--- public: "true" slug: "artificial-intelligence" title: "Artificial Intelligence" prev: false next: false ---

Artificial Intelligence

101 words, ~1 minute read.

Referenced by:Command Palettes
Catch all term that refers to many different things Generative AI - Models trained on large amounts of existing human made content in order to produce more of that content - Copyright concerns over how training data is obtained - [What Ethical AI Really Means](https://nebula.tv/videos/philosophytube-what-ethical-ai-really-means/) by Philosophy Tube - > Ethical AI cannot exist under Capitalism - Common Examples - LLMs like ChatGPT - Some also take voice and video input, like [Gemini](https://gemini.google.com) or [ChatGPT-4o](https://openai.com/index/hello-gpt-4o/) - Art generators like [Dall-E](https://openai.com/index/dall-e-3/) or [Midjourney](https://www.midjourney.com/home) Human + AI cooperation - ["Cyborgs"](https://www.patreon.com/posts/cyborgs-85486143) by Nicky Case - Personal AI assistants - [Personal vs Personalized AI](https://doc.searls.com/2024/05/10/personal-vs-personalized/) - [Home-Cooked Software and Barefoot Developers](https://maggieappleton.com/home-cooked-software) discusses how language models can help individuals build personal specialized software