/* ADOBE CONFIDENTIAL ___________________ Copyright 2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated All Rights Reserved. NOTICE: All information contained herein is, and remains the property of Adobe Systems Incorporated and its suppliers, if any. The intellectual and technical concepts contained herein are proprietary to Adobe Systems Incorporated and its suppliers and may be covered by U.S. and Foreign Patents, patents in process, and are protected by trade secret or copyright law. Dissemination of this information or reproduction of this material is strictly forbidden unless prior written permission is obtained from Adobe Systems Incorporated. */ (function(a, b, c, d, f) { c.Plugins.SlideShowCaptions = { defaultOptions: { captionClassName: "SSSlideCaption" }, initialize: function(b, c) { var d = this; a.extend(c, a.extend({}, d.defaultOptions, c)); b.bind("attach-behavior", function() { d._attachBehavior(b) }) }, _attachBehavior: function(a) { var b = a._findWidgetElements("." + a.options.captionClassName); if (b.length) a._sscpCaptions = b, b.css("display", "none"), a.slides.bind("wp-panel-show", function(a, c) { b.eq(c.panelIndex).css("display", "block") }), a.slides.bind("wp-panel-hide", function(a, c) { b.eq(c.panelIndex).css("display", "none") }), a.bind("ready", function() { b.eq(a.slides.activeIndex).css("display", "block") }) } }; c.Plugins.SlideShowLabel = { defaultOptions: { labelClassName: "SlideShowLabel" }, initialize: function(b, c) { var d = this; a.extend(c, a.extend({}, d.defaultOptions, c)); b.bind("attach-behavior", function() { d._attachBehavior(b) }) }, _attachBehavior: function(a) { var b = this, c = a._findWidgetElements("." + a.options.labelClassName); if (c.length) a._$sslpLabels = c, a.slides.bind("wp-panel-show", function() { b._updateLabels(a) }), a.bind("ready", function() { b._updateLabels(a) }) }, _findAllTextNodes: function(a, b) { b = b || []; switch (a.nodeType) { case 3: b.push(a); break; case 1: if (a.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== "script") for (var c = a.firstChild; c;) this._findAllTextNodes(c, b), c = c.nextSibling } a.nextSibling && this._findAllTextNodes(a.nextSibling, b); return b }, _updateLabels: function(a) { var b = this, c = a.slides, d = c.activeIndex + 1, f = c.$element.length; a._$sslpLabels.each(function() { for (var a = b._findAllTextNodes(this), c = a.length, g = 0, h = function(a) { return ++g === 1 ? d : g === 2 ? f : a }, p = 0; p < c; p++) { var n = a[p], s = n.nodeValue, v = s.replace(/\d+/g, h); if (v !== s) n.nodeValue = v } }) } }; c.Plugins.Lightbox = { defaultOptions: { lightboxPartsSelector: ".PamphletLightboxPart", closeBtnClassName: "PamphletCloseButton" }, initialize: function(b, c) { var d = this; a.extend(c, a.extend({}, d.defaultOptions, c)); b._sslbpAutoPlay = c.autoPlay; c.autoPlay = !1; b.bind("before-transform-markup", function() { d._beforeTransformMarkup(b) }); b.bind("attach-behavior", function() { d._attachBehavior(b) }) }, _beforeTransformMarkup: function(a) { a._sslbpShownInitially = !0; var b = a._findWidgetElements("." + a.options.slideClassName); if (b.filter(":hidden").length == 0) a._sslbpSlideOffset = b.offset(); else { a._sslbpShownInitially = !1; var d = a._findWidgetElements("." + a.options.viewClassName); a._sslbpSlideOffset = { top: c.Utils.getCSSIntValue(d, "top") + c.Utils.getCSSIntValue(b, "top"), left: c.Utils.getCSSIntValue(d, "left") + c.Utils.getCSSIntValue(b, "left") } } }, _attachBehavior: function(a) { var b = this, d = a.options; a.tabs.$element.bind(d.event, function() { b._openLightbox(a) }); a.slides.bind("wp-panel-before-show", function() { b._openLightbox(a) }); if (c.Browser.Features.Touch && d.elastic === "fullScreen") a.slides.$element.not("a[href]").on("click", function() { b._closeLightbox(a) }); a._$sslbpCloseBtn = a._findWidgetElements("." + d.closeBtnClassName).bind("click", function() { b._closeLightbox(a) }); b._initializeMarkup(a) }, _initializeMarkup: function(b) { var d = b.options, f = d.elastic !== "off", j = b._findWidgetElements("." + d.viewClassName), i = b.slides.$element, l = j, m = b._sslbpSlideOffset, o = i.outerWidth(), q = i.outerHeight(), p = b._findWidgetElements(d.lightboxPartsSelector), l = a(j[0].parentNode).filter("." + d.clipClassName); l.length === 0 && (l = j); p.each(function(d, k) { var i = a(k); if (i.css("position") !== "fixed") { var j = b._sslbpShownInitially ? i.offset() : { top: c.Utils.getCSSIntValue(i, "top"), left: c.Utils.getCSSIntValue(i, "left") }, l = { top: j.top - m.top }; if (!f) l.left = j.left - m.left; i.css(l) } }).addClass("popup_element"); var n = a('
').css({ left: 0, top: 0, width: "auto", height: "auto", padding: 0, margin: 0, zIndex: "auto" }), s; f && (s = a("
"), d.elastic === "fullScreen" ? s.addClass("fullscreen") : d.elastic === "fullWidth" && s.addClass("fullwidth"), s.css({ paddingLeft: j.css("padding-left"), paddingRight: j.css("padding-right"), paddingTop: j.css("padding-top"), paddingBottom: j.css("padding-bottom"), borderColor: j.css("border-left-color"), borderStyle: j.css("border-left-style"), borderLeftWidth: j.css("border-left-width"), borderRightWidth: j.css("border-right-width"), borderTopWidth: j.css("border-top-width"), borderBottomWidth: j.css("border-bottom-width") }), s.append(l), s.append(p), n.css({ border: "none" })); j.removeAttr("id"); var v = a("
").insertBefore(i[0]); n.append(j.children().not("." + d.slideClassName)); j.append(i); n.css({ visibility: "hidden" }).appendTo(document.body); var j = n.outerWidth(), x = n.outerHeight(); n.detach().css({ visibility: "" }); l.css({ position: d.elastic === "fullScreen" ? "relative" : "absolute", padding: 0, left: d.elastic === "fullWidth" ? "" : 0, top: 0, borderWidth: 0, background: "none" }); d.elastic !== "fullScreen" && l.css({ width: o, height: q }); d.transitionStyle === "fading" && i.css({ position: "absolute", left: 0, top: 0 }); var y; if (b._fstpPositionSlides || b._csspResizeFullScreenImages) y = function(a, c) { b._fstpPositionSlides && b._fstpPositionSlides(a, c); b._csspResizeFullScreenImages && b._csspResizeFullScreenImages(b, b.slides.$element, d.heroFitting) }; o = -o / 2; q = -q / 2; l = a("
").css({ position: "absolute" }).append(f ? s : l); f || l.append(p); l.museOverlay({ autoOpen: !1, offsetLeft: o, offsetTop: q, overlayExtraWidth: j, overlayExtraHeight: x, $overlaySlice: n, $overlayWedge: v, onClose: function() { b.stop(); b.slides.hidePanel(b.slides.activeElement) }, $elasticContent: s, resizeSlidesFn: y }); if (a.browser.msie && a.browser.version < 9) { var F = n[0]; c.Utils.needPIE(function() { PIE.detach(F); PIE.attach(F) }) } b._$sslbpOverlay = l; b._csspIsImageSlideShow || i.each(function() { c.Utils.detachIframesAndObjectsToPauseMedia(a(this)) }) }, _openLightbox: function(b) { var d = b._$sslbpOverlay; d.data("museOverlay").isOpen || (d.museOverlay("open"), b._sslbpAutoPlay && b.play()); b._csspIsImageSlideShow || c.Utils.attachIframesAndObjectsToResumeMedia(a(b.slides.activeElement)) }, _closeLightbox: function(b) { b._$sslbpOverlay.data("museOverlay").isOpen && (b._$sslbpOverlay.museOverlay("close"), b._csspIsImageSlideShow || c.Utils.detachIframesAndObjectsToPauseMedia(a(b.slides.activeElement))) } }; c.Plugins.ContentSlideShow = { defaultOptions: { displayInterval: 3E3, transitionDuration: 500, transitionStyle: "fading", contentLayout_runtime: "stack", event: "click", deactivationEvent: "none", hideAllContentsFirst: !1, shuffle: !1, resumeAutoplay: !1, resumeAutoplayInterval: 3E3, elastic: "off" }, slideShowOverrides: { slideshowClassName: "SlideShowWidget", viewClassName: "SlideShowContentPanel", slideClassName: "SSSlide", slideLinksClassName: "SSSlideLinks", slideLinkClassName: "SSSlideLink", slideLinkActiveClassName: "SSSlideLinkSelected", slideCountClassName: "SSSlideCount", firstBtnClassName: "SSFirstButton", lastBtnClassName: "SSLastButton", prevBtnClassName: "SSPreviousButton", nextBtnClassName: "SSNextButton", playBtnClassName: "SSPlayButton", stopBtnClassName: "SSStopButton", closeBtnClassName: "SSCloseButton", heroFitting: "fitContentProportionally", thumbFitting: "fillFrameProportionally", lightboxPartsSelector: ".SlideShowCaptionPanel, .SSFirstButton, .SSPreviousButton, .SSNextButton, .SSLastButton, .SlideShowLabel, .SSCloseButton", lightboxEnabled_runtime: !1 }, compositionOverrides: { slideshowClassName: "PamphletWidget", viewClassName: "ContainerGroup", slideClassName: "Container", slideLinkClassName: "Thumb", slideLinkActiveClassName: "PamphletThumbSelected", prevBtnClassName: "PamphletPrevButton", nextBtnClassName: "PamphletNextButton", closeBtnClassName: "PamphletCloseButton", lightboxPartsSelector: ".PamphletLightboxPart" }, initialize: function(d, f) { var h = this, j = d.$element.hasClass("SlideShowWidget"), i = j ? h.slideShowOverrides : h.compositionOverrides; d._csspIsImageSlideShow = j; this._restartTimer = 0; a.extend(f, a.extend({}, h.defaultOptions, i, f)); if (f.hideAllContentsFirst) f.defaultIndex = -1; if (f.lightboxEnabled_runtime) f.contentLayout_runtime = "lightbox"; if (f.elastic !== "off") d._csspPositionImage = h._positionImage; j && (b.Widget.ContentSlideShow.slideImageIncludePlugin.initialize(d, f), c.Plugins.SlideShowLabel.initialize(d, f), c.Plugins.SlideShowCaptions.initialize(d, f)); f.transitionStyle == "fading" ? b.Widget.ContentSlideShow.fadingTransitionPlugin.initialize(d, f) : c.Browser.Features.Touch && f.enableSwipe === !0 ? b.Widget.ContentSlideShow.swipeTransitionPlugin.initialize(d, f) : b.Widget.ContentSlideShow.filmstripTransitionPlugin.initialize(d, f); b.Widget.ContentSlideShow.alignPartsToPagePlugin.initialize(d, f); if (f.contentLayout_runtime === "lightbox") { if (f.elastic !== "off") d._csspResizeFullScreenImages = h._resizeFullScreenImages; c.Plugins.Lightbox.initialize(d, f) } f.shuffle === !0 && b.Widget.ContentSlideShow.shufflePlayPlugin.initialize(d, f); d.bind("transform-markup", function() { h._transformMarkup(d) }); d.bind("attach-behavior", function() { h._attachBehavior(d) }) }, _transformMarkup: function(b) { var d = b.options, f = b._findWidgetElements("." + d.viewClassName); if (d.transitionStyle !== "fading") { var j = a('
'), i = b._findWidgetElements("." + d.slideClassName), b = i.outerWidth(), i = i.outerHeight(); if (d.elastic === "fullScreen") j.addClass("fullscreen"); else { var l = { position: "relative", width: b + "px", height: i + "px", overflow: "hidden" }, m = f.css("position"); if (m === "absolute") l.position = m, l.left = f.css("left"), l.top = f.css("top"); else if (m === "fixed") { var o = c.Utils.getStyleSheetRuleById(c.Utils.getPageStyleSheet(), f.get(0).id); l.position = m; l.left = c.Utils.getRuleProperty(o, "left"); l.top = c.Utils.getRuleProperty(o, "top"); l.bottom = c.Utils.getRuleProperty(o, "bottom"); l.right = c.Utils.getRuleProperty(o, "right") } j.css(l) } d.elastic !== "fullScreen" && f.css({ width: b + "px", height: i + "px" }); f.css({ position: "relative", top: "0", left: "0", margin: "0", overflow: "hidden" }).wrap(j) } else m = f.css("position"), d.elastic !== "fullScreen" && m !== "fixed" && f.css({ width: "0", height: "0" }) }, _attachBehavior: function(b) { var f = this, h = b.options, j = b.tabs, i = b.slides.$element, l = h.slideLinkActiveClassName, m = h.contentLayout_runtime === "lightbox"; if (h.elastic !== "off" && (f._resizeFullScreenImages(b, b.slides.$element, h.heroFitting), !m)) a(d).on("orientationchange resize", function() { f._resizeFullScreenImages(b, b.slides.$element, h.heroFitting) }); if (m) h.hideAllContentsFirst = !0; if (j) { var o = j.$element; h.event === "mouseover" && o.bind("mouseenter", function() { var b = a(this); b.data("enter", !0); j.selectTab(o.index(b)) }); h.deactivationEvent === "mouseout_trigger" ? o.bind("mouseleave", function() { var c = a(this); c.data("enter", !1); b.slides.hidePanel(o.index(c)) }) : h.deactivationEvent === "mouseout_both" && (o.bind("mouseleave", function() { var c = a(this), d = o.index(c), f = i.eq(d); c.data("enter", !1); c.data("setTimeout") || (c.data("setTimeout", !0), setTimeout(function() { !f.data("enter") && !c.data("enter") && b.slides.hidePanel(d); c.data("setTimeout", !1) }, 300)) }), i.bind("mouseenter", function() { a(this).data("enter", !0) }), i.bind("mouseleave", function() { var c = a(this), d = i.index(c), f = o.eq(d); c.data("enter", !1); f.data("setTimeout") || (f.data("setTimeout", !0), setTimeout(function() { !c.data("enter") && !f.data("enter") && b.slides.hidePanel(d); f.data("setTimeout", !1) }, 300)) })) } j && l && (h.hideAllContentsFirst || j.$element.eq(j.options.defaultIndex).addClass(l), b.slides.bind("wp-panel-show", function(a, b) { j.$element.eq(b.panelIndex).addClass(l) }).bind("wp-panel-hide", function(a, b) { j.$element.eq(b.panelIndex).removeClass(l) })); f._attachStopOnClickHandler(b, b.$firstBtn); f._attachStopOnClickHandler(b, b.$lastBtn); f._attachStopOnClickHandler(b, b.$previousBtn); f._attachStopOnClickHandler(b, b.$nextBtn); f._attachStopOnClickHandler(b, b.$playBtn); f._attachStopOnClickHandler(b, b.$stopBtn); f._attachStopOnClickHandler(b, b.$closeBtn); j && !m && f._attachStopOnClickHandler(b, j.$element); b._csspIsImageSlideShow || (b.slides.bind("wp-panel-hide", function(b, d) { c.Utils.detachIframesAndObjectsToPauseMedia(a(d.panel)) }).bind("wp-panel-show", function(b, d) { c.Utils.attachIframesAndObjectsToResumeMedia(a(d.panel)) }), i.each(function() { (this != b.slides.activeElement || h.hideAllContentsFirst) && c.Utils.detachIframesAndObjectsToPauseMedia(a(this)) })) }, _startRestartTimer: function(a) { this._stopRestartTimer(); this._restartTimer = setTimeout(function() { a.play(!0) }, a.options.resumeAutoplayInterval + a.options.transitionDuration) }, _stopRestartTimer: function() { this._restartTimer && clearTimeout(this._restartTimer); this._restartTimer = 0 }, _attachStopOnClickHandler: function(a, b) { var c = this; b.bind(a.options.event === "click" ? "click" : "mouseover", function() { a.stop(); (a.options.autoPlay || a._sslbpAutoPlay) && a.options.resumeAutoplay && 0 < a.options.resumeAutoplayInterval && c._startRestartTimer(a) }) }, _hitTest: function(a, b) { b.outerWidth() === 0 && (b = b.children(".popup_anchor").children(".popup_element").eq(0)); var c = b.offset(), c = { x: c.left, y: c.top, width: b.outerWidth(), height: b.outerHeight() }; return a.pageX >= c.x && a.pageX <= c.x + c.width && a.pageY >= c.y && a.pageY <= c.y + c.height }, _layoutThumbs: function(b) { var d = b.options, f = c.Utils.getStyleValue; b._findWidgetElements("." + d.slideLinksClassName).each(function() { var b = a(this).find("." + d.slideLinkClassName); firstThumb = b[0]; tWidth = f(firstThumb, "width"); tHeight = f(firstThumb, "height"); gapH = f(firstThumb, "margin-right"); gapV = f(firstThumb, "margin-bottom"); borderL = f(firstThumb, "border-left-width"); borderR = f(firstThumb, "border-right-width"); borderT = f(firstThumb, "border-top-width"); borderB = f(firstThumb, "border-bottom-width"); gWidth = f(this, "width"); paddingL = f(this, "padding-left"); paddingT = f(this, "padding-top"); maxNumThumb = Math.floor((gWidth + gapH) / (tWidth + borderL + borderR + gapH)); gStyle = this.runtimeStyle ? this.runtimeStyle : this.style; numRow = Math.ceil(b.length / maxNumThumb); firstRowNum = b.length < maxNumThumb ? b.length : maxNumThumb; leftPos = leftMostPos = c.Utils.pixelRound((gWidth - (tWidth + borderL + borderR) * firstRowNum - gapH * (firstRowNum - 1)) / 2) + paddingL; topPos = paddingT; numInRow = 1; gStyle.height = (tHeight + borderT + borderB) * numRow + gapV * (numRow - 1) + "px"; b.each(function() { numInRow > firstRowNum && (numInRow = 1, leftPos = leftMostPos, topPos += tHeight + borderT + borderB + gapV); numInRow++ > 1 && (leftPos += tWidth + borderL + borderR + gapH); var a = this.runtimeStyle ? this.runtimeStyle : this.style; a.marginRight = "0px"; a.marginBottom = "0px"; a.left = leftPos + "px"; a.top = topPos + "px" }) }) }, _resizeFullScreenImages: function(b, c, d) { c.each(function() { a(this).find("img").each(function() { this.complete && !a(this).hasClass(b.options.imageIncludeClassName) && b._csspPositionImage(this, d, b.options.elastic) }) }) }, _setupImagePositioning: function(b, c, d, f) { var i = this; c.each(function() { a(this).find("img").each(function() { var b = this; b.complete ? i._positionImage(b, d, f) : a(b).load(function() { i._positionImage(b, d, f) }) }) }) }, _positionImage: function(b, k, h, j, i) { var l = a(d), m = b.runtimeStyle ? b.runtimeStyle : b.style, o = h === "fullWidth" || h === "fullScreen", q = h === "fullHeight" || h === "fullScreen", p = k == "fitContentProportionally"; $img = a(b); o = o ? d.innerWidth ? d.innerWidth : l.width() : p ? $img.data("width") : $img.parent().width(); l = q ? d.innerHeight ? d.innerHeight : l.height() : p ? $img.data("height") : $img.parent().height(); j = j !== f ? j : c.Utils.getNaturalWidth(b); b = i !== f ? i : c.Utils.getNaturalHeight(b); h !== "off" && (j === 0 && (j = $img.data("imageWidth")), b === 0 && (b = $img.data("imageHeight"))); if (o == j && l == b) m.marginTop = "0px", m.marginLeft = "0px"; else { q = j; i = b; if (k == "fillFrameProportionally") { if (h !== "off" || j > o && b > l) k = j / o, h = b / l, k < h ? (i = b / k, q = o) : (i = l, q = j / h) } else if (k == "fitContentProportionally" && (h !== "off" || j > o || b > l)) k = j / o, h = b / l, k > h ? (i = b / k, q = j / k) : (i = b / h, q = j / h); m.width = c.Utils.pixelRound(q) + "px"; m.height = c.Utils.pixelRound(i) + "px"; m.marginTop = c.Utils.pixelRound((l - i) / 2) + "px"; m.marginLeft = c.Utils.pixelRound((o - q) / 2) + "px" } } }; a.extend(b.Widget.ContentSlideShow.slideImageIncludePlugin.defaultOptions, { imageIncludeClassName: "ImageInclude", slideLoadingClassName: "SSSlideLoading" }); b.Widget.ContentSlideShow.prototype.defaultPlugins = [c.Plugins.ContentSlideShow]; b.Widget.ContentSlideShow.prototype._getAjaxSrcForImage = function(b) { for (var c = a(d).data("ResolutionManager").getDataSrcAttrName(), f = c.length, j, i = 0; i < f; i++) if ((j = b.data(c[i])) && j.length) return j; return b.data("src") } })(jQuery, WebPro, Muse, window);; (function() { if (!("undefined" == typeof Muse || "undefined" == typeof Muse.assets)) { var a = function(a, b) { for (var c = 0, d = a.length; c < d; c++) if (a[c] == b) return c; return -1 }(Muse.assets.required, "musewpslideshow.js"); if (-1 != a) { Muse.assets.required.splice(a, 1); for (var a = document.getElementsByTagName("meta"), b = 0, c = a.length; b < c; b++) { var d = a[b]; if ("generator" == d.getAttribute("name")) { "2014.2.0.284" != d.getAttribute("content") && Muse.assets.outOfDate.push("musewpslideshow.js"); break } } } } })();