higher, just take the bigger number. if ((this.layer >= 2 || decimal.layer >= 2)) { return this.maxabs(decimal); } if (Decimal.cmpabs(this, decimal) > 0) { a = this; b = decimal; } else { a = decimal; b = this; } if (a.layer === 0 && b.layer === 0) { return D(a.sign*a.mag + b.sign*b.mag); } var layera = a.layer*Math.sign(a.mag); var layerb = b.layer*Math.sign(b.mag); //If one of the numbers is 2+ layers higher than the other, just take the bigger number. if (layera - layerb >= 2) { return a; } if (layera === 0 && layerb === -1) { if (Math.abs(b.mag-Math.log10(a.mag)) > MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS) { return a; } else { var magdiff = Math.pow(10, Math.log10(a.mag)-b.mag); var mantissa = (b.sign)+(a.sign*magdiff); return FC(Math.sign(mantissa), 1, b.mag+Math.log10(Math.abs(mantissa))); } } if (layera === 1 && layerb === 0) { if (Math.abs(a.mag-Math.log10(b.mag)) > MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS) { return a; } else { var magdiff = Math.pow(10, a.mag-Math.log10(b.mag)); var mantissa = (b.sign)+(a.sign*magdiff); return FC(Math.sign(mantissa), 1, Math.log10(b.mag)+Math.log10(Math.abs(mantissa))); } } if (Math.abs(a.mag-b.mag) > MAX_SIGNIFICANT_DIGITS) { return a; } else { var magdiff = Math.pow(10, a.mag-b.mag); var mantissa = (b.sign)+(a.sign*magdiff); return FC(Math.sign(mantissa), 1, b.mag+Math.log10(Math.abs(mantissa))); } throw Error("Bad arguments to add: " + this + ", " + value); }; Decimal.prototype.plus = function (value) { return this.add(value); }; Decimal.prototype.sub = function (value) { return this.add(D(value).neg()); }; Decimal.prototype.subtract = function (value) { return this.sub(value); }; Decimal.prototype.minus = function (value) { return this.sub(value); }; Decimal.prototype.mul = function (value) { var decimal = D(value); //inf/nan check if (!Number.isFinite(this.layer)) { return this; } if (!Number.isFinite(decimal.layer)) { return decimal; } //Special case - if one of the numbers is 0, return 0. if (this.sign === 0 || decimal.sign === 0) { return FC_NN(0, 0, 0); } //Special case - Multiplying a number by its own reciprocal yields +/- 1, no matter how large. if (this.layer === decimal.layer && this.mag === -decimal.mag) { return FC_NN(this.sign*decimal.sign, 0, 1); } var a; var b; //Which number is bigger in terms of its multiplicative distance from 1? if ((this.layer > decimal.layer) || (this.layer == decimal.layer && Math.abs(this.mag) > Math.abs(decimal.mag))) { a = this; b = decimal; } else { a = decimal; b = this; } if (a.layer === 0 && b.layer === 0) { return D(a.sign*b.sign*a.mag*b.mag); } //Special case: If one of the numbers is layer 3 or higher or one of the numbers is 2+ layers bigger than the other, just take the bigger number. if (a.layer >= 3 || (a.layer - b.layer >= 2)) { return FC(a.sign*b.sign, a.layer, a.mag); } if (a.layer === 1 && b.layer === 0) { return FC(a.sign*b.sign, 1, a.mag+Math.log10(b.mag)); } if (a.layer === 1 && b.layer === 1) { return FC(a.sign*b.sign, 1, a.mag+b.mag); } if (a.layer === 2 && b.layer === 1) { var newmag = FC(Math.sign(a.mag), a.layer-1, Math.abs(a.mag)).add(FC(Math.sign(b.mag), b.layer-1, Math.abs(b.mag))); return FC(a.sign*b.sign, newmag.layer+1, newmag.sign*newmag.mag); } if (a.layer === 2 && b.layer === 2) { var newmag = FC(Math.sign(a.mag), a.layer-1, Math.abs(a.mag)).add(FC(Math.sign(b.mag), b.layer-1, Math.abs(b.mag))); return FC(a.sign*b.sign, newmag.layer+1, newmag.sign*newmag.mag); } throw Error("Bad arguments to mul: " + this + ", " + value); }; Decimal.prototype.multiply = function (value) { return this.mul(value); }; Decimal.prototype.times = function (value) { return this.mul(value); }; Decimal.prototype.div = function (value) { var decimal = D(value); return this.mul(decimal.recip()); }; Decimal.prototype.divide = function (value) { return this.div(value); }; Decimal.prototype.divideBy = function (value) { return this.div(value); }; Decimal.prototype.dividedBy = function (value) { return this.div(value); }; Decimal.prototype.recip = function () { if (this.mag === 0) { return Decimal.dNaN; } else if (this.layer === 0) { return FC(this.sign, 0, 1/this.mag); } else { return FC(this.sign, this.layer, -this.mag); } }; Decimal.prototype.reciprocal = function () { return this.recip(); }; Decimal.prototype.reciprocate = function () { return this.recip(); }; /** * -1 for less than value, 0 for equals value, 1 for greater than value */ Decimal.prototype.cmp = function (value) { var decimal = D(value); if (this.sign > decimal.sign) { return 1; } if (this.sign < decimal.sign) { return -1; } return this.sign*this.cmpabs(value); }; Decimal.prototype.cmpabs = function (value) { var decimal = D(value); var layera = this.mag > 0 ? this.layer : -this.layer; var layerb = decimal.mag > 0 ? decimal.layer : -decimal.layer; if (layera > layerb) { return 1; } if (layera < layerb) { return -1; } if (this.mag > decimal.mag) { return 1; } if (this.mag < decimal.mag) { return -1; } return 0; }; Decimal.prototype.compare = function (value) { return this.cmp(value); }; Decimal.prototype.eq = function (value) { var decimal = D(value); return this.sign === decimal.sign && this.layer === decimal.layer && this.mag === decimal.mag; }; Decimal.prototype.equals = function (value) { return this.eq(value); }; Decimal.prototype.neq = function (value) { return !this.eq(value); }; Decimal.prototype.notEquals = function (value) { return this.neq(value); }; Decimal.prototype.lt = function (value) { var decimal = D(value); return this.cmp(value) === -1; }; Decimal.prototype.lte = function (value) { return !this.gt(value); }; Decimal.prototype.gt = function (value) { var decimal = D(value); return this.cmp(value) === 1; }; Decimal.prototype.gte = function (value) { return !this.lt(value); }; Decimal.prototype.max = function (value) { var decimal = D(value); return this.lt(decimal) ? decimal : this; }; Decimal.prototype.min = function (value) { var decimal = D(value); return this.gt(decimal) ? decimal : this; }; Decimal.prototype.maxabs = function (value) { var decimal = D(value); return this.cmpabs(decimal) < 0 ? decimal : this; }; Decimal.prototype.minabs = function (value) { var decimal = D(value); return this.cmpabs(decimal) > 0 ? decimal : this; }; Decimal.prototype.clamp = function(min, max) { return this.max(min).min(max); } Decimal.prototype.clampMin = function(min) { return this.max(min); } Decimal.prototype.clampMax = function(max) { return this.min(max); } Decimal.prototype.cmp_tolerance = function (value, tolerance) { var decimal = D(value); return this.eq_tolerance(decimal, tolerance) ? 0 : this.cmp(decimal); }; Decimal.prototype.compare_tolerance = function (value, tolerance) { return this.cmp_tolerance(value, tolerance); }; /** * Tolerance is a relative tolerance, multiplied by the greater of the magnitudes of the two arguments. * For example, if you put in 1e-9, then any number closer to the * larger number than (larger number)*1e-9 will be considered equal. */ Decimal.prototype.eq_tolerance = function (value, tolerance) { var decimal = D(value); // https://stackoverflow.com/a/33024979 if (tolerance == null) { tolerance = 1e-7; } //Numbers that are too far away are never close. if (this.sign !== decimal.sign) { return false; } if (Math.abs(this.layer - decimal.layer) > 1) { return false; } // return abs(a-b) <= tolerance * max(abs(a), abs(b)) var magA = this.mag; var magB = decimal.mag; if (this.layer > decimal.layer) { magB = f_maglog10(magB); } if (this.layer < decimal.layer) { magA = f_maglog10(magA); } return Math.abs(magA-magB) <= tolerance*Math.max(Math.abs(magA), Math.abs(magB)); }; Decimal.prototype.equals_tolerance = function (value, tolerance) { return this.eq_tolerance(value, tolerance); }; Decimal.prototype.neq_tolerance = function (value, tolerance) { return !this.eq_tolerance(value, tolerance); }; Decimal.prototype.notEquals_tolerance = function (value, tolerance) { return this.neq_tolerance(value, tolerance); }; Decimal.prototype.lt_tolerance = function (value, tolerance) { var decimal = D(value); return !this.eq_tolerance(decimal, tolerance) && this.lt(decimal); }; Decimal.prototype.lte_tolerance = function (value, tolerance) { var decimal = D(value); return this.eq_tolerance(decimal, tolerance) || this.lt(decimal); }; Decimal.prototype.gt_tolerance = function (value, tolerance) { var decimal = D(value); return !this.eq_tolerance(decimal, tolerance) && this.gt(decimal); }; Decimal.prototype.gte_tolerance = function (value, tolerance) { var decimal = D(value); return this.eq_tolerance(decimal, tolerance) || this.gt(decimal); }; Decimal.prototype.pLog10 = function() { if (this.lt(Decimal.dZero)) { return Decimal.dZero; } return this.log10(); } Decimal.prototype.absLog10 = function () { if (this.sign === 0) { return Decimal.dNaN; } else if (this.layer > 0) { return FC(Math.sign(this.mag), this.layer-1, Math.abs(this.mag)); } else { return FC(1, 0, Math.log10(this.mag)); } }; Decimal.prototype.log10 = function () { if (this.sign <= 0) { return Decimal.dNaN; } else if (this.layer > 0) { return FC(Math.sign(this.mag), this.layer-1, Math.abs(this.mag)); } else { return FC(this.sign, 0, Math.log10(this.mag)); } }; Decimal.prototype.log = function (base) { base = D(base); if (this.sign <= 0) { return Decimal.dNaN; } if (base.sign <= 0) { return Decimal.dNaN; } if (base.sign === 1 && base.layer === 0 && base.mag === 1) { return Decimal.dNaN; } else if (this.layer === 0 && base.layer === 0) { return FC(this.sign, 0, Math.log(this.mag)/Math.log(base.mag)); } return Decimal.div(this.log10(), base.log10()); }; Decimal.prototype.log2 = function () { if (this.sign <= 0) { return Decimal.dNaN; } else if (this.layer === 0) { return FC(this.sign, 0, Math.log2(this.mag)); } else if (this.layer === 1) { return FC(Math.sign(this.mag), 0, Math.abs(this.mag)*3.321928094887362); //log2(10) } else if (this.layer === 2) { return FC(Math.sign(this.mag), 1, Math.abs(this.mag)+0.5213902276543247); //-log10(log10(2)) } else { return FC(Math.sign(this.mag), this.layer-1, Math.abs(this.mag)); } }; Decimal.prototype.ln = function () { if (this.sign <= 0) { return Decimal.dNaN; } else if (this.layer === 0) { return FC(this.sign, 0, Math.log(this.mag)); } else if (this.layer === 1) { return FC(Math.sign(this.mag), 0, Math.abs(this.mag)*2.302585092994046); //ln(10) } else if (this.layer === 2) { return FC(Math.sign(this.mag), 1, Math.abs(this.mag)+0.36221568869946325); //log10(log10(e)) } else { return FC(Math.sign(this.mag), this.layer-1, Math.abs(this.mag)); } }; Decimal.prototype.logarithm = function (base) { return this.log(base); }; Decimal.prototype.pow = function (value) { var decimal = D(value); var a = this; var b = decimal; //special case: if a is 0, then return 0 if (a.sign === 0) { return a; } //special case: if a is 1, then return 1 if (a.sign === 1 && a.layer === 0 && a.mag === 1) { return a; } //special case: if b is 0, then return 1 if (b.sign === 0) { return FC_NN(1, 0, 1); } //special case: if b is 1, then return a if (b.sign === 1 && b.layer === 0 && b.mag === 1) { return a; } var result = (a.absLog10().mul(b)).pow10(); if (this.sign === -1 && b.toNumber() % 2 === 1) { return result.neg(); } return result; }; Decimal.prototype.pow10 = function() { /* There are four cases we need to consider: 1) positive sign, positive mag (e15, ee15): +1 layer (e.g. 10^15 becomes e15, 10^e15 becomes ee15) 2) negative sign, positive mag (-e15, -ee15): +1 layer but sign and mag sign are flipped (e.g. 10^-15 becomes e-15, 10^-e15 becomes ee-15) 3) positive sign, negative mag (e-15, ee-15): layer 0 case would have been handled in the Math.pow check, so just return 1 4) negative sign, negative mag (-e-15, -ee-15): layer 0 case would have been handled in the Math.pow check, so just return 1 */ if (!Number.isFinite(this.layer) || !Number.isFinite(this.mag)) { return Decimal.dNaN; } var a = this; //handle layer 0 case - if no precision is lost just use Math.pow, else promote one layer if (a.layer === 0) { var newmag = Math.pow(10, a.sign*a.mag); if (Number.isFinite(newmag) && Math.abs(newmag) > 0.1) { return FC(1, 0, newmag); } else { if (a.sign === 0) { return Decimal.dOne; } else { a = FC_NN(a.sign, a.layer+1, Math.log10(a.mag)); } } } //handle all 4 layer 1+ cases individually if (a.sign > 0 && a.mag > 0) { return FC(a.sign, a.layer+1, a.mag); } if (a.sign < 0 && a.mag > 0) { return FC(-a.sign, a.layer+1, -a.mag); } //both the negative mag cases are identical: one +/- rounding error return Decimal.dOne; } Decimal.prototype.pow_base = function (value) { return D(value).pow(this); }; Decimal.prototype.root = function (value) { var decimal = D(value); return this.pow(decimal.recip()); } Decimal.prototype.factorial = function () { if (this.mag < 0) { return this.toNumber().add(1).gamma(); } else if (this.layer === 0) { return this.add(1).gamma(); } else if (this.layer === 1) { return Decimal.exp(Decimal.mul(this, Decimal.ln(this).sub(1))); } else { return Decimal.exp(this); } }; //from HyperCalc source code Decimal.prototype.gamma = function () { if (this.mag < 0) { return this.recip(); } else if (this.layer === 0) { if (this.lt(FC_NN(1, 0, 24))) { return D(f_gamma(this.sign*this.mag)); } var t = this.mag - 1; var l = 0.9189385332046727; //0.5*Math.log(2*Math.PI) l = (l+((t+0.5)*Math.log(t))); l = l-t; var n2 = t*t; var np = t; var lm = 12*np; var adj = 1/lm; var l2 = l+adj; if (l2 === l) { return Decimal.exp(l); } l = l2; np = np*n2; lm = 360*np; adj = 1/lm; l2 = l-adj; if (l2 === l) { return Decimal.exp(l); } l = l2; np = np*n2; lm = 1260*np; var lt = 1/lm; l = l+lt; np = np*n2; lm = 1680*np; lt = 1/lm; l = l-lt; return Decimal.exp(l); } else if (this.layer === 1) { return Decimal.exp(Decimal.mul(this, Decimal.ln(this).sub(1))); } else { return Decimal.exp(this); } }; Decimal.prototype.lngamma = function () { return this.gamma().ln(); } Decimal.prototype.exp = function () { if (this.mag < 0) { return Decimal.dOne; } if (this.layer === 0 && this.mag <= 709.7) { return D(Math.exp(this.sign*this.mag)); } else if (this.layer === 0) { return FC(1, 1, this.sign*Math.log10(Math.E)*this.mag); } else if (this.layer === 1) { return FC(1, 2, this.sign*(Math.log10(0.4342944819032518)+this.mag)); } else { return FC(1, this.layer+1, this.sign*this.mag); } }; Decimal.prototype.sqr = function () { return this.pow(2); }; Decimal.prototype.sqrt = function () { if (this.layer === 0) { return D(Math.sqrt(this.sign*this.mag)); } else if (this.layer === 1) { return FC(1, 2, Math.log10(this.mag)-0.3010299956639812); } else { var result = Decimal.div(FC_NN(this.sign, this.layer-1, this.mag), FC_NN(1, 0, 2)); result.layer += 1; result.normalize(); return result; } }; Decimal.prototype.cube = function () { return this.pow(3); }; Decimal.prototype.cbrt = function () { return this.pow(1/3); }; //Tetration/tetrate: The result of exponentiating 'this' to 'this' 'height' times in a row. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetration //If payload != 1, then this is 'iterated exponentiation', the result of exping (payload) to base (this) (height) times. https://andydude.github.io/tetration/archives/tetration2/ident.html //Works with negative and positive real heights. Decimal.prototype.tetrate = function(height = 2, payload = FC_NN(1, 0, 1)) { if (height === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { //Formula for infinite height power tower. var negln = Decimal.ln(this).neg(); return negln.lambertw().div(negln); } if (height < 0) { return Decimal.iteratedlog(payload, this, -height); } payload = D(payload); var oldheight = height; height = Math.trunc(height); var fracheight = oldheight-height; if (fracheight !== 0) { if (payload.eq(Decimal.dOne)) { ++height; payload = new Decimal(fracheight); } else { if (this.eq(10)) { payload = payload.layeradd10(fracheight); } else { payload = payload.layeradd(fracheight, this); } } } for (var i = 0; i < height; ++i) { payload = this.pow(payload); //bail if we're NaN if (!isFinite(payload.layer) || !isFinite(payload.mag)) { return payload; } //shortcut if (payload.layer - this.layer > 3) { return FC_NN(payload.sign, payload.layer + (height - i - 1), payload.mag); } //give up after 100 iterations if nothing is happening if (i > 100) { return payload; } } return payload; } //iteratedexp/iterated exponentiation: - all cases handled in tetrate, so just call it Decimal.prototype.iteratedexp = function(height = 2, payload = FC_NN(1, 0, 1)) { return this.tetrate(height, payload); } //iterated log/repeated log: The result of applying log(base) 'times' times in a row. Approximately equal to subtracting (times) from the number's slog representation. Equivalent to tetrating to a negative height. //Works with negative and positive real heights. Decimal.prototype.iteratedlog = function(base = 10, times = 1) { if (times < 0) { return Decimal.tetrate(base, -times, this); } base = D(base); var result = D(this); var fulltimes = times; times = Math.trunc(times); var fraction = fulltimes - times; if (result.layer - base.layer > 3) { var layerloss = Math.min(times, (result.layer - base.layer - 3)); times -= layerloss; result.layer -= layerloss; } for (var i = 0; i < times; ++i) { result = result.log(base); //bail if we're NaN if (!isFinite(result.layer) || !isFinite(result.mag)) { return result; } //give up after 100 iterations if nothing is happening if (i > 100) { return result; } } //handle fractional part if (fraction > 0 && fraction < 1) { if (base.eq(10)) { result = result.layeradd10(-fraction); } else { result = result.layeradd(-fraction, base); } } return result; } //Super-logarithm, one of tetration's inverses, tells you what size power tower you'd have to tetrate base to to get number. By definition, will never be higher than 1.8e308 in break_eternity.js, since a power tower 1.8e308 numbers tall is the largest representable number. // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Super-logarithm Decimal.prototype.slog = function(base = 10) { if (this.mag < 0) { return Decimal.dNegOne; } base = D(base); var result = 0; var copy = D(this); if (copy.layer - base.layer > 3) { var layerloss = (copy.layer - base.layer - 3); result += layerloss; copy.layer -= layerloss; } for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { if (copy.lt(Decimal.dZero)) { copy = Decimal.pow(base, copy); result -= 1; } else if (copy.lte(Decimal.dOne)) { return D(result + copy.toNumber() - 1); //<-- THIS IS THE CRITICAL FUNCTION //^ Also have to change tetrate payload handling and layeradd10 if this is changed! } else { result += 1; copy = Decimal.log(copy, base); } } return D(result); } //Approximations taken from the excellent paper https://web.archive.org/web/20090201164836/http://tetration.itgo.com/paper.html ! //Not using for now unless I can figure out how to use it in all the related functions. /*var slog_criticalfunction_1 = function(x, z) { z = z.toNumber(); return -1 + z; } var slog_criticalfunction_2 = function(x, z) { z = z.toNumber(); var lnx = x.ln(); if (lnx.layer === 0) { lnx = lnx.toNumber(); return -1 + z*2*lnx/(1+lnx) - z*z*(1-lnx)/(1+lnx); } else { var term1 = lnx.mul(z*2).div(lnx.add(1)); var term2 = Decimal.sub(1, lnx).mul(z*z).div(lnx.add(1)); Decimal.dNegOne.add(Decimal.sub(term1, term2)); } } var slog_criticalfunction_3 = function(x, z) { z = z.toNumber(); var lnx = x.ln(); var lnx2 = lnx.sqr(); var lnx3 = lnx.cube(); if (lnx.layer === 0 && lnx2.layer === 0 && lnx3.layer === 0) { lnx = lnx.toNumber(); lnx2 = lnx2.toNumber(); lnx3 = lnx3.toNumber(); var term1 = 6*z*(lnx+lnx3); var term2 = 3*z*z*(3*lnx2-2*lnx3); var term3 = 2*z*z*z*(1-lnx-2*lnx2+lnx3); var top = term1+term2+term3; var bottom = 2+4*lnx+5*lnx2+2*lnx3; return -1 + top/bottom; } else { var term1 = (lnx.add(lnx3)).mul(6*z); var term2 = (lnx2.mul(3).sub(lnx3.mul(2))).mul(3*z*z); var term3 = (Decimal.dOne.sub(lnx).sub(lnx2.mul(2)).add(lnx3)).mul(2*z*z*z); var top = term1.add(term2).add(term3); var bottom = new Decimal(2).add(lnx.mul(4)).add(lnx2.mul(5)).add(lnx3.mul(2)); return Decimal.dNegOne.add(top.div(bottom)); } }*/ //Function for adding/removing layers from a Decimal, even fractional layers (e.g. its slog10 representation). //Everything continues to use the linear approximation ATM. Decimal.prototype.layeradd10 = function(diff) { diff = Decimal.fromValue_noAlloc(diff).toNumber(); var result = D(this); if (diff >= 1) { var layeradd = Math.trunc(diff); diff -= layeradd; result.layer += layeradd; } if (diff <= -1) { var layeradd = Math.trunc(diff); diff -= layeradd; result.layer += layeradd; if (result.layer < 0) { for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { result.layer++; result.mag = Math.log10(result.mag); if (!isFinite(result.mag)) { return result; } if (result.layer >= 0) { break; } } } } //layeradd10: like adding 'diff' to the number's slog(base) representation. Very similar to tetrate base 10 and iterated log base 10. Also equivalent to adding a fractional amount to the number's layer in its break_eternity.js representation. if (diff > 0) { var subtractlayerslater = 0; //Ironically, this edge case would be unnecessary if we had 'negative layers'. while (Number.isFinite(result.mag) && result.mag < 10) { result.mag = Math.pow(10, result.mag); ++subtractlayerslater; } //A^(10^B) === C, solve for B //B === log10(logA(C)) if (result.mag > 1e10) { result.mag = Math.log10(result.mag); result.layer++; } //Note that every integer slog10 value, the formula changes, so if we're near such a number, we have to spend exactly enough layerdiff to hit it, and then use the new formula. var diffToNextSlog = Math.log10(Math.log(1e10)/Math.log(result.mag), 10); if (diffToNextSlog < diff) { result.mag = Math.log10(1e10); result.layer++; diff -= diffToNextSlog; } result.mag = Math.pow(result.mag, Math.pow(10, diff)); while (subtractlayerslater > 0) { result.mag = Math.log10(result.mag); --subtractlayerslater; } } else if (diff < 0) { var subtractlayerslater = 0; while (Number.isFinite(result.mag) && result.mag < 10) { result.mag = Math.pow(10, result.mag); ++subtractlayerslater; } if (result.mag > 1e10) { result.mag = Math.log10(result.mag); result.layer++; } var diffToNextSlog = Math.log10(1/Math.log10(result.mag)); if (diffToNextSlog > diff) { result.mag = 1e10; result.layer--; diff -= diffToNextSlog; } result.mag = Math.pow(result.mag, Math.pow(10, diff)); while (subtractlayerslater > 0) { result.mag = Math.log10(result.mag); --subtractlayerslater; } } while (result.layer < 0) { result.layer++; result.mag = Math.log10(result.mag); } result.normalize(); return result; } //layeradd: like adding 'diff' to the number's slog(base) representation. Very similar to tetrate base 'base' and iterated log base 'base'. Decimal.prototype.layeradd = function(diff, base) { var slogthis = this.slog(base).toNumber(); var slogdest = slogthis+diff; if (slogdest >= 0) { return Decimal.tetrate(base, slogdest); } else if (!Number.isFinite(slogdest)) { return Decimal.dNaN; } else if (slogdest >= -1) { return Decimal.log(Decimal.tetrate(base, slogdest+1), base); } else { Decimal.log(Decimal.log(Decimal.tetrate(base, slogdest+2), base), base); } } //The Lambert W function, also called the omega function or product logarithm, is the solution W(x) === x*e^x. // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambert_W_function //Some special values, for testing: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lambert_W_function#Special_values Decimal.prototype.lambertw = function() { if (this.lt(-0.3678794411710499)) { throw Error("lambertw is unimplemented for results less than -1, sorry!"); } else if (this.mag < 0) { return D(f_lambertw(this.toNumber())); } else if (this.layer === 0) { return D(f_lambertw(this.sign*this.mag)); } else if (this.layer === 1) { return d_lambertw(this); } else if (this.layer === 2) { return d_lambertw(this); } if (this.layer >= 3) { return FC_NN(this.sign, this.layer-1, this.mag); } } //from https://github.com/scipy/scipy/blob/8dba340293fe20e62e173bdf2c10ae208286692f/scipy/special/lambertw.pxd // The evaluation can become inaccurate very close to the branch point // at ``-1/e``. In some corner cases, `lambertw` might currently // fail to converge, or can end up on the wrong branch. var d_lambertw = function(z, tol = 1e-10) { var w; var ew, wew, wewz, wn; if (!Number.isFinite(z.mag)) { return z; } if (z === 0) { return z; } if (z === 1) { //Split out this case because the asymptotic series blows up return OMEGA; } var absz = Decimal.abs(z); //Get an initial guess for Halley's method w = Decimal.ln(z); //Halley's method; see 5.9 in [1] for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { ew = Decimal.exp(-w); wewz = w.sub(z.mul(ew)); wn = w.sub(wewz.div(w.add(1).sub((w.add(2)).mul(wewz).div((Decimal.mul(2, w).add(2)))))); if (Decimal.abs(wn.sub(w)).lt(Decimal.abs(wn).mul(tol))) { return wn; } else { w = wn; } } throw Error("Iteration failed to converge: " + z); //return Decimal.dNaN; } //The super square-root function - what number, tetrated to height 2, equals this? //Other sroots are possible to calculate probably through guess and check methods, this one is easy though. // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tetration#Super-root Decimal.prototype.ssqrt = function() { if (this.sign == 1 && this.layer >= 3) { return FC_NN(this.sign, this.layer-1, this.mag) } var lnx = this.ln(); return lnx.div(lnx.lambertw()); } /* Unit tests for tetrate/iteratedexp/iteratedlog/layeradd10/layeradd/slog: for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { var first = Math.random()*100; var both = Math.random()*100; var expected = first+both+1; var result = new Decimal(10).layeradd10(first).layeradd10(both).slog(); if (Number.isFinite(result.mag) && !Decimal.eq_tolerance(expected, result)) { console.log(first + ", " + both); } } for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { var first = Math.random()*100; var both = Math.random()*100; first += both; var expected = first-both+1; var result = new Decimal(10).layeradd10(first).layeradd10(-both).slog(); if (Number.isFinite(result.mag) && !Decimal.eq_tolerance(expected, result)) { console.log(first + ", " + both); } } for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { var first = Math.random()*100; var both = Math.random()*100; var base = Math.random()*8+2; var expected = first+both+1; var result = new Decimal(base).layeradd(first, base).layeradd(both, base).slog(base); if (Number.isFinite(result.mag) && !Decimal.eq_tolerance(expected, result)) { console.log(first + ", " + both); } } for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { var first = Math.random()*100; var both = Math.random()*100; var base = Math.random()*8+2; first += both; var expected = first-both+1; var result = new Decimal(base).layeradd(first, base).layeradd(-both, base).slog(base); if (Number.isFinite(result.mag) && !Decimal.eq_tolerance(expected, result)) { console.log(first + ", " + both); } } for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { var first = Math.round((Math.random()*30))/10; var both = Math.round((Math.random()*30))/10; var tetrateonly = Decimal.tetrate(10, first); var tetrateandlog = Decimal.tetrate(10, first+both).iteratedlog(10, both); if (!Decimal.eq_tolerance(tetrateonly, tetrateandlog)) { console.log(first + ", " + both); } } for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { var first = Math.round((Math.random()*30))/10; var both = Math.round((Math.random()*30))/10; var base = Math.random()*8+2; var tetrateonly = Decimal.tetrate(base, first); var tetrateandlog = Decimal.tetrate(base, first+both).iteratedlog(base, both); if (!Decimal.eq_tolerance(tetrateonly, tetrateandlog)) { console.log(first + ", " + both); } } for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { var first = Math.round((Math.random()*30))/10; var both = Math.round((Math.random()*30))/10; var base = Math.random()*8+2; var tetrateonly = Decimal.tetrate(base, first, base); var tetrateandlog = Decimal.tetrate(base, first+both, base).iteratedlog(base, both); if (!Decimal.eq_tolerance(tetrateonly, tetrateandlog)) { console.log(first + ", " + both); } } for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { var xex = new Decimal(-0.3678794411710499+Math.random()*100); var x = Decimal.lambertw(xex); if (!Decimal.eq_tolerance(xex, x.mul(Decimal.exp(x)))) { console.log(xex); } } for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { var xex = new Decimal(-0.3678794411710499+Math.exp(Math.random()*100)); var x = Decimal.lambertw(xex); if (!Decimal.eq_tolerance(xex, x.mul(Decimal.exp(x)))) { console.log(xex); } } for (var i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) { var a = Decimal.randomDecimalForTesting(Math.random() > 0.5 ? 0 : 1); var b = Decimal.randomDecimalForTesting(Math.random() > 0.5 ? 0 : 1); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { a = a.recip(); } if (Math.random() > 0.5) { b = b.recip(); } var c = a.add(b).toNumber(); if (Number.isFinite(c) && !Decimal.eq_tolerance(c, a.toNumber()+b.toNumber())) { console.log(a + ", " + b); } } for (var i = 0; i < 100; ++i) { var a = Decimal.randomDecimalForTesting(Math.round(Math.random()*4)); var b = Decimal.randomDecimalForTesting(Math.round(Math.random()*4)); if (Math.random() > 0.5) { a = a.recip(); } if (Math.random() > 0.5) { b = b.recip(); } var c = a.mul(b).toNumber(); if (Number.isFinite(c) && Number.isFinite(a.toNumber()) && Number.isFinite(b.toNumber()) && a.toNumber() != 0 && b.toNumber() != 0 && c != 0 && !Decimal.eq_tolerance(c, a.toNumber()*b.toNumber())) { console.log("Test 1: " + a + ", " + b); } else if (!Decimal.mul(a.recip(), b.recip()).eq_tolerance(Decimal.mul(a, b).recip())) { console.log("Test 3: " + a + ", " + b); } } for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { var a = Decimal.randomDecimalForTesting(Math.round(Math.random()*4)); var b = Decimal.randomDecimalForTesting(Math.round(Math.random()*4)); if (Math.random() > 0.5 && a.sign !== 0) { a = a.recip(); } if (Math.random() > 0.5 && b.sign !== 0) { b = b.recip(); } var c = a.pow(b); var d = a.root(b.recip()); var e = a.pow(b.recip()); var f = a.root(b); if (!c.eq_tolerance(d) && a.sign !== 0 && b.sign !== 0) { console.log("Test 1: " + a + ", " + b); } if (!e.eq_tolerance(f) && a.sign !== 0 && b.sign !== 0) { console.log("Test 2: " + a + ", " + b); } } for (var i = 0; i < 10; ++i) { var a = Math.round(Math.random()*18-9); var b = Math.round(Math.random()*100-50); var c = Math.round(Math.random()*18-9); var d = Math.round(Math.random()*100-50); console.log("Decimal.pow(Decimal.fromMantissaExponent(" + a + ", " + b + "), Decimal.fromMantissaExponent(" + c + ", " + d + ")).toString()"); } */ //Pentation/pentate: The result of tetrating 'height' times in a row. An absurdly strong operator - Decimal.pentate(2, 4.28) and Decimal.pentate(10, 2.37) are already too huge for break_eternity.js! // https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pentation Decimal.prototype.pentate = function(height = 2, payload = FC_NN(1, 0, 1)) { payload = D(payload); var oldheight = height; height = Math.trunc(height); var fracheight = oldheight-height; //I have no idea if this is a meaningful approximation for pentation to continuous heights, but it is monotonic and continuous. if (fracheight !== 0) { if (payload.eq(Decimal.dOne)) { ++height; payload = new Decimal(fracheight); } else { if (this.eq(10)) { payload = payload.layeradd10(fracheight); } else { payload = payload.layeradd(fracheight, this); } } } for (var i = 0; i < height; ++i) { payload = this.tetrate(payload); //bail if we're NaN if (!isFinite(payload.layer) || !isFinite(payload.mag)) { return payload; } //give up after 10 iterations if nothing is happening if (i > 10) { return payload; } } return payload; } // trig functions! Decimal.prototype.sin = function () { if (this.mag < 0) { return this; } if (this.layer === 0) { return D(Math.sin(this.sign*this.mag)); } return FC_NN(0, 0, 0); }; Decimal.prototype.cos = function () { if (this.mag < 0) { return Decimal.dOne; } if (this.layer === 0) { return D(Math.cos(this.sign*this.mag)); } return FC_NN(0, 0, 0); }; Decimal.prototype.tan = function () { if (this.mag < 0) { return this; } if (this.layer === 0) { return D(Math.tan(this.sign*this.mag)); } return FC_NN(0, 0, 0); }; Decimal.prototype.asin = function () { if (this.mag < 0) { return this; } if (this.layer === 0) { return D(Math.asin(this.sign*this.mag)); } return FC_NN(Number.NaN, Number.NaN, Number.NaN); }; Decimal.prototype.acos = function () { if (this.mag < 0) { return D(Math.acos(this.toNumber())); } if (this.layer === 0) { return D(Math.acos(this.sign*this.mag)); } return FC_NN(Number.NaN, Number.NaN, Number.NaN); }; Decimal.prototype.atan = function () { if (this.mag < 0) { return this; } if (this.layer === 0) { return D(Math.atan(this.sign*this.mag)); } return D(Math.atan(this.sign*1.8e308)); }; Decimal.prototype.sinh = function () { return this.exp().sub(this.negate().exp()).div(2); }; Decimal.prototype.cosh = function () { return this.exp().add(this.negate().exp()).div(2); }; Decimal.prototype.tanh = function () { return this.sinh().div(this.cosh()); }; Decimal.prototype.asinh = function () { return Decimal.ln(this.add(this.sqr().add(1).sqrt())); }; Decimal.prototype.acosh = function () { return Decimal.ln(this.add(this.sqr().sub(1).sqrt())); }; Decimal.prototype.atanh = function () { if (this.abs().gte(1)) { return FC_NN(Number.NaN, Number.NaN, Number.NaN); } return Decimal.ln(this.add(1).div(D(1).sub(this))).div(2); }; /** * Joke function from Realm Grinder */ Decimal.prototype.ascensionPenalty = function (ascensions) { if (ascensions === 0) { return this; } return this.root(Decimal.pow(10, ascensions)); }; /** * Joke function from Cookie Clicker. It's 'egg' */ Decimal.prototype.egg = function () { return this.add(9); }; Decimal.prototype.lessThanOrEqualTo = function (other) { return this.cmp(other) < 1; }; Decimal.prototype.lessThan = function (other) { return this.cmp(other) < 0; }; Decimal.prototype.greaterThanOrEqualTo = function (other) { return this.cmp(other) > -1; }; Decimal.prototype.greaterThan = function (other) { return this.cmp(other) > 0; }; return Decimal; }(); Decimal.dZero = FC_NN(0, 0, 0); Decimal.dOne = FC_NN(1, 0, 1); Decimal.dNegOne = FC_NN(-1, 0, 1); Decimal.dTwo = FC_NN(1, 0, 2); Decimal.dTen = FC_NN(1, 0, 10); Decimal.dNaN = FC_NN(Number.NaN, Number.NaN, Number.NaN); Decimal.dInf = FC_NN(1, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY); Decimal.dNegInf = FC_NN(-1, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY); Decimal.dNumberMax = FC(1, 0, Number.MAX_VALUE); Decimal.dNumberMin = FC(1, 0, Number.MIN_VALUE); return Decimal; }));