import{_ as e,c as a,o as s,d as t}from"./app.99998402.js";const y=JSON.parse('{"title":"Achievements","description":"","frontmatter":{},"headers":[],"relativePath":"public/gamedevtree/docs/","lastUpdated":null}'),n={name:"public/gamedevtree/docs/"},o=t(`


Achievements are awarded to the player when they meet a certain goal, and give some benefit. Currently, they are pretty basic, but additional features will be added later to help.

You can make global achievements by putting them in a side layer (make its row "side" instead of a number)

Useful functions for dealing with achievements and implementing their effects:

Achievements should be formatted like this:

    achievements: {
        rows: # of rows
        cols: # of columns
        11: {
            name: "Blah",
            more features

Each achievement should have an id where the first digit is the row and the second digit is the column. Individual achievement can have these features:

`,9),l=[o];function i(p,r,c,h,d,u){return s(),a("div",null,l)}const v=e(n,[["render",i]]);export{y as __pageData,v as default};