import{d as t}from"./chunks/";import{M as i,q as n,Q as e,K as l,u as a,ag as d,p as s}from"./chunks/framework.Sr2_9k8k.js";const o=e("h1",{class:"p-name"},"Commune",-1),m=["innerHTML"],h=d('
Referenced by:
Federated IdentityOrchardWebringsWeirdAn Open Source Matrix web client built to be better for communities than anything else out there
- Currently in development
- Exposes certain channels such that they are web indexable
- Will include features like Chat Glue and communal Digital Gardens
Created by Erlend Sogge Heggen, a ex-employee from Discourse
- Maintains the Commune Blog with great write ups on the issues of the modern web, social media, etc. and how they can be improved (by Commune or related projects)
- Also maintains a Personal Blog about similar topics
The Commune community is very interested in various topics and how they can relate together:
Related projects:
- is creating Gimli, a federated discord alternative
- Built on ActivityPub
- "Guild-based" in ways matrix is not?
- Will integrate with F3 as well
- Wants to handle blogging as well
- Certainly seems similar to Commune's message gardening concept
',10),b=JSON.parse('{"title":"Commune","description":"","frontmatter":{"public":"true","slug":"commune","title":"Commune","prev":false,"next":false},"headers":[],"relativePath":"garden/commune/","filePath":"garden/commune/"}'),c={name:"garden/commune/"},y=Object.assign(c,{setup(u){const r=i();return(g,f)=>(s(),n("div",null,[o,e("p",null,[l("144 words, ~1 minute read. "),e("span",{innerHTML:a(t)[`site/${a(r).page.value.relativePath}`]},null,8,m)]),h]))}});export{b as __pageData,y as default};